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Meteorology FAQ Part 6/7: Print and other resources
Section - 3) Books readable by English-reading nonprofessionals

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Top Document: Meteorology FAQ Part 6/7: Print and other resources
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Next Document: 4) Books readable by French-reading nonprofessionals
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  "Where to Read about Climate Change" is a list of recommended books
and articles available at <URL:>. 

  "Clouds in a Glass of Beer -- Simple Experiments in Atmospheric
    Physics" by Craig Bohren.  
  "What Light through Yonder Window Breaks", Craig Bohren.
  "How to Build a Habitable Planet", Wallace Broecker

  Microbursts: A Handbook for Visual Identification, Fernando Caracena et al.
(Second ed., Washinton: NOAA, 1990)
  Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena, William Corliss (The Sourcebook Project, Glen Arm, MD, 1977) --  Collection of unusual weather
observations from popular and scientific press.  To be taken with a 
grain of salt.
  "Storms" by William R. Cotton.  

  "Atmospheric Convection" by Kerry Emanuel, Oxford University Press, 1995 

  "Rainbows, Halos, and Glories", Robert Greenler (Cambridge University
Press, 1980) -- atmospheric optics

  "Sunsets, twilights, and evening skies", Meinel & Meinel (Cambridge 
University Press, 1983, New York) -- more atmospheric optics

  "Color and Light in Nature", Lynch (Cambridge University Press, 1995, 
New York) --  loaded with color photos of both atmospheric and astronomical
phenomena,  reviewed in the 14 June 1996 _Science_ 

  "Light and colour in the outdoors", M.G.J. Minnaert, Springer 1993,
ISBN 3540979352, 0387979352
  "Lightning and its Spectrum: An Atlas of Photographs", Leon Salanave (Tucson:
University of Arizona Press, 1980)
  "Peterson's Field Guide to the Atmosphere", (mostly) by Vincent
Shaeffer:  A readable guide to many aspects of modern meteorology, with
excellent qualitative coverage of many topics (optical effects,
particles, clouds, precipitation) Dozens of good color pics, too.
(Rick Russel, reviewer)

  "Volcano Weather: The Story of 1816, the Year without a Summer", Henry
Stommel and Elizabeth Stommel (Newport, RI: Seven Seas Press, 1983)
  "A View of the Sea", Henry Stommel, Princeton University Press, 1987.

  "All About Lightning", Martin A. Uman (New York: Dover, 1986)

  "Lightning, Auroras, Nocturnal Lights, and Related Luminous Phenomena", 
  Corliss, W.R., 1982. (Published and distributed by The Sourcebook
  Project, P.O. Box 107, Glen Arm, MD  21057) Tel: (301) 668-6047

  The Nature of Ball Lightning, S. Singer (New York: Plenum Press, 1971)
  "Atmospheric Phenomena: Readings from Scientific American" (San Francisco:
WH Freeman, 1980)
  "NOAA/NWS Advanced Spotter's Field Guide" (NOAA PA 92055) -- A new and pretty
slick 28 p. pamphlet; many photos of tornadoes and sever thunderstorms.
(Frank Reddy, reviewer)
  "The Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Weather" 

  "WEATHER MAPS - How to Read and Interpret all the Basic Weather Charts" Chaston Scientific, Inc., P.O. Box 758, Kearney, MO 64060 or email ($29, as of Jan 1997 -- second edition).  
  What I like about it from a teaching perspective is that all the 
meteorological principles are included in the explanation of the weather maps.  I particularly like the chapter on weather forecast models, because it explains the process in easy-to-understand, nonmathematical terms.
(Thomas Magnuson, reviewer)

  "Hurricanes!"  Written for non-meteorologists.  Available Feb 1996 from Chaston Scientific, Inc., P.O. Box 758, Kearney, MO 64060 or email ($29 as of Feb 1996).
  "Will it Rain?  The Effect of the Southern Oscillation and El Nino
on Australia", (2nd edition), Edited by I J Partridge.  AUS$20, can
be ordered from DPI Publications, GPO Box 46, Brisbane 4001, Australia,
(07) 239 3100 phone, (07) 239 0860 fax.
  This is a book for farmers, graziers, students and anyone else 
interested in the weather and seasonal forecasting.  It explains the Southern Oscillation and El Nino. This is a revised and much enlarged version of the original (1991) Will it rain?, and is a companion volume to the software package AUSTRALIAN RAINMAN.

  Significant Tornadoes, 1680-1991 (with supplement for 1992-1995),
Tom Grazulis, 802/748-2505.  1350 pages.

  The Severe Local Storm Forecasting Primer (second edition of Severe Local Storms Forecasting Environments) John S. Sturtevant. 
  A primer on forecasting techniques for Severe Local Storms. It includes Chart Analysis, Synoptic Situations, Indices Forecasting, Covers Radar, Satellite, Hail, Wind, Tornadoes, Flash Floods, Lightning, Geography, The 
Future, An Appendix of Computer Weather Services and Weather Software and a Thunderstorm Parameter Worksheet.  Available from Weather Scratch
Meteorological Services, 140 South Kirkman Street, Florence, Alabama 
35630-4312, for $34.95 (checks made payable to Weather Scratch;  or email the author at or phone (205) 766-8464, fax 
(205) 766-8464, WWW <URL:> 

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM