Archive-name: frame/faq/part1
Version: 2.9a Last-modified: 1996/0313 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge =================================================== FrameMaker Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) List =================================================== To skip the OFFICIAL STUFF and get to the new info and the table of contents, search for the word: LEGEND ============================================================ * OFFICIAL STUFF ------------------------------------------------------------ ** What is this all about? This article contains answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about FrameMaker and associated products, often seen in the Usenet newsgroup "comp.text.frame" and on the "framers" mailing list. It is posted to help reduce volume in this newsgroup and to provide hard-to-find information of general interest. This FAQ is in two parts. FrameMaker is a document publishing program, including page layout, word processing, graphics (drawing), equations, book building, tables, etc. It runs on many platforms, most notably Unix/X, SunView, Macinstosh, Windows, NeXT. Associated products are FrameViewer, FrameReader and FrameBuilder. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Copyright & Distribution This article, as a collection of information, is Copyright 1994 Robert McCormick. Distribution through any means other than regular Usenet channels must be by permission. The removal of this copyright notice is forbidden. This FAQ may be cited as: McCormick, Robert J. (1994) "FrameMaker FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)" Usenet news.answers. Available via (and ./part2). 35 pages. Please redistribute this article to people who ask for it or people who use FrameMaker! However, distribute the whole file, including the copyright notices and the attributions. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Credits Many people all over the world have contributed to this FAQ, and have graciously provided mail servers and FTP sites. Their names are included with their contributions. I usually edit contributions, so what you see here may not be the contributor's exact words. Thanks to TCSI for providing me a job and an account from which to maintain the FAQ. For more info about TCSI, see ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Corrections & Additions Send corrections or new questions WITH ANSWERS to Mike Sierra at If you have a question and need an answer, post or mail your questions to the group, collect the responses, put together a summary answer, and then mail it to me for inclusion in the FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Disclaimer (and Frame Technology's Address) comp.text.frame and the framers mailing list are not officially read or supported by Frame Technologies, Inc. To speak officially with Frame Technologies Inc., especially to report a problem or to suggest an enhancement, contact them at: Frame Technology, Inc. Tel: +1 408-975-6466 (408-975-OH-NO :-) Frame Technical Support Fax: +1 408-975-6611 333 West San Carlos Internet-USA: San Jose, CA 95110 USA Internet-Eur: FTP: (IP WWW: AppleLink: FRAME.TECH Online BBS: +1 408-975-6729, 6730 BigMac BBS: +1 408-975-6738 Compuserve: GO DTPVEND, Section 12 - Frame Technology FrameFacts (FAX-back system): +1 408-975-6731 For Frame Sales, use Tel: +1 800-843-7263 (800 U-4-FRAME) Frame main number: Tel: +1-408-975-6000 Fax: +1-408-975-6799 I and the contributors do not accept any liability for the accuracy or applicability of this information to your situation. Make a backup copy of your file(s) before you attempt any complex procedure, especially one done outside of the FrameMaker program. Be careful. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Other Items Most answers are written for FrameMaker version 3.0, 3.0.1, or 3.1, and may not work for (or be applicable to) earlier or later versions. There have been a lot of changes between FM3 and FM4. Certain things, such as automatic hypertext generation, needed separate programs in FM3, but are built into FM4. Unless otherwise noted, most answers still show an FM3 viewpoint. As time goes on I intend to change the answers to reflect and FM4 viewpoint, with the FM3 data shown also, for those that have not upgraded. Unless the posting is of local interest (like a user group meeting), please use Distribution: world in your posts. This article is in EMACS outline format, using the standard header symbol "*". Abbreviations: FM FrameMaker FM3 FrameMaker 3.0, 3.01, 3.0.1, etc. FM4 FrameMaker 4.0 etc. FTP File Transfer Program/Protocol PS PostScript TOC Table of Contents XREF Cross-reference or cross-reference marker ------------------------------------------------------------ ** If you are new to Usenet, subscribe to news.announce.newusers and read the postings there. They give you general information and tips on making life easier for you and everybody else. Read: "A Primer on How to Work With the Usenet Community" "Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Usenet" "Hints on writing style for Usenet" ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Other FAQs To find other FAQs, subscribe to news.answers, or send e-mail: To: body contains: send usenet/news.answers/index or, use anonymous FTP: As an example, this FAQ is stored in the directory Copies of the news.answers FAQs in HTML format are at ------------------------------------------------------------ ** FTP (File Transfer Protocol/Program) Instructions FTP is a way of copying files between networked computers. If you need help in using or getting started with FTP, send e-mail: To: body contains: send usenet/news.answers/ftp-list/faq Most files available by FTP have been archived and compressed. The unpacking programs for Unix are included on most systems. Those for Mac and PC are available from most FTP sites; consult README files. If you do not have access to FTP, there are other was of accessing files, including ftp-by-mail. Send e-mail: To: body contains: send usenet/news.answers/finding-sources ============================================================ * VERSION INFO, LEGEND, CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Notes about this version This will (hopefully) be my last update, before handing it over to someone else for future enhancement. Thanks to all who contributed, especially those who sent me updates, and waited forever for the changes. I've added most of them to this version, but not all. Eagle-eyed correctors for this issue: Alberto Aimar <> Conrad M. Hirano <> Daniel Kibler <> Ethan L. Miller <> Linda Cygan <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TOC Legend + indicates questions new to this issue; ! indicates those with significant changes since the last issue. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Table of Contents part1:* OFFICIAL STUFF part1:** What is this all about? part1:** Copyright & Distribution part1:** Credits part1:** Corrections & Additions part1:** Disclaimer (and Frame Technology's Address) part1:** Other Items part1:** If you are new to USENET, subscribe to news.announce.newusers part1:** Other FAQs part1:** FTP (File Transfer Protocol/Program) Instructions part1:* VERSION INFO, LEGEND, CONTENTS part1:** Notes about this version part1:** Legend part1:** Table of Contents part1:** Future Items (contributions gladly considered) part1:* INFORMATION SOURCES !!!!!:** INF-1: Electronic Media (mailing lists, newsgroups, BBSs, fax) !!!!!:** INF-2: Printed Media (books, magazines, etc.) part1:** INF-3: User Groups part1:* TEXT FORMATTING AND FLOWS part1:** TXT-1: How can I control which master page is used when text flows off of the current page? part1:** TXT-2: What exactly is copied during File:Use Formats? part1:** TXT-3: How can I delete all empty paragraphs? part1:** TXT-4: How can I type h-bar, Planck's constant? part1:** TXT-5: How can I adjust the size of the brackets in equations? part1:** TXT-6: How can I underline the area between tabbed text? +++++:** TXT-7: Can I make a series of changes to my document from a list? +++++:** TXT-8: Can I make a series of changes to all the documents in a folder? part1:* AUTONUMBERING, CROSS-REFERENCES, VARIABLES, TOC, INDEX part1:** NUM-1: How do I set up autonumbers for Figures as "Figure 5-1"? part1:** NUM-2: How do I place an autonumbered figure number in an anchored frame? Why doesn't it update properly? part1:** NUM-3: How can I get "Page 3 of 152" to work for a multi-file book? part1:** NUM-4: I want chapter number and title on separate lines, both in TOC. part1:** NUM-5: Can I generate a table-of-contents directly inside a file? part1:** NUM-6: Why do some of my cross-references keep changing to point to the wrong paragraph? part1:** NUM-7: How can I convert x-refs automatically to hypertext links? part1:** NUM-8: Can I set a FM variable from the command line? part1:** NUM-9: Does FM support mail merge? part1:** NUM-10: Is there are tool to automatically produce index entries? part1:** NUM-11: How do I set up "dictionary-style" headers? part1:** NUM-12: When I generate from the book, FM says "Degenerate!" part1:** NUM-13: How can I autonumber figures that span multiple columns? +++++:** NUM-14: How can I create an "global" index across files (without books)? +++++:** NUM-15: Multi-line titles get messed up in List-Of-Figures or -Tables part2:* PAGE LAYOUT part2:** PAG-1: Is there any easy way to move one or more pages to a different place in the document? (Two layout models.) part2:** PAG-2: How do I force a page break? part2:** PAG-3: How can I change the page size of an existing document? part2:** PAG-4: I used a rotated (landscape) page for a large figure/table, but the figure keeps moving to a portrait page! part2:** PAG-5: How can I get text to flow around a graphic? part2:** PAG-6: What is the easiest way to do "this page intentionally left blank"? part2:** PAG-7: How can I control the spacing between the text and the top of the text frame? part2:** PAG-8: How can I make a table or anchored frame span two columns? +++++:** PAG-9: How can I float a table to the top of the page, w/o blank space? part2:* PRINTING part2:** PRT-1: How can I print "DRAFT" on the background of every page? part2:** PRT-2: How can I print with the "-h" switch in FM3.0/3.1? part2:** PRT-3: How can I set the default printer name? part2:** PRT-4: How can I print pages in pamphlet/booklet/signature order? part2:** PRT-5: Is there a way to print certain pages or ranges from a book or file, besides the one-range-at-a-time printing via FM? part2:** PRT-6: How can I print double-sided on a printer that supports it? part2:** PRT-7: Can I print FM files on a 9-bin dot-matrix printer? part2:** PRT-8: How can I have text that is displayed, but not printed? part2:** PRT-9: How can print to a non-PostScript printer? +++++:** PRT-10: What kind of control do I have over documents distributed on-line in FrameMaker binary format? !!!!!:* FILTERS, IMPORT/EXPORT, POSTSCRIPT part2:** FIL-1: Where can I find a filter to convert <XXXXXX> to Frame? part2:** FIL-2: How do I convert a Frame document from Mac to Sun? (etc.) part2:** FIL-3: Why do my imported images show up as gray rectangles? part2:** FIL-4: How can I automatically import a graphic file whose format is not recognized by FM, if I can do the conversion manually? part2:** FIL-5: How do I incorporate code fragments in a Frame doc? !!!!!:** FIL-6: Are there any SGML converters for FM? !!!!!:** FIL-7: I am having problems transferring PostScript in and out of FM. part2:** FIL-8: How can I convert a group of files between FM binary and MIF? part2:** FIL-9: How do I import ISO Latin1 (ISO-8859.1) text into FM? part2:** FIL-10: How do I screendump a window with a menu? part2:** FIL-11: How do I convert MATLAB output to FM? !!!!!:** FIL-12: How do I convert FM to HTML? part2:** FIL-13: How do I convert MS Excel charts to FM? part2:** FIL-14: How do I get a better FM-to-Text conversion? +++++:** FIL-15: How do I merge several PS files into a single PS file? part2:* SPELLING, GRAMMAR, BIBLIOGRAPHYS, ENDNOTES, 3RD PARTY TOOLS, ETC. part2:** SGB-1: Are there any grammar checkers for FM? part2:** SGB-2: Do you know what happens if the spell checker finds "Interleaf" part2:** SGB-3: How can I do bibliographies in FrameMaker? part2:** SGB-4: Can FM produce automatically numbered endnotes? !!!!!:** SGB-5: Are there any plotting/charting packages that work with FM? part2:** SGB-6: Is there a thesaurus that works with FM? part2:** SGB-7: How to use configuration management tools with FM? part2:** SGB-8: Are there any "spreadsheet" tools for FM tables? part2:* CONFIGURING FM, PLATFORM-SPECIFIC ISSUES part2:** PLT-1: Various FM on X Window questions part2:** PLT-2: How do I open documents from the command line using an already running FrameMaker (and thus only a single license)? part2:** PLT-3: Where can I find keyboard shortcuts for [platform]? part2:** PLT-4: How can I maximize battery life for FM on portables? part2:** PLT-5: Various FM-Windows Questions part2:** PLT-6: FrameMaker does not display black text on an external color monitor connected to a Macintosh PowerBook. part2:** PLT-7: What can be done to make FM run faster on Macintoshes? part2:* TEMPLATES AND CLIP ART part2:** TMP-1: Where can I get the FUN tape? part2:** TMP-2: Where can I get a template for technical papers? part2:** TMP-3: Where can I get DTD template for FrameBuilder? part2:** TMP-4: Where can I get additional Clip Art for FM? part2:** TMP-5: Where can I get a thesis template? ------------------------------------------------------------ ** Future Items (contributions gladly considered) ============================================================ * INFORMATION SOURCES ------------------------------------------------------------ ** INF-1: Electronic Media (mailing lists, newsgroups, BBSs, fax) *** A. How to get the latest version of this FAQ This FAQ is posted monthly to comp.text.frame, comp.answers, and news.answers. To get the latest copy via mail server, send e-mail: To: with body containing: send usenet/news.answers/frame/faq/part1 send usenet/news.answers/frame/faq/part2 An HTML version (URLs converted to links) is stored at A full HTML version is stored at (top-level info at courtesy of Tim Hanlon ( and CERN. This HTML version may not be as current as the other versions, but it is very easy to use. The Bug List and Filters document are here in HTML also! The FAQ is also available via *** B. comp.text.frame Usenet newsgroup Subscribe to the Usenet newsgroup comp.text.frame. To find out how to read a newsgroup, ask your system administrator. *** C. "framers" reflective mailing list This is a reflective mailing list, which is also partially gatewayed with comp.text.frame in one direction: from the newsgroup to the mailing list but not vice versa. The 'cream of comp.text.frame' is forwarded to the mailing list. To get on the mailing list, use the automated administrator; to find out how, send e-mail: To: body contains: help If you have trouble with the automated administrator, send email to: There is an archive at . *** D. Frame Technology's Bulletin Board System Frame Technology has created a bulletin board system that can be used to submit bug reports, leave messages, read bulletins and technical tips, or upload/download files. See phone numbers above. Contributor: Al at Frame Tech Support *** E. Frame Technology's FrameFacts FAX Retrieval System Frame Technology has created the FrameFacts FAX retrieval system. This system is activated by your touch-tone phone, and will send requested documents to the FAX machine of your choosing. FrameFacts contains the latest Technical Notes and tips for all the FrameMaker platforms and products. This system is updated weekly, as is the BBS. You can reach FrameFacts by calling +1 408-975-6731. You may wish to request the Index of Documents the first time you call. (This system may only work if you are calling from USA or Canada.) *** F. Frame Technology FTP site Frame has added an FTP site: Items supplied by Frame are in /pub/techsup/. The directories /pub/techsup/framers/[mac, dos, unix, platform.ind] contain files submitted by others, such as this FAQ, the filter document (see FIL-1), filters, etc. Most files are compressed in some format. You can make submissions to the site; read the file /.welcome.msg for instructions. *** G. FUNNE FTP Archive The FUNNE (FrameMaker's User Network of New England) anonymous FTP archive contains information on upcoming meetings, meeting minutes and agendas, general information regarding FUNNE, and an uploads section for uploading helpful Frame sample templates, informational text files, and other Frame-related utilities. To access the FUNNE FTP archive: *** H. Other Usenet newsgroups of interest to desktop publishing. comp.text, comp.text.desktop, comp.text.sgml, comp.lang.postscript, comp.sources.postscript, alt.hypertext, misc.writing *** I: Other interesting Web pages for publishing & writing Contributor: Graeme Forbes <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** INF-2: Printed Media (books, magazines, etc.) *** A. Michael Fraase. 1992. "Structured Publishing from the Desktop: Frame Technology's FrameMaker." Business One Irwin, Homewood, IL. 336 pp. Softbound. $24.95 ISBN 1-55623-616-6. Contributor: Binion Amerson *** B. Juergen Gulbins, Karl Obermayr. 1994. "Desktop Publishing mit FrameMaker", published in German Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York. 800 pages; Covering FM4 on UNIX, Windows and Mac extra chapters on typography, photosetting, installation and configuration on UNIX. Contributor: Karl Obermayr *** C. FrameFootnotes: The technical newsletter for FrameMaker users. Published (quarterly?) by Frame Technical Support. Contact: Technical Support/FrameFootnotes Frame Technology Corporation (address above) (download as binary, as it is a FM file) *** D. FrameFocus: Marketing newsletter from Frame. Published quarterly by Frame Technologies. Contact: Editor, FrameFocus Frame Technology Corporation (address above) (download as binary, as it is a FM file) *** E. Books available through Ellipsys International Publications The following book profiles are provided by Ellipsys International Publications, Inc., a source of FrameMaker books for Unix, Mac, and Windows. To obtain more information about any of the following titles, please call toll free, or send a fax or Email. Ellipsys is a Registered Training Company for Frame Technology Corporation. Ellipsys International Publications, Inc. Tel: +1 619-280-8711 4679 Vista Street Sales: +1 800-944-5551 San Diego, CA 92116 USA Fax: +1 619-280-8713 CompuServe: Claire Arias,73441,1226 .......................................................... Title: FrameMaker 4: From Desktop to Printshop Authors: Yvonne Johnson Publisher: Osborne McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0-07-881970-9 Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 Available 4/94 This colorfully-illustrated reference moves beyond the mechanics of Frame- Maker, to emphasize the basics of good design and layout, prepress and production. Features Windows, with numerous side notes for Mac and Unix. .......................................................... Title: FrameMaker 4 for Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide Author: Jann Tolman Publisher: Peachpit Press ISBN: 1-56609-097-0 Suggested Retail Price: $18.95 Available 3/94 A picture is worth a thousand words! This book's illustrated step-by-step instructions will help you get up and running with FrameMaker 4 in no time. Written especially for those who would rather do it than read about it. .......................................................... Title: Power of FrameMaker 4 for Windows Author: David B. Doty Publisher: MIS:Press ISBN: 1-55828-314-5 Suggested Retail Price: $27.95 Available NOW! This book of 446 pages covers all bases, but zeroes in on topics of interest to experienced users. Learn how to create and maintain complex documents, use conditional text, generate lists, tables, anchored frames, equations, hypertext, and more! .......................................................... Title: FrameMaker 4 for Unix Solutions Authors: Helena Fernandez Jerney & John Jerney Publisher: John Wiley & Sons ISBN: 0-471-59076-2 Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 Available NOW! The ultimate trouble-shooting guide for professional technical writers using FrameMaker 4 for Unix. This comprehensive reference of 478 pages provides quick access to step-by-step instructions for over 200 FrameMaker 4 tasks. .......................................................... Title: FrameMaker for Windows: Step-by-Step Author: Janet Lienhard Series: Trainers' Signature Series Publisher: Ellipsys International Publications, Inc. ISBN: 1-880663-41-4 Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 Available NOW! A three-part set of workbooks for the first-time user of FrameMaker 3. Each workbook features a step-by-step lesson, supplemented by an alpha- betical reference of featured commands and illustrated glossary. Ideal for in-house corporate training. .......................................................... Title: Structured Publishing from the Desktop Author: Michael Fraase Publisher: Irwin Professional Publishing ISBN: 1-55623-616-6 Suggested Retail Price: $30.00 Available NOW! Featuring FrameMaker 3 for the Mac, this book provides an interesting overview of technical communications methology, with an emphasis on the multi-platform, workgroup publishing environment. .......................................................... Contributor: Claire Arias <> *** F. "The Frame Handbook: Building Framemaker Documents that Work" By Linda Branagan & Micheal Sierra, pub. O'Reilly & Ass., Inc. For me, the "Tips and Tricks" section alone is worth the price of the book... I saved a lot of time with the explanation of automated running tabs (or bleeding tabs). Furthermore, the Acknowlegdements make mention our very own comp.text.frame! Contributor: Hal Hammond <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** INF-3: User Groups Usually called FUN for Frame User Network. These groups meet to discuss FM and its usage. They often include speakers from FM, 3rd-party tool suppliers, etc. (Country code for all phone numbers is +1.) Atlanta GA USA Dana O'Farrell 404-417-4811 Meets quarterly. Chicago IL USA Lester LaPierre 708-576-4445 Cleveland OH USA Eric LaPresto 216-445-9368 Columbus OH USA Alan Addis 614-477-3600 x2497 Peggy Sutliff " x3200 Dallas-Fort Worth TX USA Darja Adams 214-869-0680 x2257 Dayton OH USA Brian Bermhardt 513-257-2479 Detroit MI USA Myron Hayden 313-459-5630 Florida USA Kathy Garvey Indianapolis IN USA Brad Williamson 317-230-5564 317-471-3055 317-872-7220 x632 Los Angeles CA USA Brian Keith 818-883-3838 Milwaukee WI USA Luke Heffron 414-782-0007 Minneapolis MN USA Nancee Melby 612-726-2277 New England USA Paul Brady 508-490-5797 Phoenix AZ USA Ken Arnold 602-862-6699 Pittsburgh PA USA Al Mylan 412-378-4046 Mike Myers 412-374-3246 San Diego CA USA Robert Crews 72274.1243@CompuServe.COM 619-281-6141 San Francisco Bay Area CA USA Ruth LoCurto 408-765-4157 The Frame contact for user group info is Susan Barber, Atlanta office, +1 310-643-4425, x6953. If you want to start one of your very own FUN group, contact your local sales representative. ============================================================ * TEXT FORMATTING AND FLOWS ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-1: How can I control which master page is used when text flows off of the current page? When you push text out of a column with Autoconnect turned on, how does FM choose which master page to use for the new page? - If the number and type (letter tag) of the autoconnect flows on the current body page exactly match the autoconnect flows on the Right master page, then the Right master page is used. - Otherwise, the master page for the current body page is used. The Right master page is kind of the default master page. (Unless it is a double-sided document, in which case there are Left and Right defaults.) For example, if you were typing a memo, you would have (at least) two master pages, one called "First" which contained the big header, and one called "Right" for all of the continuation pages. You cannot get FM to automatically go from one non-Right master to another. For example, assume that a memo has 3 masters: Fax, First, and Right. There is no way to start the document with only the Fax page, and have it automatically change to First, and then to Right. The solution is to create 3 pages, apply the appropriate masters, connect the flows as needed, and make sure that empty pages are not deleted (turn this off in Format->Document or add dummy text to each page). Another item to note is that when changing master pages with Page Layout, the same "union" rules apply, as done with "Use Formats." For example, if the body page currently has one column of flow B, and you apply a master page which has one column with flow A, you will wind up with two text columns. You can then copy the text from the old column to the new column (if appropriate), and then delete the old column. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-2: What exactly is copied during File:Use Formats? Here is a description of what is copied and what actions occur during Use Formats. (This is from the Reference Manual, but I think it bears repeating, since it is not in the on-line help.) P Formats P Catalog All paragraphs are updated with the new formats Footnote properties (where placed, prefix, format, etc.) Equation sizes Document Properties: Allow Line Breaks After Flow Properties: Feather C Formats C Catalog All tagged characters are updated with the new formats Page Layouts Master Pages Background and Column Layout applied to all body pages Change Bar Properties Document Properties: First Page Number and Page Number Style View Options Reference Pages Reference Pages Reference Frames in current doc that are not in source doc are removed! Variable Definitions Variables Cross Reference Formats Cross Reference Formats Updates internal cross-references (x-refs) Table Formats Table Format Catalog Ruling Style Catalog Update all tables Conditional Text Conditional Tags Show/Hide Settings Use Format Overrides If you are going to apply P Formats, than you should also apply C Formats. Otherwise, text tagged with C formats will still be tagged correctly, but will be displayed with the default P format. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-3: How can I delete all empty paragraphs? If you're trying to delete extra paragraph marks (obligatory in good formatting), you may have noticed that you can't search for two paragraph marks (\p\p) and replace with one paragraph mark (\p) without losing the formatting of one of the paragraphs on either side of that string. The solution is to search, with wildcards, for a beginning of a line followed by the end of a line (^$), and replace with a null string. Contributor: Mike Sierra <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-4: How can I type h-bar, Planck's constant? This is not easy. There are a couple of methods described in a long summary: ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-5: How can I adjust the size of the brackets in equations? In math mode I write an expression such as (1/x) and automatically get large brackets on the screen: / 1 \ | - | \ x / But when I print, I get only small brackets: 1 ( - ) x Solution: Put a superscript on the numberator (1) and a subscript on the denominator (x). Make them both white (as opposed to the standard black). Adjust the spacing of the super and subscripts to adjust the bracket size. What you get looks like: a 1 - x b but the a and b won't print. Instead of using white text, you can use another color if you wish and then suppress printing of that color. Contributors: Phil Endecott <> Bob Collins <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-6: How can I underline the area between tabbed text? I now get: First part Second part ---------- ----------- but I want: First part Second part ---------------------------------- In the Paragraph Format: Tabs: Properties: Leader, place a hard space (meta space) at the appropriate tabs. These will be underlined too. Contributor: Wim van Gijsel <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-7: Can I make a series of changes to my document from a list? Tempo II Plus 3.0 comes with a Find/Replace macro that assigns a list of from/to changes to Temnpo variables. Tempo then enters them into the application's change dialog box, waiting for each change to complete in the target document before making the next. The macro is designed to work within Microsoft Word but can be modified to work in any program that has a find/change dialog box. Tempo is published by Affinity Microsystems Ltd. Affinity MicroSystems Ltd. Tel: +1 800-367-6700, +1 303-442-4840 Email: Fax: +1 303-442-4999 Contributor: Rick <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** TXT-8: Can I make a series of changes to all the documents in a folder? Tempo II Plus 3.0 comes with a "batch-process" routine that applies the Tempo macro you create to every file in a folder. The macro can also be set to perform differently based on some charactistic of the document, such as a portion of its name, some text in the file or even an image within the document. Tempo is published by Affinity Microsystems Ltd. Affinity MicroSystems Ltd. Tel: +1 800-367-6700, +1 303-442-4840 Email: Fax: +1 303-442-4999 Contributor: Rick <> ============================================================ * AUTONUMBERING, CROSS-REFERENCES, VARIABLES, TOC, INDEX ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-1: How do I set up autonumbers for Figures as "Figure 5-1"? First, FM organizes paragraph number into multiple series, each series indicated by a character followed by a colon (H:). There is also a series with no indicator. Second, the default behavior is that when a position is ommitted from an autonumber format, its value is reset to zero. (See below for a way to include a position in a format without printing it.) In autonumbering, if you include "< >" in the number, this means "don't display and don't reset the number in this position." Note the space between the angle brackets. Use one number series for both headers and figure numbers. The positions of the numbers in the series are as follows: <level1> <figure> <table> <example> <level2> <level3> <level4> <level5> The resultant autonumbers are: Head1 H:<n+> Figure H:<n>-<n+>< >< >< >< >< >< > Table H:<n>-< ><n+>< >< >< >< >< > Example H:<n>-< >< ><n+>< >< >< >< > Head2 H:<n>< >< >< >.<n+> Head3 H:<n>< >< >< >.<n>.<n+> Head4 H:<n>< >< >< >.<n>.<n>.<n+> Head5 H:<n>< >< >< >.<n>.<n>.<n>.<n+> Contributor: Alan Koch <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-2: How do I place an autonumbered figure number in an anchored frame? Why doesn't it update properly? There are three ways to place figure numbers so that they are automatically updated. They each have advantages and disadvantages. Note that you cannot use a "text line" (the A tool) for the figure number, because text lines cannot be autonumbered, since they are not real paragraphs in a text column. *** A. In-Frame The figure number is contained in a text column which is inside the anchored frame. Advantages: + Can use "floating" figures, because the title is inside the floating frame. Disadvantages: - Text column must be properly placed (see below). - Cannot be used if you want other autonumbered text cols in frame. If you use this method, the text column with the figure number must be the first text column in the drawing order. To ensure this, select the column and do Graphics->Back. *** B. Out-of-Frame The figure number is outside the frame, usually in the paragrah that contains the anchor or the paragraph after the anchor paragraph. Use Keep With Next and Keep With Previous in Format Paragraph to keep things together. Advantages: + Don't have to worry about text column in frame. + Can have an autonumbered text column in frame. Disadvantages: - Cannot use floating figures. *** C. Frame in One-cell Table Create a one-cell table, put the anchored frame in the cell, and place the figure title in the table title column. Advantages: + Can use all the formatting features of tables: Title above or below Controlled spacing between title and figure Controlled ruling (could use top and bottom rule lines) etc. + Don't have to worry about placement of text column in frame. + Can easily place 2 (or more) figures side-by-side in a column. (If using more than one row, use the Table Format:Basic:Numbering property to set row-first or column-first numbering.) Disadvantages: - Yet another layer of nesting (table contains frame which contains graphic) Note that this method provides an easy way to do side-by-side figures (or other groupings), but you must then place the figure title inside the table cell. Figure number ordering can be set from Table Format. Contributor: Harro Kremer <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-3: How can I get "Page 3 of 152" to work for a multi-file book? If you place text such as "Page <Current Page #> of <Page Count>" (where <xxx> signifies a variable) in the footer, you will get the expected results for a single-file document, but not for a multi-file book. The solution is replace the variable <Page Count> with a cross-reference to a paragraph on the last page of the last file in the book. The format of the cross-reference should be <$pagenum>. Make sure that you perform "File Generate/Update Files" from the book before you print, to update all cross-references. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-4: I want chapter number and title on separate lines, both in TOC. At the beginning of each chapter I want: Chapter <n> Title of Chapter Goes Here This requires two paragraphs, one for the number and one for the title. However, in the TOC I want: Chapter <n> Title of Chapter Goes Here...............<pagenum> Solution: Use different paragraph tags for your Chapter number and Title (e.g. ChapNum & ChapTitle). In your TOC Setup, gather only ChapTitle. In the TOC document itself, modify the Paragraph Format for ChapTitleTOC to set Numbering Properties to: Chapter <n+>.\t This will reproduce or mimic the chapter numbering, instead of pulling it from the chapter file. You may have to use a separate series (H:, C:) or use Book: File: Setup File to reset the numbering appropriately. On the TOC Reference page, set the entry for ChapTitleTOC to: <$paratext>\t<$pagenum> Contributors: Steve Harding <> Rob Weinberg ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-5: Can I generate a table-of-contents directly inside a file? Sort of, by using Cross-References instead of the Generate facility. At the front of your document, start setting up cross references to all the paragraphs you want to appear in the TOC. You can experiment with all the flexibility offered by X-Ref formats and autonumbers. Every time you add a new section to your document, you must manually add a corresponding cross reference in your TOC, but from then on it's self-maintaining. To update the TOC, just do Special : Cross-Reference : Update : Internal. If you delete a section and forget to delete the cross reference in the TOC, no problem! You use the standard methods to search- and-destroy (or fix) unresolved cross references. After the update, visually inspect the TOC to look for missing numbers, which may indicate sections that did not get referenced. This isn't as automated as the Generate method, but it has the major bonus of giving you the "Go To" hyperlink on the Cross Reference dialogue box. When you want to go to a section, you just double-click on the cross reference in the TOC, hit "Go To" in the dialogue box, and there you are! Very popular if you have various people reviewing a document on-line. Contributor: Ken d'Albenas <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-6: Why do some of my cross-references keep changing to point to the wrong paragraph? *** SITUATION: We have a document with many figures (or tables or equations). Each figure is cross-referenced in the body text. *** SYMPTOM: Some cross-references seem to be "unstable". For example, when one places a cross-reference to 'Figure 3' in the text, the number is correctly displayed ('Figure 3'). Later on, when the cross-references are updated, the cross-reference suddenly changes, e.g. to 'Figure 1'. (Manually changing the cross-reference back to 'Figure 3' (Special Cross-Reference, Replace) restored the correct number (3), but when the 'Update' was performed again, the number again reverted to 1!) *** CAUSE: The problem is caused by the use of the copy/paste functions to duplicate a block of text that contains an X-Ref (aka Cross-Ref) marker. First, here is some background on cross-reference markers. FM puts an X-Ref marker at the beginning of a paragraph when one first sets a cross-reference to that paragraph. Normally, users don't have to bother about such X-Ref markers. The marker symbol ('T') is visible if you have View Text Symbols turned on. Each marker has a marker number and a descriptive text, such as <MText `15755: Figure: Figure 1 Caption one'> (The Paragraph tag and text are set in the marker when the marker is first created, and they are not updated when the paragraph changes. When a cross-reference is updated, the actual paragraph text is used.) The marker number is crucial; it identifies the source of the cross-reference (i.e., the paragraph to which one refers), therefore it seems essential that each such number be UNIQUE in a document! FM generates a new, unique number whenever you add a new cross-reference source. *** THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM: However, if you copy a block of text that contains an X-Ref marker, such as a figure caption, and then paste it into another location (e.g., to create a new, similar figure), you end up with TWO identical X-Ref markers, with the same marker number. If you insert a reference to this new caption, it will show correctly in the list box and on-screen, and will read the correct paragraph text or number. However, whenever you Update your cross-references, the destination cross-reference will look for the X-Ref marker with the particular number, and it will find the first instance of a marker with that number. This will cause the cross-reference to be incorrect, as it will refer to the originally copied paragraph. *** DIAGNOSIS: Is there a simple method to see if an existing document contains the problem described above? There are two methods. Method 1: Choose File Generate, choose 'Alphabetical Marker List', include X-Ref (or Cross-Ref) type markers. This will produce a list of all X-Ref markers, sorted by marker number. Visually inspect the generated file: the presence of two or more (consecutive) lines with the same marker number indicates the presence of the problem. The marker texts may be different. Method 2: Save the document as MIF, for example 'report.mif', then issue the following Unix command: grep MText report.mif | sort > report.lst This searches for all markers in the document and sorts them by number. Visually inspect the list of markers: the presence of two or more (consecutive) lines with the same marker number indicates the presence of the problem. The marker texts may be different. *** THERAPY: Is it possible to fix the problem? Yes. It is a tedious manual process, but it works reliably. First, find and delete all duplicated X-Ref markers. Open the Special Marker dialog. Use Edit Find/Search to search for "Marker of Type: X-Ref" or "Marker of Type: Cross-Ref". (Look in the Marker Type list in the Marker dialog to find the exact spelling.) Once it has found a marker, examine the marker number in the Marker Text box in the Marker dialog. If this marker is one of the ones with duplicated numbers, delete it. (The marker should be already highlighted by the search, so just give the document window the focus and hit <backspace> or <delete>.) Repeat until all markers that had the duplicated numbers have been deleted. You must delete ALL instances of markers with duplicated numbers, even the original marker which formerly was correct. Second, update all cross-references (File Generate-Update from the book, or Special Cross-References, Update from a single document.) All of the references to the deleted markers will become "unresolved cross-references". Search for these using Edit Find/Search, searching for "Unresolved Cross-Reference". Double-click to bring up the Cross-Reference dialog, and replace the cross-reference with the correct paragraph. Repeat for each unresolved reference. Third, update all cross-references again, and check for incorrect references. You should also regenerate the marker list and check it again for duplicates, in case you missed one. *** PREVENTION (short term): You can prevent this in the future by noting whenever you duplicate text containing markers. Turn on View Text Symbols to see the markers. Note whenever you copy and paste text containing a marker. If you duplicate text with a marker, if it is an X-Ref marker, delete it! (This may also apply to other types of markers.) When you are ready to publish a document, if there is a possibility of duplicated markers, generate the marker list and check it for duplicates. *** PREVENTION (long term): Frame has been asked to update the Paste function to check for markers in the pasted text, and ask the user what should be done about the pasted markers (delete them, renumber them, or leave them alone). Contributor: Folco Casadei <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-7: How can I convert x-refs automatically to hypertext links? *** A. Automatic in FM4 [stated in press release; not sure of exact operation of this -Bob] *** B. HyperGen <Unix & Windows> Working from a book file, HyperGen automatically links the TOC, list of figures and tables, index, and cross-references. User-defined target strings can be used to make custom links inside or outside the current book. HyperGen is fully documented and warranted, and comes with pointers on designing and integrating navigational aids. Samples of navigational aids are included. For more information on either version contact: Frank Stearns Associates Internet: Tel: +1 360-892-3970 ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-8: Can I set a FM variable from the command line? There is a Unix shell script which can set a variable in a FrameMaker .doc file: Contributor: Michael Greenberg <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-9: Does FM support mail merge? *** A. fmmerge This is included on the FUN tape; see question TMP-1 in part 2 of this FAQ. *** B. ixos - FrameMerger Produces mail merge with FM and relational databases. ixos is a German company. Not certain if this product is still available. ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-10: Is there are tool to automatically produce index entries? *** A. FM4 - Built-in Feature FM4 can automatically generate hypertext links from generated documents (e.g., table of contents, list of figures, index) to the location in the source document. *** B. fmixgen "fmixgen" takes a concordance file and marks your document. It cannot handle a word that wraps from one line to the next (hyphenated), due to the way MIF files are structured. As a work-around, you can turn off hyphenation while you index. The code cannot be compiled with gcc, acc -O or cc -O (Sun SPARCstation SunOS). It must be acc -g or cc -g. Available: Contributor: Vidiot <brown@ftms.UUCP> *** C. IXgen [Editor's Note: The following is a cut-down version of the IXgen data sheet. See the vendor for the full data sheet, which contains System Requirements, Licensing, Pricing, Warranty, and Other Products.] IXgen is a suite of power utilities for creating and maintaining indexes in a fraction of the time this task takes using the marker window interface. And there's a bonus. IXgen -- with all its power features -- can work on any marker type, not just index markers. IXgen doubles as a full- featured marker manager. The IXgen Toolset ----------------- >> Marker Expand/Collapse -- expand markers into the main text flow so that markers can be created or edited in context. You can see immediately how an index relates to the surrounding text without using the marker window. This is also extremely useful when making translations or changing nomenclature. When done, collapse the marker text back into markers. >> Gen Editable Index/Apply Edited Index -- generate a sorted list of index entries. Then make index edits in the context of a sorted list. When done, reflect those changes back to the source markers. Make all your marker updates in one central place without moving among the various source files. >> Markers from Tags -- build new markers from the paratext of selected tags. Use this feature to generate a starting base of index entries. >> Permute Markers -- permute existing markers into new markers. This is an excellent second step to "Markers from Tags". >> Capitalization -- specify capitalization rules for each level of an index entry. IXgen will adjust marker capitalization as needed. You can now quickly unify variant capitalization. >> Unify Levels -- convert duplicate portions of index strings into first level entries, then make subordinate entries from the remaining index entry string. >> Markers from Keyword List -- Supply IXgen with a list of keywords. When the keyword (or keyphrase) is found, a new marker is inserted. You can use these tools in any sequence or any combination. Use "Markers from Tags" or "Markers from Keyword List" to generate an initial raw index. Use "Permute Markers" to derive additional variants from that list. Use "Capitalization" to correct capitalization discrepancies as needed. Use "Gen Editable Index/Apply Edited Index" to fine-tune the index. Processing Notes ---------------- By default, IXgen processes index markers. But IXgen can work with *any* marker type, including the user-definable markers. IXgen does *not* put anything "new" or "special" in your FrameMaker documents which might make them incompatible with regular FrameMaker. IXgen merely provides a convenient and powerful interface to the FrameMaker marker system. IXgen uses the existing marker system when processing markers. IXgen works on all files in a book, a single file, or a highlighted area within a single file. Contact: Frank Stearns Associates Toll free in USA: 800-567-6421 17201 SE 38th Circle Outside USA: 360-892-3970 Camas, WA 98607 (USA) Fax: 360-253-1498 email: ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-11: How do I set up "dictionary-style" headers? To set up headers that reflect the first and last paragraphs of a certain type on a page, you need to use two of the Running H/F variables on a master page. For example, if the paragraph is interest is tagged "Heading", you could use the following variables: Running H/F 1 <$paratext[Heading]> Running H/F 2 <$paratext[+,Heading]> Running H/F 1 will give you the first paragraph, and Running H/F 2 will give you the last paragraph with the tag "Heading" on the page. Note that this gives you the text of the entire paragraph, so if you use this in a generated index file, you will wind up with the index entry AND the page number in the header. Contributor: L. Daniel York <> ------------------------------------------------------------ NUM-12: When I generate from the book, FM says "Degenerate!" *** A. Save the Book File Frame published a tech tip about the "Degenerate!" message, saying that the way to clear it up is to save the book file, then regenerate again. This usually works. If it doesn't see B. *** B. Reset Autoconnect on the Master Page Text Columns If the software keeps on calling you a degenerate even after saving the book file, you should take a look at the generated files (like Table of Contents, List of Figures, Index). See if there has been a huge increase in the number of pages - like, you expect your TOC to be 4 or 5 pages long, and now it's grown to 20 or 30, with more than one text column superimposed on some body pages. How did you get into this fix? You probably pasted a text column onto a master page. There's a bug either in the documentation or the software. When you copy a column that has a flow tag and Autoconnect ON, and then paste it, the pasted column has Autoconnect OFF! You don't realize this, because the flow tag is retained, and the master page _appears_ to do its job of providing a text column for body pages. However, you must turn Autoconnect back on manually with the Format -> Flow menu. To fix the problem: - Turn Autoconnect ON in all flow-tagged text columns on master pages. - Delete all the body pages. - RE-SAVE THE GUTTED GENERATED FILE. - Regenerate. The name-calling will stop. (For those of you who are wondering, "degenerate" is also an insult, meaning "utterly corrupt in nature or behavior".) Contributor: Ken d'Albenas <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-13: How can I autonumber figures that span multiple columns? Assume a two column document that includes some figures which flow in one column, and others which span both columns. Is there any way to include autonumbered captions which include both figure types? The figures in the text flow are easy to autonumber in an anchored frame, but to allow text to flow around figures which span multiple columns, they must either be in a separate flow, or be drawn outside the column flow. Neither of these solutions allow continuous autonumbering with the figures within the text flow. But there is a work-around: For the non-anchored figures: 1. Create an anchored frame in the margin. 2. Put a text column in the frame. 3. Put the figure number in the text column. 4. Apply a Character format to make it invisible (4pt White text). 5. In the actual figure, put a small text column for the caption. 6. Cross-reference to the invisible one to get the correct number. Contributor: Alan S. Koch <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-14: How can I create an "global" index across files (without books)? Using FM3 on unix, I made a set of scripts which create a Global Index for as many manuals as you want. As we have some problems generating large documents, putting all manuals in one bookfile is no option for us (generating this would take longer than doing it all by hand). The scripts assume an special index for each manual with abbreviation for the page numbers. The scripts (unix awk, sed and sort) combine the indices to a global (text) index. Some global search and replace in FM completes the Global Index. It works good for me, is quicker (half a day instead of about a week of cutting and pasting) but has some drawbacks: - It sorts differently than frame does, - It uses unix, - It is tested only with Frame3.0 (I modify it if we get FM4). I will send it to anyone who is interested (and maybe solve some of the drawbacks :-) ). The package has currently the shape if a Frame document (being the manual) with the scripts as appendices. Contributor: Fred Jan Kraan <> ------------------------------------------------------------ ** NUM-15: Multi-line titles get messed up in List-Of-Figures or -Tables Procedure to make a Table Of Contents in which paragraphs may extend over more than one line and where the pagenumbers are right of the TOC text. (Should work for List Of Figures and List Of Tables also.) Setting up the Table of Contents -------------------------------- 1- in the main document : - File: Generate/Book: Table of Contents - Generate - move the appropriate paragraphs to : Include Paragraphs Tagged: - Generate 2- go to the *TOC.doc document : - go to the Reference page and the flow : Table of Contents - make the TOC paragraphs as desired (f.e. Indents and Tabs) but have in any case the string "qq<$pagenum>" in them. (Example : "<$paranum> 'tab' <$paratext>qq<$pagenum>") - in the Paragraph Catalog : delete all paragraphs without 'TOC' in the tagname - in the Paragraph Designer : go to Properties: Pagination Commands: Set Window to As Is Format: Side Head Alignment: Last Baseline Commands: Global Update Options select Pagination Properties Only select All Paragraphs Update - set cursor in any TOC paragraph - click Layout and set the Width and Gap as desired - click Set Making the Table of Contents ---------------------------- 1- go to the main document - File: Generate/Book: Table of Contents: Generate 2- go to the *TOC.doc document on a Body page - Edit: Find: Text: and type 'qq' Change: To Text: and type '\pqq' click Find, Change All and OK - set cursor in a paragraph containing 'qq' - in Paragraph Designer: Paragraph Tag: pagenrT (example) Properties: Basic: Alignment: Right Apply (and Create) Properties: Pagination: Format: Normal Update All - Edit: Copy Special: Paragraph Format - go to Find window Find: Text: and type 'qq' Change: By Pasting click Find, Change All and OK Change: To Text: (blank) click Find, Change All and OK Note : keep the Table of Contents in a separate flow from any other text flow because of the Side Head properties. Some user configurations ------------------------ 1- distance of page numbers to table text ----------------------------------------- - first set the text width with Paragraph Designer: Properties: Pagination: Layout: Width: - then in the paragraph pagenrT adjust the Paragraph Designer: Properties: Basic: Indents: Right: Contributor: Wim van Gijsel <> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- end of part 1 of 2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- =-=-=-=-=- Bob McCormick email: TCSI, Berkeley, California USA vox: +1 510-649-3881 fax: +1 510-649-3600 User Contributions:Part1 - Part2 [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer:
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
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