Archive-name: drugs/law-reformers
Last-modified: 1996/08/20 Version: 1.43 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge LIBERTY ACTIVISTS' LIST v 1.43 08/1996 So you're sick of the "War on Drugs"? Here's an international list of over 300 organisations in 19 countries which support drug law reform although most of them are in the US. Look for one in your area. Please distribute this list widely, and send in any groups which are not listed already. There's an active group here for almost any taste. Joining your favourite organisation is best, though if you're worried about persecution, just send anonymous money or a letter of appreciation. Take advantage of your democratic rights while you still have some! If you're already in a law reform organisation, you can use this list to contact others with similar interests, and share information or facilities. Just knowing that there are others working on these issues can be a big morale booster. The power of pro-liberty organisations can be multiplied many times by fast and efficient communication, which spreads news and promotes co-ordinated action. Electronic mail and conferencing is the most efficient way to achieve these necessary abilities. For example, this list doubled its size in eight months of circulation over the Internet. I strongly encourage active groups and individuals to use this powerful technology. This listing was originally kicked off with a list of groups reproduced with permission from the February, 1992 issue of _High Times_ magazine (contact details at the end of the list). Since then, it has grown considerably through the kindness of those who have contributed additional entries, including Macca Macpherson, Dave Thomson and Keith Lim. Please reproduce and distribute widely with this acknowledgment. Post it on bulletin boards if you can. HOW TO LOBBY POLITICIANS You might be interested in my brief, practical guide to communicating with your elected representatives, which is available at: PLEASE SEND NEW LISTINGS I don't know any more about most of these groups, than what appears here. If you know about other active groups not listed here, or if any entries need correction, please e-mail me at "", or mail to the address below, for incorporation in future editions of this list. Aldis Ozols GPO Box 127 SYDNEY 2001 AUSTRALIA The current version of this list is posted periodically to the following Usenet newsgroups: alt.activism alt.drugs rec.drugs.cannabis rec.drugs.misc rec.drugs.psychedelic talk.politics.drugs alt.answers rec.answers talk.answers news.answers and therefore should be available from your nearest news.answers archive. The list is also available on the World Wide Web, from my home site. The URL is: * * * * * *AUSTRALIA* Adelaide University NORML c/- Clubs Association University of Adelaide Adelaide 5000 Internet: Australian Hemp Products 227 Grinsell Street Kotara, Newcastle, NSW 2289 Phone: +61 49 52 7802 Fax: +61 49 52 5211 (Grant Steggles) Australian Parliamentary Group for Drug Law Reform c/- Michael Moore, MP GPO Box 1020 Canberra ACT 2601 Phone: +61 6 205 0166 Fax: +61 6 205 0431 Notes: A group of Members of Parliament supporting the reform of drug laws. BIO-Logical PRODUCTS PO Box 768 Potts Point NSW 2011 Phone: +61 2 983 9857 Fax: +61 2 440 0140 Notes: Sells clothing made of hemp, and distributes information about the uses of hemp for paper, fuel, etc. Brisbane HEMP PO Box 332 Albert St 4002 Phone: +61 7 844 7499 Notes: Meetings at 50 Baynes St, West End on Monday nights at 7.30pm. Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform PO Box 36 Higgins ACT 2615 Notes: This group that was formed as a direct result of deaths from heroin in the ACT. The group consists of families and friends who have been affected by those deaths. The group aims include the replacement of prohibition with effective controls and for illicit drug harm minimisation. Flinders NORML c/- Clubs and Societies Association, Inc. Flinders University Bedford Park, SA 5042 Hemp For Paper Consortium c/- Harmsens 430 Tinderbox Road TINDERBOX TAS 7054 Phone: +61 02 29 2063 IDUN Communication Centre, NUAA PO Box 822 Bondi Junction 2022 New South Wales Phone: +61 2 369 3455 Fax: +61 2 369 3282 (Dave Burrows) Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. Mullers and Packers Union, C/o Clubs and Societies, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168 Internet: c/- (a 'donated' account - messages will be passed on to the Secretary of the club) Notes: President is Tony Carden. Last Contacted: 2/93 New South Wales NORML GPO Box 91 Sydney, NSW 2001 Notes: This group is no longer very active, though some members can be contacted at the above address. Nimbin HEMP PO Box 177 Nimbin, NSW 2480 Phone: +61 66 89 1602 South Australia HEMP PO Box 7013 Hutt Street Adelaide 5000 Phone: +61 8 293 2838 Also: PO Box 1019 Kent Town 5071 Notes: Membership $10(conc) $15(waged) Last contact: Apr 95 West Australia HEMP PO Box 115 Mirrabrooke 6061 Phone: +61 9 344 1445 West Australia NORML PO Box 907 Morley, WA 6062 (Carl Turney) *BELGIUM* DEBED vzw (League for an Emancipatory Drugpolicy) Cansstraat 8 1050 Brussels Phone/Fax: +32 2 513 77 76 E-Mail: indirectly: c/o Notes: DEBED is an Interest Group of (ex)Drugsusers supporting all activities against the War On Drugs (in Belgium and worldwide). Our goal: the societal tolerance and acceptance of drugusers and druguse. Activities: Harm-Reduction initiatives ("Safe Use"); political and social interventions; publications for Drugusers and their social environnement; non-repressive help for problematic drugusers; free justitial information for drugusers; defence of the individual an social interest of drugusers (as long as they are discriminated against by the Law)... Last Contact: Sep 95 International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Europe) 97 Rue Belliard, Rem.512 1040 Brussels Phone: (32 2) 230 4121 Fax: (32 2) 230 3670 *BRUNEI* BASMIDA c/o Laboratory of Scientific Sciences Jalan Sumbiling Bandar Seri Begawan Brunei Darussalam Notes: I have no other information about this organisation. *CANADA* Assembly of the Church of the Universe Notes: This organisation may still be in existence, but no information is currently available. B.C. Anti-Prohibitionist League P.O. Box 8179 Victoria, B.C. V8W 3R8 CANADA (604) 382-7758 Last Contacted: Apr 94 Canadian Association for the Legalisation of Marijuana (C.A.L.M.) (B.C.) R.R. 1, Site 850D, Comp 2 Grand Forks, B.C. V0H 1H0 CANADA Last Contacted: Sep 93 Canadian Foundation for Drug Policy 70 MacDonald Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1H6 CANADA (613) 238-5909 (temporary number until a separate one is acquired) Fax: (613) 238-2891 (also temporary) Last Contacted: Dec 94 Canadian Hemp Association 312 Adelaide St. W. Suite 608 Toronto, Ontario M5V 1R2 CANADA (416) 977-4159 (Robin Ellins) Notes: A national organization to facilitate and promote the growth of a hemp industry in Canada. Last Contacted: Jun 94 (C.H.A. post to alt.hemp) Cannabis Canada Suite 420 21 Water St. Vancouver, BC. V6B 1A1 CANADA (Dana Larsen) Internet: Dana Larsen <>, Notes: The magazine of Canada's Cannabis Culture. 84 pages on cannabis paper. Cannabis Canada now offers a free one way information mailing list which you can subscribe to by sending a message to <<>> with the subject of "subscribe." "Unsubscribe" will take you off the list. Last contacted: February 1996 Citizens On Drugs (C.O.D.) 64 Augusta Ave. Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L1 CANADA (Tim Potts, Kenn Quayle) Phone: (416) 504 6131 Fax: (416) 703 7832 Internet: Notes: Meetings are on the first and third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Niagara Neighbourhood Health Centre (674 Queen St. W.). Fane of the Psilocybe Mushroom Association P.O. Box 8179 Victoria, B.C. V8W 3R8 CANADA Notes: officially-registered religious organization; publishes Sporeprint newsletter Last Contacted: Apr 94 Freedom Party of Ontario P.O. Box 2214, Station A London, Ontario N6A 4E3 CANADA (519) 433-8612 Notes: officially-registered Ontario political party; supports individual choice without either condoning or condemning cannabis use. HEMP BC 324 W Hastings Vancouver BC V6B 1K6 CANADA Internet:, Phone: (604) 669-9052 (Marc Emery) Fax: (604) 669-9038 Last Contacted: May 95 Notes: Canada's Largest retail and wholesale cannabis store. Carries everything related to cannabis, marijuana, and hemp. Currently Marc Emery is facing seven counts of trafficking charges for selling seeds from his retail store and is also charged with selling marijuana paraphenalia Hemp Lobby Hornby Island (604) 335-1276 (John West) Last Contacted: May 93 Hemp Nation Headquarters 101-343 Richmond St. London, Ontario Canada N6A 3C2 Phone: (Toll-free North America) 1-888-781-HEMP International 1-519-433-5267 Fax: (Toll-Free North America) 1-888-HEMP-FAX Internet: E-mail, URL Notes: Archives & research, as well as details of Chris Clay's Constitutional Challenge. Last Contacted: Aug 96 Hemp to Save the Rainforest 830 Gulfview Place Victoria, B.C. V8Y 2R6 CANADA (Thurles Loughran) Last Contacted: Mar 94 Hempsters #114-1472 Commercial Drive Vancouver B.C. V5L 3X9 Last Contacted: May 94 International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Canada) c/o Marie-Andree Bertrand PO Box 6128 University of Montreal Criminology Dept. Montreal, Quebec H3C 3S7 CANADA Last Contacted: Sep 93 League for Ethical Action on Drugs (LEAD) 1047 Yarmouth Street Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 5H4 CANADA (604) 942-1910 (Dana Larsen) Notes: uses a harm-reduction philosophy in lobbying for drug policy reform Last Contacted: Jun 94 Libertarian Party of Canada 922 Cloverley St. North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1N3 CANADA (604) 980-7370 Last Contacted: Sep 93 Ligue antiprohibitioniste du Quebec 4566 rue de la Roche Montreal, Quebec H2J 3J6 CANADA (514) 454-7744 NAUN 155 Sherbourne Street #310 Toronto M5A 3W2 CANADA (Stean Collins) Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. NORML B.C. Depot 4, P.O. Box 7193 Victoria, B.C. V9B 4Z3 CANADA (604) 474-4771 (Norm Cholette) Last Contacted: Sep 93 NORML Canada R.R. #1 King City, Ontario L0G 1K0 CANADA (416) 833-3167 (Umberto Iorfida) (416) 833-3577 (Computer line) Last Contacted: Sep 93 Patriotic Canadians for Hemp Box 293 Ucluelet B.C. V0R 3A0 CANADA (604) 726-7239 (Chris Bennett, Tracy Chester) Notes: a.k.a. Sister Sativa's Genuine Hemp, Mama Indica's Hempseed Treats Last Contacted: Jun 94 Society of Free Thinkers (SOFT) P.O. Box 327 Paradise Newfoundland and Labrador (NfLb) A1L 1C7 CANADA Notes: Not solely dedicated to drug law reform. Methods include posters, letters and leaflets. Anonymity is granted to members, upon request. Last Contacted: Jan 93 Simon Fraser University League for Ethical Action on Drugs (SFU LEAD) c/o SFSS Clubs Administration Simon Fraser University Burnaby, B.C. V5A 1S6 CANADA (604) 291-3181 (SFSS General Office: messages) Notes: area of interest is in finding policy alternatives to the WoD that do not infringe on civil liberties. Last Contacted: Jun 94 The Friendly Stranger Phone: 416-591-1570 Notes: A shop in Toronto that does a lot of lobbying for hemp. T's Toasted Seedy Bits 2 - 401 Gilmore Avenue Burnaby, B.C. V5C 4R2 CANADA Phone: (604) 473-9643 Fax: (604) 473-9643 Notes: Produces toasted sunflower and hemp seed snacks and educates people about the uses of hemp and the evils of prohibition. Last Contacted: July 96 *CANADA - INDIVIDUALS* J. Wayne Marsden (604) 668-6886 Notes: Libertarian Party candidate Last Contacted: Sep 93 *DENMARK* Fri Hash Bevaegelsen (Movement for legalization of marijuana) Hampens plads 1, Christiania Baadsmandsstraedet 43, 1407 KBH K Phone: +45 32966614 Internet: Nicolaj Tscherning Moller <> *FINLAND* Suomen kannabisyhdistys PL 20 SF-00770 Helsinki Internet: WWW: *FRANCE* Collectif d'Information et de Recherche Cannabique (CIRC) (Association for Marijuana Research and Information) 118-130 av. Jean Jaures 75019 PARIS CEDEX 19 Phone: +33 1 42 38 04 83 Fax: +33 1 42 38 02 99 Minitel: 3615 CIRC MLC: Mouvement for a Controlled Legalization President: Francis Caballero. Attorney. 59, av. Victor-Hugo 750016 Paris FRANCE Phone: +33 1 42 22 48 23 *GERMANY* AKZEPT (Bundesverband fu"r akzeptierende Drogenarbeit und humane Drogenpolitik e.V.) Friedrichstrasse 165 10117 Berlin Phone: +49 30 229 9043 ARCHIDO (Archiv und Dokumentationszentrum fu"r Drogenliteratur e.V.) Universita"t Bremen Fachbereich 8 Postfach 33 04 40 28334 BREMEN Phone: +49 421 218 3173 Fax: +49 421 218 4265 Notes: Working on a federal level for drug legalisation in Germany. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Kritischer Polizistinnen und Polizsten (Hamburger Signal) e.V. c/o Reinhard Borchers Gaertnerstrasse 21 D-20253 Hamburg Phone: +49 40 422 5843 Fax: +49 40 422 9322 Internet: Notes: An organisation of German Policemen and Policewomen. Last contact: Feb 95 EIGDU C/- DAH Secretariate Berlin Dieffenbachstrasse 33 10967 Berlin Phone: +49 30 690087 56 Fax: +49 30 690087 42 (Werner Hermann) Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. Gr:une Hilfe Coordinationoffice D-67266 Gr:unstadt PO Box 1522 Phone: Int.Code/06359-82380 Fax: Int.Code/06359-5197 E-mail: Notes: Provides a national list of lawyers experienced in drug cases to help those affected by anti-drug laws and supplies assistance and information about legalising marijuana. H.A.N.F. e.V. Hanf als Nutzpflanze foerdern c/o Gecko Headshop Osterfelder Str. 2 42103 Wuppertal Phone: +49 202 304295 Fax: +49 202 316795 Kommunale Drogenpolitik (Verein fu"r akzeptierende Drogenarbeit e.V.) Kreuzstra(ss)e 29 28203 Bremen Phone: +49 421 76045 Fax: +49 421 75727 *HOLLAND* See *NETHERLANDS, THE* *ISRAEL* Israel Organization For the Reformation of Pot Laws, The PO Box 11438 Ariel 44839 Phone: +972 3 936 5407 Last contact: Jan 95 *ITALY* CORA - Coordinamento Radicale Antiproibizionista c/o Partito Radicale Transnazionale (Transnational Radical Party) Via di Torre Argentina 76 00186 ROMA (ITALY) Phone: +39 6 689791 Fax: +39 6 68805396 Telex: +39 6 610495 PRLIFEI Note: CORA also has a BBS. Its phone number is +39 6 69920412, or on the Internet, "telnet". In particular, look at 'Conference Drugs' and 'News Cora' for info on Cora activities. *JAMAICA* Hemp Jamaica. Phone: 809 972 2825 Fax: 809 974 9062 *NETHERLANDS, THE* IRDRHR (International Institute for Resource-sharing on Drugs and Human Rights) Drugs Peace Institute PO Box 15563 1001 NB Amsterdam giro 6663463 *NETHERLANDS, THE - INDIVIDUALS* Guido H. Koppes Tuinstraat 47-07 5038 DA Tilburg Phone: +31 13 356331 Internet: Guido Koppes <> *NEW ZEALAND* ADUN C/- Mainline communications 33 Hill Cresent, New Lynn Auckland 1007 Phone: +64 9 826 0977 Fax: +64 9 826 0977 Internet: Barry F Ryker <> Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. Auckland University NORML C/- AUSA Private Bag 92019 Auckland University Auckland Christchurch NORML c/- PO Box 22301 Christchurch Internet: C/- Greg Kerdemelidis <> Dunedin University NORML c/- OUSA PO Box 1436 Dunedin Hamilton NORML PO Box 19088 Hamilton Notes: Branch contact is Kath (phone 855 0762). Nelson Polytech NORML Contact: c/- Nelson Polytech Students' Association Last Contacted: September 1993 NZ NORML PO Box 19467 Avondale Auckland 7 Phone: (09) 828 4707 (Mike Finlayson) Notes: Palmerston North contact is: Linda Davis c/- Student Mail, City Court Hostel, B2-4, Massey University. Hawkes Bay contact is: Johnny Ropitini c/- Ropitini, Kakirawa Flats, Miriama Rd, RD 11, Paki Paki, Hastings. Wellington NORML C/- P.O.Box 11639 Wellington Notes: Located at Shop 272, Cuba St, Welington. Open every Friday night 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm, and Saturday morning from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm. *NORWAY* Fremskrittspartiets Ungdom Box 8867 Youngstorget N-0028 Oslo Phone: (+47) 22 41 07 69 Fax (+47) 22 42 32 55 Notes: This is the youth organisation of the Progress Party. A recent committee meeting voted in favour of cannabis legalisation, and it is likely that the national assembly of the youth organisation will accept this as policy in early 1994. The mani body of the party does not as yet support this. NORMAL Hjelmsgt. 3 N-0355 Oslo Internet:, Notes: An organization for everybody who wants to decriminalize the use of hash, marijuana and hemp products, be it of medical, industrial or personal reasons. Last contacted: Aug 96 *SLOVENIA* STIGMA Saranoviceva 5 61000 Ljubljana Slovenia Phone: +386 61 133 7011 Fax: as for voice phone (Dare Kocmur) Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. *SPAIN* (ESPANA) Asociacion Ramon Santos de Estudios sobre el Cannabis (ARSEC) Plaza SantJosep Oriol, 4 08002 Barcelona Phone: 93-3017937 Fax: 93-3017937 Asociacion de Amigos del Cannabis (ACC) Apartado de Correos 8079 33208 - Gijon Phone: 98-5370011 Fax: 98-5370011 Asociacion Cultural de Estudios sobre el Cannabis (ACEC) C/ Perez Galdos 35 35002 - Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Colectivo Zizana Apartado de Correos 248 26080 - Logrono Phone: (941) 22 9785 *SWITZERLAND* DroLeg/GTLS Workgroup for drugs legalization Postfach 137 8026 Zuerich Internet: eMail:, URL: Notes: Are fighting for the legalization of all drugs in Switzerland. Last Contacted: August 96 Hanfplus Postfach 8215 8036 Zuerich Phone: ++41 1 450 51 30 Fax: ++41 1 450 51 31 Internet: eMail:, URL: Compuserve: Cannanet #100612, 1065 Notes: Interested in both political/commercial matters. Last Contacted: August 96 Notes: CannaNet is the Swiss Hemp Network with connections to all relevant Hemp-addresses in Switzerland. Verein Schweizer Hanf Freunde Postfach 323 9004 St. Gallen Last Contacted: Jan 93 *UNITED KINGDOM* Alchemy 261 Portobello Road London W11 Notes: A head shop. Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics PO Box CR14 Leeds L57 4XF Fax: +44 1532 37 1000 Notes: ACT are just one person, who is very underfunded; if you write you should include a couple of stamps (or IRCs for overseas people). Apparantly ACT has over 500 testimonies/letters from people that use cannabis medicinally. Not to be confused with the USA organization of the same name. Bridge (Drug Advice) Equity Chambers Piccadilly Bradford Phone: +44 1274 72 3863 Campaign Against Prohibition c/o The Green Party, 1a Waterlow Road, Archway, London. Phone: 0171 272 4474 Campaign to Legalise Cannabis International 54c Peacock Street Norwich NR3 1TB Internet:, Notes: Very well organised, over 300 members and 2000 supporters; an effective local campaigning group. Will be standing at least one candidate in the next general election. Last Contacted: Aug 96 Cannabis Hemp Information Club (CHIC) BM Box 6339 London WC1N 3XX Phone: +44 171 613 5166 Internet: Notes: Have now taken over from LCC as the main national group in Britain. The hemp museum is now open (phone for times), and they have a library and web site. CHIC are organising their second Cannabis Convention at the Battlebridge Centre, Battlebridge Rd., Kings Cross, London 14th September 1996. Howard Marks will be guest speaker, and will sign copies of his new book 'Mr Nice'. Last Contacted: Aug 96 Cannabis Legalisation Education and Reform (CLEAR) PO Box 5718 London W10 5BZ Internet: Notes: An information clearinghouse - they will provide campaigning and cannabis information. CODD (Committee for an Open Debate on Drugs) BCM Entwine London WC1N 3XX ECOTRIP, Jan Rebane Centre Thortnon Street Brixton, London SW9 Phone: 0171 737 0100 Notes: Ecotrip is doing non-judgemental drugs workshops at festos, clubs, youth centres etc, but as it will be soon a charity, cannot campaign against prohibition. European Movement for Normalisation of Drug Policy (British Section) c/- Dr Russell Newcombe c/- 10 Maryland Street Liverpool L1 9BX Phone: +44 151 709 3511 Fax: +44 151 709 4916 Hemp Awareness Corporation (HAC) PO Box 3575 London SE1 1JE Notes: A street-level group that campaigns for the readvancement of hemp. They campaign against tobacco and for pure organic homegrown. Leaf Secrets 106 Friargate Preston Lancs PR1 2ED Legalise Cannabis Campaign Scotland PO Box 12758 Edinburgh EH8 Phone: +44 131 667 6488 Internet: Email, URL Notes: A local campaigning group who haven't fulfilled their potential yet. Our new web site shows that we can and will, though. We're trying to develop collaborations with the club scene and hemp industry. If you live in Scotland and you have any ideas, for bright, exciting campaigns, get in touch. We need artists, designers, flyposters, leafleters, etc. Last Contacted: Aug 96 Libertarian Alliance 25 Chapter Chambers Esterbrooke Street London SW1P 4NN Phone: +44 171 821-5502 Fax: +44 171 834-2031 Internet: National Council for Civil Liberties 21 Tabard Street London SE1 4LA Phone: +44 171 403 3888 Peoples Right To Smoke Marijuana PO Box 23 Chigwell, Essex IG7 5EH Psychedelic Shamanic Institute (PSI) BM box PSI London WC1N 3XX Phone: +44 1942 52 6396 Notes: Drugs and enlightenment. Release (Drugs Legal & Emergency service) 388 Old Street London EC1V 9LT Phone: +44 171 729 5255 (admin; business hours), Advice line: 1000-1800 UTC +44 171 729 9904; other times +44 171 603 8654 Fax: +44 171 729 2599 Internet: "seamus o'sullivan" <> Scotland Against Drugs Hypocrisy PO Box 491, Edinburgh EH12 9DY Internet: Notes: A cross party lobbying group that was set up to counter the moral crusade of the establishment's Scotland Against Drugs (SAD). SADH have been very effective behind the scenes at various political meetings - politicians are listening. We are organising a national 'Just Say No to Drugs Hypocrisy' week mid October '96, with many events planned. Last Contacted: Aug 96 Transform Box 59 82 Colston Street Bristol BS1 5BB Notes:We are a collection of drugs workers and civil rights activists and our aim is to develop a grassroots movement of activists to campaign for the legalisation of all drugs and to replace prohibition with controls and regulations to make drug use safer and which does not erode civil rights. We are looking for people in the UK to help us in our task, particularly in the South West. UK Cannabis Interent Activists Notes: A group of on-line UK activists providing cannabis information via their web site and using the internet to campaign for liberalisation of the cannabis laws in the UK. They also offer free web space to like-minded groups and individuals. WDL 33 Buckingham Road Steele Calydon Bucks MK18 2QA *UNITED STATES OF AMERICA* Note: This portion of the list has been revised with help and prodding from Brian at University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition. Advocates for Self-Government 3955 Pleasantdale Road, #106-A Atlanta, GA 30340 Phone: (404)417-1304, (800)932-1776 Fax: (404)417-1305 Notes: The Advocates for Self-Government is a non-profit educational organization. Our purpose is to present the freedom philosophy honestly and persuasively to opinion-makers so that they can encounter, evaluate, and when ready embrace the ideals of self-government. Contributions are tax deductible under section 501(c)(3). Last Contacted: July 1993 Alabama TEACH Rt 3 Box 620 Blountsville, AL 35031 (Johnny Bynum) Alaskans for Hemp Awareness 1013 E. Dimond Blvd. #227 Anchorage, AK 99515 Phone/Fax: (907) 248 HEMP Internet: (Len Karpinski) Notes: Since 1990 Albert Hofmann Foundation Notes: This organisation no longer accepts members and no longer sells reference books. For psychedelic-related issues, please refer to the entry for the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, below. Last contact: May 95 Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics PO Box 21210 Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 483 8595 Notes: Working to reform laws which prevent medical access to cannabis. Not to be confused with the UK organization of the same name. American Anti-Prohibition League - HQ 3125 SE Belmont St. Portland, Ore., 97214 Phone: (503) 235 4524 Fax: (503) 234 1330 E-mail: (Floyd Ferris Landrath) American Cannabis Research Experiment PO Box 3240 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Internet: American Cannabis Society PO Box 9208 Madison, WI 53715 American Civil Liberties Union 132 West 43rd St. New York, NY 10036 Phone: (212) 944 9800 Notes: While not explicitly a drug law reform group, the ACLU promotes human rights and supports alternatives to current laws. American Hemp Council PO Box 71093 Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093 Phone: (213) 288 4152 American Medical Marijuana Movement (San Francisco Headquarters) 3745 Seventeenth Street San Francisco, CA 94114 Phone: (415) 864 1961 Americans Against Hemp Prohibition P.O. Box 2062 Westminster, MD 21158 Phone: (410) 857 6484 Fax: (410) 346 7968 Ann Arbor NORML PO Box 6014 Ann Arbor MI 48106 Phone: (313) 677 0099 [RB] (Rich Birkett) Antiochans for Hemp Awareness Antioch College Community Government Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Phone: (513) 767 6427 Arizona NORML 703 W 12th Place Tempe, AZ 85281 Arkansas NORML PO Box 191031 Little Rock, AR 72219 Phone: (501) 562 3868 [GS]; (501) 371 0701 [WD] (Glen Schwarz - President; Wayne Davis - Legal Sponsor) Notes: Victory for Hemp! AZ 4 NORML PO Box 50434 Phoenix, AZ 85076 Phone/Fax: (602) 491 1139 BBS: (602) 921 2878 [Hemp Pipeline] (William R. Green) Beloit College Cannabis Club 700 College St. Beloit, WI 53511 Internet: C/- Vincent Whitacre <> Bill of Rights Society PO Box 44485 P.C., CA 91412 Bryan / College Station NORML PO Box 9077 College Station, TX 77842 Phone: (409) 268 HEMP (Craig Edge) Buffalo BACH 336 Esser Avenue Buffalo, NY 14207 Phone: (716) 873 0255 (Marilyn Craig) Business Alliance for Commerce in Hemp (BACH) PO Box 71093 Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093 Phone: (213) 288 4152 (Chris Conrad) California Marijuana Initiative 23342 Angeles Forest Hwy. Palmdale, CA 93550 California F.E.A.R. Phone: (714) 544 2577, (415) 380 9108 or (805) 496 2595. Notes: Fights against unjust forfeiture laws. See entry under 'F.E.A.R.' California NORML 2215R Market St. #278 San Francisco, CA 94114 Phone: (415) 563 5858 Internet: Cannabis Action Network (CAN WEST / National Headquarters) 2560 Bancroft Way #46 Berkeley, CA 94704 Phone: (510) 486 8083 Fax: Same Internet: (Debby Goldsberry) Notes: CAN is a grassroots organization working to educate and mobilize concerned individuals to create change. We work with activists in every area of the country to do national educational tours, regional conferences, rallies and other events. Last contact: Feb 95 Cannabis Action Network (CAN South / Southern Regional Office) 1025 Foucher New Orleans, LA 70115 Phone: (504) 899 1960 (Kevin Aplin) Notes: See above Last contact: Feb 95 CARE Art L. PO Box 1612 Bellflower, CA 90706 Cato Institute 1000 Massachusetts Ave. Washington, DC 20003 Phone: (202) 546 0200 Fax: (202) 546 0728 CCDS/BB 41 Sutter St., Suite 1688 San Fransisco, CA 94104 Central Valley NORML 4546 E. Ashlan Suite 3219 Fresno, CA 93726-2700 Internet: <> - CVNORML president, other contact - <>, WWW: Note: Public meetings on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at: The Hemp Shack, 220 E. Olive Ave., Fresno, CA Chico Cannabis Club California State University,Chico 230-C Walnut St. #127 Chico, CA 95928 Phone: (916) 894-7044 Internet: Contact: Greg Bard, President. Notes: The CCC seeks to network with like-minded groups. Weekly meeting time and place is CSUC, Butte 109 at 6PM, Tuesdays. Christic Institute 8773 Venice Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90034 Phone: (310) 287 1556 Fax: (310) 287 1559 (Bill Davis) Citizens Advocating the Protection of Privacy 12611 Research Blvd. #121 Austin, TX 78759 Phone (512) 448 4804 Notes: Specifically concerned with employer drug testing, especially by Motorola and Texas Instruments. Citizens Advocating the Protection of Privacy (Arizona) Internet: Claremont Hemp Council Platt Campus Center Harvey Mudd College Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: (909) 398 4831 [CK]; (909) 624 3306 [MH] Internet: (Chris Klausmeier, Mark Hornaday) Notes: Registered 5-college organization at Claremont Colleges. Clergy for Enlightened Drug Policy St Luke's Methodist Church Wisconsin Ave. and Calvert St., NW Washington, DC 20007 Phone: (202) 333 4949 Club de Hashischins POB 313 Old Bridge, NJ 08857-0313 Internet: Colorado Hemp Initiative Project P.O. Box 729 Nederland, CO 80466 Voice Mail: (303) 784-5632 Email: Web page: Notes: CO-HIP is dedicated to promoting the hemp plant as an alternative, natural, renewable resource. CO-HIP is also dedicated to fighting the erosion of civil rights caused by the "War on Drugs". Last Contacted: July 96 Columbia University Harm Reduction Education Session (CUHRES) 203 Ferris Booth Hall Columbia University New York, NY 10027 Notes: An undergraduate discussion group addressing societal responses towards "problem behavior," at-risk populations, possible ways of "deinstitutionalizing" individuals. Community for Creative Non-Violence 425 Second Street, NW Washington, DC 20001 Phone: (202) 393 1909 Community Improvement, Inc. 104 E. Fowler Ave, Suite 203 Tampa, FL 33612 Phone: (813) 931 8028 Cures Not Wars 9 Bleecker Street New York City, NY 10012 Phone: (212) 677 7180 (answering machine) Notes: Focussed on `harm reduction. Organizes the annual `Stop the Drug War' rally and concert in New York's Washington Square Park in May. Dallas/Fort Worth NORML PO Box 280586 Dallas, TX 75228-9186 Phone: (214) 502-4211 (Dana George) Daytona Beach Hemp Awareness Council PO Box 10384 Daytona Beach, FL 32120 Delaware Valley NORML 154 Uploand Ave Horsham, PA 19044 Des Moines Area Greens 3512 156th Street Waukee, Iowa 50263 Phone: (515) 987-4846 (Greg Nepstad) Drug Expressive Art 1085 Broadway Brooklyn, NY 11221 Phone: 718-455-6622 Fax: 718-455-8888 email: web page: Notes: A non-profit organization producing and promoting activist art dealing with drug use and legalization. Drug Policy Forum of Texas P.O.Box 22499 Houston, Tx 77227-2499 E-mail: Notes: The group meets regularly on the 4th Wednesday evening of each month at the UT Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences. At the moment we're active only in Houston, but would like to add chapters in other cities throughout Texas. The forum's president is Dr. G. Alan Robison. Those interested in helping to form a chapter in Dallas should contact Bob Ramsey by e-mailing: Drug Policy Foundation 4455 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite B-500 Washington, DC 20008-2302 Phone: (202) 537 5005 Fax: (202) 537 3007 Internet:, Notes: With donations of $25 or more you get a year's subscription to The Drug Policy Letter. Drug Policy Foundation (New York office) 888 Seventh Ave, Suite 1901 New York, NY 10106 Phone: (212) 887 0685 Fax: (212) 489 8455 Drug Reform Coordination Network (DRCNet) (also Foundation for Drug Policy Awareness) PO Box 381813 Cambridge, MA 02238-1813 Phone: (617) 648 2655 Fax: (617) 648 2713 Internet:, Notes: Publishes "The Activist Guide" monthly newsletter, and sends frequent announcements to its "rapid response team" by post, e-mail and fax. Full membership $25/year, $18 for newsletter only, $10 for rapid response team only, all material free by e-mail. DRCNet seeks local-action coordinators and volunteers for educational outreach and coalition building activities. Last contact: Mar 95 DU NORML Student Government Office DUC -- North 2055 East Evans Denver, CO 80210 Phone: (303) 778 7574 (Todd Hall) Duke-CAN PO Box 92266 Durham, NC 27708 Internet: David Shaner Lebauer (President) <> End Drug Crime PO Box 1623 Albany, NY 12201 Phone: (518) 434 3279 Families Against Destructive Drug Rehab (FADD) 4654 Dower Drive Ellicott City, MD 21043 Families Against Mandatory Minimums (FAMM) 1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 200-S Washington, DC 20004 Phone: (202) 457 5790 Fax: (202) 457 8564 (Julie Stewart - President) Notes: National grassroots network working to overturn mandatory sentencing. In Oregon, contact is Lorraine Heller (292 5364). Family Council on Drug Awareness PO Box 71093 Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093 Phone: (213) 288 4152 Farmville BACH c/o Peter Gillis Longwood College Farmville, VA 23909 F.E.A.R. 265 Miller Avenue Mill Valley, CA 94941 Phone: (415) 388 8128 Internet: Notes: While not specifically a drug law reform organisation, FEAR opposes the Civil Forfeiture laws which have been imposed in the name of the "War on Drugs". Last contact: Jan 95 Flint Hills NORML SGS Union PO Box 70 Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66502 Phone: (913) 532 5254 (Terry Weber) Florida Legalization Organization c/o Michael Geison PO Box 350 LaCrosse, FL 32658-0350 (Mchael Geison) Notes: Working to relegalize cannabis through public education, Voter registration, and statewide hemp rallies. Foundation for Drug Policy Awareness (see Drug Reform Coordination Network) Freedom Fighters of America 235 Park Ave. So., 5th Flr. New York, NY 10003 Friends of Hemp PO Box 981 Mars Hill, NC 28754 Phone: (704) 652 8919 Fully Informed Jury Association (1 - National HQ) PO Box 59 Helmville, MT 59843 Phone/Fax: (406) 793 5550 or (800) TEL JURY (Don Doig, Larry Dodge, Kathy Ballard) Notes: Not explicitly a drug law reform group, the FIJA promotes awareness of the rights of Juries to judge the law itself. Fully Informed Jury Association (2) 4730 W Northern #1063 Glendale AZ 85301 Phone: (602) 930 1268 Fully Informed Jury Association of Iowa (Iowa FIJA) John Hartog PO Box 16223 Des Moines, Iowa 50316 Phone: (515) 262 4660 The Future of Freedom Foundation PO Box 9752 Denver, CO 80209 Gainsville NORML / Florida Legalization Organization PO Box 350 La Crosse, FL 32658-0350 (Michael Geison) Georgia NORML (aka St Petersburg NORML) PO Box 821 Lithia Springs, GA 30057 Phone: (404) 739 1870 (James Bell) Grassroots Party of Minnesota PO Box 6197 Minneapolis, MN 55406 Phone: (612) 722 4477 Fax: (612) 729 2048 (Steve Anderson) Internet:, Notes: Minnesota's largest vote-getting 3rd party since its inception in 1986. Last contact: Aug 95 Green Panthers! PO Box 31231 Cincinnati, OH 45231 Phone: (513) 522-6264 Fax: same Internet: (Loey Glover, Terry Mitchell - National Coordinators) Notes: We are the ONLY militant resistance to the War on Drugs. GVSU NORML Student Activities Office Kirkhof Center Grand Valley State University Allendale, MI 49401 (Dave Speas) Hager for Congress, c/o Libertarian Party PO Box 636 Bloomington, IN 47402-636 Internet: Notes: Paul Hager is a candidate for the Libertarian Party, and is pushing hemp law reform as a major element in his campaign. Hawaii NORML PO Box 2056 Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 Phone: (808) 965 8600 Fax: (808) 965 6242 (Roger Christie) Help Eliminate Marijuana Prohibition 5632 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91401 Hemp Advocates PO Box 10176 South Bend, IN 46680 Hemp Coalition, The PO Box 2382 Albany, NY 12220 Hemp Environmental Activists PO Box 4935 East Lansing, MI 48826 Phone: (517) 484 8287 (Don Patterson) Notes: We work for industrial uses of hemp, marijuana for medicine, and personal privacy rights. Hemp Hemp Hooray! c/o Craig Howard PO Box 1912 Mason City, IA 50401 Phone: (515) 696 5755 Hemp Renaissance Marin County, California Phone: (415) 721 1936 Internet: c/- Hemptek Industries Inc PO Box 27809 Dept HT-4C San Diego, CA 92198-1809 HJA NORML PO Box 11 Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-0011 (J.S. Vipond) Hoosier Cannabis Relegalization Coalition PO Box 5325 Bloomington, IN 47407 Internet: (Paul Hager or Dennis Withered) Houston NORML PO Box 1952 Bellaire, TX 77402 Phone: (713) 465 8418 (Rich Potthoff) Human Environmental Mandate Proponents 1004 E. Preston St. Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: (410) 547 6706 Modem: (410) 685 2894 (Larry Monoghan) Idaho BACH 3310 Driftwood Dr. Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Phone: (208) 773 3974 (Tom Klein) Indiana NORML, Inc. 3601 N. Pennsylvania St Indianapolis, IN 46205 Phone: (317) 923 9391 Fax: (317) 924 2920 (Dana York, Steve Dillon) Indianapolis NORML 3746 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 Illinois Drug Ethics Alliance PO Box 4205 Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) FOR JOSH (367 5674) Internet: Joshua Sloan <> Notes: Pro-relegalization. Illinois Marijuana Initiative / Illinois NORML PO Box 2242 Darien, IL 60559 Phone: (708) 836 8426 Internet:, Institute for HEMP PO Box 65130 St. Paul, MN 55165 Phone: (612) 222 2628 Internet: (John Birrenbach) International Society for Individual Liberty 1800 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Phone: (415) 864 0952 Fax: (415) 864 7506 Internet: [71034,2711 via Compuserve] (Vince Miller, Jim Elwood) Notes: Promotes liberty in 80 countries. Produces literature series including "Ending Our Drug Nightmare" and "Looting of America". Iowa Grassroots Party / Ames NORML PO Box 1136 Ames, IA 50014 Phone: (515) 233 6081 (Dr. Derrick Grimmer) Notes: Iowa's largest vote-getting 3rd party since its inception in 1990. Iowa NORML / Iowans for Medical Marijuana Carl E. Olsen PO Box 4091 Des Moines, IA 50333 Phone: (515) 262 6957 Fax: same Internet:,,,, Note: Iowa NORML publishes a quarterly newsletter Last contact: Aug 95 Island Group 1803 Mission St. Suite 175 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Phone: (408) 427-1942 Joint Effort Brown University Student Activities Office Box 46 Providence, RI 02912 Internet: <> (until 1997) Kalamazoo Cannabis Action Network C/- Western Michigan University Faunce Student Services Box 84 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 Lawrence, KS NORML PO Box 442478 Lawrence, KS 66044 Phone: (913) 832-9074 Internet: David Almquist <> Notes: We publicly protest the laws against hemp every Saturday night and noon on Sundays in downtown Lawrence with an array of signs including "Honk For Hemp". Last contact: Jan 95 Legalize? SIG PO Box 3240 Charlottesville, VA 22903 Internet: Notes: This is a MENSA Special Interest Group, open only to MENSA members. Libertarian Party 1528 Pennsylvania Ave. SE Washington, DC 20003 Phone: (202) 543 1988 or (800) 682 1776 Notes: USA's 3rd largest political party, pro-legalization platform. Libertarian Party of Iowa PO Box 1041 Waterloo, Iowa 50704 Phone: (319) 235 2894 Fax: (319) 232 8407 (Randy Herod) Lindesmith Center, The 888 Seventh Avenue New York, NY 10026 Phone: (212} 887 0695 Internet: Notes: A think tank on drug policy reform at the Open Society Institute in New York City. We're in the process of developing a site on the www which will include a fully-indexed, full-text database of academic, research and policy articles on a wide range of issues of interest to the drug policy reform movement. Little Sisters of the Mother Herb Route 1 Box 2142 Crewe, VA 23930 (Sandy Hayer) Phone: (804) 645 1038 Lone Reefer, The PO Box 515 Harmony, PA 16037 Phone: (412) 766 1842 Louisiana Cannabis Action Network 1025 Foucher New Orleans, LA 70115 Phone: (504) 899 1960 Last update: Apr 95 Los Angeles NORML 8749 Holloway Drive West Hollywood, CA 90069 Phone: (213) 652 8654 (Bruce Margolin) Luna Information Services 6160 Packard Street Los Angeles CA 90035-2581 Phone: (213) 655 5440x3 Internet: Notes: Offers the Pschedlic Drug Reprint Service with provides reprints of selected scientific articles on drugs which can be quite useful to activists needing research to refute anti-drug propaganda. Maine Vocals PO Box 189 Anson, ME 04911 (Don Christen) Mankato State NORML PO Box 3663 Mankato, MN 56002-3663 (Ed Kroce) Notes: Active NORML chapter at a southern Minnesota university. Working on informing the public, elected officials, and making marijuana relegalization a public debate. Marijuana Policy Project PO Box 77492 Washington, DC 20013 Phone: (202) 462 5747 Fax: (202) 232 0442 Internet: MPProject@AOL.COM, Notes: The MPP's mission is to provide the marijuana law-reform movement with full-time, organized lobbying on the federal level. Membership dues are $25 annually or $5 monthly. Members receive the bimonthly newsletter, "Marijuana Policy Report." Last contact: Aug 95 Marylanders for Drug Policy Reform 2499 Davidsonville Road Gambrills, MD 21054 Phone: (410) 721-0129 Massachusetts Cannabis Reform Coalition (MASS CANN) 1 Homestead Road Marblehead, MA 01945-1122 Phone: (617) 944 2266 (CANN) (Bill Downing, Steven Epstein) Media Awareness Project (MAP) P. O. Box 651 Porterville, CA 93258 E-Mail: Internet: (Mark Greer) Notes: The primary objective of MAP is to encourage honesty and accuracy in reporting on Drug Policy topics and simultaneously to educate on all aspects of Drug Policy Alternatives. Medical Marijuana Restoration Association 3745 17th St. San Francisco, CA 94114 Phone: (415) 864 1961 (Dennis Peron) Michigan Hemp Coalition PO Box 4935 East Lansing, MI 48826 Phone: (517) 484 8287 (Dan Patterson) Notes: MHC is a coalition of all the hemp groups in Michigan. Mid-South Tennessee NORML PO Box 254 Pulaski, TN 38478 Phone: (615) 565 3898 (Kenny Breeding) Milwaukee NORML 207 E Buffalo Street PO Box 92251 Milwaukee WI 53202 Phone: (414) 273-HEMP (Tom Scannell) Minnesota NORML PO Box 80522 Minneapolis, MN 55408 Phone: (612) 822 3396 Fax: (612) 777 4853 (Tim Davis) Notes: Affiliate of national NORML, active in public outreach, lobbying, and relegalization agitation. Missouri NORML 15 N. 10th Street Columbia, MO 65201 Phone: (314) 443 6866 Fax: (314) 443 1413 (Dan Viets) Mood For A Day POB 903 West Jordan, UT 84084 Phone: (801) 254 0278 Notes: Local hemp group, publishes a quarterly tabloid, "Regrowth", subs. $5 Mothers Against Misuse and Abuse (M.A.M.A.) 2255 State Road Mosier, OR 97040 Internet: Notes: Founded in 1982 - Approach based on personal responsibility and informed decision making. Last Contacted: July 96 Movement Support Network Center for Constitutional Rights 666 Broadway, 7th Floor New York NY 10012 Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Inc. (MAPS) 1810 Tippah Avenue Charlotte, NC 28205 Phone: (704) 358 9830 Fax: (704) 358 1650 Internet: Notes: A non-profit organisation of scientists and other researchers interested in the study of psychedelic drugs and their effects. National Alliance of Methadone Advocates (NAMA) 435 Second Avenue New York, NY 10010 Internet:, Notes: A group composed of methadone maintenance patients and supporters of quality methadone maintenance treatment. A progressive non-profit group dedicated to promoting quality MMT, easing regulation of MMT, and fighting discrimination againts MMT patients. National Drug Strategy Network 1899 L Street, Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 835 9075 Fax: (202) 833 8561 Note: We publish "NewsBriefs," a monthly newsletter with news about drug abuse, drug enforcement, and drug policy from around the world. National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) 1001 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1119 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 483 5500 Fax: (202) 483 0057 1-900: (900) 97 NORML [$2.95/minute] Internet: (Richard Cowen - Executive National Director) Notes: Oldest and most active drug reform organization. Nevada NORML Sean B. Kind 4542 E. Tropicana Ave. Box 142 Las Vegas, NV 89121 (702) 698-1500 Notes: Newly organized and eager to grow! New Age Patriot PO Box 419 Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 Phone: (313) 563 3192 (Bruce W. Cain) New Jersey NORML PO Box 680 Navesink, NJ 07752 Phone/Fax: (201) 827 4780 [(800) 742 2002 in New Jersey and Philadelphia] (Ken Krug) New Options Inc PO Box 19324 Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 822 0929 No More Drug War Foundation PO Box 18780 Denver, CO 80218 NORML Green Bay PO Box 22081 Green Bay, WI 54305 Phone: (414) 498 0648 (Bobbie Brien) Notes: Working for the legalization of hemp/pot. Northcoast Ohio NORML PO Box 771154 Cleveland, OH 44107-0049 Phone: (216) 521 WEED (John Hartman) Internet: Notes: Promotes annual freedom festival to benefit NORML, conducts rallies, offers legal referrals and drug test info. Meets the fourth Thursday of every month at the Lakewood Public Library, 15425 Detroit Rd, Lakewood, OH. The meetings start at 7pm and are open to the public. North Idaho NORML 3310 Driftwood Drive Coeur d'Alene, ID 83814 Phone: (208) 773 3974 (Tom Klein) North Iowans for Cannabis Education (NICE) PO Box 1912 Mason City, IA 50401 Phone: (515) 696 5755 (Craig Howard) Notes: We found the "Grow Hemp for the War" poster. NAUN C/- NASSEN 55 Dock Street #112 Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone: (206) 272 4857 Fax: (206) 272 8415 (Dave Purchase) Note: Injecting Drug User Group Network, promoting drug law reform, harm reduction, education, outreach, and research. Ohio Hempery 14 N. Court Street #327 Athens, OH 45701 Phone: (614) 593 5826, (800) BUY HEMP [Info Hotline] (Donald Wirtschafter) Notes: Sells a variety of legal hemp products, e.g. paper, linen, twine. Ohio NORML PO Box 36 New Plymouth, OH 45654 Phone: (614) 385 4167 (Cliff Barrows) Ohio University NORML 415 Carriage Hill Drive Athens, OH 45701 Phone: (614) 592 5118 (James Davis) Oklahoma NORML PO Box 12545 Oklahoma City, OK 73157 Phone: (405) 840 4367 (Michael Pearson) Oklahoma Tulsa Chapter NORML 1023 West 23rd Tulsa, OK 74107 Phone: (918) 583 9041 (C. Rabon Martin) Omaha Hemp Movement 3144 N. 57th Street Omaha, NE 68104 PARTIE Party / Save Our Constitution! PO Box 46853 Mt. Clemens, MI 48046 Phone: (313) 463 3486 (Marvin "Marvin Marvin" Surowitz) Notes: People's Alliance to Reform, Transform, and Improve Everything Partnership for a Free America c/o Sameer Parekh 829 Paddock Lane Libertyville, IL 60048-3743 Phone: (708) 362 9659 Internet: pfa@ddsw1.MCS.COM Partnership for a Lie Free Government PO Box 29 Fairfield, KY 40020 (Chuck Porter) Notes: Supports Gatewood Galbraith for governor, and all politicians who will speak the truth. Partnership for a Responsible America (Texas) [Part RATEX] PO Box 926042 Houston, TX 77292 Phone: (713) 683 9639 (Richard Lee) Partnership for a Responsible Drug Policy 792 8th St. Lake Oswego, OR 97034 Phone: (503) 697 3974 (Anthony Taylor) Patriots of Truth for United Earth, The Bob and Peggy Ross Po Box 262 Rose Lodge, OR 97372 Pay for Schools by Regulating Cannabis (PSRC) PO Box 86741 Portland, OR 97286 Phone: (503) 229 0428 Notes: Voter-initated ballot to legalize and tax cannabis in Oregon. Last contact: Mar 95 Penn State University NORML 529 South Pugh Street State College, PA 16801 Phone: (814) 867 2266 (Robert Kampia) Pittsburgh NORML PO Box 4839 Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Notes: Affiliated with Pennsylvania NORML. Portland, Oregon Chapter NORML (PDX NORML) 4218 SE Glenwood Portland, Oregon 97206 Phone: (503) 227 2478 voice mail, (503) 777 9088 home Internet: Contact: Terry Miller, Director Notes: We are active collecting signatures for the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act of 1997. Join us in the effort to have marijuana used as a funding source for public schools through its sale to adults in the state liquor stores. Pot o' Gold Newsletter PO Box 5448 Evanston, IL 60204 Fax: (708) 328 1922 Internet: Progressive Economic Alliances Cultivating Energy PO Box 623 Kula, Maui, HI 96790-0623 Phone/Fax: (808) 878 3630 Project for a Calculated Transition Green Haven Correctional Facility Drawer B Stormville, NY 12582 Quad Cities Hemp Coalition Box 3592 Rock Island, IL 61201 Religious Coalition for a Moral Drug Policy 3421 M St. NW, Ste. 351 Washington, DC 20007 Rocky Mountain HEMP Network (also Green Democrats of Colorado) 1090 S Wadsworth Blvd #D Lakewood, CO 80226-4308 Phone: (303) 838 1235 Saint Paul NORML PO Box 2865 St Paul, MN 55102 Phone: (612) 776 5467 Saint Petersburg Association for Cannabis Emancipation (S.P.A.C.E.) PO Box 505 St. Petersburg, FL 33737 Last update: Apr 95 San Diego NORML 4895 Guymon St. San Diego, CA 92102 Phone: (619) 263 5733 (Joe Cravotta) San Diego County NORML PO Box 171396 San Diego, CA 92197 Phone: (619) 281 8586, (619) 571 0088 Internet: (Charles Blue) San Diego Hemp Council Internet: Sanduski County NORML PO Box 282 Freemont, OH 43420 Phone: (419) 334 8215 (Doug) Santa Rosa Junior College Hemp Club Address mail to: Santa Rosa Junior College Attn: Student Activities Office / Hemp Club 1501 Mendocino Avenue Santa Rosa, CA 95401 Save Our Constitution (1) PO Box 3079 Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Phone: (313) 746 9670 Save Our Constitution (2) PO Box 4935 East Lansing, MI 48826 Save Our Liberties 187 Acalanes Dr. #14 Sunnyvale, CA 94086-5520 Phone: (415) 964 3655 Notes: Sells "End the Drug War" Stamps for envelopes (Not postage stamps). SIUC NORML Office of Student Development Student Center, SIUC Carbondale, IL 62901 Phone: (618) 529 4821 (Drew Hendricks, Jerome Handler [anthroplogy] - Campus Advisor) Notes: Campus-based education about civil rights aspects of marijuana issue. Sonoma Civil Rights Action Project PO Box 410 Cazadero, CA 95421 Phone: (707) 847 3642 (Carol Miller) South Bend NORML PO Box 10176 South Bend, IN 46680 Phone: (219) 233 6581 [SG]; (219) 287 9809 [PS] (Sean Gloster, Pete Szaday) Southern California NORML PO Box 71093 Los Angeles CA 90071-0093 Phone: (213) 288 4152 (Lenny Shaw) Southern Californians for Compassionate Use 730 Marine Street Santa Monica, CA 90405 Internet: Notes: Supports law reforms that would allow medical use of marijuana. Stop Forfeiture of Children's Homes PO Box 91 Waterbury, VT 05676 (Dr. Kathleen DePierro) Students for Drug Policy Reform University of Washington HUB 207 Box 121 FM-25 Seattle, WA 98195 Students for the Legalization of Marijuana (aka University of Illinois NORML) PO Box 4205 Urbana, IL 61801 Phone: (217) 352 4367 (Joshua Sloan) Susquehanna Valley NORML PO Box 10505 Harrisburg, PA 17105-0505 Phone: (717) 697 4255 (Casey) SVA Freedom Fighters 209 E. 23rd St. New York, NY 10010 Phone: (212) 679 7350 ext. 206 (Happy) Texas Hemp Campaign (aka Texas NORML) PO Box 13549 Austin, TX 78711 Phone: (512) 441 4099, (512) 837 4674 Internet: (Joe Ptak) Notes: Branches at Corpus - (512) 882 3009, Houston - (713) 683 9639, and San Antonio - (512) 654 8720. Therapeutic & Ecological Applications of Cannabis Hemp (TEACH) PO Box 1297 Youngstown, FL 32466 (Robert Lawrence) Tide Water NORML PO Box 8861 Virginia Beach, VA 23450 Phone: (804) 425 9978 (Karen Trimper) TN NORML RR 1 Box 47A Goodspring, TN 38460-9801 Tree Free EcoPaper 121 S.W. Salmon, Suite 1100 Portland, OR 97204 Phone: (1-800) 775 0225 Internet: Notes: Wholesale suppliers of hemp paper and hemp pulp. Samples and analysis certificates available. Truth In Marijuana Education (TIME) PO Box 7036 Chico, CA 95927 Phone: (916) 345 1154 (Ed Ostler) Notes: Not for profit, hemp info. publisher/distributor. Note that _High Times_ gives the address as PO Box 2036, Zip code 95972 - this may be incorrect. Tucson Hemp Coalition Box 78093 Tucson, AZ 85703-8093 UB NORML SUNY at Buffalo Student Association 111 Talbert Hall Amherst, NY 14260 UMSOM (aka Michigan NORML) 11280 McKinley Taylor, MI 48180 Phone: (313) 287 9077 (Chuck Kyle) Union County NORML 271 Indian Trail Unionville Road Indian Trail, NC 28079 Phone: (704) 821 8478 (Jerry Morse) University of Kansas NORML (KUNORML) PO Box 45 Lawrence, KS 66044 Phone: (913) 841 8278 (Laura Green) Internet: Last contact: Jan 95 University of Kentucky HEMP Student Organizations Office 9 Student Center Lexington, KY 40526 Phone: (606) 258 8227 Internet: or University of Massachusetts at Amherst Cannabis Reform Coalition (UMACRC) SAO mailbox #2, 415 Student Union Building, UMass, Amherst, MA 01002 Phone: (413) 546-3413 (Aaron Wilson) Internet: Notes: Non-students welcome... drop in! University of Minnesota NORML CMU 235 300 Washington Ave. SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 673 9412 [Marni Frish] Fax: (612) 777 4853 (Marni Frish, Matt Neis) Notes: Promotes marijuana legalization. US HEMP 461 W. Apache Trail, Suite 130 Apache Junction, AZ 85220 Phone: (602) 983 7065, +1 (800) 501 HEMP Internet: Notes: Manufacture of hemp buttonfly jeans, willie nelson line, Vans Hemp tennis shoes, jean jackets, shorts. Call for free catalog of hemp goods. Vermont FEAR (Forfeiture Endangers American Rights) PO Box 537 Waitsfield, VT 05673 (Denny Lane) Notes: Community awareness, public forums, grassroots organizing. Vermont Legislative Liason RR #1 Box 638 West Charleston, VT 05872 (Daniel Shea) Phone: (802) 895 4173 Vermont Vocals 19 Bay St. Newport, VT 05855 Virginia BACH Route 1, Box 2142 Crewe, VA 23930 Phone: (804) 645 1038 (Lennice Werth) VPI and SU NORML PO Box 654 Blacksburg, VA 24063 Phone: (804) 953 9189 Internet: or Notes: Registered student organization; an affiliate of NORML Last contact: May 95 Washington Citizens for Drug Policy Reform PO Box 1614 Renton, WA 98057 Phone: (206) 622 1456 Fax: (206) 682 9937 Internet: Notes: Executive Director - Hal Nelson; Attorney - Jeff Steinborn; Business Manager - Tom Cluck; Technical Director - Gerald X. Diamond. Washington Hemp Education Network (W.H.E.N.) PO Box 1217 Olympia, WA 98507 Phone: (206) 589 8981 Internet: Last contact: Jan 95 West Virginia HEMP Inc. 700 Kanawha Dr. Sutton, WV 26601 Phone: (304) 765 7444 (Roger Belknap) William Patterson College NORML 300 Pompton Road Student Government Association Office Wayne, NJ 07470 Phone: (201) 473 2452 (Darrin Feder) Wisconsin NORML PO Box 3481 Madison, WI 53703 Phone: (608) 257 5456, (608) 257 HEMP Internet: (Ben Masel) WWU/NORML Viking Union Box E-9 Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 Phone: (206) 671 8921 Internet: *USA - INDIVIDUALS* Bob Melamede, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics University of Vermont Burlington, VT 05405 Phone: 802 656 8501 Internet: Notes: Above is my homepage. When enough people sign on we can mount a legal contitutional challange. Please spread the page. Carol Moore PO Box 65518 Washington, DC 20035 Larry Rowland PO Box 4392 Danville, VA 24540-0107 Phone: (804) 793 9509 Sandy Wells Coolidge House 307 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Daytime (617)-859-8237 Evenings " " 4921 * * * * * _High Times_ is a monthly magazine produced in the US, devoted to psychedelic drugs and alternative culture issues. Their address is: c/- Trans-High Corporation 235 Park Avenue South New York NY 10003 USA Phone: +1 212 387 0500 Internet: For subscription details, call 1-800-827-0228 within the US. * * * * * [End of Liberty Activists' List] User Contributions:
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