Archive-name: games/videoarcade/ftp
Last-modified: Feb-06-96 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge Announcing the Rec.Games.Video.Arcade file servers ! There are two major r.g.v.a. ftp sites ... please use these as FAQ maintainers (and archive keepers) do NOT like getting LOTS of email asking for copies of their stuff. Please respect their wishes and use the proper processes for getting these FAQs. FTP === There is an ftp site for RGVA information. It is located at Look in the game_archive directory. There are currently directories for the cheat sheet (cheatList), a directory for the KLOV (gameList), a directory for repair hints (repairHints), and a directory for all the games hints sheets. As well as a bunch of other stuff. Andy Eddy, of GamePro magazine, also maintains an ftp site at Look in the pub/vidgames directory. The pub/vidgames/faq directory contains a mirror image of the Mailserver files, so you can ftp anything listed in the following Mailserver section directly from MAILSERVERS =========== IMPORTANT NOTICE !!!!!! The mailserver's days are numbered -- Georgia State is retiring gsusgi2 (actually it's getting replaced by a Power Challenge) and I'm moving to Due to space limitations, the mailserver will not move with me. So when my gsusgi2 account is disabled, so goes the mailserver. ETA is unknown. The mailserver will remain enabled until time of death. Therefore, please use the ftp sites instead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (automatic, 24hrs a day, game playing FAQS) Please use ftp if at all possible ... The following mailserver site uses email as their transport -- any messages they serve eat up time used by Georgia State's mailing systems. 240 MK3 requests a day tends to slow things down quite a bit ! Please read the following instructions carefully -- requests that don't follow the proper formatting get dumped in my incoming mail directory. Trust me, you really don't want to deal with 250+ MK3 moves requests in your mail folder. So please read carefully -- if you don't follow the instructions, your message WILL BE IGNORED !!!! Address : (yes ... my email addr ... ELM filters rock!) Format : "Send <keyword>" *** CASE IS IMPORTANT *** (This *is* unix ...) Send <keyword> *must* be the SUBJECT of your message ... if you put it in the text body, I cannot process your message. Message not conforming to the above format will either be replied to with this help file or, if I'm in a bad mood, purged. Your subject line MUST look something like this : Subject: Send mk2 Choose your keyword (to follow "Send") from the following list : Keyword Description ------- ----------- auction Steve Ofoz's "Buying from an Auction" faq cheats The latest copy of the Definitive Arcade Games Cheat Sheet help The RGVA Mailserver and FTP guide (from the FAQ) klov The latest copy of the Killer List of Video Games ki The Killer Instinct moves sheet mk The Mortal Kombat moves sheet mk2 The Mortal Kombat II moves sheet mk3 The Mortal Kombat 3 moves sheet mk3-mini The "quickie" MK3 moves sheet nba The NBA JAMS moves/secrets sheet operator Steve Ofoz's "Buying from an operator" faq primal The Primal Rage FAQ rampart The Rampart help sheet faq The Frequently Asked Questions list samurai The Samurai Showdown moves/hints sheet sf2 faq The Street Fighter II FAQ sheet sf2 ken The Street Fighter II Ken FAQ sf2 moves The Street Fighter II Moves sheet ssf2 The Super Street Fighter II FAQ and moves sheet tssf2 The Turbo Super Street Fighter II FAQ (how long can this go on?) t2 The Terminator 2 help sheet virtua The Virtua Fighters help sheet vf2 The Virtua Fighters 2 help sheet Please note that the cheat sheet and the klov are VERY LARGE ... if your system or mailer can't handle 100kb+ messages, they WILL bounce and be returned to me as undeliverable. Undeliverable messages will be killed. My filter runs off Georgia State's ELM mailer program. Sometimes it hiccups. Sometimes it mails files off into the great bit bucket in the sky. It *does*, however, get around 95% of what it send to the proper place. *IF* you send a message and don't get anything within 24hours, then send me email asking for help (to the same address) and I will see about manually sending the appropriate file to you. I will NOT send copies of lots of files *unless* you can't get the automatic server to work. I just don't have the time. If you have any questions or problems, please email me at : or - Jonathan -- | "I Hate it when I can't trust | Atlanta 1996 !! | my own technology!" - LaForge | Play Pinball !! |------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- "Thrills! Chills! Magic! Prizes!" -- Hurricane Roddenberry, Asimov, Henson, Dr. Seuss, Mel Blanc, Friz Freleng ... Sigh ... User Contributions:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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