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Poor Gabriel's Almanac -- April 13

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Interesting things that happened April 13th:

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Birthdays on this date:
  In 1721 John Hanson, first US President under the Articles of Confederation
  In 1743 Thomas Jefferson, third President (1801-1809)
  In 1852 Frank W. Woolworth, the "five-and-ten" king
  In 1899 Alfred Butts, inventor of the game 'Scrabble'
  In 1906 Samuel Beckett, playwright
  In 1907 Harold Stassen, Minnesota governor, perpetual presidential candidate
  In 1909 Eudora Welty, author
  In 1917 Howard Keel, actor, singer
  In 1919 Madalyn Murray O'Hair, famous infidel
  In 1924 Stanley Donen, film directory and producer
  In 1930 Bradford Dillman, actor
  In 1933 Shani Wallis (in Ireland), singer
  In 1935 Lyle Waggoner, actor, comedian (Carol Burnett Show)
  In 1937 Lanford Wilson, playwright
  In 1950 Ron Perlman
  In 1951 Peabo Bryson
  In 1957 Saundra Santiago
  In 1964 Jos Rijo
  In 1970 Ricky Schroder, actor (Silver Spoons)

Events worth noting:
  In 1742 First public performance of Handel's Messiah (Dublin, Ireland).
  In 1796 First elephant brought to America.
  In 1812 Sir Walter Scott's "Marmion" opened in New York City.
  In 1860 First Pony Express rider arrives in Sacremento, CA.
  In 1861 After 31 hours of bombardment, Ft. Sumter surrenders to
  In 1869 Steam power brake patented (George Westinghouse).
  In 1902 J. C. Penney opened his first store in Kemmerer, Wyo.
  In 1926 At 41, Walter Johnson pitches his 7th opening day shutout.
  In 1934 4.7 million American families reported receiving welfare payments.
  In 1940 First pole vaulter to clear 15 feet, C. Warmerdam, Berkeley, CA.
  In 1942 The first sinking of a German submarine by a U.S. naval vessel.
  In 1943 FDR dedicates the Jefferson Memorial.
  In 1961 UN General Assembly condemns South Africa for apartheid.
  In 1964 Sidney Poitier became first black man to win Oscar for best actor.
  In 1965 Lawrence Bradford Jr., 16, of New York City became the first black
          congressional page.
  In 1966 Pan Am places $525,000,000 order for 25 Boeing 747's.
  In 1970 Apollo 13's Beech-built oxygen tank explodes.
  In 1975 Jack Nicklaus wins the Masters for the fifth time.
  In 1976 $2 bill re-introduced as United States currency.
  In 1979 Ugandan Martyrs Day.
  In 1984 Christopher Wilder, FBI's 'most wanted man' accidentally killed
        + Eleventh Space Shuttle Mission - Challenger 5 returns to Earth.
  In 1986 Pope John Paul II met Rome's Chief Rabbi Elio Toaff at Rome
  In 1999 Dr. Jack Kevorkian is sentenced to 10 to 25 years in prison for
          assisting in Thomas Youk's suicide.

And remember ...
  America's Heartland Development Month
  Cancer Control Month
  Math Education Month
  National Poetry Month

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Although efforts have been taken to ensure the accuracy of this information,
several errors have been found in the past.  Don't place any bets on the basis
of what you find here.  -- Gabe

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM