Interesting things that happened August 1st:
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Birthdays on this date: In 1744 Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, believed in inheritance of acquired traits In 1770 William Clark, explored Pacific Northwest with Lewis In 1779 Francis Scott Key, wrote the "Star-Spangled Banner" In 1815 Richard Henry Dana, spent 2 years before the mast In 1818 Maria Mitchell (Nantucket Island), America's first woman astronomer In 1819 Herman Melville, author (Moby Dick, Billy Budd) In 1922 Arthur Hill, actor (Defenders, Andromeda Strain) In 1933 Dom DeLuise, comedian, actor In 1936 Yves Saint-Laurent, fashion designer In 1942 Jerry Garcia, musician (The Grateful Dead, Old And In The Way) In 1944 Yuri V. Romanenko, Soviet cosmonaut (Soyuz 26, 38) In 1973 Tempest Bledsoe, actor (Cosby Show) Events worth noting: + Confederation Day, celebrated in Switzerland + Dog Days + Feast of St. Peter's Chains + Lammas Day, term day in Scotland + Feast of St. Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, bishop of Agata dei Goti + Colorado Day + Independence Day celebrated in Jamaica In 1291 The Everlasting League forms, the basis of the Swiss Confederation. In 1584 Swiss Confederation Day In 1785 Caroline Herschel becomes first woman discoverer of a comet. In 1789 U.S. Customs begins enforcing Tariff Act. In 1790 First U.S. Census. In 1794 Whiskey Rebellion. In 1798 Battle of Nile. In 1852 Black Methodists in San Francisco establish first black church, Zion Methodist. In 1861 Brazil recognizes the Confederacy. In 1863 Cavalry action near Brandy Station - End of Gettysburg Campaign. In 1869 First voyage down the Colorado River. In 1876 Colorado becomes the 38th state. In 1881 US Quarantine Station authorized for Angel Island, San Francisco Bay. In 1901 Burial within San Francisco City limits prohibited. In 1903 First coast-to-coast automobile trip (SF-NY) completed. In 1907 Bank of Italy (later Bank of America) opens first branch at 3433 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA. In 1916 Hawaii National Park established. In 1944 Start of Warsaw Uprising -- Polish Home Army fights for liberation. In 1946 President Truman establishes Atomic Energy Commission. In 1950 Guam Territory created. In 1953 California introduces its Sales Tax (for Education). In 1957 First commercial building heated by sun, Albuquerque, NM. In 1958 First Class postage up to 4 cents (had been 3 cents for 26 years). In 1960 Benin (Dahomey) gains independence from France. In 1961 New San Francisco Hall of Justice opens. In 1966 Charles Whitman climbs the U. of Texas tower and shoots 12 dead. In 1971 PBS presents "The Six Wives of Henry the VIII". In 1973 Munson and Fisk get into a brawl at Fenway Park. In 1975 Billy Martin replaces Bill Virdon as Yankees manager. + Helsinki Pact guaranteeing boundaries, rights signed by 35 nations. In 1981 MTV premiers. And remember ... National Inventors Month = = = To get back issues, send "get pga pga.MMDD" (where MMDD is something like 0317) in a message to -- ------- ------ ----- ---- --- -- - - - - - - - - - Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information, several errors have been found in the past. Don't place any bets on the basis of what you find here. -- Gabe User Contributions:
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