Archive-name: pakistan/reorg-faq
Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1997/02/14 Version: 1.1 Organization: Alumni Association, Caltech, Pasadena, California. U.S.A. X-URL: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Copyright 1996, 1997 Asim Mughal ( Redistribution for profit, or in altered content /format prohibited without permission of the authors. Any other redistribution must include this copyright notice and attribution. ***** ANSWERS TO FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ********* READ THIS BEFORE YOU POST A QUERY. This message is automatically posted once a month to provide answers to commonly asked questions on this forum. If you have any contributions or changes to this document please send me an email message. If you never wish you see this document again, please add the above subject in your KILL file. Sincerely, Asim Mughal ( Soc.Culture.Pakistan ReOrganization FAQ Maintainer [Standard Disclaimer] ================================================================= NOTE: This FAQ posting is now in USENET digest format. If you are using "rn" (or it derivatives) to read news ^G (Ctrl- G) will take you to the next question. If you are using any other news reader search for the next line that begins with "Subject:". ================================================================= ***************************************************************** This periodic posting is now archived. It is available via anonymous ftp from ( OR sending email to with the body of the message as send usenet/news.answers/pakistan-reorg-faq quit ***************************************************************** ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ ------- Subject: 1) World Wide Web Home Pages on Pakistan This FAQ is archived & availble thru anonymous FTP & world-wide web. Anonymous FTP: 1. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/pakistan-faq.Z 2. SITE: Directory: /pub/usenet/news.answers/pakistan-faq.Z Word-Wide Web: ------------- URL for USENET FAQs: URL for this FAQ: HISTORY: Version 1.0 Released July 04 1996 Version 1.1 Released Feb 14 1997 CREDITS: As noted by each item. End of Soc.Culture.Pakistan-Reorg FAQ *************************************** ------- User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:12 PM
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