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Part 3





The following list of magic magazines is from contributions from the
following people: (Bruce Barnett)  (Paul Nielsen) (MR GARY E HUNT)
	General Magic

PO Box 36068
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Tel: (213) 935-2848

Color cover, 80 pages an issue. The largest circulation of any magazine.
Everyone should get this just for the ads, as most items are advertized
here.  Some columns are useless. I currently enjoy "The Giorgio Letters"
which describes how the Erdnase book is a lot of bull. Jamy Ian Swiss is
the current book reviewer.

At present, the price of a one-year subscription for the U.S., Canada or
Mexico is $30; two years $55. Contact them for information about overseas
MAGIC - an Independent Magazine for Magicians. 
Circulation Office
7380 S. Eastern Ave.
Suite #124-179
Las Vegas, NV 89123 USA
Tel: (702) 798-4893
Fax: (702) 798-0220
$35 a year/ 12 issues.

Similar to Genii (actually - they are competitors) Color cover and color
inside. Columns by Paul Gertner (performance tips), Richard Kaufman (editor
of the magic section), and reviews by Mike Weber.

In my ( opinion, is certainly the BEST magic
magazine out there.  It is where I learn about 90% of my magic news and
features very interesting articles by the likes of Stan Allen and Michael

Goodliffe's Abracadabra
Published weekly. $88.50 for 52 issues 20 pages each issue.
	(Send $2.00 in cash for sample issue )
Goodliffe Publications
150 New Road, Bromsgrove,
Worcestershire B60 2LG.

Precursor: A Magazine of Innovation
unikorn magic
2215 Mytle St.
Erie, PA 16502
Edited by Bill Miesel
3 issues a year
$16 in US. Canada, Mexico, $19 elsewhere
Similar to Ibidem. Mostly new/experimental card work.
The Trapdoor
Steven L. Beam
Trapdoor Productions
407 Carrington Drive
Knightdale, NC 27545
(919) 266-7900
5 issues a year $30 USA, $42.50 Overseas
Excellent artwork and Humor, Closeup
The Minotaur
P.O. Box 470025
Broadview Hts. Oh 44147
$18/year (I think 4-5 issues)
This is Dan Harlan's magazine and its suppose to  be one of the best close up
magazines.  Not much card stuff.
Dan's has a great mind (I should probably get a subscription-- Mike Kamlet)

Harry Lorayne
62 Jane Street
NY NY  10074
$48/12 issues
Contains a lot of heavy duty card magic

The Crimp. 
Jerry Sadowitz, Flat 28, 177 Finchley Rd., 
London NW3 Glg., UK. 
This is definitely not for young people because of the language,
but it is a great and funny monthly. Mostly great card stuff plus some other
good items. Lots of clever, very usable stuff. 
It recently got a good review in Magic magazine (Mac King loves it..)

21 Noe Place
Beacon Falls, CT  06403
(203) 729-4278
$18 a year/6 issues

It's a bi-monthly journal for professional restaurant and bar magicians with a 
circulation in ten countries 
published by Jim Sisti (MagicMenu)
Tom Stone posted the following message:
I'm announcing the birth of a Swedish independent magic newsletter.

The first issue of Dr. Faustus Journal will appear in mid-april(95). There
will be 10 issues/year. 8-12 pages in each issue.
The focus will be performance material and theory.
You who are interested in a subscription write to:

Tom Stone/Bengtsson Julias gata 111
422 51 Hisings Backa

Club 71
REPRO MAGIC publish "Club 71" magazine. Independant
editorial, covering all branches of magic. Four colour cover and
84 pages published six times per year. Annual subscription 12
British pounds 20 dollars.
	New Age, Bizarre Magic, Mentalism, Occult, Tarot, Crystals, etc

The Altar Flame
Thaumysta Publishing Company
P.O. Box 17174, Minneapolis, MN  55417
$20/year  published quarterly by Mary Tomich
( or
It focuses on presentation-based magic in the areas of alternate
belief systems, occult themes, etc.  An issue was reviewed in the
August 1995 issue of MUM. 

c/o Joe Cabral, 115 Pinehurst Avenue, Waterbury, CT  06705
$10 published twice annually  by The Inner Circle of Bizarre Magic. 
It has been around for 8 issues but is in the middle of a brief hiatis

2901 N. 55th Avenue
Phoenix,AZ 85031-3301. 
Internet - 
 $38.00 US per year 
Lee Earle has the goods with this monthly offering for the mentalist. 
Just effects and routines by the real workers and sources in his editors column.

Krypts Quarterly Crier
c/o David Zver
89 West Broad St.
Bethehem, PA 18018

4 issues for $20. An issue is 16 pages of 8 1/2 by 11.

Specializes in Bizarre, New Age, Occult presentations.

The New Invocation (Edited by Docc Hilford)
PO Box 17163
Phoenix, AZ 85011

$20 for 12 issues (12 pages, 8 1/2" by 11") 
Published irregularly. 
Specializes in Bizarre, New Age, Occult presentations.

		Magazine for Collectors
Thomas A. Sawyer
521 S. Lyon St., No. 105
Santa Ana, CA 92701

Magic Collector's Bulletin
George Daily's Magacana for Collectors
3778 Cayuga Lane
York, PA 17402
(717) 757-3098

$4 for current issue

The Collectors' Forum
Fred Evans editor
PO. Box 391
Knoxville, TN,  37901

 This quarterly publication costs $20 per year. It is based on
letters and short articles that reads submit, and thus has a very friendly
feeling. Fred includes with each issue various magic "stuff", which itself
is collectable. Well worth the money.

David Meyers
PO BOX 427
Glenwood, ILL 60425

 this is the quarterly publication of the Magic Collectors
Association. For information on joining write David Meyers, PO Box 427,
Glenwood, Ill, 60425. The dues are $20 per year.

		Magic Clubs
Linking Ring   (monthly magazine)
International Brotherhood of Magicians
PO Box 192090
St. Lousis MO 63119-9998
Tele: (314) 351-7677
Fax: (314) 353-4771

M. U. M.  (monthly magazine)
Richard Blowers, National Administrator
P.O. Box 510260
St. Louis, MO  63151
(314) 846-5659

		Special Interests
Rubber Chicken Chronicles
Comedy and Christian Newsletter
Send $2 for sample issue
P. O. Box 505
Sweetwater, TN 37874



The following is a list of video tapes on magic.  The intent is to list
tapes which instruct rather than tapes of magic performances.  If you are
interested in the later, Jeff Isozaki ( posts a
monthly list of "Magic in Movies" indicating movies, actors, and scenes in
which magic appears.

Contributors: (Sleight of Hans) (Chris Ragaisis) (George B. Clark) (David B. Gumminger) (Hal Work) (Jeff Isozaki) (Michael Sibbernsen) (Paul Nielsen) (Nigel G. Backhurst) (Dennymagic) (Soup King)

1.  General

Brad Burt Video Tapes - Brad Burt series
  Are excellent for instructional purposes.  They are not fancy studio
  productions but are easy to follow. One includes the Zarrow shuffle and
  appears excellent. The tapes are advertised in Genii from Brad Burt's
  Magic Shop in San Diego.
  From Jay Malone (
  I know Brad and I have four of his videos (both coin videos, the sponge
  and the chop cup). Brad has been teaching many years and was, until he
  opened his shop, an active performer.  He studies each effect that he
  sells and I feel that his "rating system" is fair.  I've never been
  disapointed in my dealings with him.

2.  Performance/Philosophy

[No items in this topic]

3.  For the Beginner

Mark Wilson Videos
  The Mark Wilson videos are terrific.  If you liked the book, you'll like
  the videos.  Well produced, very good instructional layout, easy to
  follow and understand.  I highly recommend them especially for a beginner.

4.  Card Magic

Advanced Card Work - all of the Tannen's Stars of Magic-Paul Harris series.
  Paul is good, funny, and weird.  The tapes are extremely well done, and
  the selection of magic is commercial (i.e. not just finger flinging to
  impress other magicians, its finger flinging to impress _everybody_!)
  Definitely not for beginners!

Basic Card Slights - Bill Tarr
  90min tape packed with, as Bill Tarr says, "everything you need to know
  to be a dynamite card magician." The video has fairly poor production
  quality, and the backdrop is quite confusing.  This aside, the
  instruction is excellent;  Bill Tarr is a very good teacher.  The topics
  include: The Slip Shuffle, Jog Shuffle, Hindu Shuffle, Slip Cut, False
  Triple Cut, Double Cut Classic Pass, Invisible Pass, Say When Pass,
  Classic Force, Riffle Force, Top- Palm, Double Lift, Top Change, Glide,
  Buckle, Elmsley Count, Card Weaving, and Key Cards.  It includes good
  bits of card business and a few good card tricks.  Recommend to any
  beginning magician as a good way to start with almost all basic card
  slights.  Also pretty good for those more experienced that need to work
  on old skills.

Card Manipulation and Flourishes
  "Art of Card Manipulation" - Jeff McBride
  "Card Flourishes" - Lou Lancaster
  "The Major Card Flourishes" - Brad Burt
  "Fedko - Card Illusions" - John Fedko
  "Card and Ball Manipulation" - Peki
  "Steven's Vol 3" - Shimada

On the Pass - Richard Kaufman
  I just bought the video "On the Pass" by Richard Kaufman last weekend. It
  is a good presentation of the classic pass, riffle pass and Herrmann pass
  along with several variations and tricks based on them.  He first
  demonstrates the pass as the spectator would see it. Then carefully shows
  finger positions and moves very slowly. This is shown from the
  performer's point of view.  Then he speeds things up.  Awesome!
  My first time through the tape, I just sat there with my mouth hanging
  open. Do I ever have a lot of practicing to do.  One comment he makes
  near the end of the 40 minute video is, "Practice the classic pass 100
  times a day for a year and you'll really have something special."

Zarrow Shuffle, The - Brad Burt
  This man has to be one of the best teachers I've ever seen. Here, he
  teaches both the Zarrow and Faro shuffles as well as tricks. The
  Zarrow is the best looking table false shuffle I've ever seen. Unless
  you are specifically looking for it, you can't tell the difference
  between a Zarrow shuffle and a tabled riffle shuffle - even then you
  might not do it.

5.  Coin Magic

Expert Coin Magic Made Easy - David Roth
  A must have for anyone who wants to get into coin magic.  He will teach
  any necessary sleights, then he will show a routine on a spectator, and
  then he will have a breakdown of the routine that he did.

6.  Card & Coin Combinations

Basic Card and Coin Sleights - Brad Burt series
  Brad is the best teacher of effects around. He has beginners' tapes on
  cards, coins, flourishes and sponge balls. They are self-produced so they
  are more reasonably priced than Tannen tapes. Brad "guarantees" you can
  learn the stuff from the tapes. I don't know if that means refunding the
  price of the tape if you can't, but it seems worth a try. For more info,
  call (619) 571-4749, Fax: (619) 571-7943.

Daryl's Encyclopedia of Card Sleights
  The most complete videos on card sleights currently available.  There are
  eight volumes total.  Each volume is around $30.  He explains things in a
  clear way and has a nice sense of humor.

7.  Mentalism

Eugene Goes Bizarre - Eugene Burger - STEVEN'S VOL 4"
  I'm very impressed with Burger's Videos. The number of tricks is pretty
  low but the production values are the highest I've seen in any of the 8
  videos I own. I do a modified version of his "Retribution" (aka the
  burned card) and just left people with jaws on the floor.  His Gypsy
  thread routine in "..Bizzare" is REALLY nice. I have several of his books
  and attended a small seminar that he gave in St. Paul last year. A
  thoroughly enjoyable person, he really puts a lot of work into his
  routines, books and videos.

8.  Other Magic

Animation and Levitation - Kevin James' Floating Rose
  This tape is phenomenal!  You might never do the floating rose, but you
  learn everything you need to do levitiation and animation (close up and
  stage).  It is difficult, but Kevin takes you step by step and leaves
  nothing out.

Chop Cup, The - Brad Burt
  Everything to do the Chop cup, complete with the double large load
  endings standing up and surrounded.

David Harkey Lecture - David Harkey
  Top notch! His routines are simple, visual, and strong. It requires
  some good misdirection, but its not overly finger flinging.
  Most (all) of the material is in his book. His lecture consists of 10
  items. His book has 60 items. All of the material is similar in
  style/strength. He is very innovative. His routines have been used to
  win awards. He spent "10 years of his life" working on this book and
  it shows. He is a nice guy and quite funny. He is easy to talk to and
  not egotistical. He has a knack of ribbing people in the audience w/out
  insulting them. This is a rare talent. Strongly recommend the lecture
  and the book.

Greatest Hits - Randy Wakeman
  C&S Enterprises - 1116 Brookview - Brentwood, TN  USA    37027
  90 minutes.  13 effects all taught. All Card routines.
  Great quality, post production editing by pro magician (Jim Suprise).
  Three good routines are Overclock, Card under glass, and Spectator on
  stage. I have included Spectator on stage in my own performance it is a
  great ace cutting effect. Harry Loryane Linking Ring "Fine Selections,
  fine quality, fine teaching tape"

Impossibilia - The John Bannon Video.
  It demonstrates and explains 13 tricks, and it runs 90 minutes. It's

Linking Rings -  Here is a partial list of tapes with instructions on the
  linking rings:
  1) Fedko - John Fedko has a series of 6 tapes numbered 1 thru 6. One
     of the tapes has linking rings as well as other platform effects. I
     believe the linking rings are on the "Classic Magic" volume.
  2) Marc DeSousa - "Prize Winning Magic"
  3) Richard Ross - Stevens' "Greater Magic" series
     The most beautiful version of rings I have ever seen.  I watched it
     many times and was always impressed.  He's great.

Off the Cuff - Greg Wilson
  From: Jim Lewis (
  He demonstrates a ton of effects on it (way more than are listed on the
  case).  They are all impromptu magic and very impressive.
  There are so many good effect on this video that it will keep you
  busy for months. I'd recommend this video over any other that I own for
  someone who is just beginning. It's great for advanced magicians too.

Pat Page's Spongeball Magic 	(1991, T.A.T)
  From:  Stephen "PH" Buxton  (
  This video is a must for all beginners in spongeball magic.  He
  covers four basic vanishes, which are performed cleanly.  He shows you his
  professional sponge ball routine, and gives a variety of other methods of
  bringing a surprise climax to any routine.  Eg sponge to silk, colour
  changing balls, sponge to coin, etc.  Different methods of productions are
  also shown, like split, and ball from mouth. He also shows his variation of
  the Benson rice bowl trick (from Classic Secrets Of Magic, B. Elliot), and
  a few ideas for chop cup routines, including a chop Top Hat.  As well as
  these, he gives a number of tips about spongeball magic that he has picked
  up over the years. All in all, an excellent video for the beginner, but
  with bits of interest for those who are more advanced in the art.

Routine Closeup - John Mendoza's
  C&S Enterprises - 1116 Brookview - Brentwood, TN  USA    37027
  1 hr 40 min tape. Mendoza performs 10 effects and teaches 6 of them.
  Great quality, post production editing by pro magician (Jim Suprise).
  Particularly well explained are Mendoza's Cups and Balls and Dice
  Stacking. The Dice stacking are done in slow motion with a clear glass.
  Phil Willmarth in Linking Ring said, ".. it is far and away the finest
  instructional video I have ever seen"

Thumb Tips - Patrick Page - from the Trik-A-Tape Company,
  45-47 Clerkenwell Road, London, EC1M 5RS tel 71 253 9693
  Having watched perhaps a dozen instructional VHS tapes on magic, this one
  has to be my favorite.  It gives an incredible amount of detail for the
  endless variety of tricks you can do using a thumb tip.  I see beginners
  frequently posting inquiries about how to get started in magic.  Buying a
  copy of this tape is my advice. 

9.  History/Reference

[No items in this topic]

10.  Business Issues in Magic

Negotiating Higher Performance Fees audio tape - Michael Ammar
  Recommended regarding fees earned by magicians.

Restaurant Magic Business - Charles Green
  Tape that is VERY helpful for the restaurant performer.

11.  Performing for Children

Ballooning 101 - T. Myers
  An introduction to balloon characters.


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