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Electrical Wiring FAQ (Part 2 of 2)
Section - General outlet placement rules/line capacities

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	We paraphrase CEC 26-702 (NEC: 210-52 through 210-63)

	Note: In laying out receptacle outlets, consideration shall be
	given to the placement of electrical baseboards, hot air
	registers, hot water or steam registers, with a view of
	eliminating cords having to pass over hot or conductive
	surfaces wherever possible.

	NEC:  You're not allowed to put outlets over electric
	baseboards.  That, coupled with the spacing requirements, more
	or less mandates the use of baseboards with integral outlets.
	Note that such outlets are fed by a different branch circuit
	than the heating elements.

	2. Except as otherwise required, receptacles shall be installed
	in the finished walls of every room or area, other than
	kitchens, bathrooms, hallways, laundry rooms, utility rooms or
	closets, so that no point along the floor line of any usable
	wall space is more than 1.8m (6') horizontally from a
	receptacle in that or an adjoining space, such distance being
	measured along the floor line of the wall spaces involved.

	Fixed dividers, counters, etc., are considered wall space.
	Floor outlets do not satisfy the requirement unless they are
	``near'' the wall.  Insofar as practical, outlets should be
	spaced equidistantly.

	3. At least one duplex receptacle shall be provided in each
	enclosed area such as a balcony or porch that is not classified
	as a finished room or area.

	[NEC doesn't seem to have this rule.]

	4. The receptacles referred to in (2) and (3) shall be duplex
	receptacles or equivalent number of single receptacles.

	5. "Usable wall space" is defined as any wall space 900mm (3',
	NEC 2') or more in width, not to include doorways, areas
	occupied by a door when fully opened, windows which extend to
	the floor, fireplaces or other permanent installations that
	would limit the use of the wall space.

	6.  See kitchen counter requirements.  At least one duplex
	receptacle in eat-in dining area.

	[We don't think the latter part is in the NEC.  Also, the NEC
	says that the two 20-amp small appliance circuits can't go
	outside of the kitchen, dining room, pantry, etc., nor can they
	be used for anything else, except for things like clock
	outlets, stove accessory outlets, etc.]

	7. Receptacles shall not be mounted facing up in the work
	surfaces or counters of the kitchen or dining area.

	8. No point in a hallway within a dwelling unit shall be more
	than 4.5m (15', NEC 10') from a duplex receptacle as measured
	by the shortest path which the supply cord of an appliance
	connected to the receptacle would follow without passing
	through an openning fitted with a door.  (vacuum-cleaner

	9. At least one duplex receptacle shall be provided: in laundry
	room, utility room and any unfinshed basement area

	[NEC: see GFCI requirements.  There must be a dedicated 20 amp
	laundry receptacle, with no other outlets, plus an additional
	unfinished basement receptacle.  Any attic or crawl space with
	heating or air conditioning equipment must have a receptacle.
	(this is probably in the CEC too.)]

	10, 11, 12, 13:  See bathroom requirements, GFCI, washing
	machine outlet placement.

	14, 15. Outlets shall not be placed in ironing cabinets,
	cupboards, wall cabinets, nor in similar enclosures except
	where they're for specific non-heating appliances (including
	microwave) in the enclosure.

	[NEC: No such requirement.  Are you sure Steven?]

	16, 17. For each single-family dwelling, at least one duplex
	receptacle shall be installed outdoors to be readily available
	from ground level (see GFCI requirements).  Appendix B
	(additional notes) suggests front and back outlets to be
	controlled by an interior switch.

	[NEC:  One in front, one in back.  No discussion of them being

	18. At least one duplex receptacle shall be provided for each
	car space in a garage or carport.

	[NEC:  For an attached garage, or detached garage with electric
	service -- but there is no requirement that detached garages
	have power.  This remark is probably relevant to CEC as well.]

	19. For the purposes of this rule, all receptacles shall be of
	the grounding type, configuration 5-15R (standard 110V/15A 3

	20. Any receptacle that is part of a lighting fixture or
	appliance that is > 1.7m (5 feet) above the floor, or in
	cabinets or cupboards, is not counted in the above rules.

	21. Where a switched duplex outlet is used in lieu of a light
	outlet and fixture, the receptacle shall be considered one of
	the wall mounted receptacles required here.

	22. At least one duplex receptacle shall be provided for a
	central vacuum system if the ducting is installed.

	[NEC:  couldn't find an equivalent rule.]

	Capacities: Knight recommends no more than 10 outlets per
	circuit.  Some US references talk about a limit of 12.  There
	appears to be a wattage/area/outlet count calculation somewhere
	in the NEC.  20A circuits may have different rules.

	It is open to considerable debate whether you should mix
	general lighting and outlets on individual circuits.  Knight
	recommends it.  Some netters don't.  I tend towards the former
	for load balancing reasons.

	NEC: There's a new rule on outdoor outlets.  If exposed to the
	weather, and if used for unattended equipment (pool filters,
	outdoor lighting, etc.), the outlet must still be weatherproof
	even when the device is plugged in.

User Contributions:

In a fire protection circuit, circuts are shown witha no example 6,8,4etc. what it mean?these circuits are connected between smode detector,junction box etc
My daughter dropped a small necklace behind her dresser. The necklace crossed a plug terminal and shorted the receptacle.
I bought a new receptacle and installed the same. I still have no power I suspect there could be a bigger problem,this is aluminum wiring.
I've killed the breaker and call an electrician but am curious as to what happened.P.s. there is a dimmer switch on the same circuit.
Regarding new construction wiring and running 12/2 and 14/3 wire in the same box.

I have multiple switches to lights. Ran 12/2 and 14/3 into switch box and inspector wrote correction needed.

What should I have done instead?

thank you
Does a grounding electrode facilitate the operation of a OCPD, to clear a ground fault ?
Assuming you are installing two switches in a two switch box, you probably should have used 14/2 and 14/3 instead of replacing 14/2 with 12/2. If you are only installing one switch in a one switch box, you should only have one cable in the box.
P k
I prefer to use nothing smaller than12 awg /the smallest sized wire on a circuit determines the allowable ampacity
Ex: 15 amp-14awg. 12awg-20amp only rule for thumb other factors such as continuous load,heating and others if you do not know the safe NEC rules then please call a qualified journeyman Electrician better be safe

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Previous Document: Where must outlets and switches be in bathrooms?
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM