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Meteorology FAQ Part 3/7: Sources of research data
Section - 12) Software and documentation

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  The Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies provides GrADS (Grid Analysis and Display System) software and documentation.  GrADS is an interactive desktop tool for the analysis and display of earth science data.

  Information from the National Weather Service Telecommunication Gateway (NWSTG) of the National Weather Service (NWS), Systems Operations Center,about changes to data formats and transmissions information that has not yet been published in standard source documents, such as NWS manuals, WMO manuals, or other documents or announcements.  

  A collection of scientific software written by Warren Wiscombe.  Mostly atmospheric radiation-related:  Mie code, discrete ordinates radiative transfer code, atmospheric thermodynamics code, and other programs.

  Steve Baum's collection of information about, and links to, software
for graphical presentation and numerical analysis of oceanographical
and meteorological data.

  The Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks archives various radiative transfer and other software.  The program uvspec, which calculates diffuse and direct uv and visible fluxes (radiance) and intensities (irradiance) at any altitude, is in <URL:>.
<URL:> contains a general n-stream 
radiative transport equation solver.

  Unidata Program Center.  Decoders for for SAO, METAR, RAOBs;  WXP;  
NetCDF;  units converter; and other software available.

  Various software and utilities, including Skew T log P charting software, GRIB decode software, grid interpolation codes, US standard atmosphere calculation.

  This FTP site at Florida State University is a repository for public domain software and shareware that is useful to atmospheric scientists.  

  WeatherNet software archive.  Many popular weather related shareware
and freeware programs, including WeatherGraphix, HurrTrk, RAOB, WxView, 
Sharp, WinWeather, Blue-Skies.

  Code for the NCAR/CGD Community Climate Model.

<URL:> (shareware version of WeatherGraphix 4.1a, a weather plotting
and analysis program) and hurricane tracking software.

  Various weather software for Mac and PC.

  Humidity-wind chill-heat index program, sunrise calculation program

  Humidity product calculator for Windows 95 and Dos.

  Radiosonde (TTAA, etc) decode program in perl/java

  Javascript atmospheric variable calculator 

   Interactive Radar Analysis Software (IRAS) package home page. IRAS is a free X-Windows based software tool which is used to display weather radar data. 

  Scientific visualization software, Vis5D and VisAD.

  GRIB decode in C

  GRIB decode in Fortran

  BUFR decode in Fortran (various files for different platforms)

  Program to decode SYNOP and RTTY Meteo AAXX/BBXX codes, for PCs.

  Information on METAR and WMO codes

  LaTex Style file for JAS

  LaTex style sheet for the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society. 

  BibTeX style (.bst) file and a LaTeX style (.sty) file for
AMS publications

  The FAQ for the Usenet newsgroup  Includes pointers
to format descriptions and software for various data formats, including
several which are frequently used in the atmospheric sciences:  CDF,
netCDF, HDF, GRIB.  Also pointers to scientific visualization software.

  NCAR Technical Note 404, An Introduction to Atmospheric and 
Oceanographic Datasets.  By Shea, Worley, Stern and Hoar;  kept
updated on the web.  Information about datasets and data types
available to the community.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM