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Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
Section - Junction box positioning?

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Top Document: Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
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	A junction box is a box used only for connecting wires together.

	Junction boxes must be located in such a way that they're accessible
	later.  Ie: not buried under plaster.  Excessive use of junction
	boxes is often a sign of sloppy installation, and inspectors may
	get nasty.

User Contributions:

In a fire protection circuit, circuts are shown witha no example 6,8,4etc. what it mean?these circuits are connected between smode detector,junction box etc
My daughter dropped a small necklace behind her dresser. The necklace crossed a plug terminal and shorted the receptacle.
I bought a new receptacle and installed the same. I still have no power I suspect there could be a bigger problem,this is aluminum wiring.
I've killed the breaker and call an electrician but am curious as to what happened.P.s. there is a dimmer switch on the same circuit.
Regarding new construction wiring and running 12/2 and 14/3 wire in the same box.

I have multiple switches to lights. Ran 12/2 and 14/3 into switch box and inspector wrote correction needed.

What should I have done instead?

thank you
Does a grounding electrode facilitate the operation of a OCPD, to clear a ground fault ?
Assuming you are installing two switches in a two switch box, you probably should have used 14/2 and 14/3 instead of replacing 14/2 with 12/2. If you are only installing one switch in a one switch box, you should only have one cable in the box.
P k
I prefer to use nothing smaller than12 awg /the smallest sized wire on a circuit determines the allowable ampacity
Ex: 15 amp-14awg. 12awg-20amp only rule for thumb other factors such as continuous load,heating and others if you do not know the safe NEC rules then please call a qualified journeyman Electrician better be safe

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Top Document: Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
Previous Document: Should I use plastic or metal boxes?
Next Document: Can I install a replacement light fixture?

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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM