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Transcendental Meditation mini-FAQ

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Archive-name: meditation/transcendental/minifaq
Posting-Frequency: weekly

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
Last updated:  August 25, 1997

1) What is the Transcendental Meditation technique and program?

The Transcendental Meditation technique is a method of mantra
meditation popularized by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (12 Jan 1917- ), an
Indian monk. 

The Transcendental Meditation program includes TM and various related 
services, including meditation checking, residence and advanced
courses, TM-Sidhi program, Maharishi Ayur-Veda, teacher training,

2) What is the purpose of this newsgroup?

This newsgroup generally contains discussion of various aspects of the
TM program from a variety of viewpoints.

Postings promoting other meditative or spiritual techniques, or from
those seeking more information about programs not associated with
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, are best sent to other newsgroups, including:

alt.meditation          General discussion of meditation.
alt.meditation.quanyin  The Quan Yin method of meditation.
alt.meditation.shabda  "Spiritual Freedom Through Inner Sound & Light"
soc.religion.shamanism  Discussion of the full range of shamanic
                        experience. (Moderated)

For discussions of ayurveda not specific to Maharishi Ayur-Veda:     Really old medicine from India.

(The descriptions are from the standard newsgroups file.)

3) How can I find out more about the TM program and other activities
   of the TM movement?

a) Web sites:

   Complete Guide to the Transcendental Meditation Program:

   Maharishi University of Management:

   Natural Law Party:

b) Local Centers/Schools:  There are at least 45 TM movement
   facilities in the United States.  Look in the White Pages of your
   phone book under "Transcendental Meditation" or "Maharishi Vedic
   School," or visit the above web sites.

c) Books still in print:

   _The Maharishi:  The Biography of the Man who gave Transcendental
   Meditation to the West_, by Paul Mason.  Element Books, 1994.  The
   unauthorized or unofficial biography of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.

   _The TM Book_, by Denise Dennison.

   _Science of Being and Art of Living_, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
   Latest edition is Meridian/Penguin, 1995.

   _Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita, A New Translation and
   Commentary, Chapters 1-6_. Meridian/Penguin.

4) How can I find out more about the TM program from the viewpoint of
   its critics or ex-members?

a) Web sites:

   Meditation Information Network:
   "Supporting critical examination of the programs associated with
   Maharishi Mahesh Yogi." 

   Mirrored at:
   "Independent research on the Transcendental Meditation technique
   and the related programs associated with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi"

b) Periodical and support group:

   Transcendental Meditation Ex-Members Support Group (TM-EX)
   P.O. Box 7565
   Arlington, VA 22207

c) Books:

   _TM and Cult Mania_ by Michael Persinger with Normand J. Carrey 
   and Lynn A. Suess.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM