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soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Section - Organization

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
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The following is a summary list of all the questions asked in the FAQ.

Section 1. What Is Soc.Culture.Jewish.Parenting
  1.1. Why is this group called soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
  1.2. What is the charter for soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
  1.3. How did soc.culture.jewish.parenting get started?
  1.4. What topics are appropriate for soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
  1.5. What topics are *not* appropriate for soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
  1.6. What discussion about circumcision is allowed?
  1.7. How should I respond to inappropriate articles?
  1.8. Can non-Jews post to soc.culture.jewish.parenting?
  1.9. (Hebrew Usage) I have a question nogaiah hilchos...
  1.10. I see a lot of MLA (Multi-Letter Acronyms) in this group. What do they
  1.11. I can't get USENET news. Can I still read this group?
  1.12. Someone used the term Xtian, and I'm offended. What should I do?
  1.13. What are the Do's and Don'ts?

Section 2. Moderation Policies
  2.1. Why is S.C.J.P moderated?
  2.2. Who are the moderators for S.C.J.P?
  2.3. How do I submit an article?
  2.4. When I submit an article, how is a moderator selected?
  2.5. Why do moderators reject articles?
  2.6. What are some tricks to writing acceptable articles?
  2.7. I disagree with the rejection. What should I do now?
  2.8. Can you give me examples of good and bad questions?
  2.9. How do moderators handle borderline cases?

Section 3. Moderation Management
  3.1. How are moderators chosen?
  3.2. How are problem moderators handled?
  3.3. What happens when a moderator or advisor resigns?
  3.4. How may a new moderator or advisor be added to the pool?

All portions of the FAQ are organized as digests, and should be
undigestifyable by software such as Gnus or rn.  Please report any

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish.parenting FAQ: Newsgroup Policies and Procedures
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Introduction to Section 1

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM