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Judaism Reading List: Introduction and General (Pt. I)
Section - Noachide Laws

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          Benamozegh, Elijah; Luria, Maxwell (Translator). Israel and
          Humanity (Classics of Western Spirituality). Paulist Press;
          1995. Paperback ISBN 0-809135-41-8.
          [6][Buy at Amazon:

          Bindman, Yirmeyahu. (The) Seven Colors of the Rainbow: Torah
          Ethics for Non-Jews. Resource Publications; 1995. Paperback.
          ISBN 0-893903-32-9. [A great beginning book for the non-Jew
          looking into Torah ethics. Explains what G-d originally
          required of mankind that has been kept from most for nearly
          2,000 years, and the role of Gentile in the world to come.]
          [7][Buy at Amazon:

          Clorfene, Chaim and Yaakov Rogalsky. The Path of the Righteous
          Gentile. Smithfield, MI: Targum Press, 1987
          [8][Buy at Amazon:

          ish] (Special Order)
          Davis, J. David. Finding The G-d of Noah: The Spiritual Journey
          of a Baptist Minister from Christianity to the Laws of Noah.
          KTAV Publishing (900 Jefferson Street, Hoboken NJ 07030). 1996.
          ISBN: 0-881255-35-1.
          [9][Buy at Amazon:

          Friedman, Manis. Doesn't Anyone Blush Anymore? Bais Chana
          Press. Paperback ISBN 1-578870-00-3.
          [10][Buy at Amazon:

          Gallin, Aryeh. The Root and Branch Noachide Guide. Root and
          Branch Association, Ltd, 504 Grand Street, #E51, New York, NY
          10002-4101. [11]
          Hanke, Kimberly E. Turning to Torah: The Emerging Noachide
          Movement Jason Aronson Publishing House (230 Livingston Street,
          Northvale, New Jersey 07647) and Number Seven Spectrum House
          (32-34 Gordon House Road London, NW5 1LP England). 1995. 250
          pp. ISBN: 1-568215-00-2. [One woman's path from Christianity to
          "Messianic" Christianity, and finally to Torah since 1988. At
          one point, she considers conversion to Judaism, and then learns
          of the Noachide Covenant, through several Jewish individuals.
          She then was enlightened into the writings of J. David Davis.]
          [12][Buy at Amazon:

          Kaplan, Jeffrey. Radical Religion in America: Millenarian
          Movements from the Far Right to the Children of Noah. Syracuse
          Univ Pr (Trade); 1997. Paperback ISBN 0-815603-96-7.
          [13][Buy at Amazon:

          Lichtenstein, Aaron. The Seven Laws of Noah. The Rabbi Jacob
          Joseph School Press, New York. 1981. Website:
          [14] [The most technical
          book on Noahism. It is probably not intended to be an
          introduction to the Noahide system, but rather a detailed
          scholarly analysis for those who have been Noahides for a long
          time or for Jewish scholars of Noahism.]
          Novak, David. (The) Image of the Non-Jew in Judaism: A
          Constructive Study of the Noahide Laws. Edwin Mellen Press;
          1983. ISBN: 0-889467-59-5.
          [15][Buy at Amazon:

          Pallière, Aimé. The Unknown Sanctuary: A Pilgrimage from Rome
          to Israel. Bloch Pub Co; 1986. Paperback ISBN 0-819704-98-9.
          [16][Buy at Amazon:

          Sears, David. Compassion For Humanity In the Jewish Tradition.
          Jason Aronson; 1998. Hardcover. ISBN 0-765799-87-1.
          [17][Buy at Amazon:


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