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Version: 1.7
Posting-Frequency: monthly
Archive-name: games/marathon-faq
Last-modified: 1996/09/03

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
V1.7  September 2, 1996

Welcome to the Alt.Games Marathon FAQ! If after reading this, you
still have questions (or know of questions that belong here), feel 
free to send them along. (My email address is

All links are valid as of September 2, 1996. I'll try to make sure that new 
ones make it in (you can help by mailing any I've missed to me), and 
broken/disappeared ones (like that word?) get removed. 

This file will *not* cover information that's already covered in
a current marathon FAQ. As of today, that list includes the Marathon
Spoiler Guide: (Recently updated)

and the Grenade Jumping FAQ, offline for the time being, but downloadable at

and the Devil in a Blue Dress FAQ:

or in downloadable form at

and the Net Play Tips FAQ (still in its infancy, but send questions, and
he'll update it):

(Did I miss any? I'm not including the Marathon FAQ 3.0 because it is 
no longer being maintained.)

This file will be reposted monthly, and pointers will be posted weekly. 
It is also available in html format at

or text format at

Any major (or even minor) errors should be pointed out to me, so
that I can fix them.

Now, finally, when someone asks a FAQ on a.g.m, you can finally
say, "Go read the FAQ!" Won't that feel good?

Claude Errera



    - Updated PC version question
    - Updated cheat programs question
    - Updated ftp sites question
    - Updated available editors question
    - Added Pfhorte objects question
    - Updated sight patch question
    - Updated 68K crash question
    - Added Infinity demo shotgun ammo (level 1) question
    - Added Infinity demo kkv location question
    - Added Infinity demo kkv-in-netplay question
    - Lots of link additions/subtractions
    What kind of game is Marathon?
    Is there a PC version?
    How do I get more serial #s?
    Could someone mail me/post the game?
    Is there a way to start on any level I want?
    Are there any secret codes for Marathon?
    How about cheat programs?
    How do you take screen shots in Marathon?
    How do I find out what frame rate my machine is running at?
    Are there any useful commands not mentioned in TFM?
    Does Bungie rock, or what?    

    How do I get past Colony Ship/G4 Sunbathing/whatever?
    How do I get aliens to turn on in M2 net play?
    What's with the two greyed-out net game options in M2?
    Can I play Marathon over the Internet? 
    Can I play Marathon over a modem?
    Is there any way to run faster than normal?
Modifying Marathon
    What's a good ftp site for Marathon stuff?
    What's available in terms of editors?
    How do I use this 3rd party Map/Physics Model/stupid thing?
    Are there any maps designed after real buildings?
    How can I use Shapes patches on PCI macs?
    I made a very simple map, but I can walk through the walls! What gives?
    I'd like to add terms to my M2 map, but Pfhorte only let's me add 1! Why?
    How can I make objects I've added with Pfhorte show up during gameplay?
    Is there a sight patch for M2?
    How come lots of map crash on my 68K mac? Can I stop this?
    How come my net-games keep fragmenting and what can I do about it?
    How come certain key combinations don't work?
    How can I get 16-bit sound on M2?
    How come I can't make films off of saved games?
    Is there a way to make films of later levels?
    I can't get Music to work! What's going on?
    I couldn't get the real-time mic to work in M2. What's going on?
    Why can't I use the mic in M1? Everyone else can...
    How do I change views in net games/films?
 Infinity Demo
     Is that shotgun ammo at the end of level 1 accessible?
    How do I find the new weapon on level 2?
    How can I shoot my friends with that new weapon?

Appendix 1: Marathon Web Sites


* What kind of game is Marathon?

It's a first-person, 3D texture-mapped shoot-em-up in the same genre as
Doom, among others. It's better than the rest, but it's in the same
genre... (How was that for objective?)

* Is there a PC version?

Marathon for Windows95 will be released on September 6. (This is an
official Bungie date.) In the meantime, you can learn about (and 
download) the demo from

* How do I get more serial #s?

Call Bungie at (800) 295-0600 and order them, for about $15 each. Or
check out their store on the web:

* Could someone mail me/post the game?

Get a life, okay? 

1) Bungie's a great company-buy the software if you like playing 
   the game. 
2) It's illegal. 
3) M1 is 12 megs total, and M2 is 52 megs. These are a bit large for 

* Is there a way to start on any level I want?

Just hold down the Command and Option keys as you click on Begin Game.
Likewise, for Cooperative play, hold down Command and Option keys as
you click on Gather Network Game.

* Are there any secret codes for Marathon?

You mean besides that command-option thing up above? Well, maybe. It's
possible to empty an entire clip nearly at once by holding down the
fire key and tapping next and previous weapon very quickly (emphasis on
very). I'm not sure you'd call this a cheat code, but it's certainly
undocumented in any Bungie literature.

There were lots of cheat codes in the M1 beta (PATHWAYS, PZBXAY,
AMMO, ASLAG, and probably many more), but they were pulled out before
release of the demo or the full commercial version, and they didn't
seem to ever make it into M2 (although the really early stuff never got

* How about cheat programs?


For adding weapons, ammo, health, powerups, oxygen, or objects (like
uplink cards), the cheater to get is Eggert Thorlacius' Marathon
Cheater 5.0.1. It currently works with Marathon, the Marathon Demo,
Marathon 2, the Marathon 2 Sneak Preview, the Marathon 2 Demo, and the 
Infinity Demo. Its only shortcoming is that it requires a saved game in 
order to function. (That is, you can't use it to give yourself unlimited 
powers at the beginning.)

Also for both M1 and M2, you can use the Marathon Universal Patcher,
which actually modifies the Marathon app to start your player out with
greater stats. It was created by Naoki Yokoyama.

For M2 only, you can grab a copy of Tim Swihart's Maramacros. These are
MacsBug macros, and as such require MacsBug, available at finer Apple
ftp sites everywhere. Once installed (and they come with extremely
detailed installation instructions), they allow you to give yourself
anything you want, without the necessity of saving first. Extremely

For all flavors of M2, plus the Infinity Demo, there's the Infinity 
Game Wimp. It's a lot like the Marathon Cheater, except that it adds
some flexibility and ease-of-use for folks who like to cheat a little

For M1, and for 68K only, there's the Plus Key Save Anywhere patch.
This allows you to save anywhere using the Plus key. (Um, I guess the
filename made that last sentence uneccessary...) Unfortunately, it
doesn't work with PowerMacs, or with M2.

* How do you take screen shots in Marathon? Command-shift-3 doesn't
seem to work.

Three ways:

The free way is to hit Shift-5 *before* hitting command-shift-3. (The %
sign (shift-5) gives more processing time to the OS, which allows the
regular screen shot combo to work.)

The fancy free way is to download PIXs, an exclusive MacUser screen-snap 
utility available only from ZiffNet's MacUser web site or from ZiffNet 
forums on online services.

MacUser's Home Page:

PIXs Page:

The not-free way (but it has other advantages) is to download Snapz, a
screen-snap utility from Ambrosia Software <>.

With any of these routes, here's a hint for getting clear shots (since screen
shots are rarely instantaneous): instead of taking the shot during
gameplay, replay the film and slow it down to nothing before taking the
shot. (Obviously, this assumes you can get a film of the area in
question. Remember Maramacros, if you're doing this in M2.)

* I see all these posts comparing frame rates for Marathon. How do I
find out what frame rate my machine is running at?

Shift-/ (or ?, if that makes more sense to you).

This works for both Marathon 1.2 and 2.0. It doesn't work for 1.0 or

* Are there any useful commands not mentioned in TFM? (like using the
[] keys to speed up/slow down films, how to get frames per second, etc)

Well, actually, the bracket keys thing *is* mentioned in the manual...
and I don't know of any other ones. (Feel free to send 'em to me, if 
you do.)

* Does Bungie rock, or what?



* How do I get past Colony Ship/G4 Sunbathing?

Read the Spoiler Guide:


(This is a general answer for all spoiler-type questions. Go to

for other levels, of course...)

* How do I get aliens to turn on in M2 net play? I've checked the
aliens box in the Gather dialog, but they never show up!

They don't show up because Bungie left them out of their net levels.
Whether this is a good or bad decision is totally a matter of personal
opinion, but people seem to have almost religious convictions about it
one way or the other. (Personally, I like not having them. They just
got in the way of shooting my friends.) Bottom line, though.... that's
the way it is, deal with it.

There are at least three workarounds.

1) Add your own aliens to Bungie's net levels, using a tool like DOPE
   or Pfhorte.

2) Download one of the over 500 third-party M2 levels. A very large
   percentage contain aliens, and the same tools can be used to add 
   them to the levels that don't have any (or don't have enough).

3) Shoot your friends more.

* What's with the two greyed-out net game options (Keep Away from Rob
and Pile on Greg) in M2? Are they just cruel jokes perpetrated on the
adoring Marathon public by those meanies at Bungie? Or did they just
never get around to finishing them?

Here's the old answer:

Well the wisdom for a long time was, they were planned but scrapped
because of time considerations. However, recently Jack Lin
< discovered that if you enabled the menus in
Resedit, then played Keep Away from Rob with one of the players taking
the name Rob, that player will receive invincibility and invisibility
for the duration of the game. "Rob" is then rated on his kills per

Based on this info, it would be foolish to say indisputably that Pile
on Greg doesn't work at all. (Here's a wild guess-I've never tested it:
It's a variant of Kill the Guy with the Ball, where "Greg" can't
actually drop the skull. Who knows... enable the menu, name one of your
players Greg, and try it for yourself.)

Update: Noone else has been able to get this to work (and lots of people
have tried). Bungie has said these games don't work, so maybe it's time
to take them at their word...

* Can I play Marathon over the Internet?

You can try playing over the internet. There haven't been too many
reports of success, but all the info you need to get started can be
found at

There is some hope, though... Joe Kloss (of Netlink fame) has been
hinting that he might release an internet-savvy version of Netlink... 
seems the problem is latency, not bandwidth. More info as it becomes 

* Can I play Marathon over a modem?

For playing over a modem, Netlink is the way to go (easily 5-10 times
better frame rates than ARA). You'll find all the info you need to get
up to speed with Netlink at

Once you're functional, you can register with the NetLink directory, to
find folks to shoot at:

* Is there any way to run faster than normal?

It can be shown that sidestepping while running forward is actually
considerably faster than running forward by itself. To prove it to
yourself, check out Bungie's M2 net level Everyone's Mortal But Me.
Stand at the back of one of the alcoves, and run out towards the central
pillar. You'll fall short. Now start in the same place, but turn a bit
toward one wall or the other, and hold down your sidestep and forward
keys simultaneously. You'll make it with ease...

The one caveat here is if you're already running forward, holding down
the sidestep key will slow you down drastically. Basically, you need to
start running in this configuration.

* What's a good ftp site for Marathon stuff?

Well, I'm biased...

The acknowledged mecca for all things Marathon used to be AMUG, the 
Arizona Marathon Users Group. Their ftp server was the first place 
Marathon stuff showed up on the internet. However, their support for
all things marathon seems to have dried up. (If you work for them,
and you disagree with this statement, feel free to write and correct
me. I'd be happy to be wrong here...)

Organized (hmph!) stuff can be found at

and newer stuff that hasn't been moved over can be found at

Since support for Marathon on AMUG has gotten weak, finding anything 
specific can be a bear. (Get ready, here's where my bias starts 

Just about everything useful that has ever come out for either Marathon
1 or Marathon 2 can be found at the Marathon HyperArchive NorthWest:

One notable exception is a film archive. Also, some folks have had
trouble getting large stuff with a web browser, so you can access the
same files through the ftp side of this site:

Lots of Marathon web pages are linked off of Marathon Central:

and several pages with a significant amount of unique file content are
    Contains the home of MaraOS, a Marathon file manager, as well as some
    very well-done homegrown maps and some films. 
    Contains lots of stuff, on a nice fast connection. A bunch of good
    films can be found here. 
    A few nearly indispensable utilities for mapmakers, and some nice 
    maps, too. 
    Films, and film utilities

And finally, let's not forget Bungie's own site:

http:/   and

Good for the demo (M1, M2, or Infinity) and some other random stuff. You
can also buy stuff (T-shirts, games, hint books) online.

All these, and many more, are listed in Appendix 1.

* What's available in terms of editors?

Depends on what kind of editing you want to do, and for which game. All
version numbers listed here are valid as of September 3, 1996. All
files are available at the HyperArchive NorthWest, and most are
available elsewhere as well.

For Marathon 1: 

Editor Type     Product (most recent version)

Map Editor      Pfhorte (1.0d26) 
                  Most useful interface 
                Mia (1.0b19)
                  "Cleanest" (tends to make more bug-free maps) 
                Marathon Map Editor (1.0d7) 
                  Last updated over a year ago

Shape Editor    Pfhred (1.3.1) 
                  Lots of unique features, but still buggy (although much 
                  better than 1.3)
                Marathon Shape Installer (2.0b1) 
                  Less buggy than Pfhred, but not as capable 
                Marathon Shapes Editor 1.2b 
                  Can make patches 
                Shape Shifter (0.8d68) 
                  Allows actual graphics editing

Physics Editor  Physics Model Editor 1.1 
                  Nice, and the only one

Utilities       NK Level Mover (1.0a2) 
                  Moves map levels between maps
                Object Placement Editor (1.4) 
                  A more convenient way to add objects to maps 
                LiteEdit (1.0) 
                  The easiest way to change lighting types in a map
                Term Installer (2.1) 
                  By far the best way to install resource for a new
                  Marathon scenario 
                Shape Shuttle (1.0b1) 
                  Can make patches (but nothing else) 
                Marathon Sound Transporter (not numbered) 
                  A pretty interface for sound patches
                Map Select (1.0)
                  Allows drag-n-drop selection of current map

Documentation   Pfhorte Handbook (1.3) 
                  Tons of info on creating maps. Not only for Pfhorte 
                Pfhorte Users Guide (2.2) 
                  Less complete than the Handbook, but still useful 
                Marathon Engine FAQ 0.6 
                  Very old, but still has a bunch of good info

For Marathon 2

Editor Type     Product (most recent version)

Map Editor      Pfhorte (2.0a14) 
                  The only editor currently available. Still in alpha
                  development (read: not feature complete and buggy) but
                  nevertheless quite powerful

Shape           Marathon Wall Extractor (0.8b)
                  Extracts wall textures from M2, and puts them into a
                  special kind of M1 Shapes file, where they can be
                  edited with standard M1 Shapes Editors
                M2 Shape Shuttle (1.0a3)
                  Like the Wall Extractor, except that it lets you 
                  install part of a single textureset, instead of all
                  four full ones

Physics         Alchemist (1.0b3) 
                  By the same guy who made the M1 Physics Editor

Utilities       Hex! (0.99) 
                  Easy-to-use term editor 
                Durandal Object Placement Editor (1.20) 
                  Does for M2 what OPE does for M1 
                M2 Sound Converter (0.5b) 
                  Converts M2 sounds to resources, to make them easy to
                  edit, then back when you're through 
                MapInfo 1.3.1 
                  Gives you lots of info quickly on M1 and M2 maps, and M2 films

Documentation   Pfhorte 2.0a14 Guide (Final) 
                  A very nicely laid out guide to using Pfhorte 2.0ax 
                Marathon Map Making Assistant (1.0b3) 
                  An AppleGuide document with basic info about M2 
                  mapmaking (also works in M1, but is less relevant)

* How do I use this 3rd party Map/Physics Model/stupid thing?

Take a deep breath...

For Marathon 1, in order for Marathon to work at all, there needs to be
the following four files in the same folder (with these names):

Marathon (actually, this can be called anything) 

and if you want to use a physics model, it needs to be in that folder
as well, and called

Physics Model

(All of those names are case-insensitive: MAP works as well as Map
which works as well as mAp, but NewMap or MapNew won't work at all.)

So, in order to use a third-party item (map, phys model, whatever), you
need to move your original someplace safe (or rename it) so that it
doesn't get overwritten by the file you move in. Then, simply rename
the new file Map (or whatever), move it into your Marathon folder, and
you're off!

If you download a shapes patcher (or sound patcher), you'll need to run
it on your existing file. Be aware that many patchers are not
reversible-if you've got the disk space, you should make a copy of your
shapes file before running the patcher. (If you don't have the disk
space, make sure you've still got your original Marathon disks or CD
before patching these files...)

Music files are optional. (Marathon runs perfectly well without it.) If
you decide to use a third party one, though, again, remember to name it


in order to make it work...

(See Music troubleshooting for more info about Music files.)

For Marathon 2, things are (supposed to be) much more modular. You can
place any M2 file in the M2 folder, and it will show up in the
Environment preferences dialog. (That is, at the opening screen, select
Preferences, and then select Environment from the popup menu.) The
problem is, it doesn't always work this way... sometimes Marathon gets
confused as to which map or physics or shapes file was selected. The
solution here is to move all unused files out of the Marathon folder.

You can also drag and drop any Marathon file (Map, Physics, Shapes,
saved game, whatever) onto your Marathon app, and it will be opened.

To play a film is a bit more difficult. In theory, Marathon 2 should be
able to differentiate between map files, and choose the one that
matches the film you're trying to play. In practice, it doesn't work
that way. It opens the first map, alphabetically, that it finds in the
Marathon folder. If the film you're trying to watch isn't playing with
the proper map file, try renaming the map file by putting a 0 (zero) in
front of it.

* I'd really like to play maps that are designed after real places. Do
you know of any?

I made a list of these up a little while ago. If you made one, and it's
not on the list, drop me mail and I'll rectify that. All of these can
be found using the Maps Search page at the HyperArchive.

    Kill this thing
    Oh Pfhuck 
    Rumba Office 
    The Woolen Mill 1.1
    Chuck's Maps
    UCSC Hahn Student Center
    Hutch v1.0.1 
    Madd Ox/Hijacker
    Stardate 9508.18
    Logan's Maps
    Clara Dickson

* I have a PCI mac, and every shapes patch I download crashes my
machine. How can I use these?

Okay, since there are only two M2 shapes patches right now, I'll 
assume you're asking about M1. There seems to be a problem with the 
shapes patchers on some PCI macs (7500s and 8500s for sure).

Workaround: Open the shapes patch with Resedit, and copy the .256
resource. Open your Shapes file (or preferably a copy of it) and paste.
(Answer YES, not UNIQUE in the resulting dialog.)

This works for MSE patches, and Shape Shuttle patches. Rescompare
patches are harder... you'll need to find a machine that doesn't crash,
install the patch there, then move the patched file back to your PCI

* I made a very simple map, but I can walk through the walls! What gives?

Your simple map contains only one polygon, right? Marathon's engine can't
deal with this, since it bases a lot of its decisions on inter-poly information
(what monsters heard you on neighboring polys, where they can go, etc.).
You need at least two polys for a map to function.

* I want to add terms to my M2 map, but Pfhorte only let's me add 1! Why?

Steve was being frugal. The same code that keeps track of lighting 
types also keeps track of terms... so in order to add new term options, 
you need to add new lighting types (in the Edit Lighting Types dialog). 
This is a good idea anyway... maps with one lighting type are boring. 

* Hey! I added a bunch of objects to my map with Pfhorte, but they're
not showing up in the game. What gives?

There are two steps to adding objects to a map-telling Pfhorte how
many there are, total (and how to distribute them), and actually
placing them. If all you do is add the objects to the map, but don't
tell Pfhorte how to deal with them, you won't get any at all. (This is
good, actually, from a flexibility standpoint... you can lay out your
objects as you want them, but don't actually have to deal with them
during testing if you don't want to.)

Go to the Object Placement Info box (from the Edit Menu), and fill in
the boxes so that you have at least as many of that object to start as
you'd like. (For much more detailed info on this, check FrigidMan's
Pfhorte Guide.)


* Is there a sight patch for M2?

No. Well, sort of. There's a program (called M2 Crosshairs) that places a set
of crosshairs on your screen. You fire it up, then start playing Marathon. It
has a few caveats (it doesn't work on multiple-monitor setups, the 68K version
has never been tested on a 68K machine, it's very hard to turn off temporarily),
but if you *must* have a sight, this is it. However, in terms of a sight patch
that actually gives you sights for each weapon in the game (like the M1 patch),
no, there isn't one, because there are no shapes editors for M2. (There won't 
*be* any shapes editors for M2 until Infinity comes out, it seems...)

* How come lots of map crash on my 68K mac? Can I stop this?

Contrary to (very) popular belief, there is *no* truth to the 
rumor that any map made on a PPC mac will crash a 68K mac. If the
map crashes, there are bugs. End of story.

Type 1 errors usually mean you haven't allocated enough memory
to Marathon. Solution: allocate more (via Get Info in the finder) until
the crashing behavior goes away. (And turn off that nasty Ram Doubler!)

Type 11 errors almost always mean the map maker made a nasty mistake.
Contact him/her and yell a lot.

Type 4 errors are some of the most common. They are usually (but not
always) attributable to zero line length errors. If you're a map 
enduser (not a mapmaker), the easiest solution, by far, is to grab a 
copy of the very small, very handy program called Ignore Zero Divides. 
(It's available at finer Marathon sites everywhere.) This will cause 
your mac to ignore any divide-by-zero functions, and keep it from 
crashing with a Type 4 error. (This program is unneccessary on 
Powermacs, because the error checking Marathon does is a bit more 
robust in this area.)

You can find more information about specific crashes (and their causes)
in the Pfhorte AntiCrash Guide.

If you're a mapmaker, and want to fix the problem, you're better off
if it happens in a Marathon 1 map. That's because Pfhorte 1.0d25 can
detect these errors, and make them very obvious when you open the 
offending map. (Try it-you'll see.) If you're trying to fix a Marathon
2 map, try Randy Reddig's solution:

"if you have a map with a dbz error somewhere in it, it is not 
impossible to correct. open it in marathon (keep in mind that i'm 
assuming you have a powermac), and walk around your map, looking 
at the most zoomed in map mode every few paces. a zero length line 
will usually show up as a bold green dot where there should normally
be a crossing between a couple dim green lines."

* How come my net-games keep fragmenting and is there a way to cut
down/prevent it?

Usually, it has to do with a big difference in speed among the
computers in play (a problem that is exaggerated with a slower network,
like localtalk or over NetLink Remote). Sometimes, it has to do with
one or more players starting to move before everyone has completely

Strategies for minimizing the problem:

-Stick with maps that don't have huge amounts of open space (where you
 can see a lot)

-Be sure everyone waits a few seconds at the start of a game, so that
 everyone has a chance to join properly

-Let the slowest machine do the gathering (This is sort of a last
 resort, since it will slow down overall net play speed)

Other possible reasons for fragmentation:

Multiple versions of the game are in use (say, one player is using 1.1,
because the mouse control is better, and the rest are using 1.2).
Solution: Standardize.

Not everyone's using the same physics model. Solution: Standardize
(including on nothing).

Someone's got a modified app/shape/sound file. (This is a less common
reason, in my experience.) Solution: Standardize. (Seeing a pattern

Network traffic (non-marathon) is heavy. Solution: Tell everyone on
your LAN to quit it, you're playing an important game.

* How come certain key combinations don't work?

Some keyboards are not capable of four keystrokes at once, which is
easy to achieve playing Marathon.  And the Apple Adjustable keyboard
has irritated many Marathon players, because trying to mix keys from
the main section and the detached numeric pad is dicey at best.

Bottom line-if it bothers you enough, get a better keyboard. (Both the
AppleDesign keyboard and the Apple Extended II keyboard handle anything
you can dish out, Marathonwise.) And if that advice bothers you,
consider that an unhealthy number of people have used Marathon as a
justification for a PowerMac... what's a keyboard, in the grand scheme
of things?

* How come the manual says Marathon 2 does 16-bit sound, but that
option's always greyed out in the prefs dialog box?

Three possible reasons.

1) You haven't allocated enough memory to Marathon.

2) You tried the Sneak Preview before installing the full version. The
   prefs file names for these two apps are the same, and the full 
   version will run fine off the sneak preview's prefs. (Did you need to 
   enter a serial number when you played the full version for the first 
   time? That should have clued you in...) The sneak preview was not 
   capable of 16-bit sound, so the option was permanently greyed out.

   Toss your prefs, enter your full serial number, and the option should
   become available again.

3) You don't have SoundManager 3.1 installed. (To recap, you need a
   minimum of v3.0 for M1 to play music, and 3.1 for M2 to play 16-bit

* How come I can't make films off of saved games?


(That can be translated as "I don't really know, but my guess is, it
was too hard for Bungie to make it work.")

*Is there a way to make films of later levels? 

Yes. Simply use the command-option trick described above, and the film 
will work up to the point that you either quit or save. (If you're 
playing Marathon 2, you can use Maramacros to get around the fact that
command-option starting means you're armed only with a pistol, three
rounds of ammo, and your fist. Or you can just use the Marathon Universal
Patcher... (for M1 or M2).)

* I can't get Music to work! What am I doing wrong?

Well, if you're using Marathon 2, there *is* no music. (Except for the
bit that plays during the opening credits.) You can't get it to play
because Bungie removed the option (and replaced it with ambient sounds,
which are *way* cooler).

If you're using Marathon 1, there are a few things to check:

-Do you have QuickTime v2.0 or higher and Sound Manager 3.0 or higher

-Do you have QuickTime Musical Instruments installed?

-Is the Music checkbox in the prefs dialog greyed out? (Try giving
 Marathon more memory.)

-Still greyed out? Have you allocated any sound channels (same prefs

-Have you allocated enough memory to Marathon? (In the Finder, click on
 the Marathon App (once), then select Get Info. If you set the
 bottommost number to 5000K or higher, you should have enough memory 
 (in most situations) to play music.)

-From Matt at Bungie: RAM Doubler (aka Satan-In-A-Box(TM)) will
 occasionally keep the music option dimmed even if you have all the
 requisite extensions and memory.  If you're using it, turn it off.

-If your karma is so bad that after all this, it's *still* not working,
 then just grab a CD with appropriately dark music, toss it in your CD
 player, and fire up Marathon.

* I followed the instructions in the manual, but I couldn't get the
real-time mic to work in M2? What's going on?

It's a bug. It'll get fixed, one of these days...

* Everyone else seems to be able to use the mic in M1, but I can't! Why

Slower machines seem to have a problem with the mic. (We turn it off
for net games, because if someone inadvertently hits his mic key, our
Q610 freezes hard, and is out of the game.) Get a faster machine, or
live without your mic.

* How do I change views in net games/films?

This is actually a lot of questions, all rolled up into one. Starting
with M1:

You can't change views during the game, but the delete key (or
backspace, or whatever it's labeled on your keyboard-the key in the top
right corner of the main bunch of keys) will toggle through views.
(Control-H, which sends the same keystroke, will also work.)

In M2, due to a bug, you can't toggle through views during either net
games or in films, unless there are other players on your team.
(Everyone can have different colored shirts, but they all have to wear
the same pants.) Bungie is working on a fix for this right now, and
it'll show up on their web site as soon as it's done.

Assuming that there are players on your team, toggling views during
films works fine. And if you're playing a cooperative net game, the
toggling also works during net play. (Pretty helpful...)

So you've saved a ton of M2 films, but never figured out how to watch
them, and you'd hate to toss 'em? Never fear. There are two programs
that you might want to check out. The first is the Marathon Film
Patcher, and it allows you to edit saved films in order to place
everyone on the same team. A more permanent solution was created by the
same person, and it's called the Marathon FilmHandling Patcher. It
actually patches the Marathon 2 app to allow post-game carnage reports
and toggled views on *all* films. (It's not recommended to use the
patched app to play a regular net game, though, so this solution
requires you to have two versions of the marathon app lying around.)
A third option is the Batch patcher, which does what the film patcher
does, for many film files at once, but with fewer user options.

All three of these tools were created by Naoki Yokoyama, and can be found 
on the Utilities page of the HyperArchive NW.

Update-there are now two new apps that help with this problem. FilmEdit 1.0
allows you to change Team color, Shirt Color, and Player Name. Pfhilm
Pfhixer 0.9b simply makes all players on the same team, and outputs
a new film with a configurable extension at the end of its name.


* Is there a way to get that shotgun ammo off to the side at the end of
level 1?

There are lots of ways. The easiest is to run towards it, and fire a
weapon downwards. (Any weapon you have works here... the pistol, the
shotgun, you name it.) This should give you the lift you need to reach
the ledge.

To save ammo, you can try one of two techniques:

- You can run forwards, and when you reach the other side (the
beginning of the corridor that leads to the last term), you can hang a
sharp right and you should have enough momentum to reach the shell ledge.

- You can sidestep-run from the ledge you appear on. This will also
give you the extra speed you need.


* Hey! I really want to play around with that new weapon, but I don't
want to wait until the third level to get it! Is this possible?

Yes, the KKV shows up on level 2, as well. The easiest way to find
it is to watch the built-in films... one of them shows the entrance
to the secret area. (To watch these films, start the demo, but don't
do anything once you get to the main screen. (That is, don't push the
Begin Game button.) After a few seconds of inactivity, one of the 
films will begin playing. If it's not the one you want to see, hit
any key, then wait again.


* Bungie seems to have left the KKV off the net level. Is there any way 
to fix
this before Forge comes out?

Yes, there is. This info comes originally from Tim Crother 

Open your Pfhorte app in Resedit, and edit MENU resource 1012. (This
should be weapons.) Scroll to the bottom of the list, and insert two
new items after Green Ball: Submachine Gun and Submachine Gun Clip.
(What you call these two slots is irrelevant, but their position is
not.) Close and save.

For anyone who doesn't feel like screwing with Pfhorte, a version of
Duality (the net map that comes with the demo) has been modified to
include two KKVs and a bunch of ammo, and can be found at the Marathon
HyperArchive and the Marathon Hotlist. (Addresses below.)

Start with this one: it has links to almost every Marathon site around:  or  or

    almost every downloadable file available for Marathon, links
    lots of files, links, local maps
    Marathon Central: many marathon pages
    files, links (and lots of Netscape 2.0 stuff...)
    files, links, discussion pages
    tons of info about Marathon's background -A MUST READ
    Bungie's home page
    info on netlink
    general info, links
    Map of the Month page
    files, links, local maps, Pfhor Anatomy page
    Marathon Magazine
    Search the Marathon Map Makers Guild mailing list (down often)
    The Marathon Palace (graphical chat)
	Marathon Map Makers Guild Homepage
	Nick's Marathon Page (files, links)

    A site devoted to improving mapmaking skills
    Pfhorte2 page
    ydnar's Pfhactory page
	MaraModelEdit's Home Page (Marathon 1 physics editor)
	Alchemist's Home Page (Marathon 2 physics editor)
	M2 Sound Converter Home Page
	Dr. nao's Marathon Utilities Workshop (lots and lots of good stuff)
	Shape Shifter Home Page (Marathon 1 shapes editor)
    Marathon II Physics Archive
    Bach's map/utilities page
    FrigidMan's maps page
    Ben Matasar's maps page
    Jim and David's Marathon Maps page
    Mad Hackerz maps page
    Patrick Gray's Marathon page
    Harry Hahn's map/utilities page (old)
    Mike Neylon's map page (old)
    a_fool's film table (old)
    Durandal Map Maker's Club page
    Kelly's map page
    Coon's map page (old)
    Go wif Jeza page    
    Canyonlands page
    Bob World HQ page or
    Devil in a Blue Dress page
    Fusion works
    Marathon West page
    Operation Tantalus page
    Specuthon page
    Tony Mangefeste's map page
    Daniel Loebl's Maps Page
    Jeremy Condit's Maps Page
    DAKONSoft's Film Utilities
    Thumper's M2 Netmap Page
    The Marathon Gang's Map Page
    Netgames2 Marathon Directory
    Zapranoth's Lair (films)
    James Head's Marathon Page
    The Animated Marathon 1 & 2 Shapes Page (Shockwave required)
    Dan's Marathon 2 Page
    Steve Weintraub's Marathon Maps
    Spiff's Marathon Maps
    Christopher Canul's Marathon Page
    Ender's Marathon Maps
    Black Pyramid Software (some of the best solo maps around)
    Home Fries Software
    DOH's Marathon 2 Page
	Big P's Marathon Page (maps, physics, links)
	Alex Black's M2 page (physics, films)
	Dave Santoro's Maps Page
	The Four Pillars Home Page
	Gold Leader's Marathon Page (maps)
	Run, boy, run... (icons, maps, links)
    Weird Marathon Center (icons, physics, films, links)
    It's about Marathon Physics Models
    Marathon Cheater Home Page
    Infinity Game Wimp Page
    Marathon Map and Art Association
-------------------------- or
    Thomas Kluyskens' Marathon Page
    Marathon Junkies' HomePage
    Thorn's Marathon Page
    Marathon's Icons (a must-read)
    The Unofficial Ling-Ling Home Page (Bungie's home page explained)
    Pfhrenzy! A CD-ROM Marathon peripherals collection
    Mark's Marathon Mayhem Manifest Page
    Grayphics Marathon Tournament 96
	Kutt's Marathon page (mostly links)
    The Born On Board Bastard
	Minnesota Marathon Players Group
	Power of 7 Home Page (Makers of M2 and M-Infinity music)
	Tech-Toys Marathon 2 Review
	The Junction - Bits - Marathon
	Nick's Corner: Marathon/Marathon2
    New Net Game Variations
    Marathon 2 Terminal Guide
    Marathoners of Lower Michigan
    Marathon Network Players page (player group in Seattle, WA)
    The Marathon Ring Official Site       
Did I forget you? Mail you URLs to me! <>

The following people have contributed to this document, either by 
submitting questions or answers. If you feel I've left you out,
email me. (Jeff R.) (aaron sommer) (Dennis Taylor) (Zed) (Matt Banek) (Ben Chess) (gabe rosenkoetter) (Candace Sherriff) (Kay Chang) (george mcclelland) (Jack T. Lin)
Dan Martens (
rf reddig (
Matt Soell (

Last edited 3 September 1996 CAE

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