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Libertarian FAQ: World's Smallest Political Quiz

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Archive-name: libertarian/quiz
Last-modified: 12 April 1999
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Version: 2.228
Copyright: (c) 1994-2000 Advocates for Self-Government

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"Are you really a liberal?  A closet conservative?  A libertarian? 
Despite its name, the World's Smallest Political Quiz is savvy and 
willing to tell you the truth." -- Yahoo Internet Life

The World's Smallest Political Quiz is also on the World Wide Web.

Current Results

Total number of quiz takers (782,907):

Libertarian        37.6%
Left-liberal       16.2%
Centrist           29.7%
Right-Conservative  8.4%
Authoritarian       8.1%

Also check our site for the daily presidential poll.  Results can be 
found at:

                        WORLD'S SMALLEST POLITICAL QUIZ

   Take the World's Smallest Political Quiz to find your political
   identity. Choose Y when you agree with a statement, M for Maybe,
   Sometimes or Need-More-Information, or choose N for No.


  20   10   0
Y __ M __ N __ Military service should be voluntary. (No draft)
Y __ M __ N __ Government should not control radio, TV, the press or 
               the Internet.
Y __ M __ N __ Repeal regulations on sex for consenting adults.
Y __ M __ N __ Drug laws do more harm than good. Repeal them.
Y __ M __ N __ Let peaceful people cross borders freely.

____ My PERSONAL self-government score: add 20 for Y, 10 for M, 0 for N.


  20   10   0
Y __ M __ N __ Businesses and farms should operate without govt. subsidies.
Y __ M __ N __ People are better off with free trade than with tariffs.
Y __ M __ N __ Minimum wage laws cause unemployment. Repeal them.
Y __ M __ N __ End taxes. Pay for services with user fees.
Y __ M __ N __ All foreign aid should be privately funded.

____ My ECONOMIC self-government score: add 20 for Y, 10 for M, 0 for N.

How to use the Self-Government Compass
Mark your PERSONAL score on the left and your ECONOMIC score on the 
right.  Then, follow the grid lines (rows of dots) until they meet at 
your political identity!   An example for someone who scored 20 on 
Personal and 30 on Economic is indicated with an asterisk (*).
The compass measures self-government. Liberals value freedom of
expression.  Conservatives value free enterprise.  Libertarians
value both. Authoritarians are against both.
		      ./ \.
		    ./  .  \.
		  ./  .   .  \.
		./  .   .   .  \.
	      ./  .Libertarian.  \.
	    ./ \.   .   .   .   ./ \.
	  ./  .  \.___.___.___./  .  \.
	./  .   . ! .   .   . ! .   .  \.
      ./  .   .   !   .   .   !   .   .  \.
    ./  .  Left . ! .   .   . ! . Right .  \.
 100 \.   Liberal !  Centrist !Conservative/ 100
       \.   .   . ! .   .   . ! .   .   ./   
      80 \.   .   !___.___.___!   .   ./ 80
	   \.   ./  .   .   .  \.   ./   
	  60 \./  .   .   *   .  \./ 60
 (%)           \. Authoritarian ./           (%)
 Personal     40 \.   .   .   ./ 40     Economic
 Self-Governor     \.   .   ./     Self-Governor
		  20 \.   ./ 20
		      0   0


Political Philosophies

     * Libertarians are self-governors in both personal and economic
       matters. They believe government's only purpose is to protect
       people from coercion and violence. They value individual
       responsibility, and tolerate economic and social diversity.
     * Left-liberals prefer self-government in personal matters and
       central decision-making on economics. They want government to
       serve the disadvantaged in the name of fairness. Leftists tolerate
       social diversity, but work for economic equality.
     * Centrists favor selective government intervention and emphasize
       practical solutions to current problems. They tend to keep an open
       mind on new issues. Many centrists feel that government serves as
       a check on excessive liberty.
     * Right-conservatives prefer self-government on economic issues, but
       want official standards in personal matters. They want the
       government to defend the community from threats to its moral
     * Authoritarians want government to advance society and individuals
       through expert central planning. They often doubt whether
       self-government is practical. Left-authoritarians are also called
       socialists, while fascists are right-authoritarians.


Would you like an information kit about libertarian ideas, including a 
best-selling hardbound book, five quiz cards, and more?  Send an $8.00
contribution to help with the costs to:  Advocates for Self-Government, 
1202 N. Tenn. St., Suite 202, Cartersville, GA 30120, (770)386-8372,
(800)932-1776, Fax: (770)386-8373

To subscribe to our biweekly newsletter by e-mail, send a message to with the single word "subscribe" in
the body.  (Don't put quotes around the word.)

The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational organi-
zation.  Our purpose is to present libertarianism -- the freedom
philosophy -- honestly and persuasively.  Contributions are tax
deductible under section 501(c)(3).


   Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Advocates for Self-Government, Inc. OK to 
   reprint quiz as-is with credit to the Advocates. The Self-Government 
   Compass is adapted from an original idea by David Nolan.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM