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soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Missionaries (9/12)

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Missionaries (9/12)
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 15.1: Why do Jews seem to treat the Holocaust as their tragedy alone?
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   This portion of the FAQ contains answers to the following questions:

                                Section 15:
                       Churban Europa (The Holocaust)
    1. [5]Why do Jews seem to treat the Holocaust as their tragedy alone?
    2. [6]Where can I get information on the Holocaust? 
    3. [7]How do I get tickets to see the United States Holocaust
       Memorial Museum? 
    4. [8]Is there any online information available on Yad Vashem? 

                                Section 16:
                     Antisemitism and Rumors about Jews
    1. [5]Why is antisemitism used to mean anti-Jewish? 
    2. [6]Is there any truth to the myth of the Jewish American Princess?
    3. [7]What is the connection between Judaism and Freemasonry? 
    4. [8]How do I counter antisemitic postings such as the infamous
    5. [9]Did the Jews kill Jesus?
    6. [10]Can you tell me about the Disputation at Barcelona?

                                Section 17:
                          Countering Missionaries
    1. [5]Are groups calling themselves "Jews for Jesus" or "Messianic
       Jews[sic]" Jewish movements? 
    2. [6]Is belief in Jesus-as-G-d compatible with any Jewish movements?
    3. [7]Countering the Question: Why Don't Jews Believe in Jesus as the
    4. [8]What do missionary groups believe?
    5. [9]What sort of deceptive terminology do missionaries use?
    6. [10]How can these missionaries be countered?
    7. [11]Who is financing "Jews for Jesus" and similar groups?
    8. [12]Are the key Christian beliefs derived from Judaism?

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Top Document: soc.culture.jewish FAQ: Holocaust, Antisemitism, Missionaries (9/12)
Previous Document: News Headers
Next Document: Question 15.1: Why do Jews seem to treat the Holocaust as their tragedy alone?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM