Top Document: MH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers Previous Document: 02.11 How can I build MH on HP-UX? Next Document: 02.13 Is there a patch to fix this or that? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge From: Ted Remillard <tedr at> Date: 24 Jun 1996 08:53:42 -0700 You can get MH to stop managing the headers and let the email server to do it. To do this, build MH with the options DUMB and REALLYDUMB. In the $MHLIB/mts.conf (mtstailor) file, set the server option to the IP address of the email server. After this is done, MH sends email directly to the email server and Local email To: and From: fields just have the user's simple email address, e.g., <fred>, and the remote email From: header will contain user@domainname, e.g., <>. Don't forget to define the REALLYDUMB option in the file sbr/addrsbr.c described below. From: Bret Rothenberg <bretr at> Date: Tue, 23 Jan 1996 12:25:24 -0800 (PST) Yes, use the "localname" parameter in "$MHLIB/mts.conf" (mtstailor) to specify the desired hostname. From: Ken Hornstein <kenh at> Date: 18 Aug 1995 23:51:48 -0400 If you're behind a firewall and sendmail gives you fits because MH adds the node name or site name to each address in the To: and CC: fields, you'll need to modify the MH source. The relevant source has to do with the REALLYDUMB option in sbr/addrsbr.c. Essentially what you need to do is set it up so REALLYDUMB is turned on (normally, it's turned off if you have MMDF or SMTP turned on). This will do what you want. I did this at our site, and it's been working great. The stuff for REALLYDUMB starts around line 613. User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:Top Document: MH Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers Previous Document: 02.11 How can I build MH on HP-UX? Next Document: 02.13 Is there a patch to fix this or that? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: Bill Wohler <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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