Archive-name: dogs-faq/breeds/scotties
Posting-frequency: 30 days URL: Last-modified: 10 Nov 1997 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ======= There are nearly 100 FAQ's available for this group. For a complete listing of these, get the "Complete List of RPD FAQs". This article is posted bimonthly in rec.pets.dogs, and is available via anonymous ftp to under pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list, via the Web at, or via email by sending your message to with send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list in the body of the message. This article is Copyright 1997 by the Author(s) listed below. It may be freely distributed on the Internet in its entirety without alteration provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may NOT reside at another website (use links, please) other than the URL listed above without the permission of the Author(s). This article may not be sold for profit nor incorporated in other documents without he Author(s)'s permission and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ========== Scottish Terriers Author Camille Partridge, Gaelforce Scottish Terriers Copyright 1995 by the author. Revision History * vWB genetic test information added June '96 [CTM] Table of Contents * Description * Frequently Asked Questions * The Standard * Affiliations and Recognitions * Medical Information * Resources _________________________________________________________________ Description The Scottish Terrier is one of the descendants of the Old Scotch Terrier, along with the Dandie Dinmont, Cairn, and West Highland White Terriers. The exact origins of the breed are obscure, but a dog of the general description dates back to some of the earliest treatises on dogs in Britain. The low stature and wiry coat have always been important characteristics to the original purpose of the breed, which was to hunt and kill the various species of wildlife that made life hard for the Scottish farmer and crofter. These species included fox, badger, wildcat, weasel, otter, and the ubiquitous rat. Losing one or two lambs could mean the difference between eating well that winter and starving to the poor farmer, and so a dog was developed that had exceptional strength and courage, in a compact, tough package. These traits are still the hallmark of the breed today. _________________________________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions _Do Scotties shed?_ All dogs shed, but the wire-coated terriers, which includes the Scotties, grow hair differently than many dogs, so they shed less than the short haired breeds. _Are they good with children?_ Yes, if the child is old enough to respect the dog's body, and to understand that the dog has feelings, too. Scotties will generally try to hide from an abusive child, but will bite if cornered, or pushed hard. For this reason, they are not generally recommended for families with very small children. _Does this breed require lots of grooming? _ In a word, yes! They require regular brushing, and trimming four to six times a year. Regular bathing is NOT recommended, however, as the skin dries out too easily. Show dogs are stripped, the hair being pulled out when long and dead, or blown, but pets should be clipped, as stripping is time-consuming and expensive at a groomers'. The regular things such as tooth brushing, nail clipping, and anal gland care are easily done at home, and clipping isn't hard, either, if one wants to invest in the clippers. Related to skin care is the flea question. I wage nuclear war on fleas, as the breed is relatively sensitive to them. A Scot can chew itself almost bald in next to no time, trying to get one flea! _What about exercise requirements?_ The Scot is actually an active breed, and can become destructive if not given enough mental and physical stimulation. The short legs do mean less walking for the human partner to get the dog its daily requirements ;-). Seriously, this is not a good jogging or marathon partner, but an ideal walking companion. ON LEASH, please, as the hunting instincts can draw the dog after a rabbit, into the path of a car. The Scot is tough for it's size, but not that tough! _Are Scotties noisy?_ They can be, but this varies alot within the breed. They are territorial, and will announce visitors repeatedly and loudly. Human visitors they know are welcome, but animal visitors, invited or not, are repulsed with serious fury! One cannot consider the Scot a serious protection breed, but they will inflict damage to even the most threatening person, if they feel their owner is in danger. The teeth are bigger than you would suppose. _What sex makes the best pet?_ Most of the people who contact me assume that a female pup will make the best pet. Since both sexes will be neutered, the former reasons for this being the case no longer apply. In general, I feel that the male pup makes a better pet for most people. Bitches I have owned tend to be more reserved with strangers, while the male dogs I have owned, bred or rescued have been more outgoing and happy-go-lucky. From my experience, I recommend the male as the "better pet", although there will be other opinions among other fanciers and breeders. _Do they make good obedience dogs?_ If you are looking for a High-In-Trial, no. A challenge, yes. The Scot is one of the breeds bred to work independent of human direction. If the dog is nose to nose with a badger, it cannot take the time to come out and ask "may I attack now, please, or would you prefer me to wait?" Thus, obediance as a formal task is rather foreign to the breed. Some Scots obtain advanced degrees, but the majority are not tempermentally suited to it. HOWEVER, all dogs should learn basic good manners and certain general behaviors, such as coming when called. Puppy Kindergarten Training is wonderful socialization for a young Scot to learn, to avoid dog-aggressiveness later in life. _Are the blonde ones Scotties, too?_ This is definitely the most asked question to anyone with a wheaten Scot. There are many different colors acceptable in the breed; black, shades of brindle, and wheaten being the major classes of color. Wheaten ranges from a pale golden to a deep red. White, however, is not an acceptable shade of wheaten, nor is it in the standard as an approved color. _________________________________________________________________ The Standard The standard of the breed describes the ideal Scottish Terrier, and no one dog lives up perfectly in every regard. In general, a Scottie should resemble the standard as closely as possible. The closer to perfect, the more likely the dog is to earn a championship. A dog can still have major faults and be a good Scottie, but should not be used for breeding. Being a good pet is nothing to be ashamed of, rather the opposite! But with the pet overpopulation problem in this country, only the very best representatives of any breed should reproduce. This is not just in conformation terms of course, but tempermentally and medically as well. Because of copyright concerns over the collection of all the Standards at any single site storing all the faqs, AKC Standards are not typically included in the Breed faqs. The reader is referred to the publications at the end of this document or to the National Breed Club for a copy of the Standard. _________________________________________________________________ Affiliations and Recognitions The Scottish Terrier Club of America is the official parent club and guardian for the breed. The breed is registered for show purposes with the American Kennel Club, and may earn titles through this organization. The breed may also be shown at events licensed by the American Working Terrier Association, and may earn titles through this organization as well. Titles include: Championship (conformation), Companion Dog through Utility Dog Excellent (obediance), Tracking Dog/TD Excellent (tracking), Junior, Senior and Master Earthdog (instinct/working) through AKC. From the AWTA, titles include Certificate of Gameness and Working Certificate (instinct/working below ground) and Hunting Certificate (above ground). _________________________________________________________________ Medical Information The Scottish Terrier is afflicted with a few heritable disorders of varying severity. There is a blood test for only one of these, unfortunately. Responsible breeders do everything they can to reduce and eliminate these disorders from their breeding stock, but genes can re-combine in unexpected ways, and so even the best laid plans can go awry. von Willebrand's Disease The most serious disorder is a bleeding/clotting disorder called von Willebrand's Disease (vWD). For a Scottie to be a bleeder, i.e., have abnormally long, perhaps life-threatening non-clotting times, both parents must be carriers, as the gene is dominant/recessive in inheritance. After several years of work, with funding from the Scottish Terrier Club of Michigan, AKC, Morris Animal Foundation, and others, a team at the Michigan State University has developed a definitive genetic test for Type III vWD in Scottish Terriers. The test is DNA based, with samples collected using a soft brush on the inside of the cheek of the dog. It is non-invasive and painless. The results of the test place the dog in one of three categories: clear, carrier, or affected. The test is 100% accurate. As a result, all breeders should test animals being bred to ensure that no carriers or affecteds be bred to anything other than a dog that has tested clear. If two clear dogs are bred together, it is a certainty (barring an individual random mutation) that the puppies will all be clear as well. All puppy buyers should demand to see the test results on the parents of the puppies they consider. The tests are available only from VetGen, a spinoff organization of the MSU and University of Michigan. The cost is $135 per dog, and $5 for the sample collection kit. For an additional $15, the results can be registered with the OFA, who are administering a vWD registry for VetGen, 800-4-VETGEN. Scottie Cramp The Scottie Cramp is a neuromuscular disorder treated in severe cases with vitamin E and mild tranquilizers. It is not painful for the dog, but afflicted animals should not be bred. Cranio-Mandibular Osteopathy Cranio-Mandibular Osteopathy is a disease shared with Westies and Cairns, as close cousins. It involves abnormal growth of the bone in the jaw of the afflicted puppy. It is severely painful, and should be eliminated from a breeding program. At this time the only test for carrier status in a dog is to test-breed. Treatment of the afflicted pup involves high-dose steroids and intensive nursing by the owner. In General Of course, Scotties are just as susceptible as any other breed to viral and bacterial transmissible diseases, cancer, accident, gum disease, etc. Normal health care by a licensed veterinarian is very important to the Scot's health. There is current debate on the heritability of epilepsy, and hypothyroidism, diabetes, and other immune-mediated diseases. It seems likely that there is a genetic component to these problems, but the exact mode of inheritance is likely to be polygenic, and never completely predictable. _________________________________________________________________ Resources Books The following books are recommended by this owner/breeder. You may find others in many libraries. _Thorough_ research into the breed is vital before purchase is comtemplated. _The New Complete Scottish Terrier_, Cindy Cook, Howell Book House, 1996. _The New Complete Scottish Terrier_, John T. Marvin, 1982, Howell Book House "This is The Scottish Terrier", T. Allen Kirk, Jr. M.D., 1978, TFH Publications (out of print, replaced by Cook's book). _The Official Book of the Scottish Terrier_, Muriel P. Lee, 1994, TFH Publications. Clubs and Organizations _The Scottish Terrier Club of America_: Evelyn Kirk, Corresponding Secretary, 2603 Derwent Drive, SW, Roanoke, Virginia, 24015. The club publishes a quarterly magazine with ads, articles, trophy standings, new titles, and other news of interest to club members. It is called _The Bagpiper_, and is available from the editor to non-members at $30/year. The editor is: Bonnie Lamphear, 416 1/2 Laura Street, Clearwater, Florida, 34615; (813) 442-1735, FAX (813) 447-8768 Online Resources The Scottie E-mail list is run by Josie O'Brien. Email to with SUBSCRIBE CYBERSCOTS your name in the body of the message. Substitute your own name for "your name", eg Jane Doe. Web pages include: * * * In addition, the author of this FAQ will be happy to share any information or experience she can. E-mail address below. _________________________________________________________________ Scottish Terrier FAQ Camille Partridge, User Contributions:
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