Top Document: comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ part 3/5 Previous Document: Next Document: See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Date: 5 Feb 2002 22:03:03 -0400 In DOS 5.0 (and possibly in 4.0 as well), there are actually two volume labels: the LABEL command reports only the first but changes both of them. * The traditional volume label is an entry with "volume label" attribute in the root directory of the disk. The DIR, VOL, and LABEL commands report this volume label, and LABEL sets it. * There is a second volume label, which may be different, in the boot record along with the serial number. In DOS 4.0 and later, INT 21 AH=69 gets or sets the boot record's serial number and volume label together; see <Q:05.13> [How can I get the disk serial number?] DIR and VOL ignore this volume label; the LABEL command doesn't report it but does set it. The rest of this answer assumes that by "volume label" you mean the traditional one, the one that DIR and VOL display. Though it's a directory entry in the root directory, you can't change it using the newer DOS file-access functions (INT 21 AH=3C, 41, 43); instead, use the old FCB-oriented directory functions. Specifically, you need to allocate a 64-byte buffer and a 41- byte extended FCB (file control block). Call INT 21 AH=1A to find out whether there is a volume label. If there is, AL returns 0 and you can change the label using DOS function 17 or delete it using DOS function 13. If there's no volume label, function 1A will return FF and you can create a label via function 16. Important points to notice are that ? wildcards are allowed but * are not; the volume label must be space filled not null terminated. The following MSC 7.0 code worked for me in DOS 5.0; the functions it uses have been around since DOS 2.0. The function parameter is 0 for the current disk, 1 for a:, 2 for b:, etc. It doesn't matter what your current directory is; these functions always search the root directory for volume labels. (I didn't try to change the volume label of any networked drives.) // Requires DOS.H, STDIO.H, STRING.H void vollabel(unsigned char drivenum) { static unsigned char extfcb[41], dta[64], status, *newlabel; int chars_got = 0; #define DOS(buff,func) __asm { __asm mov dx,offset buff \ __asm mov ax,seg buff __asm push ds __asm mov ds,ax \ __asm mov ah,func __asm int 21h __asm pop ds \ __asm mov status,al } #define getlabel(buff,prompt) newlabel = buff; \ memset(newlabel,' ',11); printf(prompt); \ scanf("%11[^\n]%n", newlabel, &chars_got); \ if (chars_got < 11) newlabel[chars_got] = ' '; // Set up the 64-byte transfer area used by function 1A. DOS(dta, 1Ah) // Set up an extended FCB and search for the volume label. memset(extfcb, 0, sizeof extfcb); extfcb[0] = 0xFF; // denotes extended FCB extfcb[6] = 8; // volume-label attribute bit extfcb[7] = drivenum; // 1=A,2=B,...; 0=current drive memset(&extfcb[8], '?', 11);// wildcard *.* DOS(extfcb,11h) if(status == 0) { // DTA has volume label's FCB printf("volume label is %11.11s\n", &dta[8]); getlabel(&dta[0x18], "new label (\"delete\" to delete): "); if(chars_got==0) printf("label not changed\n"); else if (strncmp(newlabel,"delete ",11) == 0) { DOS(dta,13h) printf(status ? "label failed\n":"label deleted\n"); } else { // user wants to change label DOS(dta,17h) printf(status ? "label failed\n" : "label changed\n"); } } else { // no volume label was found printf("disk has no volume label.\n"); getlabel(&extfcb[8], "new label (<Enter> for none): "); if (chars_got > 0) { DOS(extfcb,16h) printf(status ? "label failed\n" : "label created\n"); } } } // end function vollabel User Contributions:Top Document: comp.os.msdos.programmer FAQ part 3/5 Previous Document: Next Document: Part1 - Part2 - Part3 - Part4 - Part5 - Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Jeffrey Carlyle)
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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