Archive-name: irc/AnotherNet.FAQ
Version: 960222 Posting-Frequency: bi-monthly See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge --- ANOTHERNET AQ(Answered Questions) 960222 (not even close to beverly hills) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AnotherNet provides services not normally found on IRC networks. It will provide the user with; a NickServ to reserve an IRC nickname; a MemoServ to send notes to registered AnotherNet users; ChanServ for registering and managing your own channels; and an enhanced IRC server program for effective network management, Hacker. AnotherNet is accessed the way other IRC networks are. That is, using your client software, simply enter the server name and port number, connect, and you are on AnotherNet IRC For more detailed information as to how an IRC network operates, and the commands used while logged into irc, see the undernet faq, posted weekly to the newsgroup *news.answers* on usenet. See also the IRC primer posted periodically to *news.answers*. ANOTHERNET SERVER LIST 6667 6667 6667 6667 FTP ADDRESS: directory: /pub/AnotherNet/ URL: HOMEPAGE: LISTSERV: To subscribe, send email to: MAJORDOMO@ANOTHER.ORG (nothing in the subject line) and in the body of the message write SUBSCRIBE ANOTHERNET -------------------------------------------------------------------------- To access the help functions for each service type in the necessary command. For example, to register your nick, type in /msg nickserv help. The commands available to you will appear in your status window. From there, type in /msg nickserv help <topic> to register your nick, or modify its use. To register a channel, you should type /msg chanserv help to receive the command list for the registration function. For help on each topic, type in /msg chanserv help <topic>. Using MemoServ is done the same way as the nickserv and chanserv. For help on MemoServ's use, type in /msg memoserv help. If you have a complaint regarding the service on AnotherNet, send email to: If you need help while online with AnotherNet, you will usually find an IRC Operator in #thecafe. If you do not find an IRC Operator online to help you, email to: You will receive a timely answer to your question(s). With all services on AnotherNet, abuse is not tolerated. Any heinous abuse will be replied to with a k-line from the entire network and an email to the offending user's system administrator. This means you will be banned from the entire network; your internet service provider, network operations center, or system administrator will be notified of your activities. If you wish to submit other questions regarding the operation of AnotherNet, email with your request for comment. This document, and others, may be found at the AnotherNet FTP site. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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