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Judaism Reading List: Kabbalah and Mysticism (Pt. III)

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              Selected Sources for Additional Reading on Judaism
		Part III: Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism
         [Last Change: $Date: 1995/10/19 15:22:19 $ $Revision: 1.2 $]
                    [Last Post: Wed Feb 11 11:07:06 US/Pacific 2004]

     There is nothing more uniquely characteristic of the style of
     Jewish religious life than the great love Jews have for holy books.
   This list provides a collection of sources on "traditional" practice
   for readers of soc.culture.jewish. While no book can substitute for a
   formal course of instruction guided by one's Rabbi, these books are
   useful as reference material for the knowledgeable, and as an
   introduction for the not-yet-knowledgeable about Judaism.
   It is difficult to separate what is now termed "Orthodox" judaism from
   the collective term "Judaism". The practices of Orthodoxy tend to be
   the traditional practices. Furthermore, Orthodoxy is not organized as
   a movement in the same sense as Reform or Conservative; although
   Orthodox organizations exist, congregations do not need to join them
   to be considered Orthodox.
   In general, throughout the reading lists, North American (US/Canada)
   terms are used to refer to the movements of Judaism. Outside of North
   American, Reform is Progressive or Liberal Judaism; Conservative is
   Masorti or Neolog, and Orthodoxy is often just "Judaism". Even with
   this, there are differences in practice, position, and ritual between
   US/Canada Reform and other progressive/liberal movements (such as UK
   Progressive/ Liberal), and between US/Canada Conservative and the
   conservative/Masorti movement elsewhere. Where appropriate, these
   differences will be highlighted.
   The soc.culture.jewish Reading Lists have associations with
   [6] and [7]Artscroll. The presence of an Amazon ( [Buy At
   Amazon: URL...] ) or Artscroll ( [Buy at Artscroll: URL...] ) tag on a
   list item means the item is available from the indicated vendor. There
   is always the possibility that the items status has changed since the
   tag was added; in particular, items may have moved to special order,
   backorder, or on-order status. If you have corrections to the tag, or
   want to provide a synopsis of the book, please drop a note to

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Subject: ORGANIZATION This reading list is organized as follows: * [8]Introduction to this Reading List * [9]Academic Treatments of Kaballah * [10]Religious Treatments of Kaballah * [11]Spirituality * [12]The Messiah * [13]Chassidic Approaches To Spirituality * [14]Credits
Subject: Academic Treatments of Kaballah [Aar97] Aaron, David. Endless Light; The Ancient Path of the Kabbalah to Love, Spiritual Growth, and Personal Power. Simon & Schuster Books; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 0-684818-73-6. [6][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ari92] Ariel, David S. The Mystic Quest: An Introduction to Jewish Mysticism. Schocken Books; 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0-805210-03-2. [7][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Coo97] Cooper, David A. God Is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism. Riverhead Books; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 1-573220-55-8. [8][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Dan86] Dan, Joseph. Jewish Mysticism and Jewish Ethics. University of Washington Press, Seattle WA. 1986. Jason Aronson; 1996. Paperback. ISBN 1-568215-63-0. [9][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fel99] Feldman, Ron H. Fundamentals of Jewish Mysticism and Kabbalah. Crossing Pr; July 1999. Paperback. ISBN 1-580910-49-1. [10][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fin95] Fine, Lawrence (ed). Essential Papers on Kabbalah (Essential Papers on Jewish Studies). New York Univ Pr; 1995. Paperback. ISBN 0-814726-29-1. [11][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fis96] Fisdel, Steven A. The Practice of Kabbalah: Meditation in Judaism. Jason Aronson; 1996. Hardcover. ISBN 1-568215-08-8. [12][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ide88] Idel, Moshe. Kabbalah: New Perspectives. Yale Univ Pr; 1988, 1990. Paperback. Reprint edition. ISBN 0-300046-99-5. [13][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Low90] Loewenthal, Naftali. Communicating the Infinite: The Emergence of Habad School. University of Chicago Press; 1990. Hardcover. ISBN 0-226490-45-9. [14][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Mat93] Matt, Daniel Chanan (intro); Green, Arthur (preface). Zohar: The Book of Enlightenment (Classics of Western Spirituality). Paulist Press; 1983, 1988. Paperback. ISBN 0-809123-87-8. [15][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Mat97] Matt, Daniel Chanan. The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism. Book Sales; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 0-785808-70-1. [16][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch60] Scholem, Gershom. Jewish Gnosticism, Merkvah Mysticism and Talmudic Tradition. Ktav, New York. 1960. 2nd Ed. Block, New York. 1965. [Sch41] Scholem, Gershom. Major trends in Jewish Mysticism. Schocken Books; 1941, 1995. Paperback reissue edition. ISBN 0-805210-42-3. [17][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch49] Scholem, Gershom (ed). Zohar: The Book of Splendor: Basic Readings from the Kabbalah. Schocken Books; 1949, 1995. Paperback reissue edition. ISBN 0-805210-34-2. [18][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch65] Scholem, Gershom Gerhard; Manheim, Ralph (trans). On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism. Schocken Books; 1965, 1996. Paperback. ISBN 0-805210-51-2. [19][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch73] Scholem, Gershom Gerhard; Werblowski, R. Zwi (trans). Sabbatai Sevi. Princeton Univ Pr; 1973, 1976. Paperback. ISBN 0-691018-09-X. [20][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch89] Scholem, Gershom. Kabbalah. New American Library Trade; 1989. Paperback reissue edition. ISBN 0-452010-07-1. [21][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch91] Scholem, Gershom; Arkush, Allan (trans.); Werblowsky, R. J. Zwi (ed.). Origins of the Kabbalah. Princeton Univ Pr; 1991. Paperback reprint edition. ISBN 0-691020-47-7. [22][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch97] Scholem, Gershom; Neugroschel, Joachim (trans.); Chipman, Jonathan (ed). On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts in the Kabbalah. Schocken Books; 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-805210-81-4. [23][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sha82] Sharot, Stephen. Messianism, Mysticism & Magic: a Sociological Analysis of Jewish Religious Movements. Univ of North Carolina Press. 1982. Out of Print [Win97] Wineman, Aryeh (ed). Mystic Tales from the Zohar. Jewish Publication Society; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 0-827605-15-3. [24][Buy at Amazon: ish/]
Subject: Religious Treatments of Kaballah [Ash03] Ashlag, Rabbi Yehudah Lev In the Shadow of the Ladder: Introductions to Kabbalah. Nehora Press; (April 1, 2003). ISBN: 9657222087[Gives a great English translation of serious works by Rav Ashlag the Baal HaSulam (1886-1955) plus all the help in keywords and definitions to enable both the serious student and the novice access to an important teacher of the 20th century.] [6][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ban78] Band, Arnold J. Nahman of Bratslav: The Tales. Paulist Press; 1988. Paperback. ISBN 0-809121-03-4. [Although Paulist Press is a Christian publishing house, Dr. Band is a long-time professor of Jewish Studies at UCLA] [7][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Bok78] Bokser, Ben Zion (trans). Abraham Isaac Kook: The Lights of Penitance, Lights of Holiness: The Moral Principles, Essays, Letters and Poems. Paulist Press; 1978. Paperback. ISBN 0-809121-59-X. [8][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kap78] Kaplan, Aryeh. Meditation and the Bible. Samuel Weiser; 1978, 1988. Paperback. ISBN 0-877286-17-5. [9][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kap79] Kaplan, Aryeh (trans.) The Bahir: An Ancient Kabbalistic Text Attributed to Rabbi Nehuniah ben HaKana, First Century, C.E. Samuel Weiser; 1979, 1990. Paperback. ISBN 0-877286-18-3. [10][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kap85] Kaplan, Aryeh. Meditation and Kabbalah. Samuel Weiser; 1985, 1989. Paperback reissue edition. ISBN 0-877286-16-7. [11][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kap90] Kaplan, Aryeh. Innerspace, Introduction to Kabbalah, Meditation, and Prophecy. Maznaim Publishing Corp., 4304 12th Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 11219, 718-438-7680, New York/Jerusalem, 1990. [Kap90b] Kaplan, Aryeh (ed). Sefer Yetzirah: The Book of Creation. Samuel Weiser; 1990, 1997. Paperback revised edition. ISBN 0-877288-55-0. [12][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kap95] Kaplan, Aryeh. Jewish Meditation: A Practical Guide. Schocken Books; 1995. Paperback reprint edition. ISBN 0-805210-37-7. [13][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Pos98] Posner, Zalman; Sacks, Jonathan; Block, Yitzchok; Even-Yisroel, Adin. To Touch the Divine: A Jewish Mysticism Primer. Kehot Publication Society; 1998. Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-94-3. [14][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Rob93] Robinson, Ira. Moses Cordovero's Introduction to Kabbalah: An Annotated Translation of His Or Ne'erav. Yeshiva University Press (New York) and Ktav Publishing (Hoboken, New Jersey). 1993. Out of Print. [This is a classic text authored by the Rama"k, who headed the the Safed community just before the Ariza"l (Rabbi Yitzkhak Luria). It is an indispensible introduction for the serious student. Try to learn it in Hebrew if you are able.] [Spe33] Sperling Harry, and Simon, Maruice, trans. The Zohar. Soncino, London. 1933. Out of Print. [Difficult to read without Hebrew text] [Wei69] Weiner, Herbert. 9 1/2 Mystics, The Kabbala Today. Holt Rinehard and Winston, New York. 1969. Touchstone Pr; 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0-684843-25-0. [15][Buy at Amazon: ish/]
Subject: Spirituality {Dav97] Davis, Avram (ed). Meditation from the Heart of Judaism: Today's Teachers Share Their Practices, Techniques, and Faith. Jewish Lights Pub; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 1-879045-77-X. [6][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Dav99] Davis, Avram. The Way of Flame: A Guide to the Forgotten Mystical Tradition of Jewish Meditation. Jewish Lights Pub; 1999. Paperback. ISBN 1-580230-60-1. [7][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fra97] Frankiel, Tamar; Greenfeld, Judy. Minding the Temple of the Soul: Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit Through Traditional Jewish Prayer, Movement, and Meditation. Jewish Lights Pub; 1997. Paperback. ISBN 1-879045-64-8. [8][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fra00] Frankiel, Tamar; Greenfeld, Judy. Entering the Temple of Dreams: Jewish Prayers, Movements, and Meditations for the End of the Day. Jewish Lights Pub; 2000. Paperback. ISBN 1-580230-79-2. [9][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Gef99] Geffen, Nan Fink. Discovering Jewish Meditation: Instruction & Guidance for Learning an Ancient Spiritual Practice. Jewish Lights Pub; 1999. Paperback. 208 pages. ISBN 1-580230-67-9. [10][Buy at Amazon: ish] [Gor97] Gordis, Daniel. God Was Not in the Fire: The Search for a Spiritual Judaism. Touchstone Books; 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-684825-26-0. [11][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Hes83] Heschel, Abraham Joshua; Dresner, Samuel H. (ed). I Asked for Wonder: A Spiritual Anthology. Crossroad Pub Co; 1983. Paperback. ISBN 0-824505-42-5. [12][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Hof85] The Heavenly Ladder, The Jewish Guide To Inner Growth. Harper and Row Publishers, San Francisco, 1985. Out of Print. [A practical guide to Jewish self-transformation, for beginners. Includes a brief historical section that discusses the transformational process in Jewish history, a section on theoretical and philosophical constructs, and one that includes a series of exercises and guided meditations, in the Jewish, mystical tradition.] [Kam97] Kamenetz, Rodger. Stalking Elijah: Adventures With Today's Jewish Mystical Masters. Harper San Francisco; 1997. Hardcover. ISBN 0-060642-31-9. [13][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kus77] Kushner, Lawrence. Honey From The Rock: An Easy Introduction to Jewish Mysticism. Harper & Row, 1977. Jewish Lights Pub; 1991. Paperback. Reprint edition. ISBN 1-879045-02-8. [14][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kus81] Kushner, Lawrence. The River Of Light: Spirituality, Judaism, And The Evolution Of Consciousness. Harper & Row; 1981. Jewish Lights Pub; 1991. Paperback. 2nd edition. ISBN 1-879045-03-6. [15][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kus87] Kushner, Lawrence. The Book Of Miracles: A Young Person's Guide To Jewish Spiritual Awareness: For Parents To Read To Their Children, For Children To Read To Their Parents. UAHC Press, 1987. Jewish Lights Pub; 1997. Reading level: Ages 4-8. Hardcover. 10th edition. ISBN 1-879045-78-8. [16][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kus91] Kushner, Lawrence. God Was in This Place and I, I Did Not Know: Finding Self, Spirituality and Ultimate Meaning. Jewish Lights Pub; 1991, 1993. Paperback. Reprint edition. ISBN 1-879045-33-8. [17][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kus93] Kushner, Lawrence. The Book of Words (Sefer Shel Devarim): Talking Spiritual Life, Living Spiritual Talk. Random House; 1993, 1998. Paperback. ISBN 1-580230-20-2. [18][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Lab96] Labowitz, Shoni. Miraculous Living: A Guided Journey in Kabbalah Through the Ten Gates of the Tree of Life. Simon & Schuster; 1996. Hardcover. ISBN 0-684814-44-7. [19][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Uma92] Umansky, Ellen M. (ed); Ashton, Diane (ed). Four Centuries of Jewish Women's Spirituality: A Sourcebook. Beacon Pr; 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0-807036-13-7. [20][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ver96] Verman, Mark. The History and Varieties of Jewish Meditation. Jason Aronson; 1996. Hardcover. ISBN 1-568215-22-3. [21][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Win92] Winkler, Gershon. The Soul of the Matter; A Jewish Kabbalistic Perspective on the Human Soul Before, During and After "Life". Judaica Press; 1992. Paperback. ISBN 0-910818-49-5. [22][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Wol99] Wolf, Laibl. Practical Kabbalah: A Guide to Jewish Wisdom for Everyday Life. Three Rivers Pr; 1999. Paperback. ISBN 0-609803-78-6. [23][Buy at Amazon: ish/]
Subject: The Messiah [Bot93] Boteach, Shmueley. The Wolf Shall Lie With the Lamb: The Messiah in Hasidic Thought. Jason Aronson; 1993, 1994. Hardcover. ISBN 0-876683-39-1. [An examination of the issues and concepts of Moshiach, as presented in the Talmud, Maimonides and other classic sources, including the public discourses of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.] [6][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Fri98] Friedman, Eli. From Exile to Redemption: Chassidic Teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson and the Preceding Rebbeim of Chabad on the Future Redemption and the Coming of Mashiach. Kehot Publication Society; 1998. Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-85-4. [7][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Gre72] Greenstone, Julius H. The Messiah Idea in Jewish History. Greenwood Publishing Group; 1972. Hardcover. ISBN 0-837126-06-1. [8][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Gro94] Grossblatt, Ruby M.; Friedman, Aaron (illus.). When Mashiach Comes. Mesorah Publications Ltd.; 1994. Hardcover. ISBN 0-899061-29-X. [9][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ley00] Leyishuah, T. The Chofetz Chaim on Awaiting Moshiach. Philipp Feldheim; 2000. Hardcover. ISBN 0-944070-97-3. [10][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Lie92] Liebes, Yehuda; Stein, Batya (trans). Studies in Jewish Myth and Jewish Messianism (Suny Series in Judaica: Hermeneutics, Mysticism, and Religion). State Univ of New York Pr; 1992. Hardcover. ISBN 0-791411-93-1. [11][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Kun93] Kun, T. Project Mind: The Conscious Conquest of Man and Matter Through Accelerated Thought. PM Distributing; 1993. Paperback. ISBN 1-880646-02-1. [12][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Pat79] Patai, Raphael. The Messiah Texts. Wayne State Univ Pr; 1979, 1989. Paperback. Reprint edition. ISBN 0-814318-50-9. [13][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Ros82] Rosner, Fred (trans); Maimonides, Moses. Moses Maimonides' Treatise on Resurrection. Jason Aronson; 1982, 1997. Paperback. ISBN 0-765759-54-3. [14][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sap92] Saperstein, Marc (ed). Essential Papers on Messianic Movements and Personalities in Jewish History (Essential Papers on Jewish Studies). New York Univ Pr; 1992. Hardcover. ISBN 0-814779-42-5. [15][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [SchJ91] Schochet, Jacob Immanuel. Mashiach: The Principle of Mashiach and the Messianic Era in Jewish Law and Tradition, Sichos in English, Brooklyn, NY. 1991. Out of Print [This is an analysis of sources] [SchJ99] Schochet, Jacob Immanuel; Schneerson, Menahem Mendel. Living With Moshiach: Short Readings on Moshiach and the Final Redemption: Following the Weekly Torah Portions and Festivals. Merkos Linyonei Chinuch; 1999. Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-68-4. [16][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [SchM91b] Schneerson, Menachem M.; Touger, Eliyahu (trans). I Await His Coming Every Day: Based on the Talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Kehot Publication Society; 1991, 1998. Paperback. ISBN 0-826604-83-8. [17][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sil59] Silver, Abba Hillel; A History of Messianic Speculation in Israel; Beacon Press, Boston; 1927, 1959. Out of Print [Sto91] Stone, Abraham. Highlights of Moshiach, Sichos In English, Brooklyn NY. 1991. [A collection of Midrashic and Talmudic sources]
Subject: Chassidic Approaches To Spirituality Note: These are not all descriptions of these approaches from the point of view of Chassidism. Some are from the point of view of scholars looking at Chassidsim. The Chassidic point of view is best found in the Chassidism portion of the reading list. [Bub58] Buber, Martin. Hasidism and Modern Man. Horizon, New York. 1958. Humanity Books; 1988. Paperback. ISBN 1-573924-60-1. [6][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Bub60] Buber, Martin. Origin and Meaning of Hasidism. Horizon, New York. 1960. Humanity Books; 1988. Paperback Reprint edition. ISBN 1-573924-57-1. [7][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Bub61] Buber, Martin; Fetterman, Bonny V. (ed.) Tales of the Hasidim: Book One: The Early Masters and Book Two: The Later Masters/Two Books in One. Schocken Books; 1961, 1991. Paperback. ISBN 0-805209-95-6. [8][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Bub80] Buber, Martin. Good and Evil. Prentice Hall College Div; 1980. Paperback. ISBN 0-023162-80-5. [9][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Bub96] Buber, Martin (ed.); Mendes-Flohr, Paul R. (ed.); Cameron, Esther (trans.). Ecstatic Confessions: The Heart of Mysticism (Martin Buber Library). Syracuse Univ Pr; 1996. Trade paperback. ISBN 0-815604-22-X. [10][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Hun91] Hundert, Gershon David (ed). Essential Papers on Hasidism: Origins to Present. New York Univ Pr; 1991. Paperback. ISBN 0-814734-70-7. [11][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Jac66] Jacobs, Louis. The Seeker of Unity: The Life and Works of Aaron of Starosselje. Basic Books, New York. 1966. [Kan90] Kantor, Mattis. Chassidic Insights: A Guide for the Entangled. Naran Chai Publications, Suite 272 119 Rockland Center, Nahuet NY, 10954. 1990. Out of Print [Kap81] Kaplan, Aryeh. The Light Beyond: Adventures in Hassidic Thought. Moznaim, NY. 1981. [Collection of Chassidic sayings] [Kap84] Kaplan, Aryeh. Chassidic Masters. Moznaim, NY. 1984. Hardcover. ISBN 0-940118-33-5. [Short biographies and excerpts from works of leading Chassidic rebbes of the 1st and 2nd generation] [12][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Min70] Mintz, Jerome R. and Ben Amos, Dan. In Praise of the Baal Shem Tov (Shivhei ha-Besht): The Earliest Collections of Legends about the Founder of Hasidism. Indiana University, Bloomington IN. 1970. Jason Aronson; 1994. Hardcover. ISBN 1-568211-47-3. [13][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch90a] Schochet, Jacob Immanuel. The Mystical Tradition: Insights into the Nature of the Mystical Tradition in Judaism (The Mystical Dimension, Vol. 1). Kehot Publication Society; 1990. Hardcover. Volume 1. ISBN 0-826605-28-1. [14][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Sch90b] Schochet, Jacob Immanuel. 'Deep Calling Unto Deep': The Dynamics of Prayer and Teshuvah in the Perspective of Chassidism (Mystical Dimension, Vol. 2). Kehot Publication Society; 1990. Hardcover. Volume 2. ISBN 0-826605-29-X. [15][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [SchJ61] Schneerson, Yosef Yitzchak (trans); Posner, Zalman I. (trans). On the Study of Chasidus: A Trilogy of Chasidic Essays, Some Aspects of Chabad Chasidism, on the Teachings of Chasidus, on Learning Chasidus. Kehot Publication Society; 1961, 1998. Hardcover. ISBN 0-826604-38-2. [16][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Wer92] Wertheim, Aaron; Himelstein, Shmuel (trans). Laws and Custom in Hasidism. Ktav Publishing House; 1992. Hardcover. ISBN 0-881254-01-0. [17][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [Zev86a] Zevin, Shelomoh Yosef (ed); Kaploun, Uri (ed). A Treasury of Chassidic Tales: On the Festivals (Artscroll Judaica Series). Mesorah Publications Ltd.; 1986. Hardcover. ISBN 0-899069-12-6. [18][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [19][Buy at Artscroll:] [Zev86b] Zevin, Shelomoh Yosef (ed); Kaploun, Uri (ed). A Treasury of Chassidic Tales: On the Torah (Artscroll Judaica Series). Mesorah Publications Ltd.; 1986. Hardcover. ISBN 0-899069-00-2. [20][Buy at Amazon: ish/] [21][Buy at Artscroll:]
Subject: How do I obtain copies of the Reading Lists? Answer: There are a number of different ways to obtain copies of the Reading Lists: * WWW. If you are reading this on Usenet, and would like to see an online, hyperlinked version, go visit [2] This is the "web" version of the FAQ; the version posted to Usenet is generated from the web version. Note that the version is a copy of the actual master version; if you want to access the master, visit [3] Alternatively, if you would like to see the posted version through the web, visit [4] The FAQ is in the subdirectory "FAQ"; the reading lists are in the subdirectory "rl". * Email. also provides an autoretriever that allows one to obtain a copy of the reading lists by return Email. To use the autoretriever, you send a retrieval request to [5] with the request in the body of the message. A more reliable way to retrieve these files is through the [6]FAQ autoretriever ([7] For the FAQ, the request has the form: send faq partname For the reading list, the request has the form: send rl partname "Partname" is replaced by the name of the part, as shown in the general index. The following is a short summary of the mapping of partnames for the Reading Lists: + [8]general: Introduction and General. Includes book sources, starting points for beginners, starting points for non-Jewish readers, General Judaism, General Jewish Thought, General Jewish History, Contemporary Judaism, Noachide Laws, Torah and Torah Commentary, Talmud and Talmudic Commentary, Mishnah, Midrash, Halachic Codes, Becoming An Observant Jew, Women and Judaism, and Science and Judaism. + [9]traditional: Traditional Liturgy, Practice, Lifestyle, Holidays. Includes Traditional Liturgy; Traditional Philosophy and Ethics; Prayer; Traditional Practice; The Household; Life, Death, and In-Between; and The Cycle Of Holidays. + [10]mysticism: Kabbalah, Mysticism, and Messianism. Includes Academic and Religious treatments of Kabbalah, Sprituality, and the Jewish notion of the Messiah. + [11]reform: Reform/Progressive Judaism + [12]conservative: Conservative Judaism + [13]reconstructionist: Reconstructionist Judaism + [14]humanistic: Humanistic Judaism (Society for Humanistic Judaism) + [15]chasidism: Chassidism. Includes general information on historical chassidism, as well as specific information on Lubavitch (Chabad), Satmar, Breslaw (Breslov), and other approaches. + [16]zionism: Zionism. Includes Zionism and The Development Of Israel, The Founders, Zionistic Movements, and Judaism in Israel. + [17]antisemitism: Antisemitism. Includes sections on Antisemitism, What Led to The Holocaust, Medieval Oppression, Antisemitism Today (Including Dealing with Hate Groups), Judaism and Christianity, and Judaism, Freemasonry and other rumors. + [18]intermarriage: Intermarriage. Includes sections on "So You're Considering Intermarriage?", The Traditional Viewpoint, Conversion, and Coping With Life As An Intermarried. + [19]childrens: Books for Jewish Children. Includes sections on Birth and Naming, Raising a Child, Family Guidebooks, Upsheren, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Confirmation, Holiday Books for Children, Liturgy for Children, Bible and Torah for Children, Jewish History for Children, Jewish Theology for Children, Israel, Learning Hebrew, and Jewish Stories. The following is a short summary of the mapping to partnames for the FAQ: + [20]01-FAQ-intro: Section [21]1: Network and Newsgroup Information. + [22]02-Who-We-Are: Section [23]2: Who We Are + [24]03-Torah-Halacha: Sections [25]3, [26]4: Torah; Halachic Authority + [27]04-Observance: Sections [28]5, [29]6, [30]7, [31]8: Jewish Holidays; Jewish Dietary Law and Kashrut; Sabbath and Holiday Observance; Woman and Marriage + [32]05-Worship: Sections [33]9, [34]10, [35]11: Jewish Worship; Conversion, Intermarriage, and "Who is a Jew?"; Miscellaneous Practice Questions + [36]06-Jewish-Thought: Section [37]12: Jewish Thought + [38]07-Jews-As-Nation: Section [39]13: Jews as a Nation + [40]08-Israel: Section [41]14: Jews and Israel + [42]09-Antisemitism: Sections [43]15, [44]16, [45]17: Churban Europa (The Holocaust); Antisemitism and Rumors about Jews; Countering Missionaries + [46]10-Reform: Section [47]18: Reform/Progressive Judaism + [48]11-Miscellaneous: Sections [49]19, [50]20: Miscellaneous; References and Getting Connected + [51]12-Kids: Section [52]21: Jewish Childrearing Related Questions + [53]mail-order: Mail Order Judaica Alternatively, you may send a message to [54] with the following line in the body of the message: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/(portionname) Where (portionname) is replaced by the appropriate subdirectory and filenames; for example, to get the first part of the reading list, one would say: send usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists/general * Anonymous FTP: All portions of the FAQ and of the reading lists are archived on [55] and are available for anonymous FTP from the pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism/FAQ directory (URL [56] Similarly, the parts of the reading lists are stored in the pub/usenet/news.answers/judaism/reading-lists directory (URL: [57] ts). Note that the archived versions of the FAQ and reading lists are the posted versions; that is, they are each one large ASCII file.
Subject: Credits This list is based on an original list developed by Rob Levine, which was last posted to the net in February of 1991. Rob's list was culled from s.c.j. postings as well as the bibliographies of some of the books on this list. This original list has been augmented based on bibliographic research done by D. Faigin at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles, as well as contributions from readers of s.c.j, mail.jewish, and mail.liberal-judaism. In June 2000, it was extensively reviewed with additional input from Eric Simon. It is also based on suggestions found in the excellent Jewish Catalog series, which would serve anyone well as a sourcebook on Judaism. . Contributions to the list have also been made by: A. Engler Anderson, David Kaufmann, David A Guberman, Rabbi Mark Glickman, Len Moskowitz, Kay Tavill, and Yechezkal Gutfreund. As usual, suggestions for additions or deletions are welcome, as are brief annotations for any entry. A special thank you... Special thanks for her patience and understanding go to my wife, Karen, who put up with me hiding at the computer for the two months it took to complete the July/August 2000 remodel of the entire soc.culture.jewish FAQ and Reading Lists. If you think the effort was worth it, drop her a note c/o [6] ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Please mail additions or corrections to me at End of Judaism Reading List Part III (Mysticism) Digest ************************** -------

User Contributions:

Sep 24, 2023 @ 11:23 pm
at the time of the day we have a lot of people who do not know what is going on in the world so we should be alert to everything that happens so if you want to know if you are visiting my blog

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