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Big Folks Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Web Site Info

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Posted-By: auto-faq 3.3 beta (Perl 5.004)
Archive-name: fat-acceptance-faq/faq-pointer
Posting-Frequency: bi-weekly to, and
monthly to *.answers,

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Big Folks FAQs Now Available Via the Web

The Big Folks FAQs developed by members of and[moderated] FAQs are now available via HTML.
This pointer is posted twice monthly.

To access the FAQs, visit this URL:

If you cannot access a FAQ via a web browser, you may request that it be
mailed to you. Send your request to fatfaqs @ cat-and-dragon . com
(remove the spaces). Be sure to specify which FAQ you want. Keep in mind
that some of the FAQs are very large; don't request them if large files
overwhelm your email program. 

Below is a table of contents for some of the FAQs.

FAQ about clothing for big folks in Canada
	A1)	Where can I find clothing for women?
		Part 1) Clothing catalogs for women
		Part 2) Retail clothing for women
		Part 3) Wedding dresses
	A2) 	Where can I find clothing for men?
	A3) 	Where can I find shoes?
	A4) 	Where can I find sewing/knitting patterns?

FAQ about organizations that promote size-acceptance or exist
specifically for fat people
	A1)	What organizations are there in Australia?
	A2)	What organizations are there in Canada?
	A3)	What organizations are there in Europe?
	A4)	What organizations are there in New Zealand?
	A5)	What organizations are there in the U.K.?
	A6)	What organizations are there in the U.S.?

FAQs about resources for dealing with the physical aspects of being fat
	A1)	Where can I find scales to weigh a very large person?
	A2)	What can be done about discomfort in hot, sticky weather?
	A3)	How can I make traveling on an airplane more comfortable?
	A4)	What models of cars work best for big folks?
	A5)	What can be done about pants prematurely wearing out in the
	inner thigh? 
	A6)	What about recreation and travel for big folks?
	A7)	How do I find pants that fit my waist both sitting and
	A8) 	Our bed frames keep breaking, help!!!
	A9)	My tie looks funny for some reason.
	A10)	Where can I find medical products for large-size people?
	(wheelchairs, blood pressure cuffs)

FAQ about publications that promote size-acceptance or exist
specifically for fat people
	A1)	What publications are there in Australia?
	A2)	What publications are there in Canada?
	A3)	What publications are there in Europe?
	A4)	What publications are there in New Zealand?
	A5)	What publications are there in the U.K.?
	A6)	What publications are there in the U.S.?
	A7)	What books are there?

FAQ about on-line resources for big folks
	A1)	What mailing lists are available for big folks?
	A2)	What other on-line resources are available for big folks?
	A3)	Are there any Web sites relevant to big folks?

FAQ about other resources for big folks
	A. resources for big folks in Canada
		a1)Are there therapists or workshops offering information
		about body image, alternatives to dieting, etc.?
		A2)What about amusement parks for big folks?
		a3)Dating services for big folks?
	B. resources for big folks in New Zealand
		b1)Where can I get clothes for large folks?
	C. resources for big folks in the U.K.
		c1)What about recreation-type things for big folks?
		c2)Where can I get anti-diet cards?
		c3)What other services are available for large folks?
	D. resources for big folks in the U.S.
		d1)What airlines treat fat people well?
		d2)What furniture works well for big folks?
		d3)What about recreation-type things for big folks?
		d4)Where can I get product X made for a large person?
		d5)Are there therapists or workshops offering information 
		about body image, alternatives to dieting, etc.?
		d6)What legal remedies are there for discrimination on 
		the basis of weight and medical mistreatment of fat people?
		d7)Are there modeling agencies for large folks?

FAQ about size acceptance and being large
	A1)	What is size acceptance anyway?
	A2) 	What are some fat positive artists, musicians, sculptors?
	A3)	Who are some famous fat people?
	A4)	What is International No-Diet Day?
	A5)	What are some responses to the standard offensive things
	said to fat people?  Do you know any *positive* fat jokes? What
	are some slogans for size-acceptance?
	A6)	Are there any movies/videos on fat acceptance and fat people? 
	A7)	Are there any mainstream movies/videos that portray fat
	characters positively?

FAQs about clothing for big folks in the U.S.
	A1) 	Where can I find clothing and shoes? 
	A1)     What manufacturers make clothes/shoes/spectacles for large
	A2)     Where can I find a wedding dress?
	A3)     Where can I find sewing/knitting patterns?
	A4)     How do I convert between sizes?
	A5)     How can I find clothing for big kids?

User Contributions:

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Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: (Stef Jones)

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM