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[] Peeps FAQ.
Section - 19. Is there anyplace you can buy Peeps off-season?

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 18. What (when) exactly is "Peep Season"? Is this when you can legally hunt Peeps or something?
Next Document: 20. What's this about Peeps needing to "age" or "ripen"?
See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
As far as I know there's no place anywhere that regularly stocks Peeps
except during Peep Season. (If anybody knows of a source, please e-mail
me,, and I'll list it here.) Remember that Spooky
Cats come out in Autumn, followed by Snowmen and the like, and they are
made with the same formula, so those can ease the withdrawal.

Update: A reader has said Candy Barrel ( is selling
Peeps year-round at the amazingly low price of only $3.50 for a box of
5. (Am I in the wrong business or what?) This has not been confirmed

Update on update: Another reader has written: "Candybarrel's phone
operator said they do NOT sell Peeps! Maybe I got the wrong operator!" 

Update on update on update: Another reader sends this URL: 

This looks like it may be a place where you can really get them off
season, although I haven't phoned them yet to see if they really stock
them. You may have to buy a case of them, though. 

Just Born regards Peeps and Bunnies as seasonal, a point made to me in a
(snailmail) letter from their PR people. A scan of the letter is
available at the URL:

Joining the Peeps Fan Club (see below) may be the only way to readily
obtain a box of Peeps off season at this time.

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Top Document: [] Peeps FAQ.
Previous Document: 18. What (when) exactly is "Peep Season"? Is this when you can legally hunt Peeps or something?
Next Document: 20. What's this about Peeps needing to "age" or "ripen"?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM