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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- August 24

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Interesting things that happened August 24th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1591 Robert Herrick, English poet (Gather ye rosebuds) (baptized)
  In 1816 Sir Daniel Gooch, laid first successful trans-Atlantic cables
  In 1872 Aubrey Beardsley, artist
        + Max Beerbohm, writer
  In 1886 William Francis Gibbs, naval architect, designed the Liberty ships
  In 1898 Albert Claude, Belgian physician (Nobel 1974)
  In 1899 Jorge Luis Borges, Argentine writer of fiction and essays
  In 1902 Fernand Braudel, French historian
  In 1916 Gerry Foley, history buff
  In 1938 Mason Williams, musician/composer, gave us "Classical Gas"
  In 1956 Gerry Cooney, boxer
  In 1958 Steve Guttenberg, actor
  In 1960 Cal Ripken, Jr.

Events worth noting:
        + Feast of St. Bartholomew, apostle
        + Zeta Draconid meteor shower, radiant in Draco
  In   79 Mt. Vesuvius erupts; Pompeii and Herculaneum are buried.
  In 1572 King Charles IX orders massacre of thousands of French Protestants.
  In 1814 British sack Washington, DC, White House burned.
  In 1853 The first potato chips are prepared by Chef George Crum in Saratoga
          Springs, New York.  Nobody could eat just one!
  In 1869 The Waffle Iron is invented.
  In 1909 Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
  In 1912 Territory of Alaska organized.
  In 1932 First transcontinental non-stop flight by a woman, Amelia Earhart
  In 1942 Battle of the Eastern Solomons, near Guadalcanal.  The first major
          Japanese attempt to retake Guadalcanal is repelled.
  In 1949 North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) established.
  In 1950 First US Black delegate to United Nations appointed - E.S. Sampson.
  In 1956 First non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight arrived Wash D.C.
  In 1960 Temp. drops to -88 C (-127 F) at Vostok, Antarctica (world
  In 1964 Second Mayor's Trophy Game, Yanks beat Mets 6-4.
  In 1972 Eighth Mayor's Trophy Game, Yanks beat Mets 2-1.
  In 1976 Soyuz 21 returns to Earth.
  In 1989 Voyager II flies past Neptune.
  In 1991 Ukraine declares independence from the USSR.

And remember ...
  National Inventors Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM