Archive-name: fusion-faq/glossary/x
Last-modified: 25-Feb-1995 Posting-frequency: More-or-less-quarterly Disclaimer: While this section is still evolving, it should be useful to many people, and I encourage you to distribute it to anyone who might be interested (and willing to help!!!). See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge =============================================================== Glossary Part 24: Terms beginning with "X" FREQUENTLY USED TERMS IN CONVENTIONAL FUSION RESEARCH AND PLASMA PHYSICS Edited by Robert F. Heeter, Guide to Categories: * = plasma/fusion/energy vocabulary & = basic physics vocabulary > = device type or machine name # = name of a constant or variable ! = scientists @ = acronym % = labs & political organizations $ = unit of measurement The list of Acknowledgements is in Part 0 (intro). ================================================================== XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # Xe: Chemical symbol for the element Xenon. * X-Point: Place where the poloidal magnetic field vanishes in such a way that two flux surfaces appear to cross, e.g. where the main plasma joins the divertor (see entry) or between magnetic islands. Location where magnetic reconnection takes place. (See magnetic reconnection; see also divertors and O-point.) & X Ray: A penetrating form of electromagnetic radiation emitted either when the inner orbital electrons of an excited atom return to their normal state (characteristic x-rays), or when a high speed electron collides sharply with an ion or atomic target (bremsstrahlung). X-rays have energies from roughly 100 eV to roughly 100 keV. (Below X-rays are ultraviolet rays, and above X-rays in energy are gamma rays.) X-rays are (basically by definition) non-nuclear in origin. (Nuclear electromagnetic radiation termed gamma radiation.) See also ultraviolet, gamma rays, bremsstrahlung. User Contributions:
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