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DOOM I Keys FAQ . . . . . . . . . (96/08/29)

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Archive-name: games/doom/keys1-faq
Rec-games-computer-doom-announce-archive-name: keys1-faq
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                        THE DOOM 1 KEYS FAQ
                  Inspired by the DOOM ][ Keys FAQ


1       About this FAQ
1.1     Copyright & Credits
1.2     What this FAQ covers
1.3     What this FAQ does not cover

2       Definitions
2.1     Blue
2.2     Red
2.3     Yellow
2.4     Key Card
2.5     Skull Key

3       What do I need these for?
3.1     What do I need a blue key for?
3.2     What do I need a red key for?
3.3     What do I need a yellow key for?

4       Where do I find the keys in DOOM?
4.1     Episode One
4.2     Episode Two
4.3     Episode Three
4.4     Episode Four

5       Which episodes have how many of which keys?

1.1: Copyright & Credits
This FAQ is written by Patrick Kalinauskas, You may
distribute this file for free or as part of a CD-ROM; commercial
distribution except as part of a CD-ROM is prohibited. This FAQ is
identical to version 1.0 except for this notice.

1.2: What does this FAQ cover?

This FAQ covers how to find the keys in DOOM I.

1.3: What doesn't this FAQ cover?

This FAQ does not cover any other game besides DOOM I. It does not cover
how to destroy the guardians that will try to keep you from the keys either.

2.1: What is Blue?

Blue (blu) - a color between green and violet. A rather beautiful color.

2.2: What is Red?

Red (rehd) - a color between orange and violet. Some people consider it a
symbol of love. You will consider it a symbol of a) red keys, b) red doors,
or c) something's been hurt.

2.3: What is Yellow?

Yellow (yel-lo) - a color between orange and green. Now, I would duplicate
the DOOM ][ keys FAQ's attack on the color, but being in love with a blonde,
it would not be such a good idea. Of course she'll probably never play DOOM,
let alone read this FAQ, but still...

2.4: What is a Key Card?

A Key Card is a small object, found in DOOM, that looks like a computer
add-on card. They come in three colors, red, blue, and yellow.

2.5: What is a Skull Key?

A Skull Key is a small object, found in DOOM, that looks like a small skull.
As with the Key Cards, they come in red, blue, and yellow. Skull Keys
function identically to Key Cards.

3.1: What do I need a blue key for?

You need it to unlock blue security doors. Besides, they're pretty to look

3.2: What do I need a red key for?

You need it to unlock red security doors.

3.3: What do I need a yellow key for?

You need it to unlock yellow security doors, and to remind you of your
beautiful blonde girlfriend while you're spending half of each day playing
DOOM :-)

4.1: Episode One

E1M1: Hangar

Unfortunately, there are no keys in this level *sigh*

E1M2: Nuclear Plant

BLUE KEY: This level is unfortunately devoid of the beautiful Blue Key.
RED KEY: The useful Red Key is to be found by taking either non-Red door
from the start room and going upstairs.
YELLOW KEY: There is no yellow key on this level.

E1M3: Toxin Refinery

BLUE KEY: This beautiful gem is found on the platform in the room at the
end of the corridor past the "O" shaped acid pit.
RED KEY: Sorry, there is no red key here. You won't see that useful item
again till level six.
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found in the middle of the secret Computer
Room, to be opened by the switch down and to the left of the corridor leading
to the O-pit.

E1M4: Command Control

BLUE KEY: The wondrous BLUE KEY is found in the central chamber. Just walk
up to the doors and they will open.
RED KEY: Be patient. Level six is only two levels from here.
YELLOW KEY: After you get the BLUE KEY, the YELLOW KEY is found by going
through the blue door and following the main corridor north to the end,
then taking the right-hand, followed by the left-hand branch.

E1M5: Phobos Lab

BLUE KEY: You have to have the YELLOW KEY first. Go through the yellow door,
then take either branch to the acid pit. Run across the acid, flip the
Return to the yellow door, and run to the passage directly across. Go to the
switch in the room, which opens the door. At the end of that passage will be
RED KEY: Just a little longer to wait...
YELLOW KEY: Go to the parapet east of your start point, and you will see a
bridge rise. Now go to the stairs leading up, and take the passage out to
the bridge. Follow it to the passage leading into the wall, at the end of
which is the YELLOW KEY.

E1M6: Central Processing

BLUE KEY: You need the RED KEY first. The BLUE KEY is on a platform south
and west of the red doors.
RED KEY: Go east from the first intersection, then veer southeast into the
big room. The RED KEY is at the east end of the room.
YELLOW KEY: As you approach the blue door, a tower behind you will lower.
The back of that room is a secret door. Turn left to find a wall flanked
by blue lights. This is a secret door leading to the YELLOW KEY.

E1M7: Computer Station

BLUE KEY: You need the RED KEY first. The BLUE KEY is to be found in an
obvious spot after passing through the red door.
RED KEY: You need the YELLOW KEY first. From the room accessed by yellow
doors, go through the southern passage and follow it to the room with the
lowering pillar. Turn right, then go north to the room with a lift (from
which you can see (but not get!) the beautiful BLUE KEY. Take the lift and
follow the passage to the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found by going southeast from the start to a
lift, which takes you to a ledge. Follow it into the passage. In the passage
is the YELLOW KEY.

E1M8: Phobos Anomaly

There are no keys on this level :-(

E1M9: Military Base

BLUE KEY: You need the RED KEY first. Go through the red door, blow up
the barrels, and flip the switch. This raises a Demon pen with the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: You need the YELLOW KEY first. Go through the yellow door, and
the RED KEY will be right there.
YELLOW KEY: Go west from the Cage Room in the middle; the YELLOW KEY is
placed obviously.

4.2: Episode Two

E2M1: Deimos Anomaly

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is found by passing through the evil cross at the
beginning. It is in the room beyond.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found by taking the teleporter in the start room
and flipping the switch across the blood pit. This reveals a small
thingamabob with two switches. Flip the one CLOSER TO THE FIRST SWITCH
you flipped; this opens a secret passage to the north with the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: There is no YELLOW KEY here.

E2M2: Containment Area

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is found by following the crushing-ceiling passage,
then continuing until you see that blue glow.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found by using the blue door.
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found by going to a room with a blood pit.
Follow the lights on the ceiling to reach the YELLOW KEY safely.

E2M3: Refinery

BLUE KEY: From the room with the pentagonal slime pool, go west as far
as you can (yes, jump in the pit). Go up the stairs and jump into the room;
on the far side of the room (concealed by a pillar) is a BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: Patience again... you won't be seeing the RED KEY again until level
YELLOW KEY: There is no YELLOW KEY on this level.

E2M4: Deimos Lab

BLUE KEY: From the room you warp into, go west as far as you can, then
turn north, west, and then south through the door; use the lift to gain
access to the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: It isn't here!
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found by going through the blue door, then
under the crushing ceiling.

E2M5: Command Center

Surprisingly, considering the complexity of the level, there are no keys
on this level.

E2M6: Halls of the Damned

BLUE KEY: After you mess with all those darn rooms in the beginning, you'll
find yourself in a room with a blue door and a normal door. Go through the
normal door, then head southeast to get the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found in that annoying southwest maze. After going
through the door to the south half of the maze, go west, south, then east
to find the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: From the northern hub-room, go south. The YELLOW KEY is at the
south end of that room.

E2M7: Spawning Vats

BLUE KEY: To get the BLUE KEY go to the room with all those boxes, then flip
a switch in the SW corner of the box room. This leads to a room with the
RED KEY: You need the YELLOW KEY first. Go through the yellow door, then
through the *DOOR* to the right. Jump down, enter the passage at the
opposite side of the room to a switch, flip it, revealing the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: This reminder of my beautiful love is to be found by going
the blue door and going downstairs, then left, then upstairs to the YELLOW

E2M8: Tower of Babel

The Cyberdemon is hard enough here without worrying about keys.

E2M9: Fortress of Mystery

BLUE KEY: Go east from the Caco room and flip the switch opening a door
revealing a BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: Go through the blue door to get the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: Go through the red door to find the YELLOW KEY.

4.3: Episode Three

E3M1: Hell Keep

The keep is wide open and unprotected, for it has no keys!

E3M2: Slough of Despair

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is at the end of the "pinky" of the Slough.
RED KEY: This level is devoid of the useful RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: None here, sad to say.

E3M3: Pandemonium

BLUE KEY: Take the east stairs from the big room opposite the start
alcoves. Go south from the top of the stairs, then east, and take
a lift down. Continue southwest into a silvery room with the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: None here...
YELLOW KEY: Arrghh! Does id have something against my beloved blonde? They
haven't included ANY YELLOW KEYs in the first three levels of this episode!

E3M4: House of Pain

BLUE KEY: Go west from the area with three switches, then south, to find
the wondrous BLUE KEY along with some uglier things....
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found just past the yellow door.
YELLOW KEY: Seeing this brings my love back into my mind... whatever Pain
is in this house is gone. Anyway, to get the YELLOW KEY, in the room with
the switch pillars use the WEST switch on the WEST pillar.

E3M5: Unholy Cathedral

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is in the northernmost room. To get it, flip all the
switches under crushing pillars.
RED KEY: There is none.
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found in the southern structure with respect
to the central teleport terminal. To get it, go to the northwestern
area with the green slime pit, cross it, which opens a door, then go through
that door and run to the teleport.

E3M6: Mt. Erebus

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is in different places according to the difficulty
level. On low levels it is on the floor in an area with four Imp cages. On
higher levels the BLUE KEY is in the Y-shaped structure, in the southeast
RED KEY: There is no RED KEY on this level.
YELLOW KEY: There is also no YELLOW KEY on this level.

E3M7: Limbo

BLUE KEY: Go west from the big blood pool room. Then go south, go around
the octagon, and then southeast. There's a BLUE KEY there.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found on the far-western safe spot in the northeast
blood trenches.
YELLOW KEY: From the big blood pool go north, and take the western
teleporter. Flip the switch, return, and take the eastern teleporter.

E3M8: Dis

Are you kidding? This level is WAY too simple for keys. There aren't even
that many doors!

E3M9: Warrens

BLUE KEY: After you cross the trigger that was the exit teleporter in E3M1,
several passages open. Go to the north end of the area you are in and take
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found by going down the east passage from the
start room, which teleports you. Go east from your destination to get a
YELLOW KEY: None again! What gives?

4.4: Episode Four

E4M1: Hell Beneath

BLUE KEY: After getting the RED KEY, go through the red door. Go around
the wall and push the north torch to get that darn wall outta the way (and
revealing a music logo). The BLUE KEY will be in the east alcove.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is to be found by jumping down into the western acid
pit, then entering the building, and turning east at the top of the second
flight of stairs.
YELLOW KEY: None again *sigh*

E4M2: Perfect Hatred

BLUE KEY: The BLUE KEY is found far, far to the southeast.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found on the next level. Patience!
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found by flipping the Satyr Switch on the
west side of the pillar with the yellow switch. Jump through the newly-opened
door and flip the switch to raise the walkway, which you should run onto as
soon as it starts raising. Jump over to the place with the plasma gun,
opening a door revealing the YELLOW KEY.

E4M3: Sever the Wicked

BLUE KEY: After getting the RED KEY, go to the red gate. Open it, gaining
passage to the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: The RED KEY is found on top of a pillar. Hurl yourself into the pit,
then flip the switch at the bottom to lower the pillar.
YELLOW KEY: None here.

E4M4: Unruly Evil

BLUE KEY: There will be a BLUE KEY on this level when Spectres fly.
RED KEY: From the center water pool hurl yourself into the eastern slime pit,
then quickly go east, and take the potions. Then use the lift to go back up.
This reveals an opening with the RED KEY.

E4M5: They Will Repent

BLUE KEY: Go through the red door, then northwest. This reveals a BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: From the area with the chaingun, go west, then north through the
door. Take the elevator and turn east; this reveals the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: The YELLOW KEY is found by climbing down into the blood near the
yellow door, then turning west to a door, leading to a teleport. This takes
you to the ledge with the YELLOW KEY.

E4M6: Against Thee Wickedly

BLUE KEY: Take the western elevator up to the teleporter tower in the middle.
After teleporting, jump west, then up the stairs to the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: Go into the yellow-door cabin and flip the switch. Then return to
the picket fence area and jump onto the teleporter, taking you to a balcony.
Follow the corridor off the balcony to a RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: Using the blue switch, open the northern bars to get a YELLOW

E4M7: And Hell Followed

BLUE KEY: Go directly east from the first intersection, then turn north.
Open the door. Go east, then south, and flip a switch to reveal a Soul
Take the Soul Sphere and a door will open revealing the BLUE KEY.
RED KEY: Go back to the first intersection, then west, south, and west again.
There's a RED KEY there.
YELLOW KEY: Push on the mural in the RED KEY room to expose a teleporter to
the YELLOW KEY. You must have the BLUE KEY first.

E4M8: Unto the Cruel

BLUE KEY: Absent!
RED KEY: Push on the right-hand demon mural in the marble hall. It reveals
the RED KEY.
YELLOW KEY: Go to the left-hand demon mural and push it. Take the teleport.
Climb the stairs, then follow the catwalks north and west to a room with an
elevator. Use the switch to lower it, then jump in and turn east to find the

E4M9: Fear

BLUE KEY: When Spectres fly.
RED KEY: When Barons fly.
YELLOW KEY: After lowering the "Beirut Barricades" turn east, then turn
Face the easternmost gap and jump through, then follow the ledge to the

      M1  M2  M3  M4  M5  M6  M7  M8  M9   Total-B  R  Y   Total Keys
E1    --- -R- B-Y B-Y B-Y BRY BRY --- BRY        6  4  6       16
E2    BR- BRY B-- B-Y --- BRY BRY --- BRY        7  5  5       17
E3    --- B-- B-- BRY B-Y B-- BRY --- BR-        7  3  3       13
E4    BR- B-Y BR- -R- BRY BRY BRY -RY --Y        6  7  6       19

There are a total of 26 blue keys, 19 red keys, and 20 yellow keys in DOOM.

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM