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FAQ: Where to post in REC.ARTS.MOVIES.*

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Top Document: FAQ: Where to post in REC.ARTS.MOVIES.*
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SECTION ONE : General Information

(1.1) 	What movie newsgroups are there ?
(1.2)	What other general movie-related FAQs/Info that are posted to
     	the movie newsgroups regularly ?
(1.3)	What is the standard Netiquette ?
(1.4) 	If I have something to tell all movie fans, should I crosspost ?
(1.5)	What do I do when the thread has evolved into a topic that is 
	no longer appropriate for the newsgroup ?
(1.6)	My post fits into two groups ? Where should I post it to ?
        [intelligent use of the "follow-up" function when posting]
(1.7)   What should I do if I don't have all the groups in the
        hierarchy ?

SECTION TWO : Specific guide for posting some common 
              rec.arts.movies.* topics

(2.1)	Where should I ask which movies actor <X> starred in?
(2.2)   Where should I talk about Oscars, Cannes, Sundance or
        other movie award ceremonies (such as adult-oriented ones)?   
(2.3)	When I want to talk about actor <X> in movie <Y>, to where should 
	I post it ? 
(2.4)	How do I decide if a film is current or past ?
(2.5)	To which group should I post my personal N Best/Worst films of the 
	year ?
(2.6)   I just saw movie <Y> in a theater and I want to make comments about
        this movie, so that's movie-going, right ? Answer : NO
(2.7)   Where do I ask what is a good "first-date" or "Nth-date" movie ?
(2.8)   Where do I advertise "Movie Posters For Sale" ?
(2.9)   I want to ask about how the special effects of a film was produced. 
	Should I post it to .tech or .production ?
(2.10)	What are some of the topics being discussed in .misc ?
(2.11)	Where should I compare films of all times ?
(2.12)  Where do I ask about availability of movies on video
        and questions specific to the video versions of movies ?
(2.13)  Where do movie quote quizzes, trivia contests, etc., belong ? 
(2.14)  Where does discussion of the rec.arts.movies.* heirarchy 
        itself belong, such as comments/debate on any of the topics 
        in this FAQ, or discussion of splits or new newsgroups within 
        the hierarchy ?

SECTION THREE : Other movie-related resources outside the Usenet arena

(3.1) 	Where are some of the movie-related WWW sites ? 
(3.2) 	What movie mailing-lists are there?

SECTION FOUR : Hints on how to present your article

SECTION FIVE: Further reorganization of the rec.arts.movies.*
              hierarchy ?

(5.1)   When is the earliest day a subsequent split can be considered ?
(5.2)   In what newsgroups should the initiation of such proposals be 
        discussed ?
(5.3)   Where can I obtain more info on creation of Usenet newsgroups ?

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

Top Document: FAQ: Where to post in REC.ARTS.MOVIES.*
Previous Document: News Headers
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM