Archive-name: judaism/reading-lists/reform
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Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism
Part IV: Reform Judaism
[Last Change: $Date: 1995/10/19 15:21:18 $ $Revision: 1.2 $]
[Last Post: Thu Feb 12 11:07:05 US/Pacific 2004]
"In keeping with the mitzvah of Talmud Torah... a Jewish home
should have a library, and time should be set aside for the study
of Torah" [GoM75]
This message is intended to provide readers of soc.culture.jewish with
a list of references to allow them to learn more about the current
practices, past practices, beliefs, and history of the Reform Movement
with Judaism.
In general, throughout the reading lists, North American (US/Canada)
terms are used to refer to the movements of Judaism. Outside of North
American, Reform is Progressive or Liberal Judaism; Conservative is
Masorti or Neolog, and Orthodoxy is often just "Judaism". Even with
this, there are differences in practice, position, and ritual between
US/Canada Reform and other progressive/liberal movements (such as UK
Progressive/ Liberal), and between US/Canada Conservative and the
conservative/Masorti movement elsewhere. Where appropriate, these
differences will be highlighted.
One of the four major movements within Judaism, the Reform or Liberal
Movement (the term "Reform" seems to be more prevalent in the U.S.A.,
"Liberal" or "Progressive" elsewhere) began in the 1800's in Germany
during the enlightenment. Adherents to Reform typically do not follow
all of the ritual practices of their traditional bretheren; practices
that are followed are chosen based on how they increase the sanctity
of the follower's life.
Additional information on the Reform/Progressive movements in Judaism
may be found in the [6]Reform Judaism FAQ, which is Section 18 of the
Soc.Culture.Jewish FAQ.
The soc.culture.jewish Reading Lists have associations with
[7] and [8]Artscroll. The presence of an Amazon ( [Buy At
Amazon: URL...] ) or Artscroll ( [Buy at Artscroll: URL...] ) tag on a
list item means the item is available from the indicated vendor. There
is always the possibility that the items status has changed since the
tag was added; in particular, items may have moved to special order,
backorder, or on-order status. If you have corrections to the tag, or
want to provide a synopsis of the book, please drop a note to
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This reading list is organized as follows:
* [8]Introduction to this Reading List
* [9]Where Can I Get These Books From?
* [10]Reform Beliefs
* [11]Reform Rituals and Practice
* [12]Reform Liturgy
* [13]Reform Responsa
* [14]Reform History
* [15]The Bible
* [16]The Rabbinate
* [17]Credits
Subject: Where Can I Get These Books From?
Many of these books are available through general bookstores or
Judaica bookstores. A list of links to these may be found in the
[6]sources section of the [7]General Reading List (if you are reading
this at [8], you can simply click on the "Sources"
button in the header navigation bar). The following are sources for
material specific to the Reform or Progressive Judaism movements:
* CCAR Press. [9]
Publishers of liturgical and reference material for the Reform
* UAHC Press. [10]
Publishers of a large amount of material dealing with the Reform
[Amazon Associate] In addition, the S.C.J Reading List has established
an affiliate relationship with Amazon.Com.
([11] Now you can complete your Reform Jewish
library and support the continued development of the Reading Lists at
the same time, for many UAHC and CCAR publications are available
through Amazon. Additionally, many of the publications that reflect
Reform Jewish position are published through publishers that work with
Amazon (for example, Jewish Lights). For those reading this at
[12], you can click the link to the
left to browse Amazon's selections. Alternatively, if you enter Amazon
using the URL
sh, the reading lists will get credit for your entry. Additionally,
when you see the Amazon graphic [14][If you were at,
the graphic would be here] (or "[Buy at Amazon: http:...]") on an
entry in the reading list, this indicates that the specific book is
available for purchase at Amazon. Click on the graphic/link to go to
Amazon and purchase the book.
Subject: Reform Beliefs
Baeck, Leo. God and Man in Judaism. Translated from the German
by A. K. Dallas. New York : Union of American Hebrew
Congregations, 1958.
Borowitz, Eugene. Reform Judaism Today. New York : Behrman
House, c1977. Behrman House; 1983, Paperback reprint. ISBN
0-874413-64-8. [An omnibus volume of three of R. Borowitz's
essays, he discusses the evolution of Reform Judaism as one of
the predominant American forms of Jewish life. Covers the
Reform vision of God, Torah, and Israel; what it means to be a
Reform Jew today, and the place of Reform in the spectrum of
Jewish rituals and practices.]
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene. Liberal Judaism. Union of American Hebrew
Congregations; 1984. ISBN 0-807402-64-8.
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene; Patz, Naomi. Explaining Reform Judaism.
Behrman House; 1985. Paperback: ISBN 0-874413-94-X.
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene B. Renewing the Covenant: A Theology for the
Postmodern Jew. Philadelphia : Jewish Publication Society,
1991. Jewish Publication Society; 1998, Paperback. ISBN
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene B. Choices in Modern Jewish Thought: A
Partisan Guide. Behrman House; 1995. Paperback 2nd edition.
ISBN 0-874415-81-0.
[10][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene B. Reform Jewish Ethics and the Halakhah : An
Experiment in Decision Making. Behrman House; 1995. Hardcover:
ISBN 0-874415-72-1.
[11][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene B. Judaism After Modernity : Papers from a
Decade of Fruition. University Press of America; 1999.
Paperback: ISBN 0-761813-30-6.
[12][Buy at Amazon:
Borowitz, Eugene B.; Schwartz, Frances Weinman. The Jewish
Moral Virtues. Jewish Publication Society; 1999. Hardcover.
ISBN 0-827606-64-8. [Reform]
[13][Buy at Amazon:
Cohon, Samual S. Judaism as a Way of Life, UAHC Press, 1948.
Eisen, Arnold M. Rethinking Modern Judaism : Ritual,
Commandment, Community. University of Chicago Press; 1999.
Paperback: ISBN 0-226195-29-5.
[14][Buy at Amazon:
Gittelsohn, Roland B. The Extra Dimension: A Jewish View of
Marriage. UAHC Press, NY. 1983. #168500. ISBN 0-807401-70-6.
Out of print.
Goldstein, Niles Elliot (ed.) Duties of the Soul : The Role of
Commandments in Liberal Judaism. Union of American Hebrew
Congregations; 1999. Paperback: ISBN 0-807406-53-8.
[15][Buy at Amazon:
Jacob, Walter. The Changing world of Reform Judaism: The
Pittsburgh Platform in Retrospect: Papers Presented On The
Occasion Of The 100th Anniversary Of The Pittsburgh Platform.
Pittsburgh : Rodef Shalom Congregation, 1985. ISBN
[16][Buy at Amazon:
Maslin, Simeon J.; Merians, Melvin; Schindler, Alexander M.
What We Believe...What We Do...: A Pocket Guide for Reform
Jews. UAHC Press; 1998. Paperback: ISBN 0-807405-31-0.
[17][Buy at Amazon:
Reines, Alvin J. Polydoxy: Explorations in a Philosophy of
Liberal Religion. Prometheus Books; 1987. Hardcover. ISBN
[18][Buy at Amazon:
Stevens, Elliot (ed). Rabbinic Authority: Papers Presented
Before the Ninety-first Annual Convention of the Central
Conference of American Rabbis. New York: CCAR Press. 1982. ISBN
Syme, Daniel B. An Overview of Reform Judaism. UAHC. #280020.
ISBN 0-807402-60-5.
Wiener, Nancy H. Beyond Breaking the Glass Central Conference
of American Rabbis; 2001. Paperback. ISBN 0-881230-97-9.
[Reform: Discusses what Reform Judaism teachs about Marriage.]
[19][Buy at Amazon:
Subject: Reform Rituals and Practice
Maslin, Simeon J. (ed). Shaarei Mitzvah: Gates of Mitzvah: A
Guide to the Jewish Life Cycle. Central Conference of American
Rabbis; 1979, 1986. Paperback. ISBN 0-916694-53-4. [This book
summarizes the Reform position on the life cycle events]
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Knobel, Peter S. (ed). Shaarei Mo-Eid: Gates of the Seasons, A
Guide to the Jewish Year Central Conference of American Rabbis;
1983, 1986. Hardcover. ISBN 0-916694-92-5. [This book
summarizes the Reform position on the year cycle events]
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Shapiro, Mark Dov (ed.); Waldman, Neil (ill.). Shaarei Shabbat:
Gates of Shabbat. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1991.
Paperback. ISBN 0-881230-10-3. [This book provides Reform
guidelines on Shabbat observance.]
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Barth, Lewis M. (ed). Berit Mila in the Reform Context. Carol
Pub Group; 1990. Hardcover. ISBN 0-821650-82-3.
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Bial, Morrison. Liberal Judaism at Home: The Practice of Modern
Reform Judaism. Union of American Hebrew Congregations; 1971.
Paperback. Revised edition. ISBN 0-807400-75-0.
[10][Buy at Amazon:
Schauss, Hayyim. The Jewish Festivals: From Their Beginnings to
Our Day. UAHC, 1969. Out of Print
Schauss, Hayyim. The Lifetime of a Jew: Throughout the Ages of
Jewish History. UAHC Press; 1950, 1998. Paperback. ISBN
[11][Buy at Amazon:
Syme, Daniel. The Jewish Home: A Guide for Jewish Living. Union
of American Hebrew Congregations; 1998. Paperback. ISBN
0-807404-00-4. [Reform]
[12][Buy at Amazon:
Subject: Reform Liturgy
Orkand, Robert; Orkand, Joyce; Bogot, Howard I.; Sher, Barry
Nostradamus (Designer); Waldman, Neil (Illustrator). Gates of
Awe: Holy Day Prayers for Young Children. Reading level: Ages
4-8. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1991. Hardcover.
ISBN 0-881230-14-6.
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Jaffe, Hirshel (ed); Poller, H. Leonard (ed). Gates of Healing.
Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1988. Paperback. ISBN
0-881230-05-7. [For those in the hospital]
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Stern, Chaim (ed). Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer: The New
Union Prayerbook. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1975.
Hardcover. ISBN 0-916694-00-3. [Weekly prayerbook]
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Stern, Chaim (ed). Shaarei Tefila: Gates of Prayer for Shabbat
and Weekdays: A Gender Sensitive Prayerbook. Central Conference
of American Rabbis; 1996. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881230-64-2.
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Walter, Roy; Roseman, Kenneth D.; Gaber, Brad (Illustrator).
Shaarei Tefila Le-Noar: Gates of Prayer for Young People.
Reading level: Young Adult. Central Conference of American
Rabbis; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881230-45-6.
[10][Buy at Amazon:
Stern, Chaim (ed). Shaarei Teshuva: Gates of Repentance: The
New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe. Central Conference of
American Rabbis; 1978, 1999. Hardcover. Revised edition. ISBN
0-881230-69-3. [High Holiday Prayerbook]
[11][Buy at Amazon:
Stern, Chaim (ed). Gates of Repentance - Shaarei Teshuva: The
New Union Prayerbook for the Days of Awe, Gender-Neutral
Edition. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1999.
Hardcover. Revised edition. ISBN 0-881230-70-7.
[12][Buy at Amazon:
Davidson, C. Gates of Song. Transcontinental Music
Publications; 1987. Paperback. ISBN 0-807404-06-3.
[13][Buy at Amazon:
Hoffman, Lawrence (ed); Stern, Chaim (ed). Shaarei Bina: Gates
of Understanding, Volume I: Weekdays, Sabbaths, and Festivals.
Central Conference of American Rabbis. ISBN 0-916694-43-7.
1977. [Notes and source material for GoP]
Hoffman, Lawrence (ed); Stern, Chaim (ed). Shaarei Bina: Gates
of Understanding, Appreciating the Days of Awe. Central
Conference of American Rabbis; 1977, 1996. Paperback. Volume
II. ISBN 0-916694-84-4.
[14][Buy at Amazon:
Bogot, Howard; Waldman, Neil (Illustrator); Orkand, Robert.
Gates of Wonder. Reading level: Ages 4-8. Central Conference of
American Rabbis; 2000. Paperback. ISBN 0-881230-98-7. [Shabbat
Prayerbook for Little Children]
[15][Buy at Amazon:
Stern, Chaim (ed); Waldman, Neil (illus). Al Mezuzot Beitecha:
On the Doorposts of Your House. Central Conference of American
Rabbis; 1995. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881230-43-X.
[16][Buy at Amazon:
Frishman, Elyse D. (ed); Baskin, Leonard (illus.). Haneirot
Halalu: These Lights Are Holy: A Home Celebration of Chanukah.
Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1989. Paperback. ISBN
[17][Buy at Amazon:
Fisher, Adam. Seder Tu Bishevat: The Festival of Trees. Central
Conference of American Rabbis; 1989. Paperback. ISBN
[18][Buy at Amazon:
Bronstein, Herbert (ed); Baskin, Leonard (illus.). A Passover
Haggadah. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1974, 1994.
Paperback. ISBN 0-916694-05-4. [Pesach Siddur]
[19][Buy at Amazon:
Wiesel, Elie. The Six Days of Destruction: Meditations Toward
Hope. CCAR Press. Out of print
CCAR. Ma Gele Tsedek: Rabbi's Manual. Hardcover. Central
Conference of American Rabbis; 1988. Revised edition. ISBN
[20][Buy at Amazon:
Rosenberg, Aaron. Divrei Benei Mitzvah. CCAR Press. ISBN
Union Prayer Book I and II. Central Conference of American
Rabbis. 1947. [The previous prayerbook. I corresponds to GoP;
II to GoR.]
Subject: Reform Responsa
Bazak, Jacob (compl, annot. and arranged by); Passamaneck,
Stephen M. (trans., annot., and edited by). Jewish Life and
Jewish Law: Selected Rabbinical Responsa. 8 vols. UAHC Press.
Most volumes out of print.
+ Book 1: Lawyers, Judges and Legal Ethics. Union of American
Hebrew Congregations; 1998. Paperback. ISBN 0-807400-34-3.
[6][Buy at Amazon:
+ Books 2,3,4: Contracts, Real Estate, Sales, and Usury
+ Books 5,6: Credit, Law Enforcement, Taxation (#180212)
+ Books 7,8: Criminal and Domestic Relations (#180213)
Chatinover, Steven (Ed.) CCAR Combined Index to all Responsa.
IBM Compatible Disk. An online version may be found at
Freehof, Solomon B. The Responsa Literature Philadelphia :
Jewish Publication Society of America, 1955. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union College
Press, Cincinnati, 1960. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Recent Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union
College Press, Cincinnati, 1963. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Current Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union
College Press, Cincinnati, 1969. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Modern Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union
College Press, Cincinnati, 1971. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Contemporary Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union
College Press, Cincinnati, 1974. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., Reform Responsa for our Time. Hebrew Union
College Press, Cincinnati, 1977. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B., New Reform Responsa. Hebrew Union College
Press, Cincinnati, 1981. Out of Print.
Freehof, Solomon B. Today's Reform Responsa. Cincinnati :
Hebrew Union College Press, 1990. Out of Print. [Includes
cumulative index to author's previous volumes of responsa.]
Jacob, Walter (ed). American Reform Responsa: Collected
Responsa of the Central Conference of American Rabbis,
1889-1983. Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1983, 1999.
Paperback. Revised edition. ISBN 0-916694-83-6.
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Jacob, Walter (ed). Contemporary American Reform Responsa.
Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1987, 1996. Paperback.
ISBN 0-881230-03-0.
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Jacob, Walter. Questions and Reform Jewish Answers: New
American Reform Responsa. Central Conference of American
Rabbis; 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0-881230-35-9.
[10][Buy at Amazon:
Lauterbach, Jacob Z. Rabbinic Essays. Hebrew Union College
Press, Cincinnati, 1951. Out of Print.
Plaut, W. Gunther (ed); Washofsky, Mark (ed). Teshuvot for the
Nineties: Reform Judaism's Answers to Today's Dilemmas. Central
Conference of American Rabbis; 1999. Paperback. ISBN
[11][Buy at Amazon:
Subject: Reform History
Jacob, Walter (ed). Dynamic Jewish Law: Progressive Halakhah
Essence and Application. Rodef Shalom Pr; 1998. Paperback. ISBN
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Levy, Felix. "Moses Mendelssohn's Ideas of Religion and Their
Relation to Reform Judaism", in Yearbook of the CCAR, Vol 39.
CCAR, New York. 1929.
Marcus, Jacob R. Israel Jacobson: The Founder of the Reform
Movement in Judaism. Timewise; 1972. Paperback. ISBN
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Meyer, Michael A. Response to Modernity : A History of the
Reform Movement in Judaism. Oxford University Press, New York,
NY. 1988. Wayne State Univ Pr; 1995 (Paperback Reprint edition)
ISBN 0-814325-55-6.
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Meyer, Michael A. (ed); Plaut, W. Gunther (ed). A Reform
Judaism Reader: North American Documents. Paperback (July
2000). ISBN 0-807407-32-1.
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Philipson, David. The Reform Movement in Judaism. New York:
Ktav Pub. House. 1967.
Plaut, W. Gunther. The Growth of Reform Judaism. World Union
for Progressive Judaism, 1965.
Plaut, W. Gunther. Rise of Reform Judaism Sourcebook European.
Central Conference of American Rabbis; 1963. Hardcover. ISBN
[10][Buy at Amazon:
Silver, Daniel J. and Bernard Martin. A History of Judaism:
Europe and the New Worldides. Basic Books. 1974. ISBN
0-465030-07-6. Out of Print.
Soloff, Mordecai, How the Jewish People Lives Today. Union of
American Hebrew Congregations. 1940.
Subject: The Bible
Plaut, W. Gunther. The Torah, A Modern Commentary. Union of
American Hebrew Congregations; 1974; 1981 (Hardcover reissue).
ISBN 0-807400-55-6.
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Plaut, W. Gunther; Stern, Chaim (trans.); Stern, Philip D.
(ed.). The Haftarah Commentary. Union of American Hebrew
Congregations; 1998. Hardcover. ISBN: 0-807405-51-5.
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Fields, Harvey. A Torah Commentary For Our Times. Union of
American Hebrew Congregations; 1990, 1991, 1993. 1998. ISBN
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Freehof, Solomon B. Preface To Scripture. UAHC. 1957.
Subject: The Rabbinate
Freehof, Solomon B. Reform Jewish practice and Its Rabbinic
Background. Cincinnati: Hebrew Union College Press, c1944,
1964. Out of Print.
Gottschalk, Alfred. Your Future as a Rabbi: A Calling That
Counts. New York : R. Rosen Press, 1967. Out of Print.
Gottschalk, Alfred. To Learn and To Teach: Your Life as a
Rabbi. New York : Rosen Pub. Group, 1988. Out of Print.
Herring, Basil (ed). The Rabbinate As Calling and Vocation:
Models of Rabbinic Leadership. Jason Aronson; 1991. Hardcover.
ISBN 0-876687-35-4.
[6][Buy at Amazon:
Marcus, Jacob Rader; Peck, Abraham J. (ed). The American
Rabbinate: A Century of Continuity and Change, 1883-1983. Ktav
Publishing House; 1985. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881250-76-7.
[7][Buy at Amazon:
Neusner, Jacob. The Rabbinate in America: Reshaping an Ancient
Calling (Judaism in Cold War America, 1945-1990, Vol. 10).
Garland Pub; 1993. Hardcover. ISBN 0-815300-82-4.
[8][Buy at Amazon:
Polner, Murray. Rabbi: The American Experience New York : Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, c1977. Out of Print.
Rosenthal, Gilbert. The American Rabbi: A Tribute on the
Occasion of the Bicentennial of the United States, and the
Ninety-Fifth Birthday of the New York Board of Rabbis. New York
: Ktav Pub. House, 1977. Out of Print.
Zola, Gary Phillip (ed). Women Rabbis: Exploration &
Celebration: Papers Delivered at an Academic Conference
Honoring Twenty Years of Women in the Rabbinate, 1972-1992.
Hebrew Union College Pr; 1996. Paperback. ISBN 0-878202-14-5.
[9][Buy at Amazon:
Subject: How do I obtain copies of the Reading Lists?
There are a number of different ways to obtain copies of the Reading
* WWW. If you are reading this on Usenet, and would like to see an
online, hyperlinked version, go visit [2]
This is the "web" version of the FAQ; the version posted to Usenet
is generated from the web version. Note that the
version is a copy of the actual master version; if you want to
access the master, visit [3]
Alternatively, if you would like to see the posted version through
the web, visit [4] The
FAQ is in the subdirectory "FAQ"; the reading lists are in the
subdirectory "rl".
* Email. also provides an autoretriever that allows one
to obtain a copy of the reading lists by return Email. To use the
autoretriever, you send a retrieval request to
[5] with the request in the body of the
message. A more reliable way to retrieve these files is through
the [6]FAQ autoretriever
([7] For the FAQ, the
request has the form:
send faq partname
For the reading list, the request has the form:
send rl partname
"Partname" is replaced by the name of the part, as shown in the
general index. The following is a short summary of the mapping of
partnames for the Reading Lists:
+ [8]general: Introduction and General. Includes book sources,
starting points for beginners, starting points for non-Jewish
readers, General Judaism, General Jewish Thought, General
Jewish History, Contemporary Judaism, Noachide Laws, Torah
and Torah Commentary, Talmud and Talmudic Commentary,
Mishnah, Midrash, Halachic Codes, Becoming An Observant Jew,
Women and Judaism, and Science and Judaism.
+ [9]traditional: Traditional Liturgy, Practice, Lifestyle,
Holidays. Includes Traditional Liturgy; Traditional
Philosophy and Ethics; Prayer; Traditional Practice; The
Household; Life, Death, and In-Between; and The Cycle Of
+ [10]mysticism: Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism. Includes
Academic and Religious treatments of Kabbalah, Sprituality,
and the Jewish notion of the Messiah.
+ [11]reform: Reform/Progressive Judaism
+ [12]conservative: Conservative Judaism
+ [13]reconstructionist: Reconstructionist Judaism
+ [14]humanistic: Humanistic Judaism (Society for Humanistic
+ [15]chasidism: Chassidism. Includes general information on
historical chassidism, as well as specific information on
Lubavitch (Chabad), Satmar, Breslaw (Breslov), and other
+ [16]zionism: Zionism. Includes Zionism and The Development Of
Israel, The Founders, Zionistic Movements, and Judaism in
+ [17]antisemitism: Antisemitism. Includes sections on
Antisemitism, What Led to The Holocaust, Medieval Oppression,
Antisemitism Today (Including Dealing with Hate Groups),
Judaism and Christianity, and Judaism, Freemasonry and other
+ [18]intermarriage: Intermarriage. Includes sections on "So
You're Considering Intermarriage?", The Traditional
Viewpoint, Conversion, and Coping With Life As An
+ [19]childrens: Books for Jewish Children. Includes sections
on Birth and Naming, Raising a Child, Family Guidebooks,
Upsheren, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, Holiday Books for
Children, Liturgy for Children, Bible and Torah for Children,
Jewish History for Children, Jewish Theology for Children,
Israel, Learning Hebrew, and Jewish Stories.
The following is a short summary of the mapping to partnames for
the FAQ:
+ [20]01-FAQ-intro: Section [21]1: Network and Newsgroup
+ [22]02-Who-We-Are: Section [23]2: Who We Are
+ [24]03-Torah-Halacha: Sections [25]3, [26]4: Torah; Halachic
+ [27]04-Observance: Sections [28]5, [29]6, [30]7, [31]8:
Jewish Holidays; Jewish Dietary Law and Kashrut; Sabbath and
Holiday Observance; Woman and Marriage
+ [32]05-Worship: Sections [33]9, [34]10, [35]11: Jewish
Worship; Conversion, Intermarriage, and "Who is a Jew?";
Miscellaneous Practice Questions
+ [36]06-Jewish-Thought: Section [37]12: Jewish Thought
+ [38]07-Jews-As-Nation: Section [39]13: Jews as a Nation
+ [40]08-Israel: Section [41]14: Jews and Israel
+ [42]09-Antisemitism: Sections [43]15, [44]16, [45]17: Churban
Europa (The Holocaust); Antisemitism and Rumors about Jews;
Countering Missionaries
+ [46]10-Reform: Section [47]18: Reform/Progressive Judaism
+ [48]11-Miscellaneous: Sections [49]19, [50]20: Miscellaneous;
References and Getting Connected
+ [51]12-Kids: Section [52]21: Jewish Childrearing Related
+ [53]mail-order: Mail Order Judaica
Alternatively, you may send a message to
[54] with the following line in the body
of the message:
send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname)
Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory
and filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading
list, one would say:
send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general
* Anonymous FTP: All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists
are archived on [55] and are available for anonymous
FTP from the pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism/FAQ directory (URL
Similarly, the parts of the reading lists are stored in the
pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists directory (URL:
ts). Note that the archived versions of the FAQ and reading lists
are the posted versions; that is, they are each one large ASCII
Subject: Credits
This list was developed from suggestions on soc.culture.jewish, an
additional reading list developed by R. A. Levene, and the author's
personal experience. A large portion was based on "A Basic Library for
The Jewish Home" in [Gom75]. Eric Simon made significant contributions
when this list was remodeled in July 2000. Other "Netters" that have
recommended books for the list or made suggestions include: Mark B.
Novick, John Sadowsky, Rabbi Charles Arian, Eric Bram, and others.
A special thank you... Special thanks for her patience and
understanding go to my wife, Karen, who put up with me hiding at the
computer for the two months it took to complete the July/August 2000
remodel of the entire soc.culture.jewish FAQ and Reading Lists. If you
think the effort was worth it, drop her a note c/o
Please mail additions or corrections to me at
End of Judaism Reading List Part IV (Reform) Digest
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