Archive-name: dogs-faq/breeds/cavaliers
Posting-frequency: 30 days URL: Last-modified: 10 Nov 1997 See reader questions & answers on this topic! - Help others by sharing your knowledge ======= There are nearly 100 FAQ's available for this group. For a complete listing of these, get the "Complete List of RPD FAQs". This article is posted bimonthly in rec.pets.dogs, and is available via anonymous ftp to under pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list, via the Web at, or via email by sending your message to with send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/faq-list in the body of the message. This article is Copyright 1997 by the Author(s) listed below. It may be freely distributed on the Internet in its entirety without alteration provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may NOT reside at another website (use links, please) other than the URL listed above without the permission of the Author(s). This article may not be sold for profit nor incorporated in other documents without he Author(s)'s permission and is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. ========== Cavalier King Charles Spaniels Author Sharon Hope, May 5, 1993 [] with material supplied by the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club USA Revisions * Material added to reflect full AKC recognition as of January 1996 (CTM) * Additional material for Canadian Cavalier clubs, Mar 1996 (CTM) * CKCSC-USA contact information updated June 1996 (CTM) * Material on MVD supplied Oct 1996 (CTM) _________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents * General * Frequently Asked Questions * History of the Breed * Special Medical Problems * Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed Standard (CKCSC-USA) * Showing Cavaliers in breed and Obedience * Clubs * Code of Ethics for The Cavlier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA * Bibliography _________________________________________________________________ General The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a delightfully affectionate, playful, intelligent little dog that repays his owner's care and attention with an endearing devotion. A toy breed, they have a natural coat which needs no trimming, long silky ears, and large soulful eyes. More than one person has described them as looking like a Cocker Spaniel puppy all their lives. The tail is often left natural. The standard makes tail docking optional, but two thirds of the tail must be left intact. Dew claws are removed as they are thought to be a hazard to the prominent eyes. They come in four color combinations: Blenheim (Red and White, with a red mask and ears, and red patches on a white body); Tricolor (Black and White with Tan Points), Ruby (Solid Red), and Black and Tan (without white). In addition to being a fine companion, one of the jobs the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel was originally bred to do was to warm laps in drafty castles and on chilly carriage rides (the other job was to attract fleas & thereby spare their masters in the days of the Plague). While so many other breeds of dog no longer perform the tasks for which they were bred (pulling milk carts, herding sheep, hunting lions, for example), Cavaliers still take their responsibility quite seriously. A prescription written in Olde English for the Queen of England directs her to keep a "comforte dog" (now known as the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) on her lap to treat a cold. It is almost as if the breed's motto is "so many laps, so little time." Cavaliers take cuddling so seriously that "If you want your pillow you must get there first" is often heard when Cavalier owners gather. _________________________________________________________________ Frequently Asked Questions _Is this the breed called "the ultimate snob dog"?_ Yes, an article appeared in Town and Country Magazine a few years ago. The title referred to the attitude of owners, not the Cavaliers. It was mentioned that Monarchs, Presidents, Captains of Industry and Movie Stars own Cavaliers. Further the fact that the CKCSC-USA shunned AKC recognition for many years, keeping its own registry, and that puppies are sometimes hard to find contributed to the title. Further, prospective puppy buyers are often surprised by the "third-degree" administered by breeders trying to determine their suitability to owning a Cavalier. _What people do well with a Cavalier?_ The Cavalier has been the companion of choice to high stress people for 400 years. Every crowned head of England had one as a companion as a child, as did many in the Dutch court. More recent celebrities who own or have owned Cavaliers are Ronald and Nancy Reagan, William F. Buckley, Ms. Frank Sinatra, Candice Bergen, Robert Wagner & Natalie Wood and many others. The Cavalier has a calming effect on many people. Stress reduction/relaxation can be noticeably felt when a Cavalier curls up peacefully on a lap. _Are they good with kids?_ The Cavalier is excellent with children. Their tendency to interact with their owners makes them an especially close friend and confidant for a child. They enjoy playtime and activity. Children, of course, need supervision to be certain that the child does not hurt the dog. _Are they good with seniors?_ Retirees, or "empty nesters," find the companionship, temperament, small size and easy maintenance ideal. More than one woman has mentioned that a Cavalier resting on her lap or in the crook of her arm is almost as peaceful as holding a (human) sleeping infant. More than one active senior with a Cavalier has experienced the receipt of two invitations for a Cocktail Party/Get Together-one addressed to the Senior and one to the Cavalier. _Are they good guard dogs?_ No. While the Cavalier will alert his owner to an arrival of someone new, they seem to regard all strangers as friends they haven't met yet. Although a noisy greeting may be enough to ward off a prowler, it would be difficult picturing anyone being scared off by a Cavalier. _Do they travel well?_ People who travel often find it easy and pleasant to take the Cavalier along. Their strong desire to be with their owners makes them willing travelers. Their size and personality contribute to their welcome at "dogs allowed" hotels, marinas & campgrounds. _Are they an AKC breed?_ As of January 1996, the Cavaliers have full recognition by the AKC. This has resulted in two national breed clubs, the original CKCSC-USA and the AKC-recognized ACKCSC. It remains to be seen what the long-term results will be. They have full recognition by the British Kennel Club and the CanadianKC does not recognize Cavaliers registered with the CKCSC-USA, but does recognize those registered with the AKC. _Can I find one in a pet store? _ Hopefully, NEVER! Every attempt has been made by the CKCSC-USA to prevent Cavaliers from falling into the hands of puppy mills or anyone who would resell the dog. The Cavalier breeders adhere to the Code of Ethics (see that section of this FAQ) which specifically excludes providing any puppies for resale. Responsible Cavalier breeders do their best to screen any prospective puppy buyer and often refuse to sell to a less than "ideal" home. _What medical problems do Cavaliers have?_ For the most part Cavaliers are quite healthy dogs. There are a few problems which are known to appear in the breed: heart murmurs, cataracts, and Subluxating Patellas. Mitral Valve Heart Disease is something to ask the breeder about, as well. _What kind of grooming is necessary for Cavaliers?_ The Cavalier does require regular grooming. A great deal of time and effort is not necessary if the dog is brushed and combed thoroughly at least once a week. Cavaliers do shed, particularly in spring and fall, but a little all the time. Nails should be clipped and the hair between the pads trimmed once a month. No other trimming is necessary (or allowed) in the show ring. The ideal brushes to use are the softer slicker brushes or a pin brush (not nylon or plastic) and a metal comb. Knots and tangles are kept to a minimum if the Cavalier is free of parasites and is combed regularly. Brush out all knots and tangles before bathing. Cavaliers are naturally clean dogs. Too much bathing dries out the skin and haircoat so certainly do not bathe more than once a week. Don't use human shampoo on dogs. Rinse thoroughly. A human blow dryer (not on hot) and brushing at the same time works well for drying. Keep blower moving so any one spot does not get overheated. Commercial preparations are made that will help remove tear stains under the eyes. Keep eyes clean and dry. Vaseline applied to the dog's nose occasionally will keep it from getting dry and rough. A vet should be consulted if the condition becomes severe. _________________________________________________________________ History of the Breed The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel of today is descended from the small Toy Spaniels seen in so many of the 16th, 17th and 18th Century paintings by the likes of Titian, Van Dyck, Lely, Stubbs, Gainsborough, Reynolds and Romney. These paintings show the small spaniel with a flat head, high set ears, almond eyes and a rather pointed nose. During Tudor times, Toy Spaniels were quite common as ladies' pets but it was under the Stuarts that they were given the royal title of King Charles Spaniels and history tells us that King Charles II was seldom seen without two or three at his heels. So fond was King Charles II of his little dogs, he wrote a decree that the King Charles Spaniel should be accepted in any public place, even in the Houses of Parliament where animals were not usually allowed. This decree is still in existence today in England. As time went by, and with the coming of the Dutch Court, Toy Spaniels went out of fashion and were replaced in popularity by the Pug. One exception was the strain of red and white Toy Spaniels that was bred at Blenheim Palace by various Dukes of Marlborough. In the early days, there were no dog shows and no recognized breed standard, so both type and size varied. With little transport available, one can readily believe that breeding was carried out in a most haphazard way. By the mid-nineteenth century, England took up dog breeding and dog showing seriously. Many breeds were developed and others altered. This brought a new fashion to the Toy Spaniel - dogs with the completely flat face, undershot jaw, domed skull with long, low set ears and large, round frontal eyes of the modern King Charles Spaniel, also called "Charlies," known in the USA today as the English Toy Spaniel. Due to this "new" fashion, the King Charles Spaniel of the "old type" as seen in the early paintings was almost extinct. It was at this stage that an American, Roswell Eldridge began to search for foundation stock in England for Toy Spaniels that resembled those in the old paintings, including the painting by Sir Edwin Landseer, "The Cavalier's Dogs," but all he could find were the short faced "Charlies." He persisted, persuading the Kennel Club in 1926 to allow him to offer prizes for five years at Crufts Dog Show -- 25 pounds sterling for the best dog and 25 pounds sterling for the best bitch -- for the dogs of the Blenheim variety as seen in King Charles II's reign. The following is a quotation taken from Cruft's catalog: "As shown in the pictures of King Charles II's time, long face no stop, flat skull, not inclined to be domed and with the spot in the center of the skull" and the prizes to go to the nearest to the type described. No one among the King Charles breeders took this challenge very seriously as they had worked hard for years to do away with the long nose. Gradually, as the big prizes came to an end, only people really interested in reviving the dogs as they once had been, were left to carry on the breeding experiment. At the end of five years, little had been achieved and the Kennel Club was of the opinion that the dogs were not in sufficient numbers, nor of a single type, to merit a separate breed registration from the "Charlies." In 1928 a dog owned by Miss Mostyn Walker, "Ann's Son" was awarded the prize but unfortunately Roswell Eldridge died at age 70, only a month before Crufts in 1928, so he never saw the results of his challenge prizes. It was in the same year that a Club was founded and the title "Cavalier King Charles Spaniel" was chosen. It was very important that the association with the name King Charles Spaniel be kept as most breeders bred back to the original type by way of the long faced throwouts from the kennels of the short faced variety breeders. Some of the stock threw back to the long faced variety very quickly and pioneers were often accused of using outcrosses to other suitable breeds to get the long faces, but this was not true and crossing to other breeds was not recommended by the Club. At the first meeting, held the second day of Crufts in 1928, the standard of the breed was drawn up and it was practically the same as it is today. Ann's Son was placed on the table as the live example and members brought all the reproductions of pictures of the 16th, 17th and 18th Centuries that they could muster. As this was a new and tremendous opportunity to achieve a really worthwhile breed, it was agreed that as far as possible, the Cavalier should be guarded from fashion, and there was to be no trimming. A perfectly natural dog was desired and was not to be spoiled to suit individual tastes, or as the saying goes, "carved into shape." Kennel Club recognition was still withheld and progress was slow, but gradually people became aware that the movement toward the "old type" King Charles Spaniel had come to stay. In 1945 the Kennel Club granted separate registration and awarded Challenge Certificates to allow the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel to gain their Championships. Meanwhile, in the USA, Mrs. W. L. Lyons Brown of Kentucky brought a Cavalier home from England. She found others in America who owned Cavaliers and organized the CKCSC-USA in 1956 with the idea of keeping a Stud Book and getting together with other American Cavalier Fanciers. At the beginning of the 1960's, friends gathered at "Sutherland" in Prospect, Kentucky, for the first Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Specialty Show in America. By then 118 dogs had been registered, 68 of them born in the USA of 24 litters. To this day, the CKCSC-USA keeps complete and accurate records of litters, imported Cavaliers, the Stud Books, etc. in addition to organizing Specialty Shows (for Cavaliers only) around the country so that Cavalier owners have the opportunity for an objective evaluation of their dogs by knowledgeable judges and so that their dogs can compete for a Championship in the USA. The Club's stringent Code of Ethics, applying to all Club Members, makes the Cavalier in the USA a protected breed. This means that the Club expects its members to act responsibly with regard to the welfare and breeding of Cavaliers. It is hoped that the Code of Ethics would also help keep the Cavalier out of unethical hands which might turn the dogs over to puppy mills or pet shops. In 1985 the CKCSC-USA held a Silver Jubilee Show in Prospect, Kentucky, marking the 25th consecutive CKCSC-USA Specialty show. In 1995, under increasing pressure by the AKC to move out of the Miscellaneous class, the Cavalier fancy split into two national breed clubs, and the Cavalier was fully recognized by the AKC in January of 1996. The original CKCSC-USA has repeatedly voted against recognition by the AKC and declined the offer to be the AKC recognized national breed club. The American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club was subsequently formed, recognized by the AKC and wrote the current AKC Standard. _________________________________________________________________ Special Medical Problems Currently the most serious problem facing Cavlier breeders today is Mitral Valve Disease. It is estimated that this may affect as much as 50% of the dogs in the breed in North America at this point. MVD leads in many cases to premature death or compromised quality of live and occurs in Cavaliers at a rate unknown in any other breed in the world. Dr. Mike O'Grady, cardiologist affiliated with the Ontario Veterinary College, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada has been collecting data since 1993. You should quiz the breeder about the steps they are taking to avoid MVD in their lines. Remember that this is a relatively new problem to be recognized in the breed and no firm or consistent policies have been set as data is still being collected. It appears that color doppler ultrasound exams are the best for picking up evidence of MVD, but auscultation exams are also often done. In addition, the evidence appears to be mouinting that puppies bred from parents who show clear of MVD at older ages (3-5 years) are more likely to be clear themselves or to develop the less virulent form of MVD. Request to SEE the documentation for the dam. You should also be able to see copies for the stud dog even if it doesn't live with the breeder. _________________________________________________________________ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Breed Standard (CKCSC-USA) General Appearance: An active, graceful well-balanced dog, very gay and free in action; fearless and sporting in character, yet at the same time gentle and affectionate. Head: The skull is slightly rounded, but without dome or peak; it should appear flat because of the high placement of the ears. Eyes: Large, round and set well apart; color a warm, very dark brown, giving a lustrous, limpid look. There should be slight cushioning under the eyes, which contributes much to the sweet, gentle expression characteristic of the breed. Faults: Small, almond-shaped, prominent or light eyes; white surrounding ring. Nose: There should be a shallow stop and the length from the base of stop to tip of nose should be at least 1 1/2 inches. Nostrils should be well developed and the pigment uniformly black. Putty, or "dudley" noses and white patches on the nose are serious faults, as are small, pinched nostrils. Muzzle: Well tapered; mouth level; lips well covering. Faults: Sharp, pointed or snipey muzzle. Full or pendulous lips. Flesh marks, i.e. patches of pink pigment showing through hair on muzzle. Teeth: Strong and even, preferably meeting in a scissors bite, although a level bite is permitted. Undershot mouths are greatly to be discouraged; it should be emphasized, however, that a slightly undershot bite in an otherwise well-balanced head with the correct, sweet expression should not be penalized in favor of a level mouth with a plain or hard expression. Faults: Weak or crooked teeth, crooked jaws. Ears: Set high, but not close, on top of the head. Leather long with plenty of feathering and wide enough so that when the dog is alert, the ears fan slightly forward to frame the face. Neck: Fairly long, without throatiness, well enough muscled to form a slight arch at the crest. Set smoothly into nicely sloping shoulders. Shoulders: Sloping back gently with moderate angulation, to give the characteristic look of top class and elegance. Body: Short coupled with ribs well sprung but not barrelled. Chest moderately deep, leaving ample heart room. Back level leading into strong, muscular hindquarters. Slightly less body at the flank than at the rib, but with no tucked-up appearance. Legs: Forelegs straight and well under the dog, bone moderate, elbows close to the sides. Hindlegs moderately muscled; stifles well-turned; hocks well let down. The hindlegs, viewed from the rear, should parallel each other from hock to heel. Pasterns strong and feet compact with well-cushioned pads. The dog stands level on all four feet. Faults: loose elbows; crooked legs; stifles turned in or out; cow hocks; stilted action; weak pasterns; open feet. Tail: Set so as to be carried level with the back. Tail should be in constant characteristic motion when the dog is in action. Docking: Docking is optional, but whether or not the tail is docked, it must balance the body. If docked, tail must not be cut too short; 2/3 is the absolute minimum to be left on the body, and the tails of broken-colored dogs should always be docked to leave a white tip. Coat: Long and silky and very soft to the touch; free from curl, though a slight wave is permissible. Feathering on ears, legs and tail should be long, and the feathering on the feet is a feature of the breed. Trimming: NO trimming of the dog is permitted. However, it is permissible and often desirable to remove the hair growing between the pads on the underside of the foot. Size: Height 12 to 13 inches at the withers; weight, proportionate to height, between 13 and 18 lbs. These are ideal heights and weights; slight variations are permissible, and a dog should be penalized only in comparison with one of equal general appearance, type and quality. The weedy specimen is as much to be penalized as the oversized one. Colors: The following colors are the only colors acceptable: 1. BLENHEIM - Rich chestnut markings well broken up on a pearly white ground. The ears must be red and the color evenly spaced on the head, with a wide white blaze between the ears, in the center of which is the much valued lozenge (diamond), or "Blenheim Spot". The lozenge is a unique and highly desirable, though not essential, characteristic of the Blenheim. 2. TRICOLOR - Jet black markings well broken up on a pearly white ground, with rich tan markings over the eyes, on cheeks, inside ears and on underside of tail. 3. RUBY - Whole-colored rich red. 4. BLACK & TAN - Jet black with rich tan markings over eyes, on cheeks, inside ears, and underside of tail. Faults: White marks on whole-colored specimens, heavy ticking on Blenheims or Tricolors. It is important to remember that a dog can have one or more of the faults listed in the Standard, in moderation, and still be an overall typical, gay, elegant Cavalier. On the other hand, bad temper or meanness are not to be tolerated and shall be considered disqualifying faults. It is the typical gay temperament, combined with true elegance and "royal" appearance which are of paramount importance to the breed. _________________________________________________________________ Showing Cavaliers in Breed and Obedience Don't be afraid of entering Club sponsored Cavalier Fun Matches. Any Cavalier can be entered, including those that are neutered. Fun matches often include handling sessions and advice on ring procedure and grooming. In championship point shows professional handling is not permitted in CKCSC,USA shows, so everyone is an amateur. A Cavalier must be registered with, and the owner must be a current member in good standing of, the CKCSC,USA in order to enter. The Cavalier cannot be restricted from showing (this would be noted on the CKCSC,USA registration papers). There are two categories: Conformation (this is to show breed type and soundness), and Obedience. Both require going to class to learn the proper procedure. Most Sunday papers will give the names of local kennel clubs and these clubs will advise as to what classes are available in the area or ask your breeder. There are several things a Cavalier should know before entering a show: a) should be leash trained; b) should be used to standing on a table for examination; c) should be used to having his/her teeth looked at; d) in the case of males, should be used to being checked for two descended testicles. The 1992 CKCSC-USA Championship Point System is as follows: OBJECTIVE To enable and encourage breeders/owners to evaluate the product of their breeding programs under competent, knowledgeable judges with widespread competition and to encourage the sponsoring of regional shows under CKCSC rules. To become a Champion today, a dog or bitch must accumulate ten points at CKCSC sponsored or CKCSC Regional Club sponsored shows held under CKCSC rules. Those ten points must include two major wins (3 points or better) under two different judges in two different shows, in addition to at least one extra point under a third judge. (There is no separate class for Champions, which may compete in any class for which they qualify.) SYSTEM At CKCSC, USA or CKCSC Regional Championship shows held under CKCSC, USA Regulations, points will be awarded as follows: BEST IN SHOW (BIS) One point more than the highest number of points available to either sex based on the Major Points from the Scale of Points-below. RESERVE BEST IN SHOW (RBIS) One point less than Best in Show. WINNERS DOG AND BITCH (WD & WB) Highest number of points available in sex based on the Major Points from the Scale of Points below. RESERVE WINNERS DOG & BITCH (RWD & RWB) One point less than Winners Dog or Winners Bitch. At any given show, the dogs chosen BIS and RBIS shall only retain the points for that win. Scale of Points Dogs in Bitches in MAJOR POINTS: Competition Competition Points 12-15 12-15 3 16-20 16-20 4 21-30 21-30 5 31-40 31-40 6 41 or more 41 or more 7 Total Dogs & Bitches Dogs or Bitches Points for CLASS POINTS: in Competition Competing in Class Class Winner 1-29 N.A. 0 30-49 at least 4 1 50 or more at least 4 2 No dog may receive more than 2 class points at any one show. Class point winners also winning major points at any given show would not retain the class points won at that show. CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP SYSTEM Effective January 1, 1980: To become a Canadian Champion, a dog must receive 10 Championship points under three different judges and must be registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. To determine the number of Championship points earned, total all the dogs in competition which the dog defeated, directly or indirectly, for the highest of the following official breed awards: Winners, Best of Winners, Best of Breed, or Best of Opposite Sex and then consult the schedule set forth below. Additional Championship points can be awarded if the dog places in the group, following a prescribed schedule but no more than five points can be awarded at a single show. Dogs in Competition for Championship points are almost invariably non-Champions, since in Canada there is a Specials Class for Champions only. Dogs Competing Points Allocated (includes dogs awarded Winners) 1 0 2 1 3-5 2 6-9 3 10-12 4 13 or more 5 AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB With current full recognition, the Cavaliers can compete in the conformation, obedience, agility and other available trials and tests for the breed. _________________________________________________________________ Clubs The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA, is the original national Club governing matters for the entire United States and is the original registering body for the breed in this country. It is not, however, recognized as the national breed club by the AKC as it declined the position. The CKCSC was not interested in pursuing AKC recognition. It sponsors the newsletter "The Bulletin" to keep members informed of club matters and upcoming activities, in addition to an annual yearbook and the National Championship Show. The CKCSC, USA has a very active Cavalier rescue service. Individuals finding themselves unable to care for their Cavalier may contact the rescue service for help in rehousing. Acceptance of membership in the CKCSC, USA requires members to abide by the club's code of ethics (which is included below) and which should be read and understood by all members. The CKCSC, USA sponsors four regional clubs. All four regional clubs welcome new members and sponsor championship point shows, fun matches and other activities. In addition to the national bulletin, all four regional clubs also produce their own informative bulletins that provide an additional perspective on local activities. The only requirement for membership in a regional club is membership in the CKCSC, USA. CKCSC-USA Contacts: President Robert Smith (Mt. Hood, OR) 541-352-6549 Registration Information Anne Shapiro (LA, CA) 818-988-9130 Breed Information: Kathy Gentil (loveland, OH) 513-831-6755 Rescue Information: Linda Kornhi (Springfield OR) 541-726-3850 _Cavaliers Of The Northeast_ Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, Vermont, West Virginia. For membership information contact Lou Dell'Aquila, 412-714-1164. _Cavaliers Of The South_ Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia. For membership information contact David Frederick, 205-536-0245. _Cavaliers Of The Midwest_ Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Missouri, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin. For membership information contact Ted Eubank, 214-350-2527. _Cavaliers Of The West_ Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming. For membership information contact Chuck Slemaker, 310-375-4858. American Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club This national club was formed after the the CKCSC declined AKC recognition. This club is considered by the AKC to be the national breed club for the Cavalier. This club wrote the current AKC standard for the breed, now in the Toy class. The January 1996 AKC Gazette has a nice writeup of the breed plus photographs. Contacts: ? Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Canada was founded in 1973. _Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of Mid-Western Canada_ Contact the Clubs Secretary, Brenda Meyers, PO Box 51, Teulon MB R0C 3B0 - (204) - 886-2504 OR Gloria Watkins, 411,Waterloo Street, Winnipeg MB R3N 0S9 -(204) - 488-8763. _________________________________________________________________ Code of Ethics for The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA I believe that the welfare of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed is of paramount importance. It supersedes any other commitment to Cavaliers, whether that be personal, competitive, or financial. Therefore I agree to act in accordance with the following Code of Ethics at all times, and I understand that actions contrary to the Code may be grounds for disciplinary measures to be taken by the Board of Directors of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA, Inc. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club, USA, Inc. (hereafter referred to as CKCSC) is a Club composed of members devoted to the continued betterment of the breed, who put this interest well ahead of any commercial consideration. The following Code of Ethics is predicated upon this fundamental philosophy. Records And Registration I understand that all records compiled by the CKCSC depend entirely upon the accuracy of the information I provide. Therefore, I will register every eligible Cavalier owned, bred or imported by me. In accordance with the CKCSC Rules for Registration and Transfer of Dogs, I will maintain complete and accurate records of each litter I breed and register each puppy individually, as follows: * For the Sire and Dam: 1. CKCSC registered name, number for Accepted Foreign Registry name and number, color, and date of birth. 2. Names and addresses of registered owners. 3. Dates of actual breeding. * For the resulting litter: 1. Date of whelping. 2. Number, color and sex of puppies delivered. 3. Name, sex, and registration number of each puppy surviving. 4. Name and address of owner of each puppy transferred. Breeding I realize that the purpose of breeding Cavalier King Charles Spaniels is to attempt to bring their natural qualities to perfection in accordance with the Breed Standard. There exists a constant danger that ignorant or disreputable breeders may, by improper practices, produce physically, mentally or temperamentally unsound specimens to the detriment of the breed. I will consult with the breeder of the dog I own and/or with some other experienced breeder before undertaking any breeding. * If I decide to breed a litter, I will 1. To the best of my ability be selective with respect to conformation, physical well-being, and temperament of the pair to be mated. 2. Breed only after a careful study and understanding of the Breed Standard, as it applies to the pedigrees of the two dogs involved, and to the dogs themselves. 3. Breed only Cavaliers registered with or eligible for registration with the CKCSC. 4. Be prepared to provide the proper care for both the bitch and her litter, and to retain the puppies for as long as is necessary to assure their placement in suitable homes. 5. Never breed from or to any Cavalier known to me to have an inheritable disqualifying, disabling, or potentially disabling defect. 6. Register with CKCSC, in accordance with the Club's Procedures for Registration and Transfer of Dogs, each of my Cavalier litters whelped in the USA. * As the owner of a stud dog, I realize that I must exercise exemplary conduct in the use of my dog in order to abide by the standards set forth in this Code of Ethics. Therefore I will 1. Use my dog only on bitches which I feel are an asset to the breed, whose owners agree to conform to this Code of Ethics. 2. Supply a duly signed Stud Service Certificate at the time of mating. 3. Be as helpful as possible in assisting the owner of the bitch with the placement of any puppies resulting form the use of my dog, realizing that I am as responsible as the breeder for these puppies. 4. Provide one free return service by the same dog for a bitch which has failed to conceive or to whelp a viable litter, as long as the dog is still in my ownership. * As the owner of the brood bitch, I realize that I must exercise exemplary conduct in breeding from her in order to abide by the standards set forth in the Code of Ethics. Therefore I will not 1. Breed a bitch before 12 months and then only if she is sufficiently mature and in excellent health: nor breed a bitch that has reached her eighth birthday. 2. Allow a bitch to whelp more than two litters during any three consecutive seasons. 3. Allow a bitch to carry to term and rear more than six litters in her lifetime. Care And Transfer Of Puppies And Dogs * I will provide all puppies with proper veterinary and home care, which include: 1. Checking into the removal of dewclaws, including hind dewclaws if present. The CKCSC strongly recommends the removal of front dewclaws to prevent the eyes from being damaged. 2. The elimination of parasites, internal and external. 3. The necessary inoculations. 4. A properly balanced nutritional diet as recommended by my veterinarian. * I will ask my veterinarian to euthanize any puppy found to be deformed or suffering from an irreversible illness. * I will do my best to evaluate my Cavaliers objectively and to use for breeding only those conforming closely to the Breed Standard. All others I will either have neutered before transferring them or will transfer with a CKCSC "Registered Transfer of Dog" form, duly signed by buyer and seller, restricting the Cavalier from being used for breeding purposes. * I will to the very best of my ability screen all prospective new owners to determine their suitability and their motives in acquiring a Cavalier. Special attention will be given to the necessary commitment to financial responsibility for proper care and adequate physical facilities. * I will not allow any puppy to leave for its new home before the age of eight weeks. The CKCSC recommends the to twelve weeks as the appropriate age for transfer. * I will make sure that each of my Cavaliers, upon being released to its new owner, is accompanied by the following: 1. Feeding instructions. 2. Written medical records, which will include immunizations, types of vaccine used, date(s) of inoculations, date(s) of worming if any. 3. A pedigree showing at least three generations. 4. A copy of the Code of Ethics. 5. A CKCSC Membership Application form. 6. A Certificate of Health, signed by my veterinarian. * I will see that the necessary forms and fees to transfer ownership are submitted to the Registration Secretary. * I will encourage all new owners to have their Cavaliers checked by a veterinarian within forty-eight hours of time of acquisition. * I will encourage all new owners to keep me informed concerning the development of any Cavalier obtained from me, and to advise me of any problems that may develop during its lifetime, as well as of the eventual cause of death. * I will ask the owners of any dog acquired from me to advise me if they are ever unable to keep their Cavalier, so that I can either take the dog back or give every assistance in rehoming it. * I understand that if I co-own a dog it is wise to have a contract drawn up, signed by both co-owners, stating the exact terms of co-ownership. * I will be certain that any advertising I do of my Cavaliers, written or oral, is factual and honest in both substance and implication. General Conduct Of Members I will remember at all times that the CKCSC exists to protect and improve the breed, and that these aims must be uppermost in all activities within the breed. * I will 1. Try to educate each owner or interested person, and be constructive as well as instructive in my comments. 2. Always demonstrate good sportsmanship both inside and outside the show ring. 3. Behave in a manner that will be conducive to the advancement of our Breed and our Club. 4. Provide my dog(s) with adequate exercise, proper diet, and the necessary inoculations. 5. Maintain sanitary conditions for my dog(s). 6. Make every effort to do what is best for my Cavalier, including house-breaking and general training, so he will become a dog which is a pleasure to live with. 7. Assure that my Cavalier has good medical care throughout his lifetime, even if he develops a chronic or acute illness or condition, and make sure he is given euthanosis when I know this has become necessary, realizing these are the responsibilities of dog ownership. 8. Conform to Section III of this Code should it ever become necessary to sell, give away, or otherwise rehome my Cavalier(s). * I will not 1. Knowingly falsify pedigree or breeding information. 2. Seller Cavaliers to pet shops either on consignment or outright. 3. Supply Cavaliers for auctions, raffles, or other such enterprises. 4. Knowingly sell to unethical breeders, or sell to persons whose intention is to resell is known or suspected. 5. Purchase any Cavalier or any litter for resale either to an individual or a commercial establishment. 6. Maliciously degrade another member's Cavalier, kennel, or practices. * In all questions of Ethics not covered by this Code, I will act in the best interest of the breed at all times. Exhibiting * I will not exhibit in an Official Conformation Class any Cavalier which has been changed in appearance or gait by artificial means, except for the removal of its dewclaws and the optional docking of its tail. The term "artificial means" covers any attempt to alter the appearance or gait of the dog, whether it be by coloring, trimming, surgery or any other method. * When I exhibit my Cavalier(s) I will be considerate of all other exhibitors and their dogs, remembering that I as well as my Cavalier, represent our breed and our Club. Enforcement And Appeals * I acknowledge that a violation of the Code of Ethics may be cause for suspension or expulsion under the provisions of Article III, Section 9 of the By-laws of the CKCSC. * I understand that it is my responsibility to notify an Officer or Director if I suspect a violation of this code. * I understand that an appeals method will be established by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Constitution and By-laws of the CKCSC, whereby a member found guilty of a violation of this Code may appeal this decision. * I understand that members of the Board of Directors may not take an active part in decisions which personally affect them. Exceptions It is recognized that legitimate exceptions to this Code of Ethics may arise from time to time. In such cases, any member may request that the problem be reviewed by the President, or the President's designee(s), who will make a recommendation to the Board of Directors. Furthermore, in certain cases, upon sufficient evidence and under conditions where the welfare of the breed is assured, the Board of Directors may waive any of the foregoing provisions. _________________________________________________________________ Bibliography For more information about Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, look for the following books: 1. Booth, Evelyn. _All about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniels_. England, Pelham Books, 1983. 2. Burgess, Susan. _The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel_. England, Dog Owner's Library, 1975. 3. Cuddy. _Cavalier King Charles Spaniel_. 1991. 4. Evans. _Cavalier King Charles Spaniels - An Owner's Companion_. 1990. 5. Forwood, Mary. _The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel_. England, Popular Dogs Publishing Co., 1978. Available through Dog World Books. 6. Spalding, Elizabeth. _How to Raise and Train a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel_. U.S.A., T.F.H. Publications, Inc., 1965. 7. Stenning, Edith. _Cavalier King Charles Spaniels_. England, Foyles, 1964. 8. Pennington, Alicia. _The Royal Toy Spaniel_. England, Ringpress Books, LTD., 1989. _________________________________________________________________ Cavalier King Charles Spaniel FAQ Sharon Hope, User Contributions:Comment about this article, ask questions, or add new information about this topic:
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Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM
Throughout history, we can see how we have been carefully conditioned coming to this point where we are on the verge of a cashless society. Did you know that the Bible foretold of this event almost 2,000 years ago?
In Revelation 13:16-18, we read,
"He (the false prophet who deceives many by his miracles--Revelation 19:20) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666."
Speaking to the last generation, this could only be speaking of a cashless society. Why? Revelation 13:17 tells us that we cannot buy or sell unless we receive the mark of the beast. If physical money was still in use, we could buy or sell with one another without receiving the mark. This would contradict scripture that states we need the mark to buy or sell!
These verses could not be referring to something purely spiritual as scripture references two physical locations (our right hand or forehead) stating the mark will be on one "OR" the other. If this mark was purely spiritual, it would indicate both places, or one--not one OR the other!
This is where it comes together. It is incredible how accurate the Bible is concerning the implantable RFID microchip. These are notes from someone named Carl Sanders who worked with a team of engineers to help develop this RFID chip:
"Carl Sanders sat in seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the C.I.A. to discuss plans on how to bring about this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world—a microchip that could be inserted under the skin with a hypodermic needle (a quick, convenient method that would be gradually accepted by society).
Carl Sanders, with a team of engineers behind him, with U.S. grant monies supplied by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without the knowledge of the Bible (Brother Sanders was not a Christian at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.
Guess what? These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand (the two places the Bible says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient places, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The microchip is approximately seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of storing pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, criminal record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.
Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16–18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” Carl believes this is referring to a hypodermic needle when they poke into the skin to inject the microchip."
Mr. Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID microchip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in that loc (...)