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Archive-name: pictures-faq/erotica-bondage
Last-modified: 1998/01/01
Posting-frequency: Monthly
version: 2.2

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Latest revision can be found at this web site:

Also the newgroup message (the ABPEB creation charter) can be found

-    -     -     -


Though it might appear otherwise, bondage is a role play, 
conducted between consenting adults.
To some it is a way of life, to other just a fantasy.
The object of this picture group is to share images of such role
between consenting adults.
It is meant to provide a safe and open forum, where people from around
the world can share pictures within the bondage and bdsm genre.
There are numerous topics within the bondage/bdsm subcultures.
(Love Bondage, Bondage & Discipline, Dominance & Submission, 
Sadism & Masochism.)

In Keeping with the Creation Charter for this Group S&M  And Bondage
And their Respective Sub group's / Cultures Are Acceptable here.
Therefore ABPEB, which reaches more nntp servers has to cover 
the entire field of bondage and bdsm.

Revision # 1  Updated 10 sept  97 
Revision # 2  Updated 22 sept  97
Revision # 2.1  Updated 22 Nov   97


1 On topic
2 Commercial posts
3 Off topic
4 Suggestions on how to post.
5 Suggestion on how to read the group
6 What about laws?
7 Spam fighting
9 Third party cancellation
10 List of changes.

*     *        *        *        *         *         *        *

1 The following types of posts are particularly welcomed in this

Note: This group has a valuable tradition of posting BDSM art
on-topic drawings, paintings, etchings, comics prints and so forth. 
These are pictures too just as much as photographs and vidcaps and are
if on-topic welcome here. 

1.1 Love Bondage pictures and BDSM pictures.
When not posting mainstream bondage pictures please label your
to what kind of subculture they belong. 
We need both to live together and apart from on one another in this
to avoid friction. See section 4 for details.
1.2 Non bondage/BDSM pictures belonging to series with bondage/BDSM 
themes are also welcomed.
They should be posted along with the bondage/BDSM pictures, and there 
should be more bondage/bdsm pictures than non bondage/bdsm pictures. 

1.3 Reposts of on-topic pictures which has not been posted within the 
last seven days are of course welcomed.

1.5 Discussion about contents and quality of posts, 
and discussion about ABPEB.

*       *         *          *          *          *         *

2 Ads and commercials.
Anyone advertising a commercial or non commercial site must do it 
according to the rules set out in this section. 

Comment: It is much better to advertise and generate 'good will' then
it is to annoy people and generate 'bad will'.
We trust your good judgment not to spoil pictures with text written 
across the interesting parts of the image.
The best advertising is not to post many pictures, 
but to post THE picture.
end of comment

2.1 Commercials web-site advertizing: 
The header must begin with ABPEB-C. 
Whatever follows this is up to the advertiser. 
Any pictures must be on topic for this group.

2.2 Advertizing for non commercial web-sites or events. 
The header must begin with ABPEB-Ad. 
Whatever follows this is up to the advertiser. 
Any pictures must be on topic for this group.

2.3 Commercials, labeled as such (ABPEB-C or ABPEB-Ad) are the only 
posts that may include HTML files.

2.4 To avoid flooding the group keep the number below 20/day 
for each site.

2.5 A valid return address is recommended. 
It shows your honest intention.

2.6 A warning. Should you choose to advertise without following the 
rules of this FAQ then you will violate this FAQ. 
The ABPEB label is only for on topic posts in this newsgroup.
The users of this group will then contact you and your ISP to
The ABPEB label is hereby claimed by the users of this newsgroup,
to be used with on topic posts in this newsgroup.

2.7 reserved labels
ABPEB is reserved for on topic non commercial posts.
ABPEB-C is reserved for on-topic commercial posts.
ABPEB-AD is reserved for on-topic non commercial ads for events and
web sites.
ABPEB-FAQ is reserved for this document.

*      *       *       *         *        *          *         *

3 The following types of posts are not permitted here.

Generally everything that is not on topic is off topic.
This sections spells out what is particularly off topic.

3.1 Pictures that are unrelated to bondage/bdsm or ABPEB.
Naturally the exception in section 1.2 applies.

3.2 Large cross posts. Messages cross posted to (or duplicated in) 
more than 3 groups are unacceptable. 
Routine cross posting to more than 2 groups is strongly discouraged.

3.3 Ads or commercials which don't comply with section 2.

3.4 HTML files except with commercials which comply with section 2.

3.5 Get rich Schemes.

3.6 Pictures that you have edited, resized or renamed.
However: Pictures may have many names since the material they come 
from is widely spread.
Don't flame if you come across such a picture. 
The one who posted it most likely doesn't know it has been edited, 
resized or renamed. 
Also Windows 3.xx users have problems with
long file names which forces them to rename pictures with names
that are longer than 8 characters. see 4.8 for details.
Note: extensive art-editing (Take a picture, change backgrounds, 
add ropes, put well known faces in, etc.) are welcome here.

3.7 Pictures of children. They have no room in this news group.
This is a group for adult role play, not child abuse.

3.8 Flames based on this document.
No one should use this document in a flame-war with other users.

*     *      *      *      *      *       *       *       *       *

4 Suggestions on headers, how to post and label series 

In this section the FAQ suggests certain rules.
These should be seen as suggestions and nothing more.
Other methods of achieving the same thing exist and may be more
appropriate for a poster than what this document suggests.

4.1 Header:
A header should start with ABPEB. The reason for this is that then a 
watch/kill file setting that only allows for post that start with ABPE

could be used.

Other groups labels could also be used here if the post is cross
or to indicate what kind of material it is you post.

ABPEB for mainstream Love bondage/Bdsm practice
ABPER for Rape pictures
ABPES for spanking pictures
ABPET for torture pictures

Or that the kind of action is spelled out in the header.

Femdom = Female domination 
TV = Transvestite 
Gay = Male Homosexual (bondage) 
4.2 Header Length.
When making headers to a post, please remember that most news browser 
have trouble with long headers.
When the header reaches the end of the browsers window it gets cut
Some users doesn't bother to download images if they can't see the 
file names.
This problem is worst for the many AOL users.
In the AOL news browser, headers that are longer than 41 characters
cut off after the 41st Character. 
Often AOLers miss the file names or even the last part of the header.
Please try to keep your headers below 41 Characters, 
including the file names. That will leave you with 30 characters
for the headers. Or atleast try to get the filename within the first
41 characters.

AOL users please contact AOL and complain.

4.3 A letter-saving way to describe a picture content:
The most widely used method on Usenet to describe a picture is 
(Z/z) or (Z vs z), or (Z2Z).
Upper case letters indicates the dominating person (the top).
Lower case letters indicates the dominated person (the bottom).

Four letters are generally used for this:

M or m = Male  
F or f = Female
S or s = Shemale 
X or x = Both Male and Female, rarely Shemale

(M/f) or (M vs f) or (M2f) Male top, female bottom
(F/x) or (F vs x) or (F2x) Female top, Male and Female bottoms.

Mainly this method is used to describe series not individual pictures.

4.4 Usenet standard code of abbreviation:
This document suggests that these words be used in the header.

ABPEB NEW    when posting new pictures to the group.
ABPEB REPOST when posting pictures that previously has been posted.
ABPEB REQ    When requesting pictures
ABPEB ATTN   When you are addressing someone 

4.5 Index files
This document recommends that index files is posted along with series.
It helps people to decide what pictures to download or if they are 
interested. Also spammers never use index files.

4.6 How to post. 
There are two methods used in this group. Daily posts and flood posts.
Daily posts consists generally of 20 pictures + index files and is
posted daily. Not the same pictures of course.
This is the preferred way of posting pictures.

Flood posts contain a much larger number of pictures all posted at
the same time.
Flood posts should only occur once in a while and only one flood at
the time.
Please announce a flood post when it occurs and please do not flood
post when someone else is doing it.

Note that a flood post pushes posts off servers, sometimes before 
they have been sent to the next server.
This is the reason why Newsgroup users outside the US only get 
a fractions of the newsgroups. Use daily posts if you can.
Usenet works best with a steady stream of posts. 
Sudden bursts sends shock waves through the system.
End of clarification

4.7 Picture names.
Many people still uses Windows 3.xx (3.1,3.11).
Windows 3.xx can only read filenames that are 8 letters long or
News reader programs for Windows 3.x including Forte Agent will
automatically shorten or rename long filenames. Scanners and original
posters ! Please remember this when naming your files!

Clarification: joescan1234a.jpg becomes joescan1.jpg in
Windows 3.xx. News reader software will usually automatically rename
in the series. So if you create new pictures try to avoid naming those
series with 9 letter names! 

An other problem with picture names is names that include space.
On some programs the picture 'Tied up' becomes just 'Tied' and 
everything behind the 'space' gets cut away. Make this name 'Tied_up'
This of course is only valid with your own pictures and
not an excuse for further renaming.

4.8 Preventing renamed pictures. 
This is a hint on a method that could be used.

Renamed pictures are one of the most irritating thing you come across 
on a binary newsgroup.
But some things can be done to at least make it easy to restore 
the original file names.

Inside JPG files there is an embedded description field. 
It doesn't show up in the image but some programs can decode it.
When posting your own pictures you can, with the right software,
use this field to enter the name of your picture.
An alternative is to write the filename in one of the picture's
using very small text. 
If your picture is renamed you or anyone else can easily restore the
original name to the picture.

Again this is only valid with your own pictures.

4.9 JPG compression.
This is also a hint.
JPG is a compressed file format where you can adjust the compression
Increasing the compression level will make you file smaller in kb, but
it will also decrease the number of colors used in the picture thereby
reducing the quality of the image.
The trick is to find the balance between quality and file size.

4.10 Special note to AOL users who want to post.
It is possible but a bit tricky to post binaries from AOL.
You will need XFERPRO or WINCODE or UULite to do it.
The FAQ about this matter is to long for this document, but it can be
found at these locations:,

A .z version can be found at

A better way is to get an account at a other news provider and post 
through that. This would require a seperate news reader since the one
provided with aol only works with aol. 

*      *          *         *         *         *          *        *

5 How do I read the group

Isn't there a way to filter away all those commercials?

5.1 Kill files
A solution to that problem is called kill files.
Many news readers comes equipped with built in filter where you can
those posters whose posts you don't want to see again.
Since software develops all the time this FAQ will not recommend any.
Questions about which program to use is best put to (NNQ) 
news.newusers.questions. You could also ask in this group.

AOL: At the moment AOL has no filter for news. Hopefully this flaw
be corrected in the future. AOL users should turn to AOL and request 
that AOL makes it possible to use kill files with their browser.

5.2  Commercial nntp servers
An alternative to filter away spam is to let someone else do it for
Some commercial nntp servers despams the news groups. 
They remove posts they deem to be off topic for the group.
Questions about this is best put to new.users.questions this group.

A pretty sure way to find on topic posts is to look at the posts that 
start with ABPEB. A poster using that signal should always be on
You may only use ABPEB with on topic posts.

5.4 Index files
Many posters uses index files. They will have names that end with
IDX.jpg or I.jpg or X.jpg.
They are almost always posted at the beginning or the end of a series.
The point with such a file is for you to be able to see thumbnails 
of the pictures posted in a series.
As a rule only genuine (non commercial) posters uses IDX files. 
That to is a way too spot the real posters.

5.5 E-mail trade
Occasionally someone wants to trade pictures over E-mail instead of in

the newsgroup. These people either have bad reception of the group 
or they have exclusive material. Sometimes the E-mail traders post IDX

files of their pictures to the group.

"Gee Officer that is a Real Nice Badge you have there."

Trading E-mail files has been a very good entrapment tool for law 
enforcement for several years.
This trick is also used by religious groups and Women's lib
organizations to bust unbelievers (us).
Sometimes just answering could get you into trouble.
E-mail and Usenet does not always follow the same laws. 

Usenet posts calling for E-mail trade could be read:
"Do come in so we may be well met," said the spider to the fly.
Do not answer these unless you are sure that they are safe.

There already are enough great horror stories out on the Internet to
keep you reading for years . 
You do not have to add to the list of people being busted for E-mail
*      *          *         *         *         *          *        *

6 the legal problem

Comment: this part of the FAQ is not written by a lawyer.
Keep that in mind when reading this.
end of comment.

6.1 Is it legal for me to post to this newsgroup?

That depends on where you are and what material you intend to post.
Whatever laws that apply to you in your nation, state or region 
also apply to you when you post here.
If the material is illegal according to the laws where you live,
it is illegal for you to post such material here. 
Each poster has to find out for him/herself if the material is legal.

*       *        *           *           *           *            *
*             *             *

7 Spam-Fighting

Spam fighting FAQs and FAQs containing spam fighting instructions
can be found at these URLs. This section only contains a very brief

Spam tools (tracking tools)

You will need a Usenet News reader that can be set to display all 
headers for Usenet messages. The NNTP (network news transfer protocol)

headers include useful information needed to locate the spammer.

Condensed Spam-Fighting Instructions on how to read a header.

Example of usenet header.

From Thu Jun 26 10:42:13 1997
From: (ALS)
Subject: ALS Scan, Claudia - She is only 79 pounds!! Inserts 4
fingers! C4 - claude04.jpg (1/1)
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 17:42:13 GMT
Organization: Smartnet Internet Services [via news]
Lines: 2781
Message-ID: <>
X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.1/32.230
Xref: wn5

What to look for is:
The last server in the path: (
The "NNTP-Posting-Host": ( 
The "Message-ID: <>

In this example the spammers ISP is
Send a polite and informative e-mail complaint to 
"" AND "".
The E-mail's subject must be "Usenet spam".  
Include a FULL copy of the spammer's post with all headers and 
message text.  
Write a brief message, telling the ISP that the message was 
irrelevant to the newsgroup. 

One example is:

"I wish to draw your attention to the attached Usenet posting.  
It is a commercial advertisement posted to a binaries newsgroup.  
It's totally irrelevant to the group to which it was posted to. 
Such vandalism just makes the whole system less useful to everybody.

Please get it stopped.


If many people do this the spammers ISP will look at the problem.
Most of the time nothing will happen. But occationly you get an ISP
to close a spammers account.

*      *          *         *         *         *          *        *

8 Comments about this FAQ

Some of the ABPEB users feel that an FAQ isn't needed or wanted.
We all fear that regulations will prove be the cause of bickering 
among ourselves. Those of us that are against the FAQ fear that 
more than the rest of us.

We Should All try to Realize that we need to Do some thing for this
If we don't then the day is coming (and Soon) when someone else will
step in and do it ..... And then We will have no say so in it ... 

*      *      *      *        *        *       *       *      *     *

section 9 borrowed from the ssb (soc.subculture.bdsm) Charter 

Unacceptable use of the group:-
The use of e-mail addresses from articles posted to this group for the
purpose of sending junk (mass unsolicited) e-mail or for compiling a
list so that others may do so is specifically prohibited.

Cancellation of messages:-
In general messages may only be canceled by the poster, their ISP, or
the moderator of any group where they may also have been posted.

It is however established practice that "third parties" may cancel a
message according to the principles of
the related groups).  Any person wishing
to operate a bot specific to this group to perform such cancels may do
so, under the following conditions:-

Before putting a bot into operation or changing its operating
criteria full details of the bot and its operating criteria shall be
disclosed on the newsgroup and on and (or their successors). Any detail or
criterion which generates non-trivial controversy shall be changed
before commencing operation. Any person running such a bot must act in
co-operation with any other such bot maintainers.

Cancel bots not specific to this group are welcomed provided that they
are operated according to principles agreed in the NANA.* groups. 

*          *            *           *         *          *           *

10 Changes:
10 Sept 1997 Final proposal posted to ABPEB
18 Sept 1997 spelling errors corrected.
20 Sept 1997 Grammar errors correct.
Revision 2 #
Note added to section 1. (photos and art)
section 4.8 added (long file names)
section 2.2 (ABPEB-Ad) entered.
section 3.6 (long filenames added)
section 4.8 (prevent renaming of pictures)
section 4.7 Lview compression taken out.
section 4.9 JPG compression added.
section 4.10 post from AOL added (11/22-97)
revision 2.2
Headers required by moderators of *.answers added 01/01-98

*            *             *               *                 *


My comments
Most of this is borrowed from the SSB group, I hope they don't object.
Feel free to comment or make appropriate changes to this document.
Please keep in mind that it should be easy to understand even for 
non Americans.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM