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Section - 4.6. What are the rules of triathlons?

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Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 4.5. What are the governing bodies for triathlon?
Next Document: 4.6. Where can I find a triathlon in my area?
Triathlon rules vary by race and governing bodies. For individual
check the race packet for rules for the race.

For ITU races, the rules can be found at

For USAT races, the rules can be found at

Even if your race is an ITU or USAT event, you should still check the race
packets for changes/exceptions to the rules.

Top Document: FAQ 05/01/2002
Previous Document: 4.5. What are the governing bodies for triathlon?
Next Document: 4.6. Where can I find a triathlon in my area?

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"James Goddard" <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM