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Section - 1.03 - Can a packet-sniffer capture passwords?

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Next Document: 1.04 - Can the server be infected with a computer virus?
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    Since Novell NetWare 3, passwords are sent to the server encrypted
    using a hashing function. The three password functions (Login,
    Change password, Verify password) have a pretty secure protocol,
    such that the information gathered by packet sniffers cannot be
    used to reconstruct the event or determine the password.

    Some very old software use the NetWare 2 unencrypted password calls.
    These can be captured and used, since these passwords are sent in

    Packet sniffers can capture just about all other information that
    is transmitted on the LAN. This includes telnet/ftp passwords, etc.

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Top Document: FAQ
Previous Document: 1.02 - Is the execute-only flag secure?
Next Document: 1.04 - Can the server be infected with a computer virus?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM