Archive-name: firesign-theatre/intro/part3
Last-modified: 1994/8/30 Version: 2.0 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge 1.3) References ---------------- 1.3.1) Interviews, by interviewer David Reitman, Rock Magazine Tony Vellela, Go Magazine Michael Ross, Creme Ernest Leogrand, N.Y. Daily News John Carpenter L.A. Free Press -- San Diego Door Richard Hill, Rolling Stone Terry Gross "Fresh Air" Radio Show Interview, 17 Nov, 1993 (inquire at FRESHAIR@HSLC.ORG) Peter Stenshoel and Jay Kinney Gnosis issue 32 (summer 94) "Audio Magicians" Steve Allen Nat'l Public Radio Interview "Back From the Shadows Again" 1993 New York Times, May 3 1993: a review of the '93 Seattle reunion show LA Times, Nov 20. 1993: Calendar Section: Interview w/ FT. 1.3.2) Literary References/Background Books: Discography: THE ROLLING STONE RECORD GUIDE, ed. D.Marsh and J.Swenson Random House/Rolling Stone Press, 1979, ISBN 0-394-73535-8 and THE NEW ROLLING STONE RECORD GUIDE, ed. D.Marsh and J.Swenson Random House/Rolling Stone Press, 1983, ISBN 0-394-72107-1 Samuel Becket: Waiting for Godot -- "Waiting for the Electrician" Krapp's Last Tape -- "Dont Crush that Dwarf" James Joyce: Ulysses -- Molly Bloom's Soliloquy in {TWO PLACES} Isaac Asimov: I, Robot -- Robot's Rules of Order in {BOZOS} William Shakespeare: Twelfth Night As You Like it William S. Boroughs: The Naked Lunch -- "Returned for Regrooving" The Bible, Book of Revelations -- "Roller Maidens from Outer Space" Book of the Hopi, (Published 1963) Hopi/Moqui Indian Folklore & Mythology -- "Temporarily Humboldt County" Ghost Dance religion -- James Mooney, "The Ghost Dance Religion and the Sioux Uprising of 1890" (Univ. of Chicago). Referred to in {ITNWYOYO}, and mentioned elsewhere in the canon. TOPS-10 SAILON LISP Programmer's Manual -- "Dr. Memory" "If At All Possible, Involve A Cow": A history of college pranks. Documents the USC mascot in the 40's, a dog by the name of George Leroy {TIREBITER} (see the Lexicon)! Movies: "The World of Tomorrow" An excellent documentary on the 1939 World's Fair, one of the motivations for the "Future Fair" on {BOZOS}. With Jason Robarts as the Narrator. 1.3.3) Other References Albums with FT references: Antelope Freeway (Howard Roberts, homage) Impulse AS-9207 Zachariah (movie soundtrack) ABC ABCS-OC-13 25 Years of Recorded Comedy Warner Bros. 3BX 3131 (Three-record set, includes High School Madness, 6:42) THE ASTROLOGY ALBUM(Columbia - CS 9489) (Writing and narration by Austin. Also features Gary Usher & Ron Budnick. 1966? 1968?) A CHILD'S GARDEN OF GRASS(Elektra - EKS 75012) (Peter wrote and performed "The Dirty Dog". It is also rumored that other FT members appear on this lp. 1971) OF CABBAGES AND KINGS by Chad & Jeremy(Columbia CS 9471) (FT wrote bits and is featured on "The Progress Suite" 1966?) NATIONAL LAMPOON'S SEX , DRUGS, ROCK 'N' ROLL AND THE END OF THE WORLD(Passport - PB 6018)(Proctor featured on "Jane Fonda Speaks Out" 1982) THE HIGHER THEY CLIMB THE HARDER THEY FALL by David Cassidy (RCA - APL1 1066) (Yes, THAT David Cassidy. Phil Austin wrote and is featured on "Massacre at Park Bench", 1975) THE ILLINOIS SPEED PRESS(Columbia CS 9792) (Inner newspaper parody written by FT TV Shows which have made FT references: Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (MST3K) Space Ghost Coast to Coast (cartoon) The Real Ghostbusters (cartoon) User Contributions: |
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