Top Document: Meteorology FAQ Part 3/7: Sources of research data Previous Document: 9) Instruments and field experiments Next Document: 11) Miscellaneous data See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge <URL:> <URL:gopher://> OCEANIC, the Ocean Information Center at the University of Delaware, contains information about data collected for the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) and the Tropical Oceans and Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE). In addition OCEANIC has a searchable international research ship schedule database, a searchable directory of names/addresses/e-mail of scientists involved in WOCE, and numerous links to WOCE data facilities and other oceanographic information systems. <URL:> <URL:gopher://> National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) of NOAA. The NODC holds physical, chemical, and biological oceanographic data collected by U.S. Federal agencies, including the Department of Defense (primarily the U.S. Navy); state, and local government agencies; universities and research institutions; and private industry. A large percentage of the oceanographic data held by NODC is of foreign origin. <URL:> <URL:> JPL Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC). Products available from PO.DAAC are largely satellite derived, and include: sea-surface height, surface-wind vector (and sigma-nought), surface-wind speed, surface-wind stress vector, integrated water vapor, atmospheric liquid water, sea-surface temperature, sea-ice extent and concentration, heat flux, and in-situ data as it pertains to satellite data. <URL:> NCEP Ocean Modelling Branch. Includes global wave model forecast and sea ice information. Regional wave model output is available for several regions. Fog model and sea ice information also available. <URL:> <URL:gopher://> Scripps Institute of Oceanography Center for Coastal Studies (CCS) "Data Zoo". Data collected by various California coastal data collection programs and studies. <URL:> Datasets from the the U.S. Geological Survey Global Change Research Program, an operational arm of the national U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP). Modern average global SST and polar sea ice are available. <URL:> NOAA's Pacific Marine Environment Laboratory. Interactive access to a selection of ocean climatologies and real-time and historical TAO buoy data. <URL:> AVISO - TOPEX/POSEIDON Home Page. Information on the French-American TOPEX/POSEIDON satellite mission and the French active archive data center, AVISO/Altimetry. Other information on space oceanography related matters. <URL:> <URL:> Sea level anomalies are routinely computed using TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) Interim Geophysical Data Records (IGDRs) by the University of Texas Center for Space Research (UT/CSR) as soon as the data for a complete 10-day repeat cycle are available, approximately 1 to 2 weeks after the end of a cycle. <URL:> The Alfred Wegener Institute provides the Hydrographic Atlas of the Southern Ocean. <URL:> <URL:> International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) server has several PC oceanographic products available, including a list of country codes and ship codes, and inventories of data profiles and research activities. For more information contact <URL:> East coast tidal heights and winds in "pub/Tidedata", QuickBasic IBM-PC shareware to compute tides and currents in "pub/Tides", Luyten & Stommel oceanographic atlas in "pub/LiveAtlas", and other related items. <URL:> Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) Ocean Acoustics Lab. Various oceanography-related Matlab stuff. <URL:> Delft University of Technology. Sea surface altimetry atlas computed from satellite data, satellite orbit determination, global windspeed and wave height from ERS-2. <URL:> Penn State University Offshore Weather Data Page. Offshore weather data from buoys, ships, and CMAN stations. 36-hour archive, updates every 15 minutes. <URL:> The Australian Oceanographic Data Centre (AODC) maintains a database of mainly temperature and salinity profiles for the Australian Area of Interest (30N - 80S; 20E - 150W), with limited quantities of in-situ data held outside of this region. Information about the datasets is available on the AODC server. <URL:> Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center. Interactive image generation of wave height analysis and forecasts, SST analysis and climatology. Information about the models used to generate the images is also available. <URL:> Global current marine observations and significant wave height map. <URL:> <URL:> NOAA's Environmental Technology Laboratory provides an archive of images of ocean surface wind direction for the North Atlantic Ocean from Over-the-Horizon (OTH) Radar. OTH-B was shut down by the Air Force on 4 April 1995 so there is no current data. <URL:> The Remote Sensing Group in the Division of Meteorology and Physical Oceanography of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. Low resolution visible and infrared imagery is collected daily from the NOAA sun-synchronous polar orbiting satellites. Low resolution observations (4 km.) are collected globally while high resolution observations (1 km.) are collected from selected areas of research interest around the globe. Oceanography pointers and indices: <URL:> <URL:> <URL:> <URL:> <URL:> <URL:> <URL:> User Contributions:Top Document: Meteorology FAQ Part 3/7: Sources of research data Previous Document: 9) Instruments and field experiments Next Document: 11) Miscellaneous data Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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