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Archive-name: music/roxette-faq/part1
Posting-Frequency: Monthly
Last-modified: 1997/04/28
Version: 1.1
Copyright: (c) 1997 Colin Grace
Maintainer: Colin Grace <>

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
              ROXETTE - Usenet
                        Version 1.1
                     Revised 28 April 1997
       Maintained by Colin Grace (

This FAQ is stored at:  
(The original hypertext version)

Changes in this FAQ:

More Roxette WWW pages.
New Roxette FTP site with Mp3 files
Roxette video locations
Release of Per Gessle album


0.0  General Information about this FAQ

   0.1  General information on this FAQ list
   0.2  Disclaimer
   0.3  Common abbreviations
   0.4  Contributions to the FAQ

1.0  The Newsgroup

   1.1  What has Usenet to offer for a Roxette fan?
   1.2  What is
   1.3  Can I post pictures or sound files to
   1.4  What if my site doesn't offer the newsgroup?
   1.5  Is there an etiquette?
   1.6  Why was created?
   1.7  Is accessible from the World Wide Web?

2.0  Roxette and The Internet 

   2.1  How do I subscribe to the Roxette-Mailing list?
   2.2  Where can I find Roxette-related files on ftp?
   2.3  Are there any Roxette related newsgroups?
   2.4  Are there any Roxette-related web sites?
   2.5  What about the online services?
   2.6  Is there a Roxette channel on IRC?

3.0  The music of Roxette

   3.1   Who are Roxette?
   3.2   What is the Roxette story so far?
   3.3   What albums have Roxette recorded?
   3.4   How many albums have Roxette sold worldwide?
   3.5   What home videos have Roxette released?
   3.6   What has been Roxette's most commercially successful album?
   3.7   Are Roxette still active?
   3.8   When will the new Roxette album be released?
   3.9   When will the Greatest Hits album be released in the US?
   3.10  When will "Pearls of Passion" be re-released?
   3.11  What songs are on "Dance Passion"?
   3.12  Where do Roxette record their albums?
   3.13  What soundtracks have Roxette recorded?
   3.14  What are the locations of the Roxette video clips?

4.0  Roxette, the band

   4.1  Who are the band members of Roxette?
   4.2  Who are the Roxette producers and engineers?
   4.3  Who are the Roxette road crew?
   4.4  Which band member eats cigarette packets?
   4.5  Who writes Roxette's music?
   4.6  Who has had the privelege to work with Roxette?

5.0  Roxette Live

   5.1  How many live tours have Roxette made?
   5.2  Are there any Roxette live albums?
   5.3  Will Roxette tour again soon?
   5.4  What guitar picks does Per throw into the audience?
   5.5  What special effects have Roxette used in their concerts?
   5.6  What does Marie like the audience to do during the concert?
   5.7  How long do Roxette concerts normally last?
   5.8  Which live songs do Roxette fans enjoy the most?
   5.9  What are bootlegs?

6.0  Marie Fredriksson

   6.1  Who is Marie Fredriksson?
   6.2  What has Marie Fredriksson done so far?
   6.3  When did Marie Fredriksson begin her musical career?
   6.4  What instruments can Marie Fredriksson play?
   6.5  Has Marie Fredriksson received any awards?

7.0  Per Gessle

   7.1  Who is Per Gessle?
   7.2  What are Per Gessle's favourite guitars?
   7.3  Who is "Woody"?
   7.4  What about Per Gessle's new solo album?
   7.5  What about Per and Asa's new baby?

8.0  Roxette, The Early Years

   8.1  Who started Roxette and when?
   8.2  Where does the name Roxette come from?
   8.3  In what countries was Pearls of Passion released?
   8.4  When did Roxette become national superstars?

9.0  Roxette Look Sharp!

   9.1  Is their a difference between the Look Sharp! CD and cassette?
   9.2  Is their a video clip for the song "Silverblue"?
   9.3  How many copies of Look Sharp! have been sold worldwide?

10.0  Miscellaneous

   10.1  Who is Gyllene Tider?
   10.2  Who are the Lonely Boys?
   10.3  What if my question isn't answered here?



The Official Roxette Newsgroup FAQ was started by Colin Grace
(, in January, 1997. It has been adapted from
various sources including the Official Roxette FAQ, videos, articles,
interviews, and personal experiences. If you want to make an edition
to the FAQ, e-mail me at and I'll be happy to
include it. Please do NOT quote the full text of the FAQ in your


All efforts have been made by the author to ensure the material on the
Roxette Newsgroup FAQ is accurate and up to date, but the author is
not liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from
the possession, publication or use of or reliance upon that
information. It is provided "as is" without express or implied
warranty. Please address all corrections to the maintainer of the list
and not to the "Roxette mailing list" or the newsgroup, as this
clutters up newsgroups and mail boxes. All answers appear credited,
and attributed to their original poster when it is possible. 


AMR (or a.m.r) =

FYI = For your information

IMHO = In my humble/honest opinion

RTFF = Read the friendly FAQ

RX (or Rox) = Roxette

PG = Per Gessle

MF = Marie Fredriksson

GT = Gyllene Tider

Roxette songs and albums are sometimes abbreviated. Examples are:

     DBUGTTC = Don't Bore Us Get to the Chorus 
     SIMC = Sleeping in my Car
     FLAF = Fading like a Flower
     SMT = Spending my Time
     CBB! = Crash Boom Bang!
     LTYH = Listen To Your Heart
     IMHBL = It Must Have Been Love
     YDUM = You Don't Understand Me

0.4  Contributions to the FAQ

The following people have contributed valuable information to this
FAQ: Roger Tetzlaff, Kay Templeman, Catherine Kim, and Steven Francis.


1.1  What has usenet to offer for a Roxette fan?

Usenet readers can keep informed about Roxette by reading the (AMR) and (AMS-P) newsgroups.
Members of the Roxette related mailing list also have the opportunity
to subscribe to these groups. Usenet readers may read both groups
regularly, post the latest news there and are willing to answer
questions that people might have. Also, it is possible for people to
have elaborate group discussions on the newsgroup that would otherwise
not be suitable for the mailing list.

1.2  What is is a newsgroup dedicated to the Swedish rock band
Roxette, and their music. It allows the latest news about Roxette to
be discussed in terms of single and album release dates, as well as
upcoming concert dates and venues. However, it also is a place in
which discussion can take place about the two members of Roxette, the
Roxette band, and associated Roxette-related projects.

The newsgroup also allows Roxette fans to exchange ideas, opinions,
and thoughts about Roxette and their music. Additionally, it is a
suitable place to trade Roxette merchandise and inform of any new
Roxette WWW sites of interest.

1.3  Can I post pictures or sound files to

We suggest you do not post any type of binary file to the Roxette
newsgroup. Picture files, soundfiles and other binaries take lots of
bandwidth and tend to overload gateways and cause lots of problems for
the entire net. Instead, post them to which is
designed to handle it. Remember to post a note on
informing people that a particular binary file has been posted.

1.4  What if my site doesn't offer the newsgroup?

Usenet spreads by connections between computers. People own those
computers and connections. They have a legitimate right to decide
which newsgroups to carry. Many sites do not carry groups of a certain
type. Some sites even exclude all alt.* groups. However, most system
administrators will carry a group if you ask them friendly. Therefore,
if your site does not carry "", then you should email
your Internet Service Provider (ISP) with your request.

1.5 Is there an etiquette?

You should already be familiar with Usenet etiquette. If not, the
newsgroups to read are news.newusers.questions and
news.announce.newusers. A particularly useful document is "Emily
Postnews Answers Your Questions on Netiquette" by Mark Moraes
<>, stored at in a document called
"part1" in the directory

As with all newsgroups, the best recommendation is for you to sit back
and read for a while before you make your first posting. That way you
can get a proper feel for the newsgroup. Then you will see which
postings you think are valuable and which are wasting space or
preventing good discussion. is not moderated, so within reason anything goes.
However, certain types of postings are generally frowned upon. These

o Unrelated advertisements (Commonly known as "SPAM's").

o Unrelated topics (Usually in the form of massive crosspostings).

o Personal abuse or attacks towards an individual usenet user.

o Using as an easy substitute for personal research.
There are many resources available at your local library and over the
Internet (via FTP, GOPHER, the World Wide Web and IRC). The numerous
Roxette-related areas are detailed later on in this FAQ. You are
strongly encouraged to consult this extensive material before asking
on the newsgroup. For example, instead of asking hundreds of people
for the songs played in the 1993 MTV Unplugged concert, you could
simply look it up yourself in the many Roxette web pages. If the
research material proves inadequate then of course you should post
your question to the newsgroup stating this is so. In such cases you
are much more likely to get a response! 

o Bootlegs. From time to time someone posts a request for contact
details of bootleg dealers. Answers to these questions should be sent
by private e-mail only. To post full details to the very public forum
of is to put the dealers at risk. This may be an
hysterical over-reaction to the real situation, but it keeps these
bootleg dealers in business by not attracting 
any legality problems. Roxette themselves are in support of bootlegs,
provided they are purchased by genuine fans.

The objection to the posting of full trade listings is more along the
lines of bandwidth wastage. If you wish to set up a trade you are best
advised to send a polite e-mail message.

o Lists of names of other artists in which you are also interested.
Remember, this is a group for Roxette and related projects including
Gyllene Tider and The Lonely Boys. Other artists should only be
mentioned if you are making a comparison or discussion based on

o Questions to the group should be clearly indicated as questions in
the subject line to avoid confusing those who are looking for new
information. For instance, a subject header of "New Album" is likely
to mislead those who read your post into expecting to find some news
about a new album. Instead, you should ask the question "Is There a
New Album?".

1.6  Why was created?

Originally there was only a Roxette mailing list and the newsgroup
called As time has gone on, the mailing list
has become more and more congested with almost 40 messages per day.
Also, the newsgroup is too broad because it is
used for many Swedish artists, and not specifically for Roxette.
Therefore, was created to satisfy a growing need for
Roxette fans and enthusiasts around the world. It allows 
effective public discussions to take place concerning Roxette and
their music.

1.7  Is accessible from the World Wide Web?

The Roxette newsgroup is also accessible from the World Wide Web at
the site It is free to become a registered
user at this site, and this enables the user to post articles to as well as read articles.


2.1  How do I subscribe to the Roxette mailing list?

To subscribe to the Roxette mailing list, just send a message to
<> with the subject line of subscribe. This
will add your e-mail address to the list of subscribers. You will then
receive all posts, and be allowed to post from the e-mail address you
used to subscribe.

2.2  Where can I find Roxette-related files on FTP?

FTP sites on the internet containing Roxette related material are:

Roxette Sound Files: 

Roxette Lyrics:

Roxette Files:

Roxette MP3 Site:


2.3  Are there any Roxette-related newsgroups?

The primary Roxette newsgroup is The other
Roxette-related newsgroup is Discussion about
Roxette can also take place in,,,,, and

2.4  Are there any Roxette-related World Wide Web sites?

Roxette have a huge presence on the World Wide Web. Fan pages are
usually the most exciting, and the diversity between pages is large.
All sites which I know to be up and running as of the date of this FAQ
are included. Frankly, this section is thoroughly "out of control." If
you have a Roxette page and it isn't listed here, e-mail me and I'll
include it in the next version. 


1. The Radio-Rox Page:

2. Roxette Central:

3. International Roxette Fanclub (Australia):

4. International Roxette Fanclub (The Netherlands):

5. The Official Roxette Homepage:

6. Roxette Newsgroup Homepage:

7. Luke's Roxette Page:

8. Baladas En Espanol:

9. Brazillian Roxette Homepage:

10. Yu Kuen's Home Page:

11. Roxette Special Area:

12. Roxette's "And In The Dark" Page:

13. Roxweb:

14. Roxette FTP Archives:

15. Roxette's CBB! World Tour:

16. Elektroniska Tider!:

17. Roxette Links Page:

18. Kathy's Roxette Page:

19. Jakub's Roxette Page:

20. The Roxette Archives:

21. Anton Zykov's Roxette Page:

22. German Roxette Home Page:

23. Articles about Roxette:

24. Cherry Lane: Best of Roxette:

25. Rox Forever:

26. Roxette Lyrics Page:

27. You Know You're a Roxette Fan When...:

28. Thomas Hansen's Roxette Page:

29. Visa Kopu's Roxette Page:

30. The Joyride Philosophy:

31. #Roxette Unplugged:

32. #Roxette Uncensored & Uncut:

33. Skywalker's Guide to Cinamon Street:

34. Join the Joyride Page:

35. Edward's Roxette Page:

36. Another German Roxette Page: 

37. Mark Kirkwood's Roxette page:

38. Japanese Roxette Homepage:

39. Hungarian Roxette page:

40. Chinese Roxette Homepage:

41. German Roxette article:

42. Roxette Re-evaluated (A Critical Perspective):

43. Complete Roxette Lyrics:

44. Swedish Marie Fredriksson Page with Interview:

45. Gyllene Tider omtale:

46. Sounds Good (Article by Anders Herrlin):

47. Another Gyllene Tider Homepage:

48. Per Gessle News:

49. New Zealand Roxette Page

50. Gyllene Tider - The Addition

2.5  What about the online services?

There are many major online services for Roxette merchandise.


PerMarie Records:

A B CD's - 

CD Cellar - 

Compact Disc Connection - 

EMusic - 

CD Universe -

2.6  Is there a Roxette channel on IRC?

Roxette have their own channel called #Roxette on the dalnet and efnet
IRC servers. Check out the web pages, #Roxette Uncensored & Uncut and
#Roxette Unplugged.


3.1  Who are Roxette?

Roxette are the Swedish rock band comprising of Marie Fredriksson and
Per Gessle. Fredriksson and Gessle met in 1978 at a recording studio
in Sweden. This chance occurrence laid the foundation for the "Roxette
music" which has eventually spread all over the world. Roxette
recordings started in 1985, and in 1986, Roxette were officially

3.2 What is the Roxette story so far?

In the late Eighties and early to mid Nineties, a bunch of catchy and
well-executed singles made the duo Roxette Sweden's most successful
musical import since Abba. Unlike Abba however, singer Marie
Fredriksson and songwriter, rhythm guitarist, and vocalist Per Gessle
specialized in guitar-oriented rock. Gessle had fronted a popular
Swedish band, Gyllene Tider, and Fredriksson had embarked on a solo
career before the two joined forces in the mid-Eighties. From the
start, they set their sights on the English-speaking market that is
essential to international stardom, writing and recording in English.

Their plan paid off in 1989, when Roxette's second album, 1988's "Look
Sharp!", made a big impact in the U.S, generating the #1 hit singles
"The Look" and "Listen to Your Heart", the #2 hit single "Dangerous",
and the #14 hit single "Dressed for Success". In 1990, Fredriksson and

Gessle again topped the singles charts with the ballad "It Must Have
Been Love", featured on the soundtrack to the film "Pretty Woman". The
following year, Roxette released their fourth album, "Joyride", which
spawned another #1 hit with the title track; another cut, "Fading Like
a Flower (Every Time You Leave)", went to #2 in the U.S. Also in 1991,
Roxette began their first worldwide tour, performing over 107 concerts
and attracting more than 1.6 million people from Europe, North and
South America, and Australia. During the tour, Roxette also produced 3
more international hit singles from the Joyride album, including the
power ballad hit, "Spending My Time".

Roxette finally ended their first worldwide tour in July, 1992, and
had indeed established themselves as one of the most popular bands in
the world. Many music magazines had Roxette as the No.2 band in
Europe, just behind U2. Hit singles and constant touring were the main
reason for Roxette's high popularity. During late 1992, Roxette
released their fourth album, "Tourism", which produced another 2 hit
singles, "How Do You Do!", and "Queen of Rain".

After 4 years of hit singles and constant promotion and touring,
Roxette were invited to perform at the prestigous MTV Unplugged in
January, 1993 at Stockholm, Sweden. The year, 1993, was a very
eventful one for Roxette, with Marie having her first baby, and Per
becoming married to Asa Nordin. However, Roxette spent the majority of
their time in the recording studios developing material for their
upcoming new album. During late 1993, Roxette again appeared in 
another commercial movie soundtrack with the song "Almost Unreal", in
the movie "Super Mario Bros". Almost Unreal was a big hit for Roxette
especially in Europe, and it received much airplay around the world
despite the poor quality of the movie itself.

The year of 1994 will always be remembered for when Roxette changed
their complete style, both appearance-wise, and musically. Marie had
adopted a much shorter hairstyle, while Per had gone for the "natural"
long hair look. When Roxette released Crash! Boom! Bang! in
early-1994, critics were confused and even shocked on the overall
style of the album. They really didn't know where Roxette were going
anymore in terms of music, and consequently could not place them in 
any one category of music type. Not surprisingly, critics fell short
in reviewing the album completely, and many presented previous beliefs
of Roxette in their reviews, which were obviously false. Crash! Boom!
Bang! will always be remembered as a musical success story,
artistic-wise, even though it did not sell as well as previous Roxette

Roxette began their second worldwide tour during mid-1994 to support
the Crash! Boom! Bang! album. They travelled to Europe, South Africa,
Australia, Asia, and South America. One of the highlights of the tour
was Roxette's live performance in China, in which they were the second

band ever to perform live in that country. The tour ended during
mid-1995, and it was overwhelmlingly more rock-oriented than the
previous Joyride tour.

As 1995 progressed, Roxette went into slightly different directions.
Per Gessle wrote and performed songs for the band called, "The Lonely
Boys", and also got together with his old band, Gyllene Tider. Marie
also did several performances with other artists. Roxette released
their Greatest Hits album in late-1995 titled "Don't Bore Us - Get To
The Chorus!", which contained 14 of their greatest hits and with an
additional 4 new songs including the hit singles "You Don't Understand
Me" and "June Afternoon". So far, the album has sold just over 4.5
million copies.

During 1996, Roxette's one and only release was the Spanish album,
"Baladas En Espanol". Throughout the year, Roxette were in continual
negotiations with their record company in the US, which had failed to
promote Roxette effectively. Per Gessle spent most of his time working
and performing with his band Gyllene Tider, while Marie Fredriksson
was busy recording her new solo album. During late-1996, the Greatest
Hits album re-entered the albums charts in many countries especially
in Australia in which it achieved top 10 status.

So far in 1997, there has been the release of "Baladas En Espanol" in
North America, and the release of the new Marie Fredriksson solo
album. Per Gessle has released his new single, "Do you wanna be my
baby?", which has topped the Swedish charts. The new Per Gessle album 
titled, "The World According to Gessle", has been released in many
European countries.

3.3  What albums have Roxette recorded?

The official albums Roxette have recorded and their year of release
are as follows:

Pearls of Passion - 1986.
Dance Passion - 1987.
Look Sharp! - 1988.
Joyride - 1991.
Tourism - 1992.
Crash! Boom! Bang! - 1994.
Don't Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! - 1995.
Baladas En Espanol - 1996.

3.4  How many albums have Roxette sold worldwide?

As of March, 1997, it is estimated that Roxette have sold just over 37
million albums, and over 17 million singles. This makes Roxette the
second biggest selling Swedish artist of all time!

3.5 What home videos have Roxette released?

The home videos Roxette have released are as follows:

Look Sharp Live! (1989) worldwide. 
Roxette The Videos (1991). 
Live-ism (1992) worldwide. 
Don't Bore Us - Get To The Chorus! Roxette's greatest video hits
Crash! Boom! Live! - The Johannesburg Concert (1996).

3.6  What has been Roxette's most commercially sucessful album?

The 1991 Roxette album, "Joyride" is Roxette's most successful album
to date, selling just over 11 million copies as of 1996.

3.7  Are Roxette still active?

Roxette have just had a 12 month break from writing and recording, and
Marie has just had another baby. However, Per Gessle will release a
worldwide solo album in early 1997. Recordings for the new Roxette
album are likely to begin in early 1997. 

3.8  When will the new Roxette album be released?

As mentioned above, recordings for the new album will begin sometime
in early 1997. Rumours of a release date of early 1998 have been
circulating. If anyone has any extra information on this, then please
email me.

3.9  When will the Greatest Hits album be released in the US?

The answer to this question is vague as no one (even Roxette
themselves) has any definite answers. More than likely, it will be
released in the next 2 years depending upon Roxette's  record company
in the US.

3.10  When will Pearls of Passion be re-released?

The re-release of Pearls of Passion has again been delayed due to
unforeseen circumstances with EMI. Information gathered so far
suggests that Pearls of Passion may be released anytime in the next 2
years. Anyone with any definite release date for PoP, then please
email me.

3.11  What songs are on Dance Passion?

Dance Passion is basically a remixed version of Pearls of Passion,
excluding the tracks, "Call of the Wild", "Voices", "Surrender", "From
One Heart to Another", and "So Far Away".

3.12  Where do Roxette record their albums?

Roxette mainly record their albums at EMI Studios, Stockholm, Sweden;
Tits and Ass Studios, Halmstad, Sweden; and London, England.

Roxette have also recorded at Capri, Italy, and also various places
around the world including South America.

3.13  What Soundtracks have Roxette Recorded?

Roxette have appeared in four soundtracks. They are:

Pretty Woman (1990) - With the song, "It Must Have Been Love".
Paradise (1992) - With the song, "Fading Like a Flower".
Super Mario Bros (1993) - With the song, "Almost Unreal".
Neverending Story III (1994) - With the song, "Crash! Boom! Bang!"

3.14  What are the locations of the Roxette video clips?

Listen To Your Heart and Dangerous - Borgholm Slottsruin, Sweden.  

Fading Like A Flower - Stockholm, Sweden.  

Church Of Your Heart - A church in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney,
Australia and crowd footage from the Sydney concert used in Live-ism
plus some from an extra shoot done on the morning of their first
Sydney concert.  

(Do You Get) Excited? - Western Australia Desert.  

Vulnerable - Carrington Hotel in Katoomba (Blue Mountains 1 hour drive
west of Sydney) and around Bondi Beach in Sydney.  

Sleeping In My Car - Tesco Shopping Center in the North of London. 

Fireworks - City scenes are in London not sure about the country

You Don't Understand Me - National New Forest in London.  

She Doesn't Live Here Anymore - a factory in Stockholm.  

(Information by Steven Francis) 

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM