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rec.pets.dogs: Canine Activities: Flyball FAQ

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Archive-name: dogs-faq/activities/flyball
Last-modified: 15 Jun 1999

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    Copyright  1995-1998 Kathryn Hogg,
    Last Modified: Aug 31, 1998
Table of Contents

     * What is Flyball?
     * Who governs Flyball?
     * NAFA Directory
     * How can I get more info?
     * Where can I get equipment?
What is Flyball?

   Flyball is a team sport for dogs that was invented in California in
   the late 70's. Legend has it that Herbert Wagner first showed it on
   the Johnny Carson Show to millions of Americans. Soon afterwards dog
   trainers and dog clubs were making and using Flyball Boxes. In the
   early 80's the sport became so popular that the North American Flyball
   Association (NAFA) was formed and they are the worldwide authority for
                                                       Typical Lane Setup
                                                       Typical lane setup
   Flyball is a relay race with 4 dogs on a team. The course consists of
   a starting line, 4 hurdles spaced 10 feet apart and a box. The first
   hurdle is 6 feet from the start line and the box is 15 feet from the
   last hurdle for a 51 foot overall length. The dogs jump the hurdles
   and steps on a spring loaded box that shoots out a tennis ball. The
   dog catches the tennis ball and then runs back over the 4 hurdles.
   When the dog crosses the starting line the next dog goes. The first
   team to have all 4 dogs run without errors wins the heat. Tournaments
   are usually organized in either a double elimination or round robin
   foramt. Double elimination is usually best of 3 or best of 5. Round
   robin is usually best 3 out of 5 and the first team to win 3 heats
   receives 1 point towards their standing in the tournament.
   [Flyball Box]
   Flyball Box
   The hurdles' height are dependent on the height of the dogs in the
   team -- 4" below the shoulder height of the shortest dog. 8" is the
   minimum height and 16" is the maximum height.
   The fastest time is 16.70 seconds by Total Recall from Ontario,
   The dogs earn points towards flyball titles based on the teams time:
     * less than 32 secs: Each dog receives 1 point
     * less than 28 secs: Each dog receives 5 points
     * less than 24 secs: Each dog receives 25 points
   The titles the dogs can earn are:
   Abbr Title Points Award Type
   FD Flyball Dog 20 Certificate
   FDX Flyball Dog Excellent 100 Certificate
   FDCh Flyball Dog Champion 500 Certificate
   FM Flyball Master 5000 Pin
   FMX Flyball Master Excellent 10000 Pin
   FMCh Flyball Master Champion 15000 Pin
   ONYX ONYX Award 20000 Plaque
   FGDCh Flyball Grand Champion 30000 Plaque
Who governs Flyball?

   In North America, Flyball is governed by the North American Flyball
   To obtain a copy of the official rules for Flyball or to inquire about
   teams in your area contact the North American Flyball Association
   Printed rules are $10 (US Funds) but a PDF version can be downloaded
   from the NAFA Publications page.
   In the United Kingdom, Flyball is governed by the British Flyball
   Association. They can be reached at:
   Nigel Bouckley
       49 Tremear Green
       St Columb Road
       St Columb
       TR9 6RB
       United Kingdom
   In Belguim, contact:
   Mark Dewilde
       Antwersesteenweg 107
       2660 Hoboken
       Tel: Int. Code + 32.3 828 86 71
   In Australia, contact:
   Reg Dwyer PO Box 144 Calwell ACT 2905 Australia (61-6) 2922919
   If there are Flyball organizations in other countries, drop me a note
   ( and I will add them to this list.
How can I get more info?

   The Flyball Home Page is located at
   The vast majority of Flyball communications is on the Flyball mailing
   list. You join the list by sending an e-mail message to:
   with just
   subscribe flyball your_name
   in the body of the message. Leave the Subject line blank or put in "no
   subject". After you have joined the list you can post messages to
   NAFA publishes NAFA News a bimonthly newsletter sent to all registered
   delegates and is also available online.
   The British Flyball Association publishes it's own newsletter, The
   Flyball Record. Copies are available for $2 from Sue Ethier, If you order multiple issues, the first is $2 and
   the rest are $1 (per mailing). Some issues are available online.
   To get the FINISH LINE, Flyball Newsletter which lists all tournaments
   events and results including a seeding list of every team in North
   America send $20 US for a one year subscription (quarterly) to:
   Melanie McAvoy
       1002 E Samuel Avenue
       Peoria Heights, IL 61614
       (309) 682-7617 
   There have been a few books published on Flyball. 
     * "Flyball Training...Start to Finish" by Jacqueline Parkin.
     * "Flying High" by Joan Payne.
     * "On Your Mark" by Mike Randall. (Freely available from the Flyball
       web site)
   And they are available from
   Direct Book Service, 1-800-776-2665.
Where can I get equipment?

  Plans, Jumps, & Boxes
   Al Champlain
       4204 Goldenrod Lane
       Plymouth, MN 55441
       (612) 559-0880
   Al sells plans for flyball boxes and jumps. Flyers are available.
   John Grant
       2079 Waycross Crescent
       Mississauga ON L5K 1J3
       (905) 822-6143
  Plans and Boxes
   Darrel West
       9715 Orangevale Dr
       Spring TX 77379
       (713) 376-9061
   Chris Knowlton
       P.O. Box 9
       Glen Morris ON N0B 1W0
       (519) 740-8838
   Skene Design
       4843 Jean Mance
       Montreal QC H2V 4J6
       (514) 277-3366
   Jim Michel
       1714 Edgement
       Maplewood, MN 55117
       (612) 774-9682
   Mike Smith
       12302 Knigge Rd
       Cypress, TX 77429
       (713) 469-0105
  British Suppliers of Flyball Boxes and jumps:
   Modern Dog Sports
       Tel: (01705) 412768
       Mr Owen
       Tel: 01869 324511
       Andrew or Liz Payne
       Tel: 01256 702873
     * Go to Locator Bulletin Board
    Flyball FAQ
    Kathryn Hogg,
   NAFA and the NAFA logo are registered trademarks of the North American
   Flyball Association, Inc.

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Kathryn Hogg <>

Last Update March 27 2014 @ 02:11 PM