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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 beta (Perl 5.004)
Archive-name: fat-acceptance-faq/general
Posting-Frequency: monthly to *.answers, bi-weekly to

See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge
        FAQ for

This document contains information relevant to the newsgroup If you don't find what you're looking for
here, try one of the related FAQs (see question B1 
for a complete list). 


Updated August 99



A1)	What is s.s.f-a's charter?
A2)	How to respond to trolls on s.s.f-a
A3)	How did s.s.f-a start?
A4)	What are the acronyms?
A5)	What are some related newsgroups?

SECTION B: Information about this FAQ

B1)	Are there other related FAQs?
B2)	Posting information
B3)	Contributors



A1)	What is s.s.f-a's charter?

The newsgroups line for s.s.f-a is:      
	Self-acceptance for fat people.  No diet talk.

The charter is: provides a supportive forum for the
	discussion of the personal and political goals of fat-acceptance
	and other topics relevant to being fat.

Topics appropriate for include:
	- Political activism
	- Events relating to fat-acceptance
	- Resources for fat people (including clothes, mail order catalogs, 
	- Personal anecdotes about being fat
	- Sharing complaints and peeves or triumphs and achievements

Topics considered inappropriate for include:
	- Promotion or advocacy of weight loss methods. These may be
	  discussed in 
	- Personal ads.  These may be posted to alt.personals.big-folks 
 	  or alt.personals.fat.


A2)	How to respond to trolls on s.s.f-a

A troll is a post intended to generate hostility and a never-ending
thread of flaming responses. A troller is a person who makes a series of
such posts. 

A spam is an off-topic post (often an advertisement) to a variety of

Because fatness is seen as an easy target to ridicule and fat people are
seen as easy targets for "weight loss remedies," s.s.f-a gets a lot of
such traffic.

Please do not post responses to trolls, trollers, or spams. 

It's tempting to flame a troll, but if several people do so, the
newsgroup becomes filled with flames and people who want a positive
newsgroup may get discouraged and leave. 

The best way to counter the effects of trolls is to ignore them and fill
the group with on-topic, positive posts. 

If you must respond to a troll, please do so by private email. If a
troll or spam is repeated and/or is particularly offensive, you can
complain to the system administrator of the original poster. For more
information on trolls and spams, please see the


A3)	How did s.s.f-a start?

This group developed from  There was a brief
suggestion, in early '94, that all the groups might move
over to  (Then we'd be in the big seven, and have wider
distribution and so forth.)  At that time, the consensus on a.s.b-f was
to change the group's name to  It was felt
that this name would be less confusing and more descriptive.  For
reasons unknown, the move to misc fizzled.  So we're still here.

In September '94, Wendy Betts ( began work on an RFD for  (The hierarchy was established
since the last round of discussions.)  A Call For Votes was issued on
November 14, 1994, and the group passed 163:49.  The group was
newgrouped on December 22, 1994.


A4)	What do the acronyms mean?

BBW		Big Beautiful Woman
BBM		Big Beautiful Man
bear		a man who is cuddly, furry, stocky, and/or bearded;
		most often used by and about gay men
FA		Fat Admirer, person who prefers a fat sexual/romantic
NAAFA		National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
mid-size	refers to people who are in the mid-range.
		For women, this means they wear U.S. dress size
super-size 	refers to people who are very large.
		For women, this means they wear U.S. dress size 28W
		and up.  This division between mid-size and super-size
		for women seems to arise from the face that most
		retail clothing sizes for women stop at U.S. 26W.
FS              Fat sympathizer, person who through personal growth
                relates to issues of Fat Acceptance and strives to
                correct abuses and discriminatory acts in day-to-day

A5) 	What are some related newsgroups? and are groups for people who want to
discuss eating low-fat or no-fat.  These are good places to take
discussion on low fat eating (as a means of weight loss or otherwise). 

alt.recovery.compulsive-eat is a group for people who want to discuss
ending their compulsive eating.  I think they subscribe to an OA
viewpoint. is a group for people who want to discuss issues involved in
sex with fat people.  It was formed in early '94 so that a.s.b-f could
stay more or less G (or PG) rated. is a group for fat admirers.  This group mostly
carries encoded pictures of fat erotica, and discussions about them.
(Note that the word "fetish" in the title rubs many FAs the wrong way,
does nothing to promote a positive image of FAs, and implies a
separation between sex and romance that doesn't exist for many FAs.) is a group for people who want to discuss the issues
involved in sex with very large people.  It was formed in June '95 by
Teighlor ( because she felt that super-size folks
needs weren't being adequately addressed in is a group for people who want to discuss the
erotic aspects of feeding, being fed, or weight gain. is another group for discussing size-acceptance
and issues affecting large people. is a group for people who want support and discussion
of dieting and other weight loss methods.  Regular posters tend not to
be very fat.  This is a good place to take weight loss questions and
discussions. is a group for people who want support and
discussion in dealing with eating disorders (their own and others).

alt.personals.big-folks and alt.personals.fat are groups for personal
ads by big folks or looking for big folks.  These groups were formed
in July '94 to get personal ads out of a.s.b-f, to provide an easy way
for fat people and fat admirers to get in touch with one another, and
so that fat people would not have to wade through personal ads that
specify that only slender people should respond.


SECTION B: Information about this FAQ

B1)     Are there other related FAQs?

There is some overlap in the topics covered by the FAQs. If you don't
find what you're looking for here, try the other FAQs. 

The latest version of the following FAQs can be found at: newsgroup FAQ newsgroup FAQ newsgroup FAQ
      	Clothing for Big Folks in Canada 
      	Clothing for Big Folks in the U.S. (parts 1 and 2)
      	Organizations for Big Folks 
      	Online Resources for Big Folks 
      	Other Resources for Big Folks 
      	Publications for Big Folks 
      	Resources for Dealing With the Physical Aspects of Being Fat 

The following FAQs can be found at:

      	Big Folks and Fitness 
      	Big Folks and Health 
      	Big Folks and Sports 
      	Research on Big Folks 

The latest versions of following FAQs can be found at the following

      	Clothing for Big Folks in the U.K. at
	Clothing for Big Folks in Europe at

	Plus-Size Pregnancy Website at

You can also find (sometimes slightly older versions of) the above FAQs
(except the plus-size pregnancy FAQs) at the following locations:

(Note: The big-folks FAQ is listed separately at these locations.)

You can also get FAQs from via anonymous FTP or via the mail
archive server. For information about the mail server, send email to 
with the word "help" (without the quotes) in the body of the message. 

B2)	Posting information

This document is posted bi-weekly to

Stef Maruch ( maintains this FAQ.


B3)	Contributors

These are the people who contributed significant chunks to the FAQ:
Sasha Wood		(
Wendy Betts		(

Suggestions for additions/improvements are always welcome.
Send suggestions to Stef Maruch


Copyright 1995, 1996 by Stef Maruch (
Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article in its
entirety for non-commercial, educational use only, provided that this
copyright notice is not removed or altered. No portion of this work may
be sold, either by itself or as part of a larger work, without the
express written permission of the author. This restriction covers all
publication media, including electronic media. 

User Contributions:

Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Stef Jones)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM