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Section - 6.4. Should I buy a road bike or a triathlon bike?

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Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 6.3. What is blocking?
Next Document: 6.5. Should I use 650c or 700c wheels?
You don't need a triathlon bike to do triathlons. Modified road bikes are
common in triathlons. If you already own a road bike or plan on doing other
types of riding you may be better off with a road bike with clamp on
The advantages of a triathlon bike are in the posisitioning. They are setup
keep you more comfortable when in the aero bars and to work the quads less,
saving them for the run. Often triathlon bikes are more aerodynamic than

Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 6.3. What is blocking?
Next Document: 6.5. Should I use 650c or 700c wheels?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM