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PC/GEOS OS FAQ, Where to Get More Information (part 4/6)

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Archive-name: pcgeos-faq/part4
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Last-modified: January 1, 2003

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
The most recent version of this file can be found at any news.answers
archive site. One such site is, in the
/pub/usenet/comp.os.geos.misc subdirectory. The most recent version of the
FAQ is also available from my home page at in both HTML and ASCII



I make no claims about the accuracy of this information. Use it at your own
risk. This file is compiled from various sources, including but not limited
to USENET, the Web, commercial networks, and electronic mail. The FAQ is
mostly targeted towards desktop Geos users, both Ensemble and NewDeal
Office. However, there are still many sections devoted to other topics and
Geos platforms.

This information may be freely distributed, in whole or in part, in any
form, provided that any distributor:

    * Tells me, so that I can inform you of updates to the FAQ and tell the
      USENET community (I will keep the information confidential, if you
    * Makes every reasonable effort to keep this information current
    * Releases myself and the rest of USENET from any liability.

If this file leaves the confines of USENET for any BBS's, web pages, user
groups, commercial networks, or other networks (FidoNet, GeoHolics Net,
etc.) or vendors, please let me know so that I can pass along the
information to others.

Please send submissions, comments, suggestions, or corrections to


I'd like to give the following folks my thanks:

    * Steve Main ( former Director of Technical Services,
    * John Howard ( of Breadbox Computers, for giving me
      up-to-date info.
    * Stephen Haffly ( for reposting this FAQ to
    * Lynn Montelauro ( for making this FAQ a part of GSMN.
    * Rose Walton PC Coaches (, for distributing copies of this FAQ
      to its customers.
    * Werni Grieder (, for being a
      Geos deity.
    * Doug Taylor ( for a lot of the PDA information.
    * All the people who have written great Geos software.
    * All the people who mail me information and follow comp.os.geos.misc.
    * And of course, James Bearden, the original author of this FAQ.


Since the previous update (February 10, 2002), the following sections have
been updated:

    * Credits (John Howard's e-mail addresses)
    * Section 4.4.1 What is the GeoInfo Database, and why should I
    * Section 4.5.1 What are FOD files, and why should I care?
    * Section 4.6.1 Are there any Geos related publications available?
    * Section 4.7.1 What are some good Geos related URL's?
    * Section 4.8.1 Is there an HP OmniGo FAQ? Where can I find it?
    * Section 4.9.1, What Geos User Groups are out there?
    * Section 4.10.1, Are there mailing lists for Geos?


    * 4 Where to Get More Information
         o 4.1 On-line Services
              + 4.1.1 What kind of support is there for Geos on CompuServe?
         o 4.2 BBS Networks
              + 4.2.1 Is there much Geos activity on FidoNet?
         o 4.3 USENET Newsgroups
              + 4.3.1 Is there a USENET newsgroup for Geos?
              + 4.3.2 Is it OK to post binaries to comp.os.geos.misc?
              + 4.3.3 I don't have access to comp.binaries.geos at my site.
                How can I get the files posted there?
         o 4.4 GeoInfo Database
              + 4.4.1 What is the GeoInfo Database, and why should I care?
         o 4.5 FOD Files
              + 4.5.1 What are FOD files, and why should I care?
         o 4.6 Publications
              + 4.6.1 Are there any Geos related publications available?
         o 4.7 The World Wide Web
              + 4.7.1 What are some good Geos related URL's?
         o 4.8 More Zoomer and HP OmniGo Information
              + 4.8.1 Is there an HP OmniGo FAQ? Where can I find it?
              + 4.8.2 Is there a Zoomer FAQ?
         o 4.9 Geos User Groups
              + 4.9.1 What is Geos User Groups are out there?


4 Where to Get More Information

4.1 On-line Services

4.1.1 What kind of support is there for Geos on CompuServe?

It is still being verified whether Geoworks is still active in the PALMB
forum. Peer support for the desktop version is available in the PCAPP
forum. As HP has discontinued the OmniGo 100/120 in favor of Windows
CE-based HPC's, it is unlikely that the OmniGo is supported by Team HP in
the HPHAND forum.

4.2 BBS Networks

4.2.1 Is there much Geos activity on FidoNet?

There is an active FidoNet Echo for Geos, moderated by Stephen Haffly
(, with Anne Page as co-moderator. Bug your local
FidoNet SysOp.

4.3 USENET Newsgroups

4.3.1 Is there a USENET newsgroup for Geos?

Yes, it is named comp.os.geos.misc. There is also a moderated newsgroup for
binaries called comp.binaries.geos. A newsgroup called
comp.os.geos.programmer for Geos development discussions is also on line.

There is also a newsgroup for the Nokia 9000-series Communicators. The Newsserver hosts a set of newsgroups with specific topics. To read
and post on these newsgroups, use the hostname and port 9110.
In some newsreaders, you may have to combine the two as
Two good start-off points are 9k.admin and 9k.misc.

4.3.2 Is it OK to post binaries to comp.os.geos.misc?

No. There's a special group for Geos binaries called comp.binaries.geos.
It's moderated, though, so don't expect your postings to show up right
away. Send submissions to The moderator
is Dan "Shag" Birchall ( If your site isn't carrying
comp.binaries.geos, don't worry too much. Some sites refuse to carry binary

4.3.3 I don't have access to comp.binaries.geos at my site. How can I get
the files posted there?

First, check with your system news administrator or USENET news supplier to
find out why you're not getting the group. If they won't or can't supply
it, you can try If all
else fails, you can search through the many Geos FTP sites, or post a
request to comp.os.geos.misc.

4.4 GeoInfo Database

4.4.1 What is the GeoInfo Database, and why should I care?

The Geos Information Database started out in life as a FAQ similar to this
one many years ago. It eventually grew too large to properly maintain, so
it was converted to an on-line AOL database. It currently has over a
thousand entries detailing every Geos related problem, hint, and tip
imaginable. Occasionally plain text versions of the GeoInfo Database are
made available to the general public. Recently Steve Main made an E-book
version, and Jon Frisby ( has made a copy available
via several VBBS networks. James Bearden, the previous author of this FAQ,
had made a WWW version available, and both the text and E-book versions are
available via FTP at With the demise of the
Geoworks Forum on AOL, the GeoInfo was assimilated into the NewDeal
website, but can't be retrieved from there anymore.

4.5 FOD Files

4.5.1 What are FOD files, and why should I care?

The Geoworks text Fax-On-Demand files contain a lot of Geos information.
The original versions are current as of "March 7, 1994", (which is circa
v2.0), and were available via FTP in both text and GeoWrite versions from
Geoworks' FTP site, and previously from James Bearden's website. Afterwards
they were maintained by NewDeal and renamed as Technical Support Documents,
and were available on the Support section of its website. They were also
available for sale on floppy disk.

4.6 Publications

4.6.1 Are there any Geos related publications available?

To my knowledge, there are no such current publications. However, you might
find these old publications archived somewhere.

    * Mobilis - John Jerney ( said:

           "Mobilis: The mobile computing lifestyle magazine.
           Mobilis is a free monthly magazine available
           exclusively on the web in its entirety featuring
           interviews, tutorials, reviews, and opinion concerning
           all aspects of Pads, wireless communication, and mobile

    * GeoBytes - A sporadically released newsletter written by the AOL
      GeoReps. GeoBytes is no longer being produced, but existing
      GeoBytes are packed with information that applies to Geos 2.x and
      to a lesser extent to higher versions.
    * GSMN Newsletter - The newsletter included with the monthly GSMN
    * GeigacounteR Digest - Included with the GSMN distribution.

4.7 The World Wide Web

4.7.1 What are some good Geos related URL's?

There are many WWW pages dedicated to Geos. A few good places to start are:

    * BreadBox website at
    * GEOS/NewDeal WebRing at
    * Gene Anderson's website at

4.8 More Zoomer and HP OmniGo Information

4.8.1 Is there an HP OmniGo FAQ? Where can I find it?

There is supposed to be one but currently I can't find it. Also below are a
few of the excellent WWW pages devoted to the Hewlett Packard OmniGo:

    * New! The OmniGo Resource Page (
    * New! Adondo's OmniGo Page
    * New! hp
    * New! OmniGO Commander Home Page ( ). As you may guess, you can
      download a DOS-mode for the OmniGo that works very much like
      Norton Commander for MS-DOS.

4.8.2 Is there a Zoomer FAQ?

No, but there are several great WWW pages devoted to it:

    * The Zoomer Homepage (
    * The Zoomer Mailing List
    * The Biostat Zoomer Page
    * Chris De Herrera's Zoomer Page
    * Biostat Zoomer FTP Site

4.9 Geos User Groups

4.9.1 What Geos User Groups are out there?

Geos has a following in Europe. For German speaker, visit the NewGEOS
Informationssysteme at

For English speakers, user groups in Australia and the US are present. From
Down Under comes GEIGA, at And
in the US, a good start-off point is GEOS Users International at

4.10 Geos Mailing Lists

4.10.1 Are there mailing lists available for Geos?

The Geos-Talk E-list is on-line. It is maintained by Byron Collins
( The purpose of the list, as written by
Collins, is as follows:

      "This Group is a forum/e-neighborhood for the users of the
      desktop and handheld devices (The Zoomer PDA's, HP
      OmniGo-100/120, Brother's GeoBook) supporting the Geoworks
      operating system - GEOS; also known as PC/GEOS (New Deal Office,
      Geoworks Ensemble, etc..). General discussions and announcements
      concerning GEOS or PC/GEOS and the applications develope to work
      in the GEOS or PC/GEOS operating system environment is welcome.
      Programming discussing/issues should be carry else where. "

It is hosted by Yahoo! Groups, a service for creating free mailing lists.
To learn more go to To subscribe
to the list, send a message to, leaving
the body of the message empty.

Another mailing list was the GEOS-to-go mailing list, from the Zoomer PDA
Resources. This focuses on Geos- and GEOS SC-based PDA's such as the Zoomer
and OmniGo. To subscribe, send a message to with the
command subscribe geos-to-go in the body of the message.

Finally there is the OGO mailing list specific to the OmniGo. To subscribe,
send a message to with the command subscribe ogo in
the body of the message.

End of the PC/GEOS FAQ Part 4
          Copyright =A9 199?-1999 James Bearden. All rights reserved.

    Copyright =A9 1999-2003 Raymond Thaddeus C. Ancog. All rights reserved.=

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM