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*This FAQ is in digest format. In rn and trn, ^G skips to the next section.* C O N T E N T S Part 0: Administrivia 0.00 Copyright 0.01 Introduction Part 1: Do you really need an MLM? 1.00 Running your list without an MLM 1.01 Using someone else's MLM Part 2: Things to think about when choosing an MLM 2.00 What's your preferred software-design philosophy? 2.01 How much money, time, and expertise do you have? 2.02 Are you tied to a particular operating system? 2.03 Do you need to modify the MLM's source code? 2.04 Performance and system-load issues related to server activity 2.05 Performance and system-load issues related to mail delivery 2.06 Features and usability for administrators 2.07 Features and usability for users 2.08 Loop detection and elimination Part 3: Specifics per package 3.00 MLM's in general 3.01 Almanac [v. 1.5.1b] 3.02 BMW [v. 5.0] 3.03 IDG 3.04 ListProc, free version [v. 6.0c] 3.05 CREN ListProc [v. 7.1] 3.06 LISTSERV [v. 1.8a] 3.07 Mailbase 3.08 MAISER (part of the Mercury Mail Transport System) [v. 1.13] 3.09 Majordomo [v. 1.92] 3.10 MReply [v. 1.71] 3.11 MXSERV (MX/MLF, part of the Message Exchange system) [v. 4.1] 3.12 SmartList [v. 3.10] 3.13 Smof Listserver for DOS/KA9Q. [v. 05l] 3.14 TULP [v. 4.0.0] Part 4: Appendices 4.00 Where to get the current version of this FAQ 4.01 Changes in this version 4.02 Acknowledgements 4.03 Acronyms explained (FAQ, MLM, MTA, MUA) 4.04 URL's -- how to read them and use them User Contributions:Section Contents
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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