Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002 Previous Document: 3.4. The Charter Next Document: 4. General Information About Triathlons It is acceptable for people to post "classified ad" type messages informing the group of gear you have for sale or auction. However, it is requested that the prefix "FS:" or "FA:" be added to the subject header (FS = For Sale, FA = For Auction). The FS:/FA: prefix allows people to either skip over the message or use a filter to find, file, or ignore the posts. The use of such prefixes is a generally accepted practice on all newsgroups. The posting of commercial advertisements for a company has been a much debated topic. Nearly everyone dislikes "SPAM" and many people consider commercial advertisements, even triathlon related ads, junk mail. But since the group is not moderated it is nearly impossible to police such posts. Therefore it is it is strongly suggested that a post of an advertisement for a commercial organization have the prefix "AD:" added to the subject header. This allows people to either skip the message or invoke a filter. People who looking to buy used gear should post a message with the prefix WTB: in the subject header (WTB = Wanting to Buy). Be sure to include your contact information in the body of your message so sellers can contact you directly. Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002 Previous Document: 3.4. The Charter Next Document: 4. General Information About Triathlons Single Page [ Usenet FAQs | Web FAQs | Documents | RFC Index ] Send corrections/additions to the FAQ Maintainer: "James Goddard" <>
Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM