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Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Section - 7.1. What are the various gadgets to help you in lucid dreaming?

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Top Document: Dreams FAQ Pt.4/4: Research, Help, reading recommendations
Previous Document: 7. Research, further reading, dreaming help etc. ++++++++++++
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[by (Pamela Ryan)]
These  descriptions  are   straight   from  the Lucidity   Institute's
DreamLink:  Computerized  mask   provides a  convenient  state-testing
procedure   and delivers  light  cues  when   you   estimate you   are
dreaming. $195
NovaDreamer: New  computerized biofeedback  mask provides a convenient
state-testing  procedure  and delivers     light  cues when   you  are
dreaming. $245
DreamLight:  Computerized  biofeedback device monitors  your sleep and
delivers light and sound cues when you are dreaming. $1200

These devices are  not a means for  "automagically" getting  you lucid
dreams. Rather they provide signs  that help you recognize your dreams
by means of external influence. Using these dream-signs is still up to
yourself and requires quite some amount of training.

Software to make   your  computer screen   act as   a  flashlight: the  (not  any more)  WWW/FTP server has
this, among much other  interesting stuff. I  know of an MSDOS program
called "flasher" which can be  found  there and another similar  thing
for  Linux  that someone  has promised to   upload.  Such programs can
perhaps be  used as a replacement for  the less sophisticated  sort of
eqipment as described above.

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