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Impotence FAQ
Section - 4. Injectables

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Top Document: Impotence FAQ
Previous Document: 3. Vacuum pumps
Next Document: 5. Suppositories
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4.1 What injectable medications are available?
4.2 What is bi-mix? Tri-mix?
4.3 Ouch! Won't it *hurt* to inject something into my penis?
4.4 Do injectables work?
4.5 What are the possible side effects of injectables?
4.6 How do I actually do the injection?
4.7 Should I be trying to inject into a vein or artery?
4.8 How long should I wait for my erection to subside before worrying?
4.9 Will injectables affect my partner?
4.10 What dosage should I take?
4.11 Can I raise the dosage myself?
4.12 Why are there daily/weekly limits on how often you can use
4.13 Do I have to use that huge syringe that came with my medication?
    How do I get other syringes?
4.14 Can I reuse syringes?
4.15 What are autoinjectors? Are they worth the money?
4.16 After only one injection, the bottle is still mostly full. Do I
    really have to throw it away? 
4.17 What if I don't want to pay for kit syringes I never use?
4.18 Will testosterone treatment help me?

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Top Document: Impotence FAQ
Previous Document: 3. Vacuum pumps
Next Document: 5. Suppositories

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sine nomine <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM