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*TIP* So You Want To Start A Newsgroup?

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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 (Perl 5.005)
Archive-name: ./newgroup-faq

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
One of the more frequently posted questions is "How can I create a new
newsgroup?"  Briefly, creating a new newsgroup in the comp, humanities,
misc, news, rec, sci, soc or talk hierarchies involves first proposing the
newsgroup in news.announce.newgroups, then conducting a "vote" among those
Usenet readers who have an opinion on the proposed group.  The entire
process can take up to three months. 

Creating a new newsgroup in the "alt" hierarchy involves proposing it
informally in alt.config, then (if the response is favorable) getting
someone to send out a "newgroup control message" for the group if you
don't know how to do it yourself. 

Other hierarchies have different procedures, or perhaps no formal
procedure at all.  If you want to create a new newsgroup in the
(hypothetical!) podunk hierarchy, you might look for a newsgroup called
podunk.config or podunk.general, and ask there about the proper procedure. 

For more details, see the following articles.  You can find copies of
(or links to) all of them at the following Web address:

(1) "Guidelines for Big Eight Newsgroup Creation", by Russ Allbery

     (a) in the newsgroup news.groups

     (b) on the Web at

(2) "How to Create a New Usenet Newsgroup", by David Lawrence [this is the
old version of the "Guidelines" given above, and is listed here mainly for
historical purposes]

     (a) in one of the following newsgroups: news.admin.misc, 
         news.announce.newgroups, news.announce.newusers, news.answers, 

     (b) on the Web at

(2) "Guidelines on Usenet Newsgroup Names", by David Wright and Mark Moraes

     (a) in one of the following newsgroups:  news.announce.newusers, 
         news.groups, news.admin.misc, alt.config, alt.answers, news.answers

     (b) on the Web at

(3) "How to Format and Submit a New Group Proposal", by Russ Allbery

     (a) in one of the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups, 

     (b) on the Web at:

(4) "How to Write a Good Newsgroup Proposal", by David Lawrence and Una Smith

     (a) in one of the following newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,

     (b) on the Web at:

(5) "So You Want to Create an Alt Newsgroup", by David Barr

     (a) in one of the following newsgroups: alt.config, alt.answers, 

     (b) by sending e-mail to, with a blank 
         "Subject:" line, and with the following command in the message 
         body:  send usenet/alt.config/So_You_Want_to_Create_an_Alt_Newsgroup

     (b) on the Web at:

(6) "How to Write a Good Newgroup Message", by Brian Edmonds

     (a) in the newsgroup alt.config

     (b) on the Web at:

These articles are posted periodically (usually at least once per month) 
in the indicated newsgroups.  If you don't find them there, that simply 
means that the most recent copies have "expired" on your news server.  
New copies should be posted eventually.

Note: for beginner's information on newsgroups, check out

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM