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Welcome to (Semi-monthly posting) (Part 1 of 2)

( Part1 - Part2 )
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Archive-name: pern-intro/part1
Posting-Frequency:: Semi-monthly

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Version: 4.1
This document is now being prepared from the HTML sources used by the
WWW version.  The WWW version is available at:

"The Dragonriders of Pern(R)" is a Registered Trademark of Anne McCaffrey,

Contents of Part 1:

(Dates indicate last time the file corresponding to that section was modified)

1.  Introductory Material (19 Jul 00)
    1a.  About this newsgroup
    1b.  Introduction to Pern
    1c.  Appropriate subject matter
    1d.  Why '' and not ''?
    1e.  Spoiler ettiquette
    1f.  Other newsgroups of interest
    1g.  Common abbreviations
    1h.  Fan Fiction
    1i.  Anne McCaffrey on the net
    1j.  Just who is this Quirk joker anyway?
2.  Pern in Print (12 Jul 01)
    2a. Book List (McCaffrey-written)
    2b. Latest Pern book news
    2c. Suggested reading order
    2d. Chronological order of books/stories
    2e. Pern books on tape
    2f. Other Pern materials
    2g. Obtaining hard-to-find books

3.  Frequently Asked Questions about Pern (6 Apr 01)
    3a. Pronunciation of various words/names
    3b. Rider behavior during Mating flights
    3c. Queen dragons and firestone
    3d. Where to dragons/firelizards deficate?
    3e. Who/What does Aramina hear in The Renegades of Pern?
    3f. What's this I hear about a Pern Movie/TV Show?
    3g. Is Rukbat (Pern's sun) a real star?
    3h. Robinton, Silvina, and Camo
4.  On-line Simulations of Pern (20 Sep 00)
    4a.  Accessing Pern-type MU*s 
    4b.  (Insert your favorite MU* here) is down!!! 
    4c.  List of Pern-type MU*s
5.  "Real Life" Fan Organization and related info (19 Jul 00) 
6.  Non-Pern McCaffrey materials (6 Dec 96)
    6a.  Booklist 
    6b.  Booktapes

Note:  These articles are being cross-posted to the news.answers and
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     or      /pub/usenet/alt.answers/pern-intro

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                           1. Introductory Material
1a. About this newsgroup.

   The newsgroup is dedicated to discussion of the fictional
   world of Pern as described in the various novels and short stories by
   Anne McCaffrey. Related topics include Ms. McCaffrey's other works,
   and several of the on-line 'virtual realities' depicting Pern (see
1b. Introduction to Pern

   Pern is the third planet of the Rukbat system in the Sagittarius
   sector. It is a colony world which has lost contact with 'Mother
   Earth' due to periodic attacks from an organism called 'thread' which
   devours all organic material it comes into contact with. To counter
   Thread, the original Pernese colonists -- back when they still had the
   skills -- modified an indigenous life-form to create Dragons -- so
   named for the mythical beasts they resemble.
   'Modern day' (as depicted in most of the books) Pern has lost many of
   the skills originally brought with the colonists and can probably be
   best described as a 'pre-industrial' society. Toward the end of the
   series, much of the original colonists' technology is rediscovered.
   Alternatively, Pern is the home of Dragons, their riders, and various
   other people as depicted in Anne McCaffrey's _Dragonriders of Pern_
   series and related books.
1c. Appropriate subject matter

   As stated above, this group is primarily for the discussion of the
   world of Pern -- discussion of Ms. McCaffrey's other works is not
   unwelcome, but the emphasis is on Pern. (See section 1d: "Why
   '' and not ''?" for more on this.) A
   component of this discussion revolves around the various multi-user
   programs that have been set up attempting to simulate Pern. One of The
   more frequntly discussed is 'PernMUSH', although there are many others
   in existence. Articles about PernMUSH or the other Pern-related
   simulations should have 'PernMUSH' or 'MUSH' or something similar in
   the subject line so that those who are not interested can filter them
   out via KILLfile.
   Note, however, that questions pertaining to the mechanics of MU*s
   (clients, code questions, etc.) are better asked in the* hierarchy rather than here.
   Occasionally, the traffic about PernMUSH seems to dominate this
   newsgroup. Generally, complaining about it is counterproductive and a
   good way to spark a flame-war. If you, the reader, wish to discuss
   something that is not presently being addressed in the group, by all
   means start the discussion yourself. If others find the topic
   interesting they'll respond.
   A note on announcements: Due to the nature of Usenet, it can take
   several days for an article to propogate to the various news servers
   across the net. A lead time of at least 3 days is strongly recommended
   for time-critical announcements.
   Also, posting binary files -- i.e. uuencoded or MIME-encoded .gifs,
   executables, etc. -- is strongly discouraged. Many people must pay by
   the byte (or for connect time which translates to the same thing) to
   download newsgroup articles sight-unseen -- this means that by the
   time they've determined that the file they just spent 30 minutes
   downloading is an unwanted binary, they've already paid for it.
   Therefore, if you have a neat-o image or program you wish to
   distribute, the preferred method is to place it on a web or FTP site,
   or post to one of the appropriate *.binaries.* newsgroups, and then
   post a pointer to this newsgroup telling where to find it.
   Finally, inconsiderate fools have, from time to time, taken to posting
   entirely inappropriate articles to the newsgroup; often cross-posted
   to many others. PLEASE do not post follow-up complaints to Doing so, particularly with cross-posted articles only
   serves to increase the overal newsgroup clutter. If you feel you must
   complain, please do so to the article author in question via email.
1d. Why '' and not ''? was first proposed (in '91, if memory serves) as a forum
   for the discussion of PernMUSH (i.e. alt.mud.pernmush). However, it
   was agreed that this would be too narrow a topic to warrant a
   newsgroup, so the charter was expanded to general discussion of Pern
   and Pern fandom, discussion carried out on alt.config and the newgroup
   message was sent out. (This is based on a history of this newsgroup
   that Amberyl sent me back in '94; I am not a founding member, I'm just
   this guy who pulled together the material to create this document, and
   is now stuck maintaining it.) Since then, the charter has expanded
   somewhat to acceptance of discussion of Ms. McCaffrey's other works.
   If one so wishes, rec.arts.sf.written (see section 1f Other newsgroups
   of interest) does exist for non-Pern discussion, and overall traffic
   on really isn't high enough to warrant a newsgroup split.
   As for renaming the newsgroup, this is effectively impossible: alt.*
   newsgroups never die. There will be an newsgroup for as
   long as newsservers continue to exist, so any attempt at renaming the
   newsgroup will, in practice, just end up creating a new, redundant
   newsgroup with lower propogation -- Based on several factors, alt.*
   newsgroups created after 1993 or thereabouts have considerably lower
   propogation (i.e. can be found on fewer sites) than those created
1e. Spoiler etiquette

   Whenever new books or other material are published, it is advisable
   that any discussion that may give away the story or otherwise 'spoil'
   the book for others should be 'protected'. The techniques used to do
   this are known as 'spoiler protection'. (Whodathunkit?)
   Placing "Spoiler!" in the subject is a start, but is not enough as
   many newsreaders display the first 12-20 lines of article text when an
   article is presented for reading. The following steps are suggested:
    1. Insert 12-20 blank lines before the sensitive material.
    2. Place a ^L (Control-L) character at the *beginning* of one of the
       lines; this will cause some newsreaders to treat it as a
       top-of-page marker. (Note: This doesn't always work, and some
       editors do not allow control characters to be embedded, so the '20
       blank lines' measure should be used in all cases; the ^L serving
       as an additional layer of defense.)
   How long should spoiler protection be kept in place? My feeling is
   that spoilers should be kept in place until one or two months after
   the release of the paperback edition of a book (assuming it was first
   released in hardcover). However, practice has shown that 3-6 months
   after initial publication is usually sufficient.
1f. Other newsgroups of interest

   rec.arts.sf.*: The primary hierarchy for discussion of Speculative
   Fiction (Science Fiction + Fantasy). The subgroups are:
     * rec.arts.sf.written: Books, Short Stories, etc.
     * rec.arts.sf.movies: Big screen.
     * Not-so-big screen.
     * "How the heck does this thing work?"
     * rec.arts.sf.fandom: Fannish activities, cons, et al.
     * rec.arts.sf.misc: Catch-all.
     * Plus several others.
   When posting to these newsgroups, please remember to use appropriate
   subject headers; including the author or title in the subject would be
   a good idea.
     * Discussion of dragons of all types -
       mythological, fictional, etc.
   Those interested in the various MUSHes, MOOs, et al. may find
   of some interest. Keep in mind that these are general MUD newsgroups,
   and the latter two carry considerable traffic on many different MUD
   types that historically have not been used for Pern simulations.
1g. Common abbreviations

   For those of you new to the net, there are quite a few abbreviations
   in use here on Usenet that may be unfamiliar. Here is a short list of
   the more frequently encountered.
   ;-), :-), :), etc.
          A 'smiley' face -- look at it sideways. Used to indicate humor
          and/or sarcasm.
          "As Far As I Know"
          "As I Understand It"
          "Been There. Done That."
          "By The Way"
          "For What It's Worth"
          "Have A Nice Day."
          "Hope This Helps."/"Happy To Help."
          "I Am Not A Lawyer (but)..."
          "If I Recall Correctly"
          "In My Humble/Honest Opinion"
          "In My Opinion"
          "In Other Words"
          "I Seem To Recall"
          "I Think You Mean"
          "On The Other Hand"
          "Rolling On The Floor, Laughing". (There are several variants
          on this.)
          "Real Soon, Now" (usually translates to "At some point in the
          nebulous future".)
          "Thanks In Advance"
          "To The Best Of My Knowledge"
          "With All Due Respect..."
          "Your Mileage May Varry" (i.e. others may not have the exact
          same experience.)
   And now some specific to
   MU*, M*
          Indicative of any of the family of MUD/MUSH/MOO/etc.
          PernMUSH (Which covers the Northern Continent during the 10th
          SouConMUSH (Which contains the complementary Southern Continent
          for the same time period as NC)
          MU*-speak for 'In Character' - meaning behavior that the MU*
          characters would engage in.
          MU*-speak for 'Out of Character' - Usually applying to
          information/behavior that the *player* of a MU* character
          knows/performs that the character would not, logically, be able
          to take advantage of.
          _The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern_; see 'Pern in Print' below.
          (Also, the 2nd edition of the DLG is often referred to as
          'DLG2', 'DLG 2.0', etc.)
   D1, D2, D3
          The three books comprising the _Dragonriders of Pern _ trilogy.
          (_Dragonflight_, _Dragonquest_, and _The White Dragon_
   H1, H2, H3
          The three books comprising the _Harper Hall of Pern_ trilogy.
          (_Dragonsong_, _Dragonsinger_, and _Dragondrums_ respectively)
   [The above two sets are my personal shorthand, but I'm not the only
   one using them -- Quirk]
          The above-mentioned Harper Hall trilogy.
   AtWoP, ATWOP, etc.
          _All the Weyrs of Pern_
          _The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall_
   MoP, MHoP
          _The Masterharper of Pern_
1h. Fan fiction

   NOTE: The following applies to fan fiction posted to the net. I do not
   have (nor do I desire) the authority to prevent any quasi/illegal acts
   on this newsgroup. The following is presented for informational
   purposes. You may heed or ignore as you wish, but I deny all
   responsibility for any legal problems you may encounter.
   (Those MU*s that have verifiable permission to exist are so indicated
   in section 4c. List of Pern-type MU*s. The other MU*s either did not
   have such permission listed online, or were not reachable at the time
   they were last visited.)
   Also, since Grolier UK purchased the computer game rights to Pern, no
   further permission for new Pern-themed MU*s are being granted at this
   time. This also applies to attempts at resurrecting MU*s that were
   defunct at the time these rights were transferred.
   [Thanks to "Chris Croughton" ( for relaying
   the following.]

    08-Oct-92 11:39 BST
Sb: InterNet Pern rules
Fm: Anne McCaffrey

The rules are that my characters may be referred to but not used.  BUT
there can be no adventure/stories set on Pern at all!!!!!  That's
infringing on my copyright and can bear heavy penalities - particularly
right now when there's a film deal (yet another) which has bought and paid
for the right to use the material - which, I fear, e-mail users have not.

On CIS, I have asked people to limit Pern material to a discussion of
their persona and dragons, fire-lizards, etc., in a diarist form.
Fanzines have slightly more latitude as the zine is usually mailed only to
members so that's limited publication, and a due copyright notice is
included.  As there is no such protection on electronic mail, we authors
have to be insistent on these safeguards.

I know this can be confusing since Paramount and Star Trek are handled
differently, but that's the point:  they are, and have been.  Individual
themes and characters of s-f/fantasy novels are not.  And such
indiscriminate usage of our characters, worlds, and concepts on a *public*
media like electronic mail constitute copyright infringement AND, which
many fans disregard, is ACTIONABLE!  Both the e-mail company AND the
person.  My publishers are most insistent on that point!  So it's to
safeguard the interested e-mail user that I make these very strong, and
perhaps unpalatable points.

   [Chris' commentary:]
   To repeat - it's not Anne who forbids this: it's her publishers - and
   they are NOT required to tell her of any such actions which they may
   be undertaking. The first she will probably know of it is when someone
   tells her, having heard over the net...
   [End commentary.]
   To expand on this a bit, this prohibition is meant to protect Ms.
   McCaffrey from legal problems along the lines that have prevented
   Marion Zimmer Bradley from publishing one of her books. (I'm not
   completely familiar with the specifics of this case; inquiries to
   rec.arts.sf.written will probably result in more information than you
   ever wanted to know. ;-)
1i. Anne McCaffrey on the net

   It is the understanding of the author of this document that, due to
   some of the concerns raised in the previous section, Ms. McCaffrey's
   lawyers have advised her not to read this newsgroup. Evidence to the
   contrary has also surfaced, so it is uncertain whether or not she
   actually reads, or has articles of interest forwarded to
   her by other parties.
   The URL of Ms. McCaffrey's "official" webpage is:
   An older site may be found at:
   The personal email address associated with both pages is:
   Another way to get in touch with Ms. McCaffrey is to write an actual
   (i.e. pen and paper) letter via one of her publishers. If you plan to
   do this and expect a reply, including a self-addressed envelope with
   return postage -- Note: Since she lives in Ireland, you will probably
   have to make use of International Reply Cupons -- would probably be
1j. Just who is this Quirk joker anyway?

   I am NOT...
     * ...Especially involved in Pern Fandom. (I collect the books, read
       this newsgroup, and play on PernMUSH between increasingly frequent
       and prolonged episodes of burnout during which I just kibitz.
       That's about it.)
     * ...A general McCaffrey fan. (Pern and Doona are the only McCaffrey
       worlds that I have found particularly engaging.)
     * ...A posting service. (Please do not send me email asking to post
       things for you.)
     * ...Free Tech Support. (If you have questions about contributing to
       the newsgroup, joining a MU*, etc., your best bet is to talk to
       your own admin/tech support people; since they, unlike I, ought to
       have some idea of how your system is set up.)
     * ...The "owner" of this newsgroup. (Despite my frequent gripes and
       occasional proprietary feelings to the contrary.)
   I'm just the poor slob who's volunteered to maintain this FAQ --
   updating when I find the time and/or inclination -- and keep a cron
   table entry to post it twice a month. Every once in a blue moon, I'll
   even post some articles of mild interest or complain about how people
   don't bother to read this document before asking questions already
   answered herein.

                               2. Pern in Print
   Since Pern is a fictional world, a complete listing of all related
   books would probably be a good idea.
2a. Book list (written by McCaffrey)

   [Date is of 1st printing. ISBNs are from the editions in my personal
   library or obtained from copies in local bookstores or webstore
   inquiries. US Publisher is Del Rey books unless otherwise noted. UK
   edition publisher is Corgi Books unless otherwise noted.]
   The _Dragonriders of Pern_ trilogy (Also available in a single
   hardcover volume through the SF book club, and trade paperback in a
   few bookstores).
   _Dragonflight_ (Jul 1968)
          0-345-41936-7 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-08453-0 (UK Edition)
   _Dragonquest_ (May 1971)
          0-345-41937-5 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-11635-1 (UK Edition)
   _The White Dragon_ (Jun 1978)
          0-345-41940-5 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-11313-1 (UK Edition)
   _The Dragonriders of Pern_
          0-345-34024-8 (Trade P-back)
   The _Harper Hall of Pern_ trilogy (Available as a single hardbound
   edition through the SF book club).
   _Dragonsong_ (Mar 1976)
          0-553-12044-1 Bantam Books
          0-552-10661-5 (UK edition)
   _Dragonsinger_ (Feb 1977)
          0-533-11835-8 Bantam Books
          0-552-10881-2 (UK Edition)
   _Dragondrums_ (Mar 1979)
          0-553-20722-9 Bantam Books
          0-552-11804-4 (UK Edition)
   _A Time When_ (1975) [1]
          0-915568-07-2 NESFA Press
   _Get Off the Unicorn_ (Jun 1977) [2]
          0-552-10965-7 (UK Edition)
   _Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern_ (Nov 1983)
          0-345-41957-X (Trade P-back)
          0-552-12499-0 (UK Edition)
   _Nerilka's Story: A Pern Adventure_ (Mar 1986)
          0-345-41958-8 (Trade P-back)
   _Nerilka's Story & The Coelura_ (1987) [3]
          0-552-12817-1 Corgi/UK
   _Dragonsdawn_ (Nov 1988)
          0-345-41956-1 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-13098-2 (UK edition)
   _The Renegades of Pern_ (Nov 1990>
          0-345-41939-1 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-13099-0 (UK Edition)
   _All the Weyrs of Pern_ (Dec 1991)
          0-345-41935-9 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-13729-4 (UK Edition)
   _Rescue Run_ [4]
          (Science Fiction Book Club Hardcover)
   _The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall_ (Oct 1993) [5]
          0-345-41959-6 (Trade P-back)
          0-552-13913-0 (UK Edition)
   _The Dolphins' Bell_ [7]
          (Science Fiction Book Club Hardcover)
   _The Girl Who Heard Dragons_ (May 1994) [8]
          0-812-51099-2 TOR Books
          0-552-14436-3 (UK Edition)
   _The Dolphins of Pern_ (Oct 1994)
          0-552-14270-0 (UK Edition)
   _Red Star Rising (The Second Chronicles of Pern)_ (Aug 1996) [9]
   _Dragonseye_ (Feb 1997) [9]
   _The Masterharper of Pern
   (Jan 1998)
   0-552-14247-3 (UK Edition)
   _Legends_ [Ed: Robert Silverberg] (Oct 1998) [10]
   0-312-86787-5 TOR Books (Hardcover)
   0-312-86863-4 TOR Books (Ltd. ed. Hardcover)
   0-002-25667-3 Voyager (UK Edition -- Paperback)
   (The US Paperback edition has been split into 3 smaller volumes:
   Volume 2 contains the Pern sttory.)
   0-812-57523-7 TOR Books (_Legends 2_)
   _The Skies of Pern_ (Feb 2001)
   0-593-04330-8 (Bantam UK -- Hardcover)
   0-345-43468-4 (US Hardcover -- April 2001)
   [1] Details courtesy of: Robert A. Woodward (
>Contains early versions of several chapters of _The White Dragon_.
>Scenes are: Jaxom blowing up at the breakfast table, Jaxom at
>Smithcrafthall school, Jaxom and Corana, Jaxom and the entire theft &
>recovery of the Queen egg at Benden Weyr.

   [2] Collection of McCaffrey short fiction; contains "The Smallest
   Dragonboy" (Originally published 1973 for_Science Fiction Tales).
   Reportedly, the short story can also be found in_Visions of Fantasy:
   Tales From the Masters_(1989 Doubleday: ISBN 0-385-26359-7).
   [3] Also includes non-Pern novel.
   [4] Originally published in_Analog_(Aug. 1991) and included in [5]
   [5] Contains short stories: "Survey: P.E.R.N." [6], "The Dolphins'
   Bell", "The Ford of Red Hanrahan", "The Second Weyr", and "Rescue Run"
   (ibid [4] above).
   [6] Previously published as "The P.E.R.N. Survey" in_Amazing
   Stories_(Sep. 1993).
   [7] Included in [5] ibid.
   [8] Collection of McCaffrey short fiction. Includes novella of same
   title originally published (limited edition - 100 signed copies) in
   [9] These are the same book under different titles. The UK edition was
   released first; Del Rey delayed their edition for supposedly editorial
   reasons. The change in title was allegedly due to concerns that the
   American audience wouldn't recognize a Pern book without a "Dragon"
   title. Thanks to Mark Haas ( for UK publisher data.
   [10] Anthology of short novels/novellas, containing "Runner of Pern"
   by McCaffrey. Other authors include Terry Pratchett (Discworld),
   Ursula K. Le Guin (Earthsea), Raymond Feist (Riftwar), etc.
   Finally, the_Dragonlover's Guide to Pern_(see below) contains a short
   story, "The Impression" depicting F'lessan's impression of Golanth
   from a first-person POV.
   It should also be noted that this all started with the Hugo-winning
   novella: "Weyr Search" published in October 1967 in_Analog. This story
   now forms the first quarter of_Dragonflight.
   The Nebula-winning (1968) novella "Dragonrider" [serialized in
   Analog_in '67-68(?)] makes up the second half of Dragonflight.
2b. Latest Pern book news.

   The Skies of Pern_was published in the UK in early February 2001. The
   US publication date appears to be 3 April 2001. Book info and an
   excerpt is accessible via:
   Todd McCaffrey (Anne's son and her "Designated Heir for Pern") is
   writing his own Pern novel (Working title:_Dragonsblood). According to
   Ms. McCaffrey, it will be set during the 3rd pass. No additional
   details are, as yet, available.
2c. Suggested reading order for newcomers.

   Ms. McCaffrey suggests that the books be read in order of publication
   (i.e. start with_Dragonflight_and go in published order).
   Alternatively, she suggests starting with_Dragonsong_as a 'gentler'
   introduction, completing the Harper Hall trilogy, and then going back
   to_Dragonflight,_Dragonquest, et. al.
2d. Chronological order of books/stories

   This is kind of tricky, as some books depict the same events from
   different points of view. Here's what the consensus seems to be:
             +--------------------+                      Backwards
             | "Survey: P.E.R.N." |                          ^
             +--------------------+                          |
             +-------------+                               Time
1st Pass->   |_Dragonsdawn_+----------------------+          |
             +-------------+ "The Dolphins' Bell" |          v
                           +----------------------+       Forwards
             | "The Ford of Red Hanrahan" |
             | "The Second Weyr" |
1st Int.->
             | "Rescue Run" |

             | _Red Star Rising_ |
2nd Pass->   +-------------------+
6th Pass->
             +------------+           |
             | _Moreta:   |           |
             | Dragonlady |_Nerilka's |
             |  of Pern_  |   Story_  |
             +------------+           |
6th Int.->                |           |

8th Int->
                                                  |     _The     |
                                                  | Masterharper |
                     +-----------+                |    of Pern_  |
                     |           | +--------------+--------------+
  +----------------+ |           | |              |
  |"Runner of Pern"| |           | |_Dragonflight_|
  +----------------+ |           | |              |
9th Pass->           |           | |              |
                     |           | +--------------+
                     |           |               +--------------+
                     |           | +-------------+ _Dragonsong_ |
                     |           | |             +--------------+
                     |           | |_Dragonquest_|_Dragonsinger_|
                     |           | |             +--------------+
                     |           | +-------------+
                     |           +-------------+
                     |   _The    |             +------------------+
                     | Renegades |_Dragondrums_| "The Impression" |
                     |  of Pern_ |             +------------------+
                     |           +-------------+
                     |           | +---------------+
                     |           | | "The Smallest |
                     |           | |   Dragonboy"  |
                     |           | +---------------+
         +-----------+           |
         |           |           +----------------+
         |_The White |           | "The Girl Who  |
         |  Dragon_  |           | Heard Dragons" |
         |           |           +----------------+
         +-----------+           |
                     |           |
                     | _All the  |
         +-----------+   Weyrs   |
         |   _The    |  of Pern_ |
         |  Dolphins +-----------+
         |  of Pern_ |

                     |_The Skies |
                     |  of Pern_ |

   Horizontally connected 'boxes' indicate closely connected (i.e. same
   events from different points of view) stories. Boxes connected
   vertically indicate that the following story takes place immediately
   after the previous one.
   Nerilka's Story_starts 4 days before_Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern.
   "Runner of Pern" takes place in the spring just before the first
   Threadfall of the 9th Pass.
   Dragonsong_is shown to start previous to_Dragonquest based on the
   timelines provided in Karen Fonstead's_Atlas of Pern.
   Dragonquest_is shown to continue beyond the end of Dragonsinger_based
   on the reports on Canth's healing which suggest that considerable time
   has elapsed since Canth's jump to the Red Star.
   The White Dragon_is shown to start before "The Girl Who Heard Dragons"
   since_The Renegades of Pern_indicates that the latter takes place in
   late autumn, while the former tends to suggest that the weather is
   just starting to turn cool.
2e. Pern books on tape

   There are several audio adaptations of the assorted Pern books out in
   both abridged and unabridged forms. The performer, if known, is
   [Many thanks to and for doing the
   legwork to obtain much of this information. Publisher is indicated by
   bracketed numbers; Publisher key follows the list.]
          1-56100-511-8 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          0-7871-0072-2 (Abridged) [2]
          1-56100-512-6 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          0-7871-0111-7 (Abridged) [2]
   The White Dragon
          1-56100-513-4 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          0-7871-0075-7 (Abridged - Performer: Adrienne Barbeau) [2]
          1-55690-588-2 (Unabridged - Performer: Sally Darling) [4]
          0-7871-0080-3 (Abridged - Performer: Adrienne Barbeau) [2]
          1-55690-617-X (Unabridged - Performer: Sally Darling) [4]
          0-7871-0067-6 (Abridged - Performer: Adrienne Barbeau) [2]
          1-55800-640-0 (No additional data) [2]
          1-55690-618-8 (Unabridged - Performer: Sally Darling) [4]
   Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern
          1-56100-492-8 (Unabridged - Performer: Sheila Hart) [1]
   Nerlika's Story
          0-394-55817-0 (Abridged - Performer: Anne McCaffrey [5]
          1-56100-489-8 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
   The Renegades of Pern
          1-56100-493-6 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          0-7871-0081-1 (Abridged) [2]
   All the Weyrs of Pern
          1-879371-11-1 (Abridged - Performer: Anne McCaffrey) [3]
          1-879371-92-8 (Unabridged - Performer: Mark Rolston) [3]
   The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
          1-55800-867-5 (Unabridged - Performer: Meredith MacRae) [2]
   The Girl Who Heard Dragons
          0-7871-0258-X (No additional data) [2]
          1-56100-734-X (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
   The Masterharper of Pern
          1-56100-787-0 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          1-56740-762-5 (Abridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
   The Skies of Pern
          1-58788-065-2 (Unabridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          1-58788-067-9 (Abridged - Performer: Dick Hill) [1]
          1-55800-637-0 (combo - Abridged) [2]
          1-55800-638-9 (combo - Abridged) [2]
   Dragonsdawn_and_The Renegades of Pern
          1-55800-641-9 (combo - Abridged) [2]
   Publisher info:
    1. Brilliance Corp.
       1810-B Industrial Drive
       P.O.Box 887
       Grand Haven, Michigan 49417
    2. Dove Audio
       301 N. Canon Drive
       Beverly Hills, CA 90210
       1-800-328-DOVE or 1-800-DOVE007
    3. The Publishing Mills
       P.O.Box 481006
       Los Angeles, CA 90048
    4. Recorded Books Inc
       270 Skipjack Rd.
       Prince Frederick, MD 20678
    5. Random House Audiobooks
       [Can someone track down contact info?]
2f. Other Pern materials

  Comic books/Graphic Novels
   Eclipse Comics published a 3-issue graphical adaptation of
   Dragonflight_which was later collected into a single volume graphic
   novel. Drawings appear to be based on the artwork in_The People of
   Pern_(see below). Publishing data for the single-volume edition:
     _Anne McCaffrey: Dragonflight
   Published by Eclipse Graphic Novels, March 1993.
   ISBN: 0-06-105003-2
  Reference books
   Several Pern-related "Reference Books" have been published. The most
   frequently mentioned on this newsgroup are:
   The Atlas of Pern_by Karen Fonstead -- Del Rey Books
          [ISBN: 0-345-31432-8 (HB) / 0-345-31434-4 (SB)]
          (Out of print, but still available if you look around for it.
          The Science Fiction Book Club apparently still has copies in
   The People of Pern sketches/paintings by Robin Wood, text by McCaffrey
          1988, Donning Publishing -- ISBN: 0-89865-635-4 (HB) /
          0-89865-751-2 (SB)
          Recently reported to be out of print,
          (Actually, more of a 'photo album' for the major characters.)
          [Additional note from: "Michael Short"
          ( -- Robin's husband.]
          Photoprints of F'lar, Lessa, Menolly and Sebell are available.
          11"x14" prints go for $35 + S&H. Large-fomat (18"x24") run $150
          + S&H.
          Robin's address is:
          Robin Wood
          3319 Greenfield Road #102
          Dearborn, MI 48120
          877-ROBINWOod (877-762-6494) [*]
          - or -
          (734) 729-4281

          [*] Personal Toll-free number: Please let Michael or Robin know
          that it was used when calling.
   The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern
          by Jody Lynn Nye with Anne McCaffrey
          1st ed.: Nov 1989, Del Rey Books
          0-345-35424-9 (Hardcover)
          0-345-37946-2 (Softcover)
          2nd ed.: Mar 1997, Del Rey Books
          0-345-41274-5 (Softcover)
          Considered by many to be the reference work on Pern...aside
          from the books themselves. Others have noted internal
          contradictions as well as conflicts with other published
          material and therefore do not consider it particularly
          authoritative. The 2nd edition adds material from books
          published since the 1st edition.
          by Todd McCaffrey
          Nov. 1999, Del Rey Books
          0-345-42217-1 (Hardcover)
          Todd McCaffrey's biography of his mother.
  Pern from other Authors
          Jody Lynn Nye has also written two 'Choose your path' books set
          on Pern under the (now defunct) 'Crossroads' line from TOR
        Dragonharper_(ISBN: 0-812-56404-9)
                Journeyman Robinton's adventures as he travels to his
                first posting at Benden Hold.
        Dragonfire_(ISBN: 0-812-56423-5)
                Mirrim and Path look into strange happenings on the
                Southern Continent shortly after the events of_The White
                There have also been two games published:
              The Dragonriders of Pern_(boardgame) from Mayfair Games.
                      This is set roughly during the time frame
                      of_Dragonquest. Players represent the 6 Weyrleaders
                      (and the Masterharper in the 7-player game)
                      attempting to gain prestiege and power in an
                      attempt at becomming the overal leader of the
                      planet. There is also a solitaire variant, and an
                      article about threadfighting and Weyr organization
                      by Todd Johnson (Anne McCaffrey's son).
                      Mayfair games has since gone out of business.
              Dragonriders of Pern: The Book Game_by Nova Games Designs.
                      Two riders on patrol try to outdo one another when
                      they encounter threadfall -- but don't get scorred,
                      and definitely don't let any of the thread reach
                      the ground!
                      The game mechanics involve two books which show
                      pictures from the POV of each rider. Each player
                      selects a maneuver and goes to a look-up page where
                      the combination of that maneuver and the other
                      player's choice determines the next view. (Very
                      similar to the "Ace of Aces" WW I dogfighting game
                      also from Nova.)
                      Contact address is:
                      Nova Games Designs, Inc.
                      P.O. box 1178
                      Manchester, CT 06040
  Computer games
                      Grolier Interactive (UK) is currently working on a
                      Computer Role-Playing game based on Pern.
                      Apperantly, it is set to take place prior to the
                      events of_Dragonflight
                . See:
                for details.
                Epyx released a "Dragonriders of Pern" game for the C-64,
                Atari 8-bit, and Apple ][ around 1984. Second-hand
                reports inidcate that it was generally similar to the
                above-listed board game, but with occasional arcade-style
                threadfighting sequences. Inquiries to the appropriate
                comp.*.games newsgroup may prove useful to those looking
                for used copies of it.
                NOTE: There is a IBM-PC Dragonriders game floating around
                on BBSs and the net. Regarding this item, Justin Bradford
       informed this newsgroup:

>The computer game "The Dragonriders of Pern" by Everlasting Software is
>not authorized by Anne McCaffrey and should not be player, uploaded,
>downloaded, or distributed.  We uploaded this game to an Internet FTP
>site without understanding that it was a copyright and trademark
>infringement and were contacted by her attorneys.  We want
>to apologize to Anne McCaffrey, and to urge all of her fans
>to help eliminate this game from the Internet.

  Cover art
                Michael Whelan (cover artist for most of the Del Rey Pern
                books) has a web page located at:
                In addition to his Pern cover art, Whelan has done
                sevreal other McCaffrey covers, not to mention work for
                many other authors.
  Pern CD
                In conjunction with the publication of _Masterharper of
                Pern_, Ms. McCaffrey asked Tania Opland and Mike Freeman
                to produce music based on her Pernese verses.
                The project grew to something rather larger than
                anticipated, and the result is a 50-minute CD. A brief
                description and ordering infomration may be found at:
2g. Obtaining hard-to-find books.

                As noted above, several books are available only through
                the Science Fiction Book Club. This book club provides a
                good selection of recent releases (albeit somewhat
                delayed) and classic SF in 'special edition' hardcovers
                and trade-paperbacks. The membership deal is something
                along the lines of "Must buy 4 books in the first year".
                Almost all of Ms. McCaffrey's SF works can be ordered in
                one form or another.
                Advertisments can be found in most of the usual Science
                Fiction and Gaming magazines (e.g. _Analog_, _Dragon_,
                etc.) or they can be contacted at:
     The Science Fiction Book Club
     6550 East 30th Street
     PO Box 6369
     Indianapolis, IN 46209-9492
                They also have a webpage (as of 7 Sep 96, still a little
                buggy here and there.) located at:
                This page is the on-line equivalent of their introductory
                advertisment; the on-line catalog does not include very
                many McCaffrey titles. However, members should be able to
                use the page to order any book from the _SF Universe_
                catalog that is sent out annually.
                Note to non-US readers: I am informed that the club also
                extends to Canada, but it is doubtful that it goes
                anywhere else. Readers in Europe, Asia, etc. will most
                likely have to arrange a special order with your local

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