Top Document: rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide Previous Document: 10 - Should I Study More Than One at a Time Next Document: 12 - What Kind of Martial Art Suits Me See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Though it is touched upon in other portions of this Guide, it's worth spending some time looking specifically at the dark, seamy underbelly of Martial Arts. This is the place where people take advantage of you. McDojo's First, let's look at the dreaded "McDojo." These are usually schools who's sole goal is to part you from your money without ever imparting any real Martial Arts knowledge. These can sometimes be difficult to detect since part of the successful money-student separation is to convince the student that useful information is, in fact, being taught while devising ever more ways to implement the money-student separation. This separation is often achieved by having fee after fee after fee and required expenditures on and on and on. For instance, schools that require you to buy only their branded uniforms and gear, require you to sign long contracts, have no "move refund" option in their contract, or high-pressure sales pitches. Another common tactic is to have numerous belt test requirements and sub-ranks, all with a fee, non-refundable if the student "flunks" his test. An example would be a school which has students ranked, "Second Stripe, Decided, Green Belt" or similar. These schools may also require weekend training trips. Besides the red flags listed above, a few other's that may indicate a "McDojo" include: Any school that promises you a Black Belt in under 3 years or routinely produces Black Belts in 2 years. Any school which seems to have overly young or inexperienced experts (usually "Black Belts" or "Dan ranks") - for example a school recently made the news, noteworthy because they had just promoted a three year old toddler to "Black Belt" and they had a five year old child as a 2nd Dan (second degree) "Black Belt." Scams Another variation on the McDojo effect are Scams. The number and variety of scams are infinite, as any grifter can tell you. However, the same grifter will also tell you that the most effective usually seem to be variation on a few basic themes. In the Martial Arts world, one of these themes is the "Study at Home" scam. One reason this is such an effective scam is that it's very similar in appearance to legitimate training aids. The scam usually takes the guise of an advertisement promising to impart vast knowledge and unbeatable fighting skills with the purchase of a home study system, usually consisting of Video Tapes or DVDs. The home practitioner then "studies" these videos, takes a test, sometimes written, sometimes by video taping himself and then mails it back to the originator for "grading" along with a sum of money. Naturally "rank" is issued (usually the coveted "Black Belt") as well as a lead in for additional "training." Of course, the consumers have become somewhat more savvy and this exact scam takes in fewer marks then it once did. Another variation of the scam is to simply not offer the "rank by mail," which is a dead give away. Instead, the same "be an unbeatable killer" advertising is used to sell the video material. A third variation of this particular scam involves actual "live" training. A seminar is offered from which the attendees are guaranteed rank (often teaching rank) in a new and unbeatable system. These seminars are usually short, only a couple of hours, and often attempt to make some tenuous link to military combatives such as the Marines or the Special Forces (linking to the "unbeatable" skill of military groups is another common "hook"). Another variation of martial arts scams are questionable training aids. These are devices or machines which, through their use, supposedly will confer awesome capabilities to their users. They frequently take the form of exercise aids with vastly exaggerated claimed benefits. Occasionally these devices can take the form of a machine or appliance which will "teach" your body to perform some devastating "secret" technique. The reason these scams are so successful is that they so closely mirror legitimate training aids. Video's, books, and seminars, exercise devices, even weekend training camps, are all tools used by legitimate martial artists to enhance their skills and improve their understanding. The critical difference is that the scams typically promise great gains, impressive skills, or rank for comparatively little investment of time. Cults Martial Arts hold a nearly unique place in society. They are, at most basic not related to any social, moral, or religious principles. They are merely "martial," or "pertaining to war or combat skills." Yet, at the same time, many are drenched in philosophy and the "mental" benefits cited range from improved self esteem all the way through metaphysical abilities. Simply put, mysticism in Martial Arts is not only accepted, but often EXPECTED. Coupled with the business or organizational structure of many Martial Arts, this produces a prime candidate for cult like organizations to spring up. All of the required markers or precepts are easily applied. For instance, the required attitude to "trust without question" a leader or central authority is readily accepted behavior in many Martial Arts. Simply put, the instructor knows what he's talking about, you should listen to what he says even if you do not understand why. Most often this is a safety or training issue. The experienced instructor knows that a certain way is safest or most likely to produce results. That alone is no more proof that a certain Martial Art is a cult than the requirement to follow orders instantly and without question is evidence that the Army is a cult. However, it does place an instructor in a position of power to abuse emotionally vulnerable people. Though fortunately rare, cult like indicators have been seen including: 1) Complete emotional dependence upon a central authority figure 2) Accepting without question directives from a central authority figure 3) Isolation of group members and restriction of their association to other group members exclusively, including communal living and breaking ties with family and close friends 4) Single minded recruitment into the group 5) Relinquishing control of personal assets to the central authority figure. Of course, this is a short and perforce slightly vague list. If you suspect someone may be becoming involved in a cult of any sort, whether Martial Arts or otherwise, research the organization thoroughly and consult a licensed mental health care professional. Two examples of Martial Arts organizations that closely match cult profiles are: Chung Moo Do, and Kanzen Kenpo Sexual Predators - Pedophiles and Power Abusers Another area of concern for many people is that of sexual abusers. This is generally of greatest concern to parents. How can you know that the Instructor is not a Pedophile? The Martial Arts world frequently generate exactly the recipe needed for a Pedophile to successfully engage in his preferred perversion: unsupervised access to children. In fact, it's gone one better. The instructor is, by default, placed in a position of authority and trust for the child. This danger can be doublely compounded by some standard activities associated with Martial Arts such as weekend seminars in remote or isolated areas and out of town, over-night, competitions. Fortunately the safe-guards for children in the Martial Arts are the same as for any other activity. Check the background of a potential instructor. You can check with the local Police Department for complaints or criminal history (a wise idea whatever the case) as well as consulting databases (many of them "on-line") listing Sexual Predators. Ensure that the child is never alone and unsupervised. Go with your child to his classes (be sure to sit quietly to the side; take reading material or a quiet hobby). Many schools even have a special area where parents can sit and watch the class. Whenever your child has an out of town or over-night function, accompany them or have a trusted adult accompany them. Go with your child to watch his competitions. It's an enjoyable spectator event and will show your child that you support his interests. Finally, pay attention to your child. Observe changes in behavior that might indicate emotional trauma such as withdrawing from friends and family, hostility, or depression. Listen to your child and talk with them about the dangers of the world and what is and is not acceptable conduct from others. For further tips and advice consult your local Police Department. Sexual Power Abusers are not generally thought of in the context of a Martial Arts instructor. While the idea of a Boss at a work place or a Professor at a University being a sexual power abuser is fairly well accepted, often the idea of applying the same context to other authority figures is overlooked. Unfortunately some Martial Arts instructors have used their positions as an authority figure to prey sexually on their students. This is a difficult subject. On the one hand, most would agree that it is unethical for an instructor to use his position to influence or compel a student into a relationship with him. On the other hand, if a student is an adult and is consenting, what harm? The Martial Arts world is replete with stories of couples who met as Martial Arts instructor and student and then pursued a romantic relationship successfully outside of the school. Further, some students are actually attracted to the power and authority of a Martial Arts instructor, much as some are attracted to athletes or politicians. The best advice for adults is to be very careful and use common sense. Naturally, if an instructor (or even a fellow student) is making unwanted advances, tell them that you are not interested. Be polite but clear and firm. You're not interested in pursuing a relationship beyond mutual adherents of a Martial Art. If the unwanted advances continue, your road narrows somewhat. If the advances are from a fellow student or Assistant Instructor, go to the Primary Instructor and explain the situation. Ask him to help you and to talk to the offending person. Chances are this has happened before and the instructor may not have known about it. Regardless, most instructors are wary of law suits. If, on the other hand, the unwelcome advances are from the Chief Instructor or Owner then your only recourse may be to simply leave that school and seek instruction elsewhere. You may be able to file a complaint if the school is a member of a larger national or international organization but do not count on this curing anything. Some organizations may take steps to chastise or even revoke the instructor's membership, other organizations may do nothing. Unless a crime, such as rape has occurred, the legal system will probably be little help. Over all, your best option may simply be to seek instruction elsewhere. User Contributions:Top Document: rec.martial-arts Newbie Guide Previous Document: 10 - Should I Study More Than One at a Time Next Document: 12 - What Kind of Martial Art Suits Me Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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