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Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Judaism (Pt. VI)
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          Alpert, Rebecca T. and Staub, Jacob J. Exploring Judaism: A
          Reconstructionist Approach Reconstructionist Press, New York.
          1985. ISBN 0-935457-00-3.
          Cohen, Jack J. The Case for Religious Naturalism.
          Reconstructionist Press, New York. 1958.
          Eisenstein, Ira and Kohn, Eugene. Mordecai M. Kaplan: An
          Evaluation Jewish Reconstructionist Foundation, New York. 1952.
          Out of Print.
          Goldsmith, Emanuel S.; Scult, Mel; Seltzer, Robert M. The
          American Judaism of Mordecai M. Kaplan. New York Univ Pr; 1991.
          Paperback. ISBN 0-814730-52-3. [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Mordecai M. Judaism as a Civilization.
          Reconstructionist Press, New York. 1934. Jewish Publication
          Society; 1994. Paperback. 640 pages. ISBN 0-827605-29-3. [One
          of the most original contributions toward creating a
          comprehensive program for creative Jewish life. Kaplan here
          offers his now famous concept of Judaism as an evolving
          religious civilization. For Judaism to survive and grow, Jews
          must continue to reconstruct their heritage in response to
          changes in social, political, and cultural conditions.]
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Mordecai M., Ed. The Jewish Reconstructionist Papers.
          Behrman's Jewish Book House, New York. 1936. Out of Print.
          Kaplan, Mordecai M. The Future of the American Jew.
          Reconstructionist Press, New York. 1948. Out of Print.
          Kaplan, Moredecai M. Questions Jews Ask: Reconstructionist
          Answers. Reconstructionist Press, New York. 1956. Out of Print.
          Kaplan, Mordecai M. The Greater Judaism in the Making
          Reconstructionist Press, New York. 1960. Out of Print.
          Kaplan, Mordecai;Goldsmith, Emanuel S. (ed); Scult, Mel (ed).
          Dynamic Judaism: The Essential Writings of Mordecai M. Kaplan.
          Fordham Univ Pr; 1991. Paperback reprint edition. ISBN
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Mordecai, M. The Meaning of God in Modern Jewish
          Religion. Wayne State Univ Pr; 1994. Paperback reprint. ISBN
          0-814325-52-1. [Kaplan's most easily understood theological
          work. It is organized around the Jewish holidays but actually
          is an elaboration of the basic concepts of his theological
          system. This edition includes a new introduction, in which
          Kaplan's thought is put in a historical perspective.]
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Neusner, Jacob (ed). Conserving Conservative Judaism:
          Reconstructionist Judaism (Judaism in Cold War America,
          1945-1990, Vol. 7). Garland Pub; 1993. Hardcover. ISBN
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Prell, Riv-Ellen. Prayer and Community: The Havurah in American
          Judaism. Wayne State Univ Pr; 1989. Paperback. ISBN:
          0-814319-35-1. [Reconstructionist]
          [11][Buy at Amazon:

          Scult, Mel. Judaism Faces the Twentieth Century: A Biography of
          Mordecai M. Kaplan (American Jewish Civilization Series). Wayne
          State Univ Pr; 1994. Paperback. ISBN 0-814322-80-8.
          [12][Buy at Amazon:


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