Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12) Previous Document: Question 19.3: What are some common Hebrew and Yiddish phrases I see on SCJ? Next Document: Question 19.5: Is "shvartze" offensive? Is "goyim" offensive? See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Answer: Those abbreviation are shorthand for common Hebrew phrases. Here are some of the most common ones: A"H (Alav (Male), Aleha (Female) Hashalom) + For any deceased Jew. + Translation: Peace Be Upon Him/Her + Sometimes written as PBUH, generally by Muslims. Admo"r (Adonainu, Morainu, VeRabbeinu) + Translation: Our Master, Our Teacher, and Our Rebbe + Honorific title given to scholarly leaders of a Jewish community, "R' Ploni Almoni, SHLITA, Admor of Chelm.") + This is usually a specifically Hassidic term. AMUSh (Ad Maia Veesrim Shana) + Translation: [He/She should live] for 120 years + Used for salutations in correspondence: "Dear Ploni AMU"Sh" B"H (Baruch Hashem) + Translation: Blessed be G-d (occasionally) (B'Ezras/Ezer Hashem) + Translation: With G-d's help (i.e. at top of papers, sometimes with an ayin following the beis) B"N (B'li Neder) + Translation: Without taking a vow + Used after a promise, since failure to fulfill a promise is a serious violation of Jewish law. For example, "I'll check that reference tomorrow, B"N." (i.e., if I forget, I don't want to be liable under Jewish law). BLA"H (B'li Ayin Hara) or (K'ain Ayin Hara) + Translation: "without the 'evil eye'" + Meaning: "I'm saying this without hubris" + Often pronounced Kanaina horo (Yiddish) BS"D (B'siyata d'shmaya) (Aramaic) + Translation: With the help of heaven (common) HY"D (Hashem Yikom Damo[am]) + For martyred Jews. + Translation: Hashem will avenge his[their] Blood IY"H, IYH (Im Yirtzeh Hashem) + Translation: If it be G-d's will (very common) + Used for referring to future actions: "I'll see you tomorrow IY"H." N"E (Nishmaso(male)/Nishmasa(Female) b'Eden) + Translation: His/Her soul should be in Eden/paradise R' (Rabbi) ShLIT"A (SHe'yikhye Lirot Yamim Tovim ve'Arukim) + Used for living prominent Jewish scholars. + Translation: That he/she should live to see good and full days (long life) YM"SH,Y'Sh,Y"ShU (Yemach Shmo Vezichro) + For deceased enemies of the Jewish people + Translation: May his name be wiped out (YH"SH, Y'Sh); May his name and memory be wiped out (Y'Shu) Z"L (Zichrono Livrocho) + For deceased prominent Jewish scholars. + Translation: Of Blessed Memory + Sometimes written as OBM ZT"L (Zecher Tzadik Livrocho) + For deceased prominent Jewish scholars. + Translation: The Memory of the Righteous is a Blessing User Contributions:Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Miscellaneous and References (11/12) Previous Document: Question 19.3: What are some common Hebrew and Yiddish phrases I see on SCJ? Next Document: Question 19.5: Is "shvartze" offensive? Is "goyim" offensive? Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: SCJ FAQ Maintainer <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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