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Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Section - (4.2) Why are fresh fruits and vegetable so important?

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (4.1) Basic nutrional requirements of the Sugar Glider
Next Document: (4.3) Foods that Sugar Gliders will eat & are good for them
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The presence of fruit in their diets cannot be ignored,
however. I give my gliders a piece of fresh fruit about every
three days. They are fond of anything tropical, and are seem
not to like apples or bananas very much. They love grapes, raisins,
melons, and oranges. They also love yogurt (low-fat!) with
fruit and any fruit juices. Fresh fruits and vegetables are very
important because they should be a staple diet.

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Top Document: Sugar Glider FAQ (3/4) - Care & Maintenance
Previous Document: (4.1) Basic nutrional requirements of the Sugar Glider
Next Document: (4.3) Foods that Sugar Gliders will eat & are good for them

Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Single Page

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM